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'V ©L. XVII. No. 38




Directs Huge
Rail Merger


Many Famous Artists To Appear Hee
On Choral Union And Extra
Concert Seres
Programs for both the Choral Unio
:series of concerts and the Extra Con
cert series contain some of the fines
artists in the world, in the opinion of
Charles A. Sink, business manager o
the School of Music. The programs
have just been announced and promis
to eclipse even those of former years
according to Mr. Sink.
Six numbers will be presented i
I the 48th annual Choral Union series o
concerts, which with the Extra Con
cert series comprises the program fo
the year. Among the artists who wil
appear in the Choral Union series ar
Frieda Hempel, Marion Talley, Fritz
Kreisler, and Guiomar Novaes, a
well as the Detroit Symphony orches
tra and the English madrigal singers
In the Extra Concert series Morz
Rosenthal, Roland, Hayes, The Unite
States Marine and, the Russian Cos
sack choir, and the Detroit Symphony
orchestra with Ossip Gabrilowtscl2
will appear.
Frieda Hempel, who will open th
Choral Union series with a concer
October 1, is a world renowned color-
atura opera star wose appearance in
the Metropolitan and the various
Enropean opera houses are always th
signals for sold out houses. She has
been here before but always in th
May Festival series. In order to open
the Ann Arbor musical season she wa
forced to change her sailing date, for
she is spending the summer in Europe
and will have to reach this country
about two weeks earlier than she had
antcipated. She will sing a full re-
cital of songs and arias and will offer
a program which will be memorable
among recitals of its kind, in the opin-
ion of Mr. Sink.
,Madrigal Singers Cei
The English Madrigal singers
which are the second number oi the
program, will make their first appear-
ance in Ann Arbor at this time. They
are acknowledged to be the outstand-
iug novelty of the season by distin-
guished managers and critics. They
have brought a new repertoire to the
concert hal and will give a concert
of madrigals, folk songs, and ballets.
On December 13 the Detroit Syn-
phony orchestra, which ranks among
the leading organizations in the Unit-
ed States, will be under the direction
of Ossip Gabrilowitsch at its concert.
On January 17 Marion Talley, the
spectacuar grl from Kanas City
who has recently made her debut into
the ranks of grand opera stars, will
appear. Miss Talley is still under 20
but is a finished artist and one who
has astonished the musical world in
' her rapid rise to fame. The first part
that she took was last spring at the
Metropolitan opera house in the opera
Kreisler To Appear
On January 31 Fritz Kresler, con-
sidered by many the greatest living
violinist, will appear in a recital. Dur-
ing his years in the United States hie
has played many times in all of the
larger cities and made repeated tours
of Eiurope, where he is in such demand
that he can only fil a limited number
of engagements. Mr. Kreisler also has
a very pleasing stage personality
which has helped Jiln on many occa-
dtons to win his audience,

Gulomnar Novaes, who will appear
on March Z, will mnake his first ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor at this time.
She is one of the most brilliant artists
ever produced in South America and
her recitals in America, Great Britain, -
and continental Europe have wone for
her a place of esteem in the realm ofj
music, in the opinion of Mr. Sink.
In the eighth annual Extra Concert
series the Marine Band will appear
for the second time in Hill Auditorium,
Moriz Rosenthal, famous pianist, willj
give a concert on Nevember 29, Rol-
land Hayes, negro tenor, will sing
December 4, and the Russian Cossack
choir will come January 10.I

Si udlns in the (IC parilltii f1 1YSh v s (sio01 by the classes in naturali
ical education will offer n cecit al ill (lancing.
interpretive dancing at 8 :15 o'clock T 7b e 1rogram willI include the for-
\\ ed nesd ay in Sariah t (as well An gellI Ilowing n umbers'
hall. The (lanices will all be base(dI Part I
oni tllemes hy classical coiposers. ,G ila .. ...... ..... ..... ..... Corelli
IPeculiar in!t erect oft aches to0 the Greeting....... ........... Schubert
recital at t his ime bec,,(auis 4e it w il Ilbe Waltz Study............... Schubert
he first t ilde such alncterit ainmnent Then a Giant Chased Himi. - -
len:s been offered during the S ummirer Waltz............Brahms
BtMr. Frank RaT eno
The Frolic. ............. Schubert
ftUTfle om at ... .............. Heller
SIIIN 19 ! L Nmphand Satyr .........Beethoven
E eT ath andi the Mtaiden ...Sebubert
I i v'Gta 51, li...... ..... 'e ai~ w k
I Ihn I:Ite~, I~'t~~'.oot'. ~i~ids'I~ i u ~ -U te \lil tgChoin{



chacht Will
Meet Mellon
Hl er iaci
ho is President of the Riechsbank,
.11, is preparing to confer with
'ctary Helloni and J. P. Morgan
ng their European visit. It is un-
tood he will present Germany's
lem in relation to the Dawes plan,I
,h requires the payment of gold to
cretary Mellon may 41so Investi-
the French situation while he is


Lieettires Anid Play Are
The next to the final weekly pro-
gram of the Summner session has been
fnunced, and while it is not so full
as some of the others have been, at
least one event is registered for each
day from Monday through Friday.
The official events for the enter-
tainment of summer students start
tomorrow at 5 o'clock with an illus-
trated lecture. Mr. A. G. Tansley of
Cambridge, England, is talking at
this time. Mr. Tansley, who is visit-
ing here this summer, has this lecture
subject~ "The Vegetation Of the
B~ritish Isles."
Will G4ive Readintgs
Miscellaneous readings will be giv-
en Monday night at S o'clock in Uni-
xvrsity hall by the class in interpre-
tive reading, which is being conduct-
ed this summer by Prof. Louis Mi.
Eich, of the public speaking depart-

{I'rot em -tishni t-c e Bc ha' Sc hunmann
In ia0rapt liii g Iheld yesterday aft er- jT
L. 1. Lore4e 110011at, twe I'nion , the con ferem ae ofTO flD Il
whlo is president of the Delaware and tie' ('a mission or State Il fislat nrc PA S v u o v W1
Hudson railroad, is the nman wvho engi- 8 Pmoiited Ito draflt <a new criri nal S T M R O Berli
neered the merger of the three south- I C~le discntis:e-fcrtain inor! ant nodt- - ecr(
west railroads, comp rising 6,500 mile. es 01-scfiiiiinal proceduzre. iean Is C'onsidered Aubority onBritih durin
of trackage. The three roads are the I eni'y ii Ae, Prof. Ed:i on H.t Sun- VeWtflnAdIllI Probably dprsb,
Kansas City Southe'rn, the Missouri, Iterland, and Prof. ,John 13. Waite of Speaik On This Topic whic:
Kansas and Texas, and the St. Louis th£- fLaw school001were asked to sit witl]i _______
Southwestern. The possibility of a i the cantfiirVtce. I PBA INVITED~ Fran(
transcontinental railroad is seen as a The following problems were eonPU C- . See
result of the merger and Loree's other sidered. appeals for technical r rogat
railroad interests. ret ithot warrant on I~oi~ fn e of tile mostroet British ga t
a rrcst s withl)I'A. G-. I rlyofminnt i e
cause, unanimous verdict of the'jiI3 ht tfury ~ ~ a~ie o abrde
Ollili~i Ioh ii e ~ii~'i('~bI, .1gu, will give the first of the
(:onttntorstheevdene b te jdge Iseries of regular Sunmmer lesson lIc-
poss ibility of reqluiring les than a trsfr the week tomoirrow aftcn M
P19y C19SS WI[I I mnaninion, ve rdict of theo jury, expert M
1iScince uditoium.Mr. Tansley i
G1I SHlL jJ ~iJmm II Of co1si01rmd ., Itauthority' in Ithe stuthof
poer enabing s poicBritish v-4,.7: tioJ1 and witl probably
oficher to makhe ail arrest in <atcase. of
ltiedo1 'cur atsubject tomor rawal-
&eretire' .*1 dl'a iisdenitanor wihout :a ,w arrat, I uo 1,opci ubethoci'nei
was Ia 11 1mate s ten jolt t ac-}e i f
Tn W~.~i1 tn j 'i~1~r .,li-u, (:iu it casebe)ca esI0hcture oil sonict ig
Iflrectio~n of HIunte'r tiared, unsyste_ matic regulation in thanel(
iMr. TIansley is in the country to, t-
joxverr o iers ~ f to make necessary ledteItraio'1Bt~~lcn
rr es.s as the result of '"hodgte !tn heItraio lCtrllen
IS LAST OF, SEASON pdeTeieo~ei~ gress at Ithaca, New York, from
legilatin" august 16 to 23. He is the editor of
- -that police alit cers should have the 4


Mllion ('.tnirltcs
i wt rattu

Are Without



The end oat-Aietigan's (tiainaic
season will be marked Friday nigh!t
by the presentation of "The Shod Off '
by m.em.bers of the long play class
under the directiioni of Prof. R. C.
Hunter of the: (foeprtnient of public
The "Show (off", George Kle'
comedy of middle class Amnericanj,, k
a transcript of life. Hleywood Broun,

r ight to mak le an arrest foir any public'
offense 1oninmitted a in is lresenuce
without a warrant.
' Professo)r Sunderland c rit ized the
non-ptuhl teat ion of statutespointing
'it out an weakness in hej,,ciminal
p weetire ,,f'today,.lie offered Eng,
I land's t lt rods as a mnore effcie>nt ofe
P oo tietOb callenging o ut Joi ( i',I
hniindrance to crIiminai~l Oroc('dur

'tire Journal of Ecology, which is the
foremost journal on the relation of liv-
ing organismis to their surrotindings
The ipe(,her has not only achiev ed dlis-
inlc in u As abotanliwt anti biologist
blut ks<also limown far his Nwork lin theI
field of 0 cholog y' xdccording to
1)e<iati hKra . 6 of the Summer session,
IMr. Tansley's lectur'e should be ex-
After visiting An Arbor Mr. Tfanls-.

one of America's foremost di'aimutie ; mid was offered a5a. caseini Mont.

critics, has said that 'The dhow Off is He told mnembelrs of the ecommission l' 'yxwill go iothelt biological station
.the best comedy that has yet been that in the Eng)Llishi system about five lilt Douglas lake, where he will deliveT,
written by an American." m:inautes was all that was ncessary to fctiures to the students and al-i be-
All action of the play centers a,"(okndi iiripai,(4 a jury.,tcomne acquainted with northern NEWch-
Aubrey Piper, the "show oft", even ______________Iganit iara . After leaving the biological
when he is not on the stage. Aubrey' sta!tion he will go to the University of
is, essentially, a "show off." With the RRHOK STUDfIES P, ,K ore Chiag otraneageettlr'e
utmost confidence in his own ability UKOI IUIU I .I. fore theBtnia cong .

thle trials and bufft e, shd e eiy
daunt din. He lives entirely ini a
Iworld of his own creation, and "doth
bestride that narrow world like a
colossus." His famous "sign onl the-
dotted line'' phrase perhiaps does morea
to make the play remembered thian any;
other one thing ablout. it. The line,
"A little bit of bluff goes a long way",j
characterizevs him exactly.
The other characters in the play,
clear cut and vividly American in type ,

An analysis of the records of Phi Elects Pro fessor
Beta Kappa students, both in prepara-
tory and collegiate work, made by Porfssor Aubrey Tealdi was re-
Professor WMendell S. Brooks of the c ently elected a Fellow of the Amern-
School of Education, hats disclosed !,an Society of Land scape Architects.
several very interesting facts in re- I after having been a jInemnber of the
gard to their elections, and class Society for indtnber of years. This


?l 1s It.) (CITY, July 31.-Ten nilI-
lion; or miore Catholics throughout
Mexh'o t1' ae without the ministrations
of the clergy. T'he putting inito ef-
fect of tihe government's new religious
regulations was marked by isolated
shooting affrays, the stouilig of of-
ficials andl the turungn of fire hose on
1 'hese occurences started Friday
night when officials Ibegam to take{
control of treas'r" and other articles
in chur.ch building other than the
churches themselves. Tiro persons
were injured in shooting in tihe capi-
tal. Attorney General Ortega was
amongOlie officials stoned as they
closing the annexes of the 5t. Cath-I
erine church, once reputed among the
wealthiest, churches of Mexico but
which~ has lost the bulk of its wealth.
D~isturbances also occurred in ,,vv-
oral other sections of the ca . 2il. Po-
lice and firemen were c-ailed out to
disperse the crowds wthich had clashed
with the polioe guarding churches.
The P icsts had beenu ordered, iy- thme
epi copate to withdraw trom the
churches today as a protest against
the regulations. Also effective today
was an entoi rarnie boycott by the Na-r
tiopnl t.eague for Defense at Religious
Liberty. Catholics are requested to
cease spending money onl anything ex-
cept absoltitI" necessities, the object
b)eing to bring about an economic
crisis which will influence the govern-
mernt to modify its religious attitude:"

Tuesday's program starts with, an-
bth'er of the series of at homes given
by the Women's league. This time
those especially invited to B~arbour
gymnasiumn fronm 3:30 to 5 o'clock
are the foreign wonien and their
f-t:da. At 7 o'clock in the Michigan
Uatoan is the annual joint banquet of
the Men's and Women's Educational
clubs. Dr. Paul Voelker, president of
Battle Creek college, is to be the primn-
cip~al speaker,
E x fiysics Miau to 'Palk
:dir. Floyd Firestone, research fellow
ini physics, will give an illustrated
lecture Tuesday at 5 o'clock in the
West lecture roomn of the Old Physics
building. His subiject will be "The
Science of Musical Sounds." Wednes-
day's lecture will lbe given bly Prof.
Jonaiathan A. C. Hlildner of the Germnan
deplartment. The title of the lecture.
which is at 5 oI'clock, will be "Germ -
any Under the Professor's Lamp."
"The Amazon Valley'' is the title of
anm illustrated lecture to be given
'T'hurisday at 5 o'clock in %atural Sci-
ence auditorium by Prof. Preston 1+.
James (If the geograplhy deplartmen t.
At the same time and place (In Friday,
Lionel Cracker of the public speaking
department wvill talk on the subject
"Hers: and There in .Japan." His lec-
turo will also be illustrated.-
The final event of the week is a
pllay, George Kelley's "The Show Off,"
to be given Friday night at 3:30
o'clock in University hall by the play-
production class, coniducted here this
summer by Prof. R. C. Hunter of Ohio
Welea university. T.ickets are be-
in old at the bookstores.
Die to t h(' lar ge numbler of patrons1
unable tlo obtain seats for the plerfornm-
ances of "The Haiduc" in Ann Arbor,

elected toI

A groin of 269 stud n its
the Phi Beta Kalpp~ at.

is the ony professional organization
in Landscape Design in the country

(move about as distinmct individuals an(I
Sdifferent personalities, yet the actic,n
of each contributes bit fyly it t(Joiour
acquaintance with .Aubrey, while atI
the same time they give. us an insight
into their own individualities.
Most of the Players in the "Show
Off" of next week have had consider-
'able experience as amateurs on the.
stage, and are quite capable of execut-
ing their roles creditably. Some of
lthem have appeared in former irodxc-
tions on this campus, so it is safe to
predict that this final production dlur-
ing the summer session will have a
wide appeal to local 1theatre goesrs.
Tickets are now on sale at Slater's and
' Wabhr'e

Northweostern University during a per- but there are five chapters Cs the I
iod of tenl years, furnished the ma- national society in Newyz i rl, Boston,
'terial for the study. Ohio-Michigan, Mississippi Valley, and
Seyenty percen't of these students+ Pacific;; Coast which have been or-
entered with more than the miinimtim ganized within the past ten years,
entrance requirements. Only two of At its annual nmceting hel'ifn St.
the 269 entered ott condition, amid they Petersburg, Florida, the board of di-
only in one unit eachm. All of tihe rector's of the National Conference on
gr'oup stoad in the upper half of their City Planning appointed for the first
preparatory graduating classes; 89'i time a committee on education. The
percent in the tupper quarter. That is, function of the commiltt ee is to pre-
their preparatory wvork was some, pare a syllabus of a city planning
above the average' in (quantity and far cours'e to occuply a senmester and to re-
better in quality, part on the best method of presenting
Collegiate credit was earned as ol- the proposal to colleges, Snuch a
lows: 22 porcen't In scionc and math- course has been given for~ a number
eiiiatics, 15 percent in English ]an-# of ;years at the University of Michi-
guage and literature, '32pe'rcent in for- gait amid at a few other universities
I iga language, 12.6 percent in the so- and colleges in the dlepartment of

Officials reiterated that it was the the Alumnae Council desires special
intentton of President Calles amid gay- attention called to the final perform-
fernmment offiials strictly to enforce ummee of Colin Clements' play tomorrow
~the consttittiomal clauses with regardj evening in the Pease auditorium, Ypsi-
to religion wvhich virtually hay f ceCn lanti.
a dead letter for years. The performamnce begins at p~rompiltlyr
With a view to preveliling or putting 8;;30 o'clock, and all seats are priced
down any distun:.) ices, the govern- [at 50 and 2t cents, as in Ann Arbor.
went disp ,'Iuched troops to strtegic IB s anid interurban connections c"ait
noi.- f ihevTwere ordered tomifin- ,Ibe made eveu~rv hour.



cial sciies, ianaiU e et CLin e~eLL- £ uiranaspe .deign5u .-':, upuLuu uuu '. wc c iuc u4v
Ourwte ah e r lMax tioni, philosophy and plsychoalogy, and gradually this introductory course in It ~n a state of constant 'eadiness for
viArioiis professional stibjects. city planning will be offered at %he any eventuality.
. representative institutions 'nl all sec- One of the jts~t acts of the govern-
-~\ Our past stupidities are no war-E tionms of the country. ment t),efore. the regulations,, went into
ter. -iuc1 or exc rse for their own vomtin- The firs+ meeting of the commrit ~ wst rerteeplino
a e. -.Id.IdExoi glt. took place in Boston July 2. Mgr. 'Titoa Grespl who has been in
______________charge of the apostolic legation ini
Two niew sugar muml~ are being pre- Antigua, in the British WVest In(lies, Mexico City since the expulsion of Mr.
la red in loroiula for erection in timeA ha~s a cotton crapr this year of 91,000 (I'aruana, the papal nuncio, who is an
1 Philippines. pounds, which doubles its yleldi of 'American citizen. Mgr. Crespi was
-=- 1935. told to leave Mexico within 24 hours
--Says that it will rain but that there American mnilk chocolate bars are i -- but through the intervention of the
will not be MUCK cl cangO ht tensm-l being offe red by shop kee pers of' Haiti's coffee crap this season Italian legation the time was extended
perature. i China., weighed 72,000,000 pounds, to 48 hours.

Tuesday evening The Players leave
for Holland, Michigan, where on Wed-
j esday and Thursday they wvill close
their season with p~rodluctiaons of
"'Sweethearts" and "The Doctor In
Spite of Himself" in the Greek amphi-
theatre at Castle Park.
The Player's seasont has been very
successful financially; earlier' reports
,showing that there has been a profit of
between $600 and $900 on the series of
plays which have been given this
summer for the benefit of the Women's
League building.

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