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August 04, 1926 - Image 1

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t,$ ummitx

Sir W



VOL. XVIl. No. 40
nnrrntirri rnurai


PRICE11 PlTUW('m~*Tm r~v v,,q

Heads Delegation
To Peace Meeting

1 1Y14iL .

r 1 v rl Ut<AXI'M

Annual Banquet of Both Educational
Clubs IN Festixie Affair; Group
Singing Participated In
Addressing the Annual Banquet of'
both the M-en's Educational Club and
the Women's Educational Club in the ;
?Michigan Union dining room last night#
President Paul Voelker of Battle
Creek College reminded the educators
that "the most important part of you j
Is not from the ears up but from the
chin down."I
In defense of this statement he said C
that six or seven centers of motivation
are under our chins, and largely from
these the things we (10 and feel are I
controlled. Pres. Voelker pointed out y"
that if he knew where an individual
was educated, or where he had been,
or what he had studied, what he was#
could not be determined; but if hie
knew what that individual loved, and,
feared, and hated, and what shamed Madame Duchene, ablove, will be
him, then what he was might be dis- presidlent of tle Yrench section at the
covered. To illustrate the p~oinlt of the i sixth Congress of the Women's Inter-#
mind's being only a sma~ll part of the national L *:ague for I 'e"UOare ilw lAhr-
dynamic force necessary to the intelli- ty, to be held in Dublin,
gent and wise action of an individual.,___________________
the speaker suggeste'd that an auto- m i
mobile night be driven a long way at. RmE R G A T
night without headlights, but. that it j
could not be driven at all without anj
engine, and likened the engine to the
motive force of any person, and the BLIAE _ O IH
headlights to the mind of that person. I___
You do your best work, perhaps,
when you are suffering pain provided Pouto sPeetdiiRrIu
you are controlled, he said in effect.!, GY11u l1Bis Itrutoh
Pride that sends you up will also send ticu 7srctr
you down, but we should be proud, if -
we can be proud in the right way, he FRANK RYAN WILL SING~

TE'11 'l01 'SA N ITON ES
11 irefor m's of 50111141% Are 0Dbcuse4
E By Assis.tant f Iil liatlR'it
In dfemnolstrmatlily, Ilive nr.' lts oh-
)A 0141 by Var101s ors :ftirtlatiollS of
lrc ill his lecture yefst i'dav after-
noonI onl "The Science 'of MlIsical

Spokesman For

- ~ - -

Commencing one week from PLTC[OWR
Seven o'clock classes meet OP 9POSE RELIGIOUS
Wednesday at 2 4la~ r*rIn
Eight o'clock classes meet ~l m II 11.iii
Wednesday at 4UIIU IIILIU
Nine o'clock classes meet MXC
.1 Thursday at 8 , 6I1111h AV il l rvn--- -.


Ten o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 4
Eleven o'clock classes meet
j Friday at 8
One o'clock classes meet
Friday at 10
Two o'clock classes meet
Thursday at 10
Three o'clock classes meet
{ Thursday at 2
Four o'clock classes meet
Friday at 2
SIrregular classes mieet
Frida~y at 4,





Several Are Arrested Whien Valuables
Are Reportedi Lost Front Mexican
Catholic Churches

{ So
I So

oi 8415''. Ar. 1'lod c1Firestone, A'sist- }
it, Ili estigatom' ill l~giieerin g I I-
arch. slhowted tlat composers oft1111-
c haveo ovr throe thousand puare + "
a es. di fferinag from onc01e4anlot her in I Siueon 1). Foss, agiciultunre's chain-
de:s anad pi tchanld all easily (]is - IJuon Wit hin th* inn tz1r circle of the ad-
ig uishable by the hllall ear1.ministration. rcentlyvsted the
ci adnc in 4 efi e i two y.Tie President at Wbite PineCa nip to out-
I ( t reaga ds it als a forth otft'N 1111n' new mteasures, for farm aid, to be
gy, rod uce I by the vibrati1101 -1 ltrodtneed when Congress re-con-
tysira~~~~~~~ v jt ~l s~ir ie l.0I entes. Fess will he regarded as the
aod ~Silt jg ~,~ . ll0~)lla dinmist rat ion's splokesmnap
hick1i. 1w h e"oliducted bh air,. water, ;~
lil li alilol Ic ravel iitrg1i n g i iII1IU LII U N111 1101W
Mi'Is ill , !)-;<!:('11 pouog i l t FOR PHILPPINE WORK
(1101lwi 85 2 11 iiti .~r.,e- ..f _-

Kraus Praises
Season 's Work
of "layers "
Stating yesterday otiternoon that he
was gr eatly pleased with the work (x
'hibited by the "Players" during the
current Summer session program
Dean Edward1 H. K~raus expressed the
hope that this company of youthful
actors would give productions on the
campus dulun the next Summer ses-
"I am greatly pleased with- the suc-
..,ess of these players," Deoii Kraus
said. "They have added 3n ch to thIS

(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, Atim£;ust 3.-Peace
feelers by intermediarie's seeking a so-
lution of the apparent impasse be-
tween the government and the Mexican
episcopate, arising out of the govern-
ment's first enforcement of the reli-
gious regulations continhued to be put
forth today, but so far as could be
learned without results.
'Meatnwhile, the government has re-
Nused assurances of support of its re-
,tigious policy from two of the most. im-
portant figures in the Mexican politi-
I cal and military world-former Presi-
1dent Obregon and General Arnulpho
Gomez, military chief of the state of
Vera Cruz. General Obregon is still
looked upon as the idol of the army,
while General Gomez is a possible
presidenatial candidate.
A on the preceding days, the Mexi-
can Catholics, despite their feelings,
went about their usual tasks today,
and on the surface there was nothing
to itndicate tihe seriousness of the re-

11111 14t~na 1,4 1 4 t n t 104 11 t441 8c £Er-
1111 '1t' tal! 1 l'rqeII cly. IFXtreluelyI
'i ili or I ~ tryones a ina18Ud(ible, I'olileal Scienice Professor WW lBe
t :11i11 ugi Hiis var2ie withI different Rettained In East for September
'I'Imat s uil is a vibra tion was j Permission01 to reta in Prof. Joseph
sb 0 \VI f by Mr1. lFir ttOlwe ,'y11(11115of ItH ayden11of the polit ical sciehnce(de-
a g;as fl, 1anald rvolving Ilmirror-.'The partnlelt (If the 1Tfniversitv itn the
soon d was I 11naii ttI col tthrough a lollhgI Phi14 liinesl rug I he lloat It of
0114-1 pile . A rullbber d iaphrum11 st retch -I
ed~~~~~~~~~ oe othppeW ISept ('ii er Vw wgranlt ed ( 'ommiissioofr
I ' 0, a d t11 £'('Chan''d Carnt i 'lio mpson oft the islanlds by the
to vbrae, aid h fialgo" ini air prter-
e xelltive colnittee oh' the regents of
StI1-'1" relilt ilogtiurretroin produced at J' lieISt tdy
(Otes1)01( img 101io ii 1he bitm Ei Ti e p resid ent s office recei vedh the

Summer sessioiA program of entertainj- jigious controver'sy.
ments. I am hopeful that arrange- ,r Querentaro report8 that 17 persons
ments can be made for them to lie on -itioseid.wehr hywr
the campus next sumimer,." priests--have been armrested, charged
If the "Players" do return for a sec - witht renicving treasures and valuable
ond sitx weeks program the Dean sug- obj, tis from Catholic churches. The
Fest*'d tihe adlvisability of havinig at~ Mexico City authorities are Inve:atigat-
least three and probably foul mwr- inig reporta that valuables are missing
lormilances dluring tihe tuneW they would ' from many of the edifices, inctding
'lie in Ann Arbor, ithme cathedral.
Starting with Shaw's "G-reat Oath-i While the cathedral continued
erine"' tha company this summer so- closed pending a further checkz and
ison oila ved1 evriv Tusdv. T'hj..'.,dv

a gas burior.

''llie iiiovt'Ihli litoft I te

irefn ut'.

tbe ('01414 and(1ir. F~rank ElI

Education of the emotions is of tre-
mendous importance to the educator,
Pres. Voelker believes. The duty of
the educator is not to get such emo-
tions as fear and pride out of the
human makeup but to sublimate themt
and lift them to their highest plane.C
Fear, he said, could not be taken out;
of the human being in ten million
years. It's there because our nervous
systems are built that way.
The criminal who has no emotioin is
the only one you can do nothing with
was the opinion of a noted lawyer.
Pres. Voelker said he doubted whether
there were any such men. In cases
of stealing the most successful way to
remedy the habit was to mna?, it very
unsatisfactory for the person to steal,I
and, furtherniore, to make it intensely
satisfactory for him not to steal. Edu-
cation, he concluded, is largely a ques-
tion of educating the emotions.
New bus schedules have been decitd-
ed on by the Ann Arbor city council
.and will go int~o effect today. They
will remain in, use utitl September 45
and are due to the decrease in revenue
during the summer months.
By the new schedule. the buses
leave the hospital starting at 6:^0
a. mn. and every twenty mintutes there-
after until 11:00 p. in. After 6:00 a. in.
buses leave Austin Ave. and the Fair
Grounds every twenty inutes intil
11:00 p. in. The Broadway, Miller
Ave., and Burns park coaches r'etain
the same schedule which they have
been using.
Ottrwieal heh1 ,.
-Says that it will he generally fair
today with not much change lit

flame- was sliotivn ras ahand, hy e.ns,'>"" '''...............l{ ,1"1 tt ~aC ' Y * 'I'-~z'U'J A Iurm
, brtc~aishiohbtits. assistatto ( the president, to- and Saturday nights anti Included iii
Under thie s upervision of Mitss Rt Ii Kof a1'8pitdly -rot atn g mirrlIor. ' Wldte[ellsll eie. 'terpeettosleletewl
jPr ice, ist ructor of llama i'al 47 i 1 i ,t 1Mr. Wi It-ston ctshowed liast rat ionsdaewr t(-arniso csrd. 'hrpeetton bsdehe el
recial illbe givc rrt~i~n i 1i)f'roI .lk todeit will clot timue his sur- known plat of Shaw such popular
rectalwil begi ~l t iiih tat ~ : Uof the , avet'ornn oh' va rious sotinidcIJstato ntea Rce rte'
o 'clock at Barbour gbiaitil y 014'1il.t t'tn l11e'V"icttola i'cor' ttil f~ 1114,E jiolit~ica'itutininth plays a ahlCohrs"Expressing,
thle studenuts in her case.The sPro- 'Sczx ('it e f :TL uci ~ 1 ia M 11e1n l~I ttsiu 111141111'timi-otghoaithIle sliliin er. Wil lie,'' W. S. Gilbert's "Sweethearts",*
giani will eomslst o oh 'I aH't, 1k; ,ldtbI'pu os Jt et~ted to ret urn to tihe Uni- Milne's '"Belinda", llee eDoc -
Par, tchias sedforanaysig .nd or oil wi--ity illhe latter tpart of October. tor In Spite of Uim*ett" and Cohin
Giga..................Corll~i st ructilig etirves, flhe harmionic an - Campbell's "The Halduc."
Gretin ...... .... .. Sbubrt lyzr nd ~arnonc vntesier.ByI Ba -ns tf tho People's Motor Coach During the winter the uapority in i
Waltz Study.............. . . Set tilwr b et' jn 141 of thi-, inst ruw ttti s any curve, C, rc 240l sFtf 5dzigtepeetcmaywl ea h
Ino thoae.f( 18 e'h iyconpem'~h ~h ve I .J uly' I 5.a del'ei~st' iir 222Rockford Theatr-e, Rockford, Illinois.
Nypfnraor.....me ovelartdIIt Iiscmoet ars m4 froim thme imt tider rc-epoirt ed for the They will h~e supplemented thmere by
Scarf Study Pr fe 'eotahIe1.AIoI m II wool-i 4of .lung 4' o.several New York players.
The Frolic...............Schuber't lanyiM Iniitimay fwYl im log ,, ne'i'c h i an b o s A e R a y
1 e lc tCn H n b o sA eR ayThe Combat-----------------...1 eilier' '0j1co l ('ac',the 040111111of 111,e pr'ofil1e T
Idilio.................H Il tils I of ia talit 0g)21,11)h,. and illd1ti't(' equat ion Toin10 Be Se vut T o .nmi g Mn
Death and tihe Ma iden.. ii to the face. Or, if one were sent. thol'
Vintage ,......... t1thv l toitat ii, it would14btt'poss5ible to coil-
A Frieze.................Seb iuina u rtlct 111e profile. Pro'>muti l I Handbooks, published Opposite the tj,1ie page is the identi-I
B~acchanmal...... . .......... Sell 411181 A tone 'producedf11 by a Ituing fork( i under IIheatispices of the Student fication pago with lines especially
Mr. Frank Rtyan, ttI eot', will sing I flat;.anid tcol loss ; hut, iy str'iki ng 1 Chiristitan association andh the Young adapted, fr use by the freshmen to
several sel etionis bet wt-etintihe two "-a veral harmonizing forks at the santo 1'Womn'ts ('bristian association, for wpmtei-n their adviser's name and ad-
parts. The publ if' i-7cordjilly in-i timde, a. richl muasical t one can be pro- !1he %,(-at' 1926-27 art' now ready for, dress. A foxraword follows the title
viteol to attend. Thier-e will be n110i dit eo, dutin to the oiverllapp ig oif var- d istrib1-ution alld4 xvill he ssent, out to page anti forinally presents the boo0k
charge for admission isxae. Ifthtie forks differ but. studetst registereei fox their fresh- to tloe members of the class of 1930. A
sli glily in wavelengfhth ie phten ma ena ma n x(taI-Iuring this mnth. Fresbi- NOl page picture of President Clar-
1!liaa ge "Z s Drop; of the, lyat is strikingly shown. Thbis amen wh o iot, li receive rapids by ence C.. Lttle facing the words of diedi-
i.csed11i(1 byte high and low pointsj mail wilt receive tilelit at the time catioxi to blot occupy the pages 4 and
Divores Mo nt ot thAe Ietjhg 811(1 ;anddestroying Iof registration for' I he fa~ll Itcr1nsin ApI . . The President's message to fmesh-
Iech___; Arbom'. man along with those of the Dearn of
WASHINGTON, PD,(C'.,Atugtust 4-i. It is lifossibICle for he 'adit oir'to tic4' T he Freshmfan 1Itaiidbool is the of- (Students and Dean of Women is
1926.-The Department. of ('oniiilccetones that(IdioInot exist duetto e o -' t icial I niversity hundhiook lpresented printed.
announced today thbat, aeceorlhg to lapping oif various tones. The adoti- free of ch'am'ge toi incolminlg stuodents. I General information ofT all kinds re-
the returns received, there WOe -6.- 1 lomiti.l notes are, lower than the tr'ue I t Colt talus 1706tiages of intormation garding campus life i the University,
276 marriages performed ill Mlichigan not)01(. M'. Firestore xwhistledl a trio ! iregardtinlg all phatstes of college life ' traditions, soma& and yells, etc., is in-
during the year 1925, as eomliipared by 1me(a1s of the tuninigforhi, First be at the University, pictures of the earn- I eluded in Shre General section of the
with 49,758 in 1924, repi'esenltin:- a dte- pr1oduced( the single tone ot' the fork. hits, buiidiings, the president. Dean of b ook,- A cut mnade from a1 pen draw-
crease of 3,512 or 7.1 per cent. 1 Then lie whiist led. When lie ditd bothIi Stuidenrts and D~ean of' Wornm, amid ,n~g of the frimxt of Alumni Memorial
Dturing the year 1925 ther'e R ~e I at oneico, a third seat of notes were pro- st udent presilet s of var'ious oriPn- ' hall is tljo *~oonoal introduction.
9,541 divorces grante'd ill the state, as 4 tced, in tontra ry niotioni to his tulile. zat ions, su(chia the Stiluden (' ouncil:.' TP&.Actitvittes section includes the
compared with 9,24-4 in 1921 i'le i'c-Iis tonie, [t(e for'k, ands the coilhinat- A diary is also it'.liiued. The boob I rilcs. for participation in activities,
senting an increase of 297, or 3.2 per I tioti tonte eoutld all be plainly lheardot Ihis year is edit~ed by Fred trick .hi the work or the Upon, Student Chris-
cent. at nce. Snit.Uo, '27>1-onald B. Dot,,laday, '27, tiau association, Student Council.
T1.he estimated p0111] hat ion ioft Ile The ei carI' ca ill etect 1,300 dis ti'.c; Iiso- zu ness aniager, Oratorical association, and others.
state of M4ichigani on July 1, 1925 was pitches ot tomie, iond 27013e,5'Co4f Four thioisaca d 1-tandhooks were s,_ Publications receive a separate sec-
,4,283,860 and fillJu ly'1, 19214Vwas liudness . Multiplying these, Ithere Icoi ved MNonaday at hane lnlandl jtio..
4,176,601. On tile iasis oif th,.se es- are 8o300,000hiurlt- t oies varying ill loud- !hIandfbooks will 1)0 sent ourt to Fresh-' Work- of distribution is well under
tirnates the numbtter of liaria ;)or et nss awld pit ch.l.'blese may hae cor-m-enieii immediately - Principials of high1 way. The Student Christian associa-
1,000 of the popluitia40,,W5 l iilii ied 11o4 ilhlitmnerabIie eoll)dls, aimdlschool s artidhigh school teacersi who ! tion delivers books to the freshman
1,)1925 as against 11.9 in 1924 ; and( the ~ ai' igect in an y order, to for itimusice. desire> a copy of Ill (' oh for', 11use ,mere while the Young Women's Chris-
number o1' divor'ces per 1,000 otf thle Ali% fJi4 st1110's lecture had been an- aimonig high scthool students consider- , tiara association will distribute the
population was 2.2> i 1925 as againast. tnoecd 10for' the Natural Science Atidi- lug centerinig til Univel'sity miay se- books to the freshman women. The
2.2 in192. orin urn tt, to taccoilioodte the rse of cure a bo(ok by I.pplylig at Lanle Hall. I Young Women's Christian association
The nmuiber' of marriages perform-a- : iarat is, was givenm in the West ,Short age of books may mtake it neces- - has already sent preliminary letters
ed and the numbier of divorces granted1 Physics Lectttreltoioti. sary tw refuse t hOeerequests however. tc the incomng women and the Hand-
w Vei'e furnished by thle State Depart- I - The Handbook is bound in a Michti- books will follow these letters. The
weinet of Health. I Sice Saturdtay, river water has not gait blute fr abrihoid cover with a goldI Student Christian association plans to
been pluit'd foir city usage. (.nI thatj seal of thie [University imnprintedl on ! send out preliminary letters to the
Argentine has limited the amorunt j cday 3,123,00 gallons were pimplefd the fronit colver' and the issue date men by the end of this week. Hand-
of advertising anmd gramophone mnusic froni stationi 11. 1 anid 2,123 ,000 gal- 1926-27. The pages of the book are books will be sent out by both organs-
'which may be bhrdte~d. ions were taken front the Steere farm, gold edged. nations b~y next week.

inventory of the treasures, tother
churches wvere niot open yet today, al-
though only a muoderate number of
worshippers were seen inside in -Mex-
leo City.
jThus tfar there is little or no(1evi-
dence of the lboycoitt under the aus-
pices of the Capital League for the
Defence of Religious Freedom, al-
though some conmnmercial houses and


retailers spread apipr1ehensioni that it
inay develop. In contrast, news i'romn
other sections of the republic shows
that the boycott is in full swing its
numerous towns. the people refraining
from all possible expenditures in the
hope of creating an ecofnomic crisis
;,.ufficiently serious to influenc- the
government to modify its atl itujeo.
Propaganda camnpaignis are being
waged vigorously elsewhere. Thle
have bieen numerous joint debates,
with specakers representing both sides
of time controversy, but thus far all1
have been peaceful.
The first, debate in Mexico City was
between -the seciretary of' education,
Doctor Jose Qasauranco and Relic
Caeisran Barzae, one of the dire ctors
of the League for the Defence of' Re-
ligious Liberty, who is ulnder' hail
awaiting formal trial on a cha-r ge of
inciting the people to disturbiance by
means of the boycott.
This debate wvas continutedl ina
Mexico City theatre and was largely
attended by an orderly crowd.
A shortage of hlouses in1 Singapore
followed by boosting of rents hay
started the erection of flats.
D~elays in paynment of salaries to
pu~blicemenployes of Chiile is causing
embarrassment to many cler~ks there.
I American League
IPhiladelphia 3, Detroit 4
yNew York 7, Chicago 6
Boston 8, Cleveland 7
Boston 2, Cleveland 0
St. Louis 7, Washington 7
l{ational League
INew York 5, Chicago 4
.New York 3, Chicago 5
Pittsburgh 14, Philadelphia2
Cincinnati 1, Boston 0
Cincinnati 3, :Boston 2

" "

wlut;u allay uU ftx uau4aaWCu

" AVk4N i Le u s. kp wvy, a ....m.. .. «.m .... .. .®.. ... -

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