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August 01, 1926 - Image 2

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THE SUMMEDR I?41GAN iF)ATI'--- --.-----)' 51.V

.u .+vat ccsaui wu .,t X 1 12 V j.11-1tL [


104Q ift imer kind will insure the League of sue-11111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
tcess, but Great Britain and Italy, in .
L~* r I uit a 13'a exercising a policy of disrespect, can I us c A n
OFFIIALNEWPAPE OFTHE only hasten its dissolution.
Published every niorning except Monday j A1 lappe r sa femnale who has suc- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111{1111111111
during the University Summer Session by (:esedced in living down thousands of
the Board in Control of Student Publica- I lf"G YOultPAtimo
tions. Iyear:s of hypocrisy, and who now
realizes for the first time that her Writing the Music and Drama col-
The Associated Press is exclusively en- relmsIo i ie st e htw-nmn for last Wednesday we got to the
titled to the use for republication of all news ra iso nlf st ewa o
dispatches credited to it or not otherwiserdtd ntisppranmanlclnespb has desired to be throughout the endI of the column before we got to
credted n tis pperand he lcalnewspub
lished herein. ages, just a natural human being.- i the point of what we wanted to say.I
D lr. Lee Alexander Stone.11WewrdicsngGoeJanv-}
Entered at the Ann} Arbor, Mlichigan,\V weedcssn GoreJa N-
postofhce as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $z. o ; by mail, Cthn" colmni in the "American Mer-
$l.oo. CAMPUS OPI~DNION (Y"onEgn 'Nilsn
Offices: Press Bnuilding Vvnr Street, ~~I~~~ uy nEgn 'el' e lay1
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Anonymous communications will be "dirgre.TenmsoMomn- 4arco Millions" which has good
('onuinications, it sighed ascic'c f ants will, however, be regarded as hne ffnigBoda etsa
good faith, will he published insTir ee S1ummtseor of onfidenltial upon request. lm sofinngB ad ynete-
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. -Jn- - k son -perhaps this is an anachronism;
signed colun nincations wiltl receive no con-
sideration. The signature may lie omitted in s'T'hl ~l GflIM~tELV CLUAIIY it is almost time to say this season.


Special Tbe fBoso
Interest" to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal
"Wht a&wha-le of "a difference1
just oa few cents make I
~ t:~A

pubiication if desired ny the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily e..dorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-

Telephone 4I92i
C hairmian,
Editorial Board..... Luge ne It. rt ortektuist
City Editor ....I-.. .. \iiiRa it irccr
Music and I) raui ,. . ,... it:anC(iLucas
Womn'is Editor........... . u i u'h k osx~n
Nislit Editors
Wiliani Stockwe nl 'I'lldT q(I IAnbc: ge r
Paul J . Kern tr hii billit
Douglas Doubleday

Tlo the Editor.:
Professor Levi's letter is so direct a
chaflenge to mine, that I am sure von
will pardlon a prompt reply.
f ''i esin kiir g of l1w l usi tan ia
was not an isolated incident, as his

Somreone put our last sentence in the
waste basket. But we determninet;i
here it is: "We should like to ste
Marco Millions' and laugh, but wel
fear that the evanescence of O'Neill
t'e humorist, will be tdisappjoint ing
coiiipared wv thr the permanence or

Doiia Boyle
WVilliamn Finlay
Frances Gustcu
Lawrence IHyman

Nita Kelley
Mia ryAMac Donald
t lcorg TI. Mil c ian
M\argaret NWard

Circulation ....................Kenneth Ihaenc
Advertising ................F.ranci :uitr
Mabel Chambers Laurence Van u l
William F. Cook Afilred vXilim
Edward Solomon
Nighit. ditor-PAUL .1.I'VRN
Working under tille psy chlogical
fact that a personlt xiia cit mrnI'
readily whatlhe ses 'han what he
reads and Wilit n~i curher it on ge'
11. G eorge.' ast inal, nd owr of col-
leges and millionire oa nann-
fact urer, ann otilcet I Iha I Ihis mon la -
had arranged to deov'lojn a large sar
res, of films to 1w ]uaed in grmmar
schools and hillt schools to su ple-'
nient coouses iin i o a liv. health
and hygiene, gem ia I si ilto, lio,.
and pr'ict ical arts. Thu I tie' hudla I
11110 rSt iii21lc1s t ~cpdaggy is
More 1thanta cnlifetcia I tuei5,ot c
by the fact that the Mint-s are to be
made in co-operat ion wxit h the Na
Itonal Educatio011association zand ed-
cators it tenlIlaro ciie lb 1roil,
C'hi cagoKa sas (Ciy. I )e nv-xi% ,wXi
York, ocheste~r,.S piglidd.Mass
Winlston-Saiem. At lata, nd Jos an-
Last yea r Yle liverity tried at
similar project it reprodul cinrg the
history of America Io he i~asfed to
boards of edtucat ion id private
Schools and sent frec to total school.
The venture fai'dd na oilly. Th'
present plan seems to e an excel-
lent one and it is far fromi likely that
meef inancies xiii dter it. The Fast-
man Kodak companyitis'vo1n010o0f'te
largest andtri 'chest iorpora t ions in
this count ry, the National Education
association has over 1.50,000j members
and joining hands with these will e '
the Motion Picture Producers anti
Distributers of America headed by
Will Hi. fays antI his large pubici tv
Athoigh A byssi nia is recognized t
be a S0oveeigni]ower anid ;;i, meber of
the L'eague, it i5Slnot being sho wl the
respect diu- an ind(Iepen dent nation.
Great Britain and Italy have divid-
ed the country according to "sp1hIes
of influence," wit hotI even doing sot.
much as ('0onsulting te'A bssiniaif
govruin ent in the ma tter
It is true that tbhe two Europeat
powers will great ly develop this Back-1
ward cotntry, if left to esary out theirt
plans, but history proves thiiat annexa-
tion is to some degree always in the'
mind of the benefactor The~ two of-1
fending nations will probably (declare,
t a th y a e a t n i ii th co-fin es of th e, ag reem en t of 1900 , bu t
that agreement has siice been viewed;
as conn proisng to the i ndepndenc l
o l i A f i a st e . 1 ut a e i noth e L e'ag u e W as co in cid en t t ii rec- l
ognition of Abssinia as a free land.1
The Ago-t~lian agreement shoud
notle viewed with aproving eyes.
Abyssinia is in dire neet of develop--
ment ,but the mieans employed tot

let te'r would seem to imply, but only O'Ne'illthte genius.''
the most diramat ic instance of a long;i Thea purpgse of the column Inca -
cliipa igit of nn ilde tat sea en Iminat - t ioned wvas to give certain of1'M.
pathan's commllents onl sonme peoples I
inl;g in the famnous ultinmatumi of i ann-
ary 1917 threatening all AmeIcan o umr
trailers and passengers in 13ill isli 'n'aclilos ueeONi
an swer's tidily those of his t'titicsa
water's with death. That was the cituse
of o111' declaration of war. i who hiave long and obtusely argued
( ) I specifically stated that thle ;that,. lie is without humor, that hie seesI
European critics of the United States the xvoritd invariably as of a piece
wvith artnuder'taking parlor, and that
were unjust in their' harshr attacks onhifalrtopcevtevroues
uls. Professor Iei n eedl iot labor' tohifalrtopcevtevroues
senc(es of the inundane comedy oper-
prove what I had fully admnitted. TheI
poin u~ n~'I et c' wis mrelytha>it to make his drama unnecessar-
thi'present pvry amid miseryiw y glum. Yet though O'Neil has ac-
shud ihte(hedl.tbrdnoncpedlthese critics' challenge in his
shom 11 igh ct 1he(let ut'en~ -x-est play, it mnnst be olbvious to
tleu so t hat it ig'ht nothi c CUiShing. imost, persoins wvho have taken the
anid also bear' with phlilosophtic' good1't rule care fully to consider his ante-
ni t)' rrh nsihci ox- c cedent work that, if ever we have had
u1u111st, Iutst hte expected fromn weak .i ira mimaist. who has beent keenly ap-1
litlna naurc tIier bysor peury tr ciit ive of the derisory humor that
(:t 4) Erop(-, is ssid, is to blania lie's imbedded itt the hear't of even the1
tot it pit'sut.niseiV. woder ifmot tragic dramatic translation of
am iiog all the lit'nids of mnillionis of life. O'Nil is that man.
peope inEurpe tere cm' m iri 'When these critics speak of hum-
than three scor'e individuals wvhropay or. they mean not true, deep and
a trny deerinin I~t art in bringing sea~rchinmg humor, but appiarently only
on the Great War? NXost 1)e01l1 there j t slit' fact' humor of the theatrical
goe nientscentas equally we'esp llnsm litge. Their idea of humor would
govrtien~seve, clull ,_ IOITi-seem, to bte ciiietly that species which
ble.Eve Mr Banesxvh shftstheis extractedl from the superficialities
clit ci' of rt'sponsihilit v for the ivwar of life and character, not that--that
each timge he xvites a fresh article, rfou tder' and more witherig and
hlis not vit la hidiiitto '1i''lgiti liforii x fmore ('tei'nal hr umor--which is distill-1
.Ipl(' ciidfromi aspir'ations'anud defeats, the
(it As fmthle genieral cuuestiori ofl iiusii~~d trials atti desp:air oif mali-
xvar responsibility it is mu1ch 1too) lonlg kind. O)tthlis latte-r huintor. 'Neill is
t{) enit 'r ii hl''ia~nd to Ithe i'tidlof a SSireul} ac uey mnrdful ; it trick-
hue (,there %vill bIt ollieOdiflei'et'ofitt Is m it fr the buglk of his ivork like
-;vtii~Tua. t 1'as histor'ian Still tdif- Ian ictouplasmi andtl tiishes. as surll
It'r -vitir regard ttiiftireeit'tsofiiiWr's lu'or must in the hands of art art-'
I)ICt't remlotl\y inlthe past. If Alter ist. t-\vt-ti'is lthe'spectatotr seems va-
anI ilttnsixt' <tui of 'noder'n dp i uy ii, be sensiileofittit: it is sug-
tiia('\ fol.t' thelast twelive years I <;In g et >d'(l* in t dcIit. never temphiasized.
i'lineti to lay ttli lai or 1't' p011 i1)i1 1Km pha sis ot hum or, often isimply he-
iiiy o11 the (Germn rarid Austrian gov- tr-axyslire drmatist's failure to pluit
el-tilor ct 5, and Iinait supp~orte id iin thait t d,}-eply his com plet theme, and iris of-
vie byan ~ u'it iiajri ~ '~L trts: to conceal his shorteolmntgs by




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I) itft 'S- ill, 1Imili

At1 il agroot

-wr it'l

thiose x'w i) ilarite Francearind Russia
hat; toi' victors and vatnquished alike,'
anitd for war debts andi r'epariation
a like, lii' sumrs exactedl should be
tuIIsu'ednothby abstract justice but
byth ability to pay. If Professor
Lecvi aiid I agree on this point our
priact ical cotnclusnt is the sanme after
all, howeivtr wide asunderi our prerm-
Pi estopi Slosson.
(.The Daily Illini )
Or'igi ii otf bobbed hair is nowv defi-
nit ely lito 1 threivar--the Revolution-
ary Wari, atccordinlg tio armiy dispatches
sent tint r'ecently.
iDiscovery by Captaiii L. C. Baird,
a.ir Ar-y itffi cer, of dutsty 01(d Continen-
ta a Army records stored for year's ini
lthe Schuylkill Arsenial in Philadelphia
showsa America's first: shingle wvas
ivorn lby an Amnerican doughboy and
'not bty the Amerieanl flapper.
Bobling thme itair was even Miade a
mnattei' of gencr-al orders lot' the sol-
dier o~f 1776, the anicient (ocumnents!
ind~icatte. Oniie suclldecee, issued at
West. Point, is (((lily at variantce with
present-dhay West Point traditions
witici r fown on anyt ilnghilt the 'rm
ariest of hair-cuts.
G"As the hmeadl dress of a soldier' is
!i it> f the, firAfl and necessa ry orna-
o ncilts,'' it reads, ''theo Capt. commands
tite N. C. officers atnd Privates of the
.first Regt. to have their hair cued be-
!hild not to exceed seven incites long
arid close to the head.
"The N. C. officer's and Privates of
tire secontd Reg. to have the'ir hair
tied behinid in a bob cut close to the

laol ii ghis aiti en cc otutt, a I;Erc°4p-
uit ir o liii' tact.
Ji' liecirc -uiitstariees lbhat O'Neill's
hurn it us ut IIy proceeds from mant-
kind's deepu perplexities and miseries
gtrid niotits is the nmore gemneral thlca-
tiial sittuationl, front-mankind's petty
zontelits of relative glee contives to
delude his lt'ss meditative critics. The
lastiwisht to laugh riot with their syin-
patlieti c antd ituders tamnding ininds,
butt with their jaws. When they speakI
otf humor, they speak of externmal, notj
inter'nal, humor. They fail to reflect,
that God often swathe' the slapstickI
iwith which I-Ic rules the universe and
directs time movements and destiny of'j
mortal man in black crepe.
"Tire critics here, as is their curs-I
toni, at-e sinpiy deluded by labels.
Call a play a tragedy and they will
no miore appreciate the devastating
iroic humoar that, like a critical eel,
tudulates beneath time surface, thanj
they will detect the tragedy that un-
duliates beneath the surface of some~
such comedy as one of Schnitzler's
or Piranrdello.". ...This school of crit-
ics "elects to be oblivious to such
humorous undertones of tragedy and
to center its attention wholly upon
the grim misery that proceeds from
those undertones. It sees the death4
of 1-lamlet, ibut not Ilamlet's anteced-
emt skeptical humor before a world
ivhose jig-sa. v puzzlemnakers mock of
his efforts to solve it."
Whoever writes the drama columnt
for' "Time" has gathered a consider-j
able column of data on plays andI
1Ilayem's for the new season. HeI says
that sonmc three hundred plays have
been proposed for production betweent
now and next April and that perhaps
oneo hundred and fifty of these will
reach Manhattan.j
No one person has gotten much of
a look at this mass; but it will prob-
ably produce the usual percentage
of show-board comedy. However, at
this early moment it is simpler to
judge the chances by the plays which
prominent players choose to act in.
Mrs. Fiske will tour mostly universi-
ties with Isben's "Ghosts."


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by stockholders was 55. In
ownershipi, policies, past anti
present activities, G-E is un-
selfishly dedicated to the
cause of electrical progress.
A new series of G-E adver-
tisements showing wht elec-
tricity is doing in many
fields will be sent oni request.
Ask for booklet GEK-1.

A 70,000 horsepower hydro-electzric unit recently installed at
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As more and still more uses are found for electricity, larger
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And wherever electricity has blazed its trail-in towns, cities,
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Generating and distributing electricity concern the technical
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bring about a change for the better h Iead, the htair' of the whole to be cut
is trot above criticism.rfTe, dignity omn tho top of the head short and1
of an independenit nation demands br'ushed hac'k. Th-.offic-er's command-f
that its governmeunt be contfer red with I ing companies will see this order car-
regarding such concerns. riged into offet as soon 'a possible"
The attitude of Aby.ssimila is' corn.- fThe wall-eyed critic's of the younger
mendable. Although insulted, it htasj generation who deplore the depravity
been patient enough to refer the mat-I induc'ed by "bobbed hair" arce invited
ter to the League. Members of that - to comment.



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