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August 07, 1926 - Image 1

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# u mmer


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VOL. XVII. No. 43




Agreement On
Debt Delayed MUSI
By Hostilitiesi
(By Associated Press) "THE SHOW-0
PARIS, August 6.--Hostility to Pre- A Review by Williai.
mier Poincare's proposed move to vote There was no attempt t
for ratification of the debt agreement Show-Off" professional; t
with the United States and Great Brit- duction class did a good j



Fraternity To
Hold Picnic At
WhitmoreLake' I FPTllFF ON IAN

ain, expressed in the parliamentary
lobby today, has caused the govern-
ment to postpone discussion of the
pact in a ministerial council tomor-
row, as was planned. Instead the
ministers will meet Monday.
M. Berenger, ambassador to the

it amateur. Thet
slapstick was not
easy and natural.
develop the heigh

old, old
To li
ts of e

FF" tion was lelnty where 1f aienctrs, the
I Inglis audience, and the whole atmosphere
o make "The was collegiate.
the play pro- There is one other danger in "The
ob of making Show-Off": that Aubrey Piper will;
I bowler hat take the stage unto himself and dom-
§d in; it was ainte the rest of the cast. It was for-
ave tried to tunate that Cary B. Graham, who play-
motion in a ed this part recognized the fact, or
a summer seemed to. le held himself down un-
college emo- til the last five minutes, when it was
legitimate that he should break

Burgess, One Of Five Men Who Have


group of amateurs in
would have been foolish;

NUCCeeded, ivastier
r United States, who negotiated the through and call the bluff.
Trainer Washington debt agreement, has de- Everyone else had his chance, and
(By Associated Press) ferred his departure for the United J U SLAYS MAKE several used it. boe, for instance.,
KINGSTOWN, England, August States, set for tomorrow, until the sit-. Arthur Farrell u this strving al
Giation is straightened out by ratifica- ways quiet but always strivinginuthe
Ition. He said today that he expected cellar. Even when the great day
marvel, tonight won the proud distinc- ratification before the close of the _ _came he was quiet, and quietly re-
tion of being the first of her sex to .,.
conof beng tehefrst of e topresent session. I3Ihlgar Government Denies ConnlIe'tin vealed Aubrey Piper's part in the
conquer the treacherous waters of the 3. Poincare's original intention, as Withi Raiding Rii develoPment of the million-dollar rust-
English channel. Not only did she
set out in the form of trial announce- On Border preventive. His ennunciation was
succeed after an heroic effort and a
ments this morning, was to get the #___good, perhaps too good; for, while we
sensational finish in accomplishing
this dead, but she did it in faster time chamber and senate finance and for- SEEK BALKAN'PEACE enjoyed it, w ecould not decide
eign affairs committees to name "re-diwhether or not it was a little too out-
than any of the previous successful e
men performers. porters" to bring in recommendations BELGRADE. A . -(AP A standing in contrast with the rest of)
for ratification of both agreements, as io.t mtheotasts
Starting from the beach at Gris-Nez,'
Faeart7:09ro'cthocbkh a ris-zsoon as the senate and chamber, sit- semi-official note,ominousintonesays Clara was another. Her manner
France, at 7:09 o'clock this morning ting at Versailles Tuesday at a nation- the Jugo-Slav government has order- didn't attract our attention until we
she landed on the beach at Kingsdown. ed an inquiry into the recent incident
al assembly, had made the premier's wondered what: she was doing all the
near Deal, at 9:40 o'clock tonight hav- sinking fund bill an organic law of on the Bulgarian frontier and is en- time, whe' WC 101nd that it was
ing taken but 14 hours, 31 minutes, to visaging certain measures definitely
mak te ificltthe land. pleasant to watch her. Her voice,
maetedfiutpassage, as against toasr h aey fJg-lvtr
the former record of s hours, 23 However, the opposition of the to assure the safety of Jugo-Slav terwaspeast xcept that it
,chamber's so-called Republican Union ritory. echoed at times and got away from her
minutes, made by the Italo-Argentine group-remnants of the old national The note adds that the government's Of- E
swimmer, Tirabocchi when he swan {bloc-caused the premier to change decision o nthe situation is expected rThe audience seemed to like ila,
the channel from Palais to Dover b)o-mnd at an early date.
three years ago. h iPolitical circles regard the situation Wle ied hem', tat ies Bnt
< she t'ainted as per stage directions andl
"I am a proud woman," was all as one of great gravity. At the same made us wish that she had learned
Miss Ederle would say as she paused 1 l 1TfIRECTS FOOTBALL time it is asserted that alarmist re- her lines better. Or perhaps we are
just for a moment on English sail JIVI ports in foreign newspapers concern-
after triumphantly walking up the ing measures taken have no founda- unjust; fo it is ho ts rom the
beach virtually as freshi as when she iN III PIC'TlURE!i n ac.a udien(ce who it. is who is responsible1
becLital sfrs swe h ion in fact. for issed lines anifd consequent off-
started at first on her long grind. It is said the government's object is stage prompting Anyway, Mother
The swim came to an and in what to try to find some method of remov- Fisher's part was one to be steady in,
might be described as a blaze of glory, Fielding H. Yost, Director of Ath- ing for the future all causes which are rather than one to star in.
for, to guide the swimmer as she near- l letics at the University, left about ten likely to menace good relations be the minor Iarts we liked Mr.
ed the goal, huge bonfires were kept days ago for Astoria, Long Island, tween the Balkans. .ill, though he sobbed a little too
burning along the beach, lighting up where he will direct the football The Jugo-Slav government recently uh in the begining ani the end,
the waters so that those ashore could scenes in Richard Dix's new picture, iprotested to Bulgaria against raids 'here were little things to scathe;
see the strong, steady stroke which "The Quarterback." The picture is by Comnatadji bands {irregular forces) bun when the mind is free the inpres-
Miss Ederle kept up. being made by the Famous Players- into Jugo-Slav territory. In reply, sion is fresh. The audience demanded
Other successful swimmers were Laskey corporation and will be dis- Bulgaria denied that the raiders had a curtain call.
Matthew Webb, England, September tributed by Paramount Pictures cor- received support from the Bulgarian
25, 1875, W. Burgess, England, Sep- poration. -governnent. On the contrary, it was
tember 6, 1911, Henry Sullivan, United The plot of the story revolves added, Bulgaria was doing everything
States, August 6, 1923, Charles Cogh, around football scenes as a center possible to compel "the Alacedonian OILIS UDJEbI iFr
United States, September 9, 1923. Mr. and Coach Yost will direct these r volutionaries" to cease activitie
Burgess was Miss Ederle's trainer for scenes. The work will be completed likely to create hostility between Bul-
today's test. about September 1. garia and her neighbors.
Mc en r d"rsorn Gi-Qs (hit Prsnpecti Pkans . 7 ,.

Culminating its activities of the Sum-I
mer session, Phi Delta Kappa, nation-
al honorary educational fraternity
will hold its annual summer picnic
this afternoon at Whitmore Lake. Cars SPEAKER STRESSES MODERNITY
1will leave Tappan aHli at 3 o'clock. AND ACCOMPLISHIlENTS OF
The afternoon will be given over to a JAPANESE
baseball game between field members
and members of the faculty. At 7 EXCEL IN HOMES
P. M. a steak dinner will be served
followed by a short program. Orient Makes Rapid ProgressTowards
This will be the last meeting of the Oin ae a)dPors oai
Summer session for the members of Adoption of Western
the honorary educational fraternity, Civilization
which completed its summer initiation
I'a week ago Friday when Counts ad- "Do you have telephones in Ameri-
dressed the organization on "The ca?" is the answer that the modern
State of the High School Curriculum." Japanese will give to one who asks
This will be the first regular meeting if telephones are in use in Japan. For
land the only one at which the new everywhere throughout the large
m em bers of the club w ill have an op- e s anre the ou n ty e su r gn
portunity to attend since their initia- cites, and the countryside surround-
1og them, the poles and lines are to
About 60 attended the banquet, be- seen. Railroads are also well
sides the initiates, and since the or- kown, as are automobiles. Tokyo
ganization has over 180 members in as cars, said Mr. Lionel G.
ghnizhgon haoer 180 e ce rocker of the Public Speaking depart-
that a large Michiganumber will attend thed merit, in his illustrated lecture on
tht re nJapan, yesterday in the Natural Sci-
pien ic, ence Auditoriufn.
Japan excels in the 'design of small
ILL CS buildings, homes and temples. The
latter, scattered along all the roads
throughout the country, are often mar-
vets of artistic design and landscape;
IN 16H H SCINCIgardening. UJnless the enornious
bronze Buddas are taken into consid-
eration, Japan has made no contribu-
Faculty Appointed For New Depart- tions in the form of larger works.
, However. these statue o n n ndr

I. VA f 0 AA C. A Cr W+7' V l*LU %-A5&V G 0 3 1 U.V a 3 .P' C + L U' 6 V C. A.LUk', r&/;
To Raise Rest Of Money For League Building

iol el nnent 'Tate Nmand toin spi ie
It Is Thought


Summarizing, the activities of the
Women's league during the Summer
session, Mrs. W. D. Henderson, exe-
cutive secretary of the Alumnae
Council, yesterday gave out prospec-
tive plans of the League to complete
the million dollar quota necessary be-
fore actual work on the proposed
League building can be begun.
Under the supervision of Mrs. Hen-
derson, assisted by Mrs. Max Williams,
the summer has proved fairly success-
ful, with plans for the coming fall and
winter very bright.
On March 1, Mrs. Henderson took
over the completion of the million dol-
lar fund which the Women's leagueI
had promised to raise by June 1927.1
At that time the League had a half
million dollars in pledges. It was nec-
essary to raise the other half million
dollars, in pledges, or lose the site
Tor the building that the board of re-
gents had promised if a million dol-

separate from gifts in order that the
League may say to anyone making a,
gift that every cent goes into the
building and not one cent to over-
head expenses. The Ann Arbor busi-
ness men have underwritten the first
$5000 of the expense account. This
will care, for expenses until Septem-
ber 15, after which date it will be
necessary to make other plans to carry
this account until June. Every dol-
lar given for expenses means that
much more placed from the interest
account to the fund proper.
University women are doing their
share for the most part by taking out
life memberships which are $50 each,
to be paid within three years. The
pledge is the important thing. because
it is necessary to report the million
dollars not in cash but in pledges. In
addition to these pledges smaller con-
tributions are being made all the time,
not counting the larger gifts. This
summer for the first time a campaign
was held for the summer students.
Helen Newberry residence reports
three life membership pledges and $20I
In contributions; Freeman house, $5
In contributions; Betsy Barbour
house, two life memberships; Ritz
house two life memberships; and

each willing to pledge $5000 to le I AMBASSADOR RETURNS
Maid within the same length of time;~~--
and a sufficient number of groups (By Associated Press)l
willing to pledge from $500 to $4000 1 MEXICo CITYY, August 6.-Amn-
to make up the additional $100,000 al- bassador Sheffield has delivered a new7
so to be paid within three years; and United States note with reference to
finally to raise the remaining $200,000 Mexico's petroleum aind land laws to;
through special gifts. This proposed Ihe Mexican foreign office, It wasl
plan was launched May 1. To date the learned today from circles close to the#
League has on the group pledge over foreign office. The American embassy
$100,000. This is at fhe rate of more has refused to affirm or deny the ex-,
than $11000 per day. istence of the note,
Of the group pledges Detroit was li well informed circles, it is be-
the first to pledge $10,000 under the lieved that a revival of discussion may;
new plan. Ann Arbor has taken a mark the last word of the United
$20,000 pledge with an additional States before the departure of Ambas-s
$5,000 for expenses. President; Clar- sadori Sheffleld on August 13 for a va-
ence Cook Little addressed the Chi- cation in the United States1
cago women May 14, after which they
signed a $10,000 pledge. The under-
graduate women on the campus have
taken a pledge for $25,000, They I
have already turned in on the new
plan $10,000 which is not included in
the pledge for next year. Other
cities-San Francisco, Cleveland, I
Birmingham, and many others have
Professor MitallaLit of Chrokow, P~olanud,
all taken pledges. In this way the Professor M anage or First
'proslpect of meeting the pledge to the Tell Tech Language For First
regents looks promising,lTime eet
Among the plans for next year is at
series of entertainments by Miss MICHIGAN' IS PIONEER t

ment Which Will Offer courses
It Fall Term
Courses have been designed and a
faculty has been appointed for the
newly authorized Department of Lib-
rary Science to be instituted this fall
at the University. A two-year curricu-
lum will be offered, both in connection
with undergraduate work in the col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and in the Graduate school.
The undergraduate courses in lib-
rary science have been planned to pro-
vide college students with the train-
ing necessary to enable them to take
charge of high school and small pub-
lie libraries and to assist in the larger
ones. The graduate work is dcesigned
to fit students for the higher positions
In university and reference libraries,
Students who wish to enter the und-
ergraduate curriculum in lihra'y sci-
ence must present a minimum of 90
hours of college credit and one and
one-third as many points as hours. A
reading knowledge of French and
German or approved equivalents is
also. required, and an elementary
knowledge of high school Latin is
highly desirable.
The advanced work in library sci-
ence is open to those who have a bach-
elor's degree and one year of study in
library methods from an accredited/
college or university and library
school, a reading knowledge of French
and German, or approved equivalents,
and preferably some knowledge of
high school Latin.
Students who earn 120 hours of
credit, of which 24 are in library work,
will receive the degree of Bachelor of
Arts in Library Science. The degree
of Master of Arts in Library Science
will be given those completing 24
hours of graduate work, of which 12
or more must be in library science.
Unemployment in Poland has been
decreasing, there being less than 300,-
000 out of work since the municipali-
ties and communal government insti-
tutions began their programs of pub-
lic works.
State Treasurer McAllister, author
of , Tennessee's anti-evolution law,
leads Gov. Peay for gubernatorial;
nomination in Tennessee Democratic

{ - - - o u>A=.i fl. oL uu~da are
I splendid examples of nobility and
The inhabitants of Japan are nature
lovers. From childhood they are
trained to admire and reverence the
cherry tree, which is an outstanding
feature of every landscape. Primary
teachers take their classes, often over
a hundred at once, to study the trees.
Japan, in adopting the exterior civ-
ilization of the west, without experi-
ence, and often A ithout a complete
realization of its principles, has met
with many difficulties. Labor unions
are common, living conditions are
often wretched. However, rapid
j progress is being made.
When Professor Crocker went to
Japan as an instructor, he met with
many strange experiences. Upon eu-
tering his classroom for the tirst
time, the students bowed, repeatedly,
until he finally bowed deeply frm'Ol
the" waist inreturn, whereupon they
seated themselves. He began his work
by drawing a map of the United
j States and illustrating his route of
BREMEN.-The annual meeting of
the North German Lloyd Steamship
Co. approved an increase in the com-
pany's capital by 11,000,000 ordinary
shares and 343,000 preferred shares.
(Commencing August 11)
Seven o'clock classes meet
Wednesday at 2
Eight o'clock classes meet
Wednesday at 4
Nine o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 8
Ten o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 4
Eleven o'clock classes meet
Friday at 8
One o'clock classes meet
Friday at 10
Two o'clock classes meet
Thursday atl10
I Three o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 2
Four o'clock classes meet
Friday at 2
Irregular classes meet
} E Friday at 4.

lars were raised within five years. To
date the League has $630,000 in
pledges, with $375,000 paid in, overj
and above expenses. This as well as'
all money paid in is invested by the
'University Investment committee, at
from six to seven per cent. Thus the
League is receiving a'good sum from


j l
{ f

their interest alone. other contributions amounting to Elsie Janis, the actress. On October 2
Mrs. Henderson is in favor of the $56-a total of $481 in all. she will speak at Ypsilanti; at Flint
xpenses of the campaign being raised The Players' club of tre University on the 12; and at Ann Arbor on;the
gave a series of six plays during the 14, each time for the benefit of the
Isummer here and in YYpsilanti, the ('University women. Clara Clemens,
OurWeatherA an proceeds of which go to the Women's daughter of Mark Twain, will present
league. The total amount that they a dramatization of her father's "Joan
made is $600. They are returning (of Arc" on October 10. Mr. Paul Steph-
next summer and will present another enson, who managed the Player's
program, club this last year, will be her di-
___ kIn addition to the pledges and con- rector for the coming year.
tributions of the University definite In order to fulfill the promise to the
-00 plans have been made for raising the regents and in order to make the slo-
te fairemainingamount of money. To gan "Break ground for the University
raise $300,000 through volunteer of Michigan League, June 1927," a
group pledges from: ten groups each, reality, there must be in the files
-Says that it will undoubtedly be fair 1willing to pledge $10,000 to be paid $1,000,000 in bona fide pledges by June
and cooler today within three years; twenty groups 1927, according to Mrs. Henderson.

One of the innovations to be intro-
duced into the program of the Univer-
sity with the opening of the fall se-
mester will be the addition of a De-
partmnent of Polish. Prof. Mitana,
Doctor of Philosophy at the Univer-
sity of Chrokow, Poland, who was at
the University of Oxford last year, will
take charge of the department.
Professor Mitana will give two
courses, one of which will be in the
Polish language, the other a study of
Polish literature in English. The rest
of the work in the department has not
yet been arranged. This is the first
time that any Polish courses have,
been offered in the University.




Publication of The Summer
Michigan Daily will be suspend-
ed with the issue appearing Sun-
day morning, August 8. The
Michigan Daily will resume pub-
lication September 28.f

American League
Washington 12, Detroit 8
New York 8, Cleveland 7
Chicago 7, Boston 4
Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 3
National League
New York 6, Cincinnati 3
Chicago 2, Philadelphia 1
St. Louis 7, Brooklyn 3
Pittsburgh 5, Boston 4


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