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August 05, 1926 - Image 2

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~br uuwr cature, it has been the aim of the
AmXnerican writer to give us merely
i t 4 ~i g ~a un 3a jili- cross sections of life without any ap- TDR L
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE l parenut reason for doing so. Mere
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1 photographs with nothing that marks 000O
SUMMER SESSION the truly artistic in them. Until re- NZ
Published every morning except .Monday~
during the University Summer Session by' cently, art has not found a niche in I0G
the Board in Control of Student Publica- the American commonwealth.
ti~~~~nS. ~~~But since the war and with increas- NeEoknwpae none
The Associated press is exclusively enl-! ing io ntels toyas h 1glarng headlines (they're always

Special Tables of Books of
Interest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal

titled to the use for republication o aunews .
dispatches credited to it or not other wise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-)
lished herein.

Entered at the Ann Arbor, MichiLgan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $.5o; by mail,:
Offices: Press Building, Ntaynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Communications, if signed as evinence of
good faith, will he published in The Summier
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. -Jn-
signed commnications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature uiay be omitted in
publication if dlesired by the writer. The!
Sunnner Daily dues not necessarily e ..dorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Editorial Board. ...Eugene 11. Gutckunsi
City Editor.............. .William R. Ireyer
Music and Drvama......... William C. Lucas
Woman's Editor........... Julia Ruth Brown
Night Editors
William Stockwell 'ThelVOdoI c 11orniergc r
Paul J. Kern i rederick Shillito
Douglas Double-day

influence o~f men like Picasso and Cez- ging} that.the new bandiits gangs in
annehav bee fet: y Amricn 1the City are cry-babies-they are no
painters who are using the teachingsl longer conmposedl of tough, rough and
of these schools of expressionism and !pie agtr u namby-pamby
ianpressionisni to portray typical Am-. sp~oiled yungsters.
emnlcan scenes. Prevously our artists
vent, to Europe for their training So when you go to New York beware
and spent the majority of their ener-I of the little darlings toddling around
p- there. In literature. such move- in short. frilled dresses.
ments are less easily found but they **'

. .


rrrr:.Ur zuaur m m~zu

ares graudually creeping in through the
works of G}als«worthy and Schnitzler.
Without the piower to visualize these
works mean ntothing, and through
gainn an a ppreciation of them, Am-
ie-ianS are hound to gain a better
a ppreciat ion oft life it self. The lack of
thes apllrecation of the beautiful isl

The police dlepartment recently sold
all their old style patrol wagons to
the milk grafters to distribute their
watered milk in. In their pllaces have
been purchased a whole tleet of ducky,
cream colored baby carriages. Each
patrolman takes one with him on the
b~eat so he can wheel the little darl-

101-105 S. MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.-330 S. STATE

Dona Boyle
William Finlav
Frances Gusted
Lawrence fHyman

N ta Kelley
Mary Maci~onald1
t -, gT'. Mchean
.V1argaret \NVard

Telephone 21214
Circulation...................Keriieth Havieni
Advertising ................Francis Noi-ni-a
:Mabel Chamibers Laurence VanTuyl
WVilliam F. Cook Miildred WVilliams
Edward Solomon
Night Edit or 1). F. DOUBLED4,1AY

gr-adually mtaking way before the vig- inigs into the nice playhouse the city
or of these newer schools. With the has provided for +them when they get
growving propaga ndat and a growing! to picking uip lile I things like stuffed
applreciation it cannot lbe long before wallets, and diamond rings.
lie mniddle class American will have .
as inea sns lf he esteti ashi Each cop is equipped with sanitary
hon hers across the water. nursing bottles and a good supply of
' plasturized milk. And instead of guns,
"True, the race horse may learn to Et hey now carry placifiers.
plow well; bat he will shake in hare- It is terribly pathetic to see the
ess until hiis spirit breaks, and he little darlings in their strange nlew
never will reconicile himself to plod- nurseries hanging their heads out of
ding--howsoever respectable plodding lie artistically grilled doors and weep-
ramy he.'" -Robert Quiillen. j ug as if their hearts would break.
ilti t of course the guards, sanitarily
TORIA iapparelled in white uniforms, are ex-
EDTO IL. COMMENT tremtely good to the newcomers and
________ ____ ____give them bottles and cron lullabies.
UA I G'Fl"#OLEL* *s
P~f~sl l)ENTWe were't' in the city a short time ago
The Nation) aind while there we were walking on
Oregon hast a presiden t of the State Ohe street. Strange thing to (It wasn't
U niv-sit y who has had banking (,x-!- it. '! But we were, antd while in the
jw'rienee anltd a leasat, sile k. A ac'(t of. peramtbulat ing a little fellow
lew weeks ago We noteditithlee iithtus- ran p~ast us, wearing the traditional
iaajii of I hit-universit y regnts over bla~cki domiino, crying, "Mama, he took
I hse ualtie, ht uggste tht. ~i-liy pistol. AMa-a-a-mali.'"
ths qail inight haveut sher qu+ aIitsas rS
Bal mgi v t e ulte swell. \\'e xx erce alas, right.. I D. Hall The next day we saw another cop
liti fla~ired to state iin a punblic speeech sitting ont a hydrant tettering a much
that, nat onta Ipr-ohibhit ion w as no (t a battered bandit up and down on his
succtths. itdto liidd thaitlie was t)a-5 knee. lie was waiting for a doctor to
pee to itin Hpri1ncile.l e mm edlately. come and replairi the injuries.
Iihe O)regon Alitt VSa ton Leag tie anid* *
the Port laud NMinisterad Association They now have a nurse in the court.-





Member Federal Reserve Splem

I) U E I
Since the beginlning of Anterican
journalism, editors hiavxe al ways de-
nounc:ed in caustic lanti'uage anything
that snmackeid of t he foppish or exqunis-
ite. Last week all e-(itoril xxwriter of
the Chiicago Tribune, slightly i urita tedt
by the theait - felt in the netd of a bus-
ing sonmething or someonie roundly.
His chance catte whlei he fountd a
machine in a dance hall fromt which
a Man biight gel, a tdash of' powder to
remove the gl are from)111 is red anml
sweat y face. The editoriaitl writer
Illw cx iltup and dashlin g hack to th e
ofihce he poun ded ot. axithbermingde-
riouncemient inl which he(hld till to
ridicule the -;rent hri't otie (of the
br-eed that blanch I hi r fa~ctes aritiftoal -
I y.
"' \Xhv,'' he wx'rote, "d idnI't somneone (
drowxvn Rutdotlphl Valentino Years a go -
-. ..Ch icago has its . poxxdter- uffs;
London,- its dancing mnen ;PIa is, its
gigolos. D own with I Ie('at tir ;tip wvitlIi
Mlinor Clvii. I lollyvxx-ood is dthe iia-
tional school of niasco iiiitv. IRud y,
the beatitiful ga rdener's boy, is the
prototyple(If the Amenrican mals l~ Ieli's
bells' Oh,' sugar'"
The editorial was duly print ed. Ev--
eryone in the mid-wxxest read it antd
weeped inlto tlbei r c(reals for the pass-
ing of mnhood, sedutced by t ies ef'-

i ',
i ",
j ':
I j
t 1
' I '
3 .
1 j

paissed lre olti onll'antamoinit to tde-'
mlan ding his resignatlion, thle Potiland
Oi-,gonon flt -x01ed an (tAit orial column!
t(o deploring his uttIera tcecs, anid theI
regent s iSstied a St'1e5 of a po1logetic
st" tent n is devxottlv ihoping thbat. heI
bmd been inisquoted .A,, the Anti-
saloon I .ea gtte said, such exlpressions
ofI miniorit y opinion "are (c(litrar-y to
the settled p)olicy of Oregon.'' Col-
lege lrt'SideAtt . It appear's, are entitl-
ed to sin ile and to cash checks, butl
not to suggest that. anything shouldl
-veir he chsaigedl

room who keeps the cry-babies amus-
ed (luring the trials, He dangles little
trinkets, watches, pearl and diamond
nec-klaces and etc., before them on the
e snd of a stick while the cr-y-babies
content edly chew a placifier.
Bitt, xe didn't heai- any crying dur-
ing the twoI block walk we took. Our
fortunes was in the wallet on our hip
whlen xwe started. We managed to
borrowx carfare home from a friend.
iIt is Rolls' policy to give space to

The Charm of Windsor Chairs
Many Designs and Patterns Included in Our
August Furniture Clearance




IFI". WE iBUT KiNEW all cotnplainits----imagined and other-,
(The -Nxv Yorkt Titns) wise. Our friend Yates whom we men-
( ogte-st; hais adjournted, batit it, looks tioned in a previous column sends us
a , if lie ('ongression al Rcordl might this-
fiov ow1on ore xa-r. Its hd at StA ppend~ix EDear Karl:
has i'eif tepage 13,270, and iio one Thanks for the dirt about my fain-
kniowstwhentiI ie "Extension of Re- ily name but I believe you need some
rmai-ks' will (es to be printed. It is correction. According to all reports
tot a cas4e of infiniite r iclies in a littleE Ishpeming is the Indian name, for
100111, bit o1 tuicroseopical treasure in!I leaven; and my family doesn't know

fetninate ways ofI a cinema fop. On'' a tx ery frig room.ti.Bt 1to one gemt of! anything about Heaven. They come
of the numiber- who read, but tied NW th(t co-ec~ti oin we are glad to call at- from the Bronx.
wveep, was attired in a flowered silk-.tttion - It is ai speech in "TShe Ti-ag- s s"
dhressing gown, dusky skin clouted cd of Misuniderstoodh Youthz," by the, Pardon us, Yatesey, we thought we
xith fragrant powder, the gold bang- lion, Brooks leltcher of Ohio. Lest'-ke o u tms aebe w
les at his xvrist s jingled louder adItfl illyshtould declit- to extend3 them-'other fellows.
louder' as lie read t he scathing i'r eles 5ox-cr the extension of his re-***
znarks abIout )Himtiself wxithIi n nnzzi m mark,li 1e lias st-altered te aiptillg sub- -
fury Thea lie wr toth a form aI l not! ed i otgoitep-ilvrin With that he sends us this, which
to the eIditor1 of thie 't'ribuone anlnrotne-lI >Wbo (cotuIl fail to stopl) 1( read after osntsemomaurupohi
lag t hat lieiregrIeltt-d that, Aiti mean get tintg s in-li invxit ations as the follow--peiu tnad
law mtade the anient ianioh onor-abl e{ itt g --Why Old Folks Knock Young' rjTO A L~OVE:ThIAT IS DEAD
dluello illegal hut lie felt, happy tonI Folks'' 'I Jtiiiiati Natutre lDnes Not Flip-
deinonstrIate to H it- gentlemnan of thle Fioi) inhia G(' r fl nf" "'g{oinigon a Why do yout call me Jack and Tom,
caustic- vocab lea thatI liiands diecorat- I\'ci-ht etn Spr eey in 'hle Slum of the When you knoxw 'my name is Joe?
ed witli goldien bracelets anad pol ishied;iii iigina Iion," anad --\VIat Happens \VWhy don't you sign, when I say good-
finger-nailIs coult d lpack hisbhiard I awal - IWhieniVe-Lift the ILid Off of Hell ?'',a bye;
lop as grinmy htands with nails br'oken I Those yotu lgste-s xwho, the orator af- As you did so long ago?
from Iltnul (llgra tywi't rest or 0ii z_ iti fir -d---x'aiItu i.no laiuds'
shoulders fragirant xxih iebsnot pihtPsibysh xa from hs Why are you're eyes wide open now,
fumes that Pariis cou ldioffe- cott I ldel ortarranthitte ogt When 1 kis8 your lips so true?
prove as painful to a-n anatagotnist a to be encoturagetd by looking furtheri-why do you stare, and firmly declare;
shoulders bea ring Owli (110r of s ,xetdowxn to discov'er Hihatt "The Mental, That tonight one kiss will do?
anid plrinter's ink.- The ceditotrial ix't- t !i qi prnieitof lbe Stat e ,man eels
er has so far tfelcinmed to leniotistrnate mR'isioni'" Why when I take you in my arms,
his manhood oil the mat, or in thtj =Whiat all this has to ido in the galley Don't you smile with that '"kiss-nme"
ring with foppish Rudy. of the (Congressional Recor-d it might smile?
Mr. Valentino, calmly smoking a set-mnlhard to say. But that pultbica- I Why wheni we dance, domn't you take a
pipe, said quite simpllly to inite(rview- l ion has long assei-tedl for itself lprivi- chance,
ens, "I am waiting." jle.ges. as the snapper-np of uniconsid- And snuggle tip closer a while?
t-red trifles, antd the greatest collector
1)EVE,LPPING (of imasses of unireadable wordls. The W thy whemn I gaze at a flapper queen,
Americans, long inter-estedlin the xxN der is not what is int the Congres- i Don't you pout and glare at me?
drabl existemnce of commniplace ideas j sioiaii Record, but that anything is! Why when 1 leave, don't I believe,
and experiencees, lave alxways been1 left ot o (f it.- Doubtless tils particular That you shall faithful be?
accused (If an ttter lack of an aesthe- { liee(~ii by Representatve Pletcher!
tic intagitiatioin - lealisill of the rank-'xwill be circa lat (-(I in pamjphlet form ILe ENVOIl
est sot has long held the st age in altolig the mlisun~deirstoodl yotuth whose 'hcnI e
Anmer-ica anid cotin lental critics have tragedy he is So intent onl depicting.' hcni e
held that in order- to become a good But they, as they reatd it, or if they- Sweetheart devlne,
American one must loose whateverI read it, can har-dly escape the feeling Weurlo is me.
vestiges of hazy ilncertainity he may that they have been more misunder- Yeltes. mne
possess. stood than ever. They will be In-'
Amnericani music has been hacking tclined to reverse the saying, so far at
the suggestion which motivated theJ least as to sigh, not about youth, but That's all-
master composers of Eu'rope. In It-~ about age, if it only knew! KarlI Snowdrit,



w Windsor Chairs for the early American interior or for the
regular American home. These chairs were bought at a
special price and were marked low accordingly. Now we
are cutting the price 2o% more, 4.s a special value for this sale.
Table and Floor Lamps are One- iuarter Off


All Lamps, table or floor, are 20y
as a special value for the sale,
Cot Pads, $ 7 Value
Cot Pads that would sell regularly at $7 and were
purchased for rental purposes, are slightly soiled or
samples, are specially priced for this sale at only

off from the rna~rked price
Double Deck ]Bd
For Stuident Ropms, $1 8¢50
Diouble Mek 1$eds of 14est conistrti~ton, with rein-
forced sprin~gs that vvill stand the strenuous use that
your student roomers will give them. X10:50.


____.. .,_,.,.. ,n-.. -.,m.. ...., _.. . ----_--- _ . ....


- -

I. ..,=+..jJ

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