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"Neglected Teeth In Childhood Ar
Biggest Cause of lental Trouble
In Later Lie"
"Neglected teeth in childhood ar
the biggest source of dental trouble it
later life," stated Prof. Russel W
Bunting, of the Dental college, in his
lecture in the Dental auditorium a
4:00 o'clock yesterday. This tall
concluded the series of health lectures
given during the summer session.
"The problem of Dental disease is
almost appalling when we try to fnc
ways to meet it. In school children i
runs as high as 85, or 90, or even 9
per cent. Parents either cannot af-
ford to have their children's teeth
cared for, or else they are unable tc
find Dentists who are willing to care
for children.
Must Help in Schools
"The place to help ch-ildren is in
the school," Dr. Bunting believes.
"The efforts that are being made to-
day in this direction are only scratch-
ing the surface. The Attorney General
of the State of Michigan handed down
a ruling that it is unlawful to appro-
priate school funds for medical or
dental attention, but that this money
must be spent on the actual education
of the child. Attempts are being made
to change this ruling, but up to the
present, practically all funds for
health purposes must come from the
Board of Health or organizations of
charity. "
In order to start a program of Dent-
al Hygiene in a community, it is nec-
essary first to make a survey to find
out the facts in that school by a simple
examination. Parents should then be
notified that the child needs attention.
The next step is the education of the
child in the care of the mouth. He
should be taught to eat more hard
foods and less sugar, and to brush his
teeth at least once a day. This may
be done by lectures and talks of
teachers, and lectures before the par-
ent-teacher's association.
Need Money
The last step of the program is
more difficult because it involves large
amounts of money. Dentists and
dental hygienists must be employed
to give service to the children who
can have no other care. There must
be a regular source of funds so that
the work can be carried o with
Two outstanding projects of this
kind are in existence today. The
largest is the Forsythe Dental infirm-
ary established in Boston ten years
ago with money given by the Forsythe
brothers. The poorer children of
Boston may go there and have their
teeth cared for. 60 dentists are at
work daily.
A smaller though similar project
was started in Rochester, N. Y. by
George Eastman,-of Kodak fame.
This employs from 25 to 30 dentists
and is run at a very low fee.
Much is being accomplished by the
dental hygienist movement which is
spreading over the United States.
Dental hygienists are less expensive
than dentists, and are th'us hired by
many schools and clinics to clean the
children's teeth and give them instruc-
tion, when a dentist could not be se-
Is Leader In
Mexican 'War'
THE ONE-ACT PLAYS the case. We and the actors are in-
A Revew By Wiliam Inglis debted to the directors.
In six weeks it is hard to make an The three plays were "The New
actor out of a person who isn't born Poor," "Will 0' the Wisp," and "Ev- -
that way. -. ening Dress Indispensable"; they MICHIGAN CHAPTER OF Pil
Heaven help the director in the po- were housing difficulties, impression- DELTA KAPPA NOW HAS
sition of Professor R. C. Hunter or ism, and uncertainty, respectively. IS MEMBERS
Lionel Crocker in last night's one-act "The New Poor" concerned Mrs. Buc-
plays presented by the play-produc- kle, who has somewhere between Ci- SIXTY ATTEND
tion class! Such a person must be cero and Mrs. Malaprop; and there
psychologist, technician, boss, enthu- was love out of a clouded sky, which
siast, and friend! not to mention sym- had a good many three-inch kisses. Erc kson, emersmna, Thors, Reebs,
pathy, understanding, and patience. !The motive of "Will 0' the Wisp" is Kiebler, And Clerk Are
In the first place he has twenty stu- the spirit of the White-Faced Girl at Initiated
dents who are any twenty out of three the End of Things, who is understood
thousand. Added to thisare six weeks by a poet, feared by a Countrywoman. Speaking before the annual summer
and three one-act plays. And the and mocked by the Poet's wife. "Ev- initiation banquet of Phi Delta Kappa,
total conglomeration is, if successful. ening Dress Indispensable" is cen- national professional educational fra-
supposed to be an interesting even- tered about Shiela, who is "not like ternity, last evening at the Union, Dr.
Ing's entertainment. other girls" and consequently not I George S. Counts, professor of second-
In this case the result was success- subject to the attentions of love-un- ary education, of Yale University, de-
ful. There was an audience, and the tit the ena. dared that secondary education in the
audience got what they came for, United States is at present in a period
The actors are better off fo rthe eve n- of reconstruction.
ing. It helped them to gain self-re- CQ I lIIQ Choosin "Thof e
Lecture Is Illustrated With Slide4
Made From Trip Through
Roman and Moorish architecture
was the predominent note in a panor-
ama of monumental cities describel
by Prof. Charles P. Wagner, of the
Romance languages department, in hip
lecture yesterday afternoon in Nat-
ural Science Auditorium. Professor
Wagner, who has made 5 trips to
Spain since 1900, exhibited a com-
plete set of slides illustrating th-m
beauties of that country.
Spain has passed through a number
of conquests, Professor Wagner said.
and each succeeding race has left its
traces. It was a Roman province unt!
the fall of the Empire and was lonx
under the rule of the Moors until 1492,
which date marks the beginning of
new Spain.
Leaving the northern and eastern
portions of the country untouched,
Prof. Wagner traced in pictures the
familiar route through southern Spain.
A number of pastoral scenes showed
the picturesque customs of the people
of this vicinity. The first city of in-
terest described was Borgos, a place
abounding in historic monuments, and
known as the birth-place of the Cid,
Spain's epic hero. Among its features
is a cathedral begun in 1221, said to be
the most beautiful cathedral in Spain
and in which can be found examples
of the fine wrought-iron work for
which that country is noted. It is ex-
tremely difficult to obtain views of
spect without becoming self-satisfied;
otherwise the play production class
has failed, which doesn't seem to be
RelIgious Instructlou In Schools
Forbidden By New
Veteran Political Leader Succumbs
To Heart Disease After Illness
Of Several Months
(By Associated Press)
DES MOINES, Iowa, July 30. --Sen-
ator Albert B. Cummins, veteran polit-
ical leader of Iowa, died at his home
ihere at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Senator Cummins was suddenly
Sstricken with an attack of heart dis-
ease and died a few minutes later. His
health had been the cause of concern
for several months.
His term would have expired next
March 4th as a result of his defeat in
the recent lowa Republican primary.
! With the state seething with dis-
content over the failure of Congress to
enact farm relief legislation along
= lines favored by corn belt agricult ur-
I VI I Il; tti J t ig
School Curiculum" as his topic Dr.
lCounts suggested that the paramount
needs were the adoption of a new phil-
osophy of secondary education and the
development of a. new technique of in-
struction. A new content of study is
emerging from the process of rapid
change that the schools are at pres-
ent undergoing, which is being mark-
ed by the rapid dropping of foreign
languages and higher mathematics,
and the substitution of subjects of
more practical value to the average
school pupil.
Six Initiated
Preceding the banquet six men were
initiated into the fraternity. They
are John Erickson, superintendent of
schools, Hillsdale, Michigan; John J.
Riemersma, principal of Holland High
School, John Thors, assistant principal
of Pontiac High School, ('harles S.
Reebs, professor of education, State
Normal College, Bowling Green, Ohio;
;. W. Kiebler, Head of the Science
Department, East Lansing High
School, and Homer A. Clark, Red-
ford lligh School, Detroit, Michigan.
Guests Attend
Guests of the fraternity at the ban-
quet were Dr. A. C. Krey, visiting pro-
fessor of history, and Dr. Robert:
Angell of the Sociology Department.
Over 60 were in attendance, educators
Rel. Moray (e Rio
Who is Archbishop of Mexico, is
the outstanding Catholic leader in the
religious and denominational "civil
war" which is creating turmoil
throughout Mexico as a result of the
Calles government's religious laws
which are general in form but specifi-
cally anti-Catholic in action, Arch-
bishop del Rio is the signer of the
letter calling for the nationwide "non-
cooperation" campaign.
tBy Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, July 30.--The dram-
atic struggle between the Roman
Catholic church and the Mexican gov-
ernment enters its crucial phase to-
morrow when the new government's
,religiotsregulations, providing for
the enforcement of the Constitution of
1917, go into effect.
President Calles and his government
have asked their commands military,
administrative and judicial power of
Mexico and the support of the con-
federation of labor. The church has
Kalled it what has been described as a
,capital interdict, a dread measure to
the peaceful and is supported by the
National League for Defence of Re-
ligious Liberty.
The government's stand is that the
church and the state must be sep-
arated and that the church must stay
out of politics; the church's stand is
that it is being persecuted by a hostile
Drastic Rule Made
The government regulations in briefj
are as follows:
No foreign minister of any religion
may function in Mexico; church own-
ership of property is forbidden andi
all such property reverts to the state;
religious instruction in schools is for-
bidden; out door religious ceremonials
and the wearing by priests of their
religious robes outside of their
churches or residences are forbidden;
periodicals of a religious nature are
forbidden to comment upon the gov-
ernment's acts or to treat concerning
the action of the government.
Punishment may range from a fine
of 500 pesos or 15 days in prison or
both up to six years imprisonment, or!
"additional punishment" as the court
may care to impose. Trial by jury inI
.these cases is not provided for.
Policy Meets Opposition
Enforcement of these constitutional
provisions, which date back to the
Constitution of 1857 has met with de-
termined opposition by the Church.
Archbishop Moray del Rio has issued
an order to all priests not to perform
their offices after midnight tonight
,when the regulations go into effect.
Baptisms, confirmations, marriages
and other priestly offices have b'een
performed by the thousands in the
past few weeks. Rarely has a country
seen such a wave of religious atten-
"The government is attempting to
end the ignorance of the MexicanI
'workmen resulting from 30 years of
tyranny and 10 years of revolution," a
confederation of labor chief said. "It
is this ignorance which the clergy is
attempting to use by fixing in the
minds of comrades and our people
generally the belief that religion and
the clergy are one and the same
Preston Slosson and Jesse Reeves
Take Aetie Part In The
Year's Program
ists, he was opposed in the primaries
by Smith W. Brookhart, a progressive.
throughout the
state being present.
tickets can still be procured for th
interchurch picnic which will be hel
M this afternoon and evening at the Boy
Scout camp, Dexter, at any of the
book stores or at Lane Hall at tw
o'clock when the cars will leave for
the picnic grounds.
The picnic this afternoon will be
held rain or shine and is the most im-
portant feature on the var'iou
churches' social program for the sum
mer. 'Pickets imclude transportation
picnic supper, swimming facilities, an
adimittance to the dance which wil
be held this evening.
The commttee in charge reports
good advance tit:ket sale and a record
crowd is expected to attend. Ever
summer school student is invited.
Bates Will Speak
To Law Committet
Meeting at the Union at 10 o'cloc
this morning the State committee o
inquiry into criminal procedure wil
be addressed by Professor Edson R,
Sunderland, Professor John B. Waite
and Dean Henry M. Bates, all of th
Law school. This committee, which
has for its purpose the investigation
of methods in criminal proceedure
was authorized by the legislature a
its last session and this is the firs
meeting of the group.
11ferold C. Hunt, chapter president, act-
ed as toastmaster, arid John. J. Riem-
ersma spoke for the initiates.
Last evening's initiation bring the
Michigan chapter membershp to a tot-
al of 180. The last meeting of the
chapter will be held Saturday, August
17, at Whitmore Lake where the annual
j summer steak fry will be enjoyed. Dr.
Clifford Woody of the educational fac-
ulty andRobert O. Honn will be in
"Haiduc" To Be
Given Tonight
W-1 T T "
Large amounts of American gas
steam coal are being received
a For Last ime
y Contrary to a current report, the
house for the final performance of
"The Haiduc" tonight in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall at 8:30 o'clock, is not
sold out. Although many tickets have
e been reserved in advance, the actual
seats were not taken to Wahr's and
k Slatsr's bookstores until yesterday
f morning where they will be on sale
1 until 5 o'clock this afternoon. All re-
. maining tickets will then be trans-
ferred to the auditorium itself at 7
e o'clock.
h "The Haiduc", by Colin Campbell
n Clements is the last production in
, the season of summer plays which has
t included Shaw's "Great Catherine",
t achel Crothers' "Expressing Willie".
W. S. Gilbert's "Sweethearts", Milne's,
'"Belinda", and Moliere's "The Doctor
In Spite of Himself."
The nucleus of the present company
is to be supplemented by several New
York Players, and will tenant the1
Rockford Theatre at Rockford, Illi-
nois, next winter. If present plans
are carried through, there is a strong
probability that the same company
jwill return next summer for a second
six-week's season of summer plays, so
marked has been the popularity and
patronage of the initial venture,
An antiquated horse-drawn fire en-
gine is being used in California to
aid in fighting the coddling moth.
the interiors of Spanish cathedrals be-
Four promient theologians will be cause of their peculiar construction,
members of the faculty of the Michi- EProfessor Wagner observed.
gan school of Religion for the 1926-27 Stop lt segovla
term. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the The next stop of the trip was the
political science department and Prof. ancient and hilly town of Segovia, a
Preston Slosson of the history de- great industrial center of the 16th.
partment also will take an active part 'century, still surrounded by its med-
in the year's program. ieval walls and many towers. The city
Edgar J. Goodspeed, University of } contains one of the most amazing
Chicago, will conduct two courses in ; monuments Rome has left the world,
the new testament. Prof. Goodspeed in acquaduct of immense stature, the.
recently acquired considerable recog- stones of which have been pit to-
nition by translating the new testa- gether without mortar.
ment. Next to be described was the city of
Prof. William Charles Morro, from Madrid, which, now over a million in
the College of Missions, Indianapolis, I population, was known through thy
Jnd., will be in charge of courses ill ages as am insignificant village until
the new testament and religion of Philip made it his capital. The plaza
Christianity. Mayor or main square was shown,
Another member of the staff who i where the Inquisition was conducted.
is widely known in the field is Prof. From this spor can be seen in the dis-
A. F. Woodburne now on furlough tance the beautiful palace of the
from Madras college, India. Prof. kings. The palace contains a library
Woodburne will teach a class in "Re- whose rare collection of books was be-
ligions of India." gun in the middle ages, and in this
At the opening of the second se- library Professor Wagner has had the
mester, Prof. C. H. Moehlman of the privilege of working. Madrid, he said,
Theological seminary, Rochester, N. Y. is not a city for archeologists. Its
will be added to the staff. "History of principle features of interest are the
Christianity" will be Prof. Moehl- palace, the royal armory, the bull-fight
man's course. and the museum of art. This museum
Considerable interest is being cen- is so rich that it is a revelation to alt
tered on the work of Prof. Reeves and nations in its representation of Span-
Prof. Preston Slosson. "Moral Issue ish painting.
in Disarmament" is the subject upon Proceeding to Toledo, Professor
which Prof. Reeves will lecture and Wagner described ruins of ancient cas -
Prof. Slosson will conduct classes ties and buildings which are beautiful
.dealing with the moral issue of mod- examples of Moorish architecture. An
ern life, discussing international prob- I old 16th. century tavern where Cer-
lems. vantes lived for a while and got in-'
The school of religion is controlled spiration for one of his stories was
.by an executive board of 10 at Detroit, pointed out. Some of the streets of
an advisory council of nine members Toledo are so narrow that one can
and an administrative council made up touch the walls on either side by
of faculty members of the University. stretching out his hands.
The school is an incorporated body of Andalusia Mentioned
the state of Michigan. Funds for Through Andalusia to Cordova was
maintenance are supplied by the board the next venture. Cordova shared
in Detroit. with Mecca as the great shrine in the
The administrative board is con- year 1000, and in the 12th. century
posed of Leroy Waterman, professor 'was the seat of Greek learning. Its
pf Semitics, chairman; Alfred H. mosque which was built in anicent
Lloyd, dean of the graduate school; ,times has columns taken from Roman
Louis A. Hopkins, secretary of the col- %temples, and arches of Roman and
leges of engineering and architecture, Moorish styles.
secretary and Henry A, Sanders, pro- Seville was shown, and on its out-
essor of Latin. skirts the ruins of Itadica, a Ro-
Full credit is given in the Univer- man town which was one of the great
sity for the classes which are open to centers of Roman life.
all students. No fees are required for
enrollment in the courses, Prof Water- In a recent month New Zealand re-
man says. Last year 95 students reg- ceived 98 motor vehicles from the
istered for work and an increase is ex- United States, 986 from Canada and
pected for the fall term 1178 from the VUnited Kingdom,
American League
Boston 4, Detroit 3
New York 10, St. Louis 8 (11
Cleveland 4, Philadelphia 1
Chicago 5, Washington 4
National League
St. Louis 5, New York 2
Brooklyn 4, Chicago 1
Philadelphia 6, Pittsburgh 1
Cincinnati-Boston (rain)
-Says that it will undoubtedly
cloudy with showers and
much change in temperature,
l i