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July 22, 1926 - Image 2

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a -Wol 7.1 \ ;/ -' 1L l 111V 1Y :7LL11, J Vlli Ida, 1JNU


u 'unut r
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session byl
the board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
disatr,-hes credited to i or not otdhe1 wise
crcditedl in thiis p~aper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at. the Ann Arbor, Michieraii,
postotlice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $.50o by mail,
Offices: Press B~uilding, :Maynard Street,'
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
(ioumim iatior0',if t 'ignr'l as-eviaence of
good faith, w ill be p ublished ini The Suminer
Daily at thle discrcgioiof the Editor. un-
sigt:ed cinni u 'cat ions will re ceive nto conr-
sideration. Tlhe signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by tile writer. The
Soiminer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments zx pressed in the cominunica-
T1elephonie 492Nx
C hai rmjan,
Editorial Board..Eugene li. (utel ust
City Editor............... Williani R. Bireyer
Music arid Uxana...... .. Williami C. Lucas
Woman's Editor........... Julia Ruth Birown
N ir t Editors
WVilliami Stockwell Theodore Horniber ger
Paul J. Kern ' rederick Shillitu
Dlouglas D.oubleday

the Frenc(h capital nasfto who will be


called upon to farm the next, the fif- I
teenth cabinet since 1920.11 EDITORIAL COMMENTI
COUNTRY (The New York Times)
Senator B~orah evidently doe's not Just before Congress adjourned
know the orthodox meaning of "nul-i there was called up in the Senate-
lification."' Daniel Webster declared lfit already had passed the House-a
the Constitution to be alterable, real- bill so amending the Copyright law'
izing that some legislation might beM as to allow authors, and especially
unlwise and every intelligent student college professors, to put their pro-~
fof government shares this view, yet ductions, when presented for copy-
Senator B~orah sees it as a greatj right, in mimeograph form instead of
soutrce of evil. I regular print, as now is imperative.
The referenda to be held in the Several senators, including Senator
fall on the liquor question can onlyI Bruce and Senator McKellar, object-
be interpreted as a means of reflect- ed and wantedl the bill to go over.
ing public opinion. The, public stand; Senator Butler, however, took up its
on prohibition mnay thus he ascertain-I defense with energy, and he had the
ed- -clearly for the first timea since its help of Senator Copeland. They
inception -- yet the Idaho senator showed that there was no objection
views such procedure as "anarchy; to this change and that it would be of
antd treason." service to the many men who prepare
Senator Borah's whole course is one 1 lectutres for delivery, but cannot af-
tremendous contradiction,.lie standsl ford to have them put into print, as
for strict enforcement of the Consti - in most instances such lectures, before
tution. He would safeguard the Eigh- they are in shape for permanent pres-
teenth Atnendment at the expense of~ ervation, are subjected to considerable
the Hill of Rights. Condemnation of; revision and extension. Yet in their
the referenda can only lead to theI original form they have a real money
stifling uf thought genterallvy The value to their authors and not infre-
first ten amendments and the Eigh- quently are "pirated."
teenth must stand side by side in spite Te Senate discussed the matter for
of bigoted and narrow minds. A move- some titme, as is carefully recorded in
ment for repeal of a law hardly con-, the Congressional Record, but at last
stitutes treason. It it does, all slav- the objectors all more or less grace-
c ry agitators should have been put toj fully retiretd and the bill was passed.
death. That was only justice, for such lee-
In his speech at Augusta. Ga.. the tures certainly are the' private plrop-
western senator declared himself tot erty of their -authors, and, if any
le a, staunch supporter of the Consti- iztotttV is to lbe mtade otut of them,
tution. Hle believes the pteople shouldI they should have it. There might
establish a third party if the two lead-I have been. htowever, something of a
Ing parties compromise in regartd to' sid discussion as to the merits of the
liquor. The senator's third party ' of conv('01'eying collegiate or oth-
would amount to about as much as the er instruc~tiont by means of lectures.

Special Tables of Books of
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At Both Ends of the Diagonal

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Telephone12 121A
. .........Kenneth Haven
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aimbers Laurence VanTuyl
Cook ' Mildred Williams

old Prohibiton party- did. To him the,
whole Constitution is, the Eighteenth
Amendment. To a third party madeI
THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1426 up largely of Southerners, strict en-s
foreemecut of the whole Constitution
Night Editor--PAUL, J. KERN 'is a dangerous thing-we recommend,
making an is sue of the Fourteenth;
"It cannot be ques tioned that and Fifteenth Amendments as well as
Democratic institutions are contin- the renowned Eighteenth.
uously becomng more unworkable. A means of registering public opin-
The giant of our nation has put ion is not to be scoffed at by any in-j
an undue strain upon our govern- telligent individtual. W\hen states act-;
mental machinery and ant ever- ; ually begin to declare the national
widening suffrage has itadle the prohibition law void,. then may Sena-'
problem of a qualified electorate for Borah become rightfully alarmed.1
even more difficult.. The repre-
sent~tive system is increasingly THYl WRONG 0,MTIOP
losing its strength." ---James M. General Theodore Pangalos, Greekj
Beck. director, has a unique way of settlingj
strikes and political questions. Strike'
FRANCE'S NEW4 CABIN ET leaders, labor agitators, anad political
Much to the surprise of (everyone, . opponents all share the same fat(
Al. H-erriot has succeeded in formingj when they become too violent. An
a cabinet, not a very strong one but 4 island in the Aegean sea provides a
neverthe less, it is a cabinet.- The new; scene of quet -lives completely ex-
government resembles very closely communiicatedl from the current is-1
the one w"ith which he tumbled from sues at Athens are dlevelopedi there.l
plower in 1524, it has every appear- After the dictator believes the ostra-1
ance of a makeshift. M. 1-Herriot tried cited to have had a sufficient "rest!
valiantly to form a sturdy; group ofI cure," they are allowed to return,;
ministers about him by asking in, provided that they argee not to re-
some of the o1(1 standbys-- -oincaiure, ;sune their agitations.
Br'iand, Tardieu--b-ut they refused in- It does not take a fortune-teller to
stantly. lHe also tried to form a coal- predict what will become of General
it ion government but the Rlight refus- Pkaaalos. Such stifling of the right
ed to have anything to do with it. So of free speech will not be tolerated
his new cabinet is niade up almost- long-.-especially in Greece, a country1
entirely fronm the Lieft; the Comnmun- born in freedom, Methods of this sort
ists and the, entire Right admit theyl have their place at times, but present~
will fight the new government. 1-isj day Greece has, no need of such a
only hope then lies in the Socialists! yoke.
and in espousing the Socialist finan-________________
cial plan. NO ENFORCENENT!1
Although M. flerriot says there will SntrloaIeulcmIao
be no0 further inflation of the currency Ideclared in a recent speech in Aug-!
it is extremxely unlikely that he will usta, Ga., that enforcement of the
follow otit this statement. One cani Eighteenth Amendment hasner
expect himt to adopt his plan of twotbe tid
year ado secet nflaion. The The western senator's ideas of what!
French people evidently have no faithI constitutes enforcement differ quite
in their new leader for the franc wtiidely fronm the man's in the street
reached ii s lowestlpointt immediately who considers thirty mrillions a year
after the anonotuncetment of the new!spnoi fremnta maig
cabinet. 't'his new value of the franc is~t nefreeta enn
only on thing---that somneone is try-
was nnonce inthe ari Borseing to enforce it.
before t he tiex\ York exchange open-! The ideal government that Senator
ed.~~~~~~~~ ThBrnhpis ihtec-lorah seeks wouldi, no dloubt, keel)
ccii ion of owP or Itwo palet's which'lrbiiin fpltis t p
suppI-ort the I F' t, are ight ing and ri- !prhiiio..,,.n ou ti.of*poi-ticsn . I. ap-~r

That, method, obviously, is a survival
of the dlays when books were few and
yeven more expensive than they are
now- - which is saying a gooddel
andl students as -a class usually were
not able to buy them. At present.
such learn-inig lprobably is best acquir-
ed by doing probably is best secured
from the printed page, where there
cant be' less doubt of the professor's
meaninig thani there is in notes tak-
en by his listeners.
(T[he Daily I11ini)
The unpleasant publicity afforded
the disasters of the air has been the'
source of' the immediate inferences~
that man is incapable of conquering1
the ir and the intrepid explorers of1
of the uipper reaches have been ac-

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Fifteen per cent dis-
count if you bring your
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corded the (distinct br'andings of "idi-
ot ic'' by the smug multitude. We have I111Uli111111lillll111111111111IIIIU~illlllllllllli1111
an tuncommon interest in the "mnart-
yrs" to the cause of flying, havinfg
tak1en a few "hops" ourselves and the
tone of the following article which
appeared in the Aero-Digest is worthy .
"The sad and untimely end of Maj.SUCR P I Ni
Moose and Cadet Point at Mitchell
field is another chapter added to the.
hook of sorrow of the air service of -TO--e nteISaes
"This volume will continue to grow
a~- long as our flyers are compelled to -
use the plones built during '16, '17,
"D. -.'s at least eight years old
are being used to train pilots at the
air service flying schools.I E
'"H-ow much longer is this legalized
homicide to continue? A certain - MUST B PAID BY-=
amiourtt of dantger will always be found ...
in training our youth to fly, hut to
.comnpel this training to take place ==
in a 'flaming coffin' is beyond the = c
p'ale of human Intelligence. JULY 24, 1926
an order forthwith, compelling the
destruction of every war-built plane.
To continue the use of this ancientI
aircraft is an assurance of a continu- U
ous loss of life. Stop it; arid stop it
at once!"~~
The victims cease to be martyrs; r
it is jutst plain murder.
"IDiscussion without freedom to in-
qluire' and~ to argue would be a farce.
Inoxorably out of the logic of the
American system flowed the princi-I
ple of freedom of press and speech."-I
Charles A. Beard. }
Classified Ads . l
FOR SAI1E All unpaid subscriptions will be stopped
FO AE--Cep als42x44 at this time and all papers delivered up
inches. 32 chairs, suitable for tea = to this date will be charged at the rate of
room, sorority or fraternity dining -
r'oont. Call 3193.. tf - 5c a copy.
FOR SALE--Mejer Both Art, instruc-
tion course at one-third price. Dial
6165. 28I


... _. .r. _ .,

pears, nowever, LI L SUCH prc>ceuure;

iculinrg M. i-IErriot at ever'y chance I i next to impossible ---at least tunder
they get. One pa pe'r speaks conten~p-; civil law. The putblic as a whole, is
notisly of htimi as the ''man working - not yet readly to give up drinking--
under thet illusion that he is the rhos- - when it is the police power of en- I
en oIf God 'c save France.,lBut he is treei vi o vnhv ob
the only one who has that illusion." ;wielded.
-The tnew governitent will (o~pose!, Corruption cannoIt help but follow
the I ireng er-Mellon dob~t sett lemetI in the wake of a law so far from
vith the U'nitedl States htnd will try to being universally popular. Enforce-
get along withlout foreign r-redit. - M mrent has not only been triedi, hut is
I lerriot is untder the impression that just about as efflcienit as is possible,
fort-ign credit and capital are not tie considerin the odds. The fault lies
cesrt)saeFac itudrr not. in the plrohibition police force,;
pultic~an leadership can save its ownrt but in the p~ublic itself.
finances in th(e same spirit that tOw The liquor qutestion catnnot he set-
l3attle of the Miarne was wonr. But tled b~y any stuch groping for the ideal.7
hle must remember that the soldiers-I Senator Borah must learn to comnpro-
on the Marne had a different leavder nmise with reality--perhaps then her
than the Republic has today. will he able to offer a solution worthy-
It is difficult to imagine a govern- I of consideration.
mneat working under such a handicapt
accomplishing anything and it is high- {1
ly probable that it never will. St 'The literature, the science, the,
would be hard to prophesy the span teaching of today are, clogged with the
of life this cabinet will enjoy but it bosh cr dirt of pseudo-sciences, and
is certain that it will fall as soon as negoaive criticism is'an endeavor to
it proposes a new financial policy or clean the tubles and instr'uments. "--
plan. Speculation is already rife in' Prof. Paul Shorey,


FOR RENT----For coming School year
---desirable, well furnished, steam-
heated room in private home. Rea-
sonable rent. Phone 5035. 930
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Patronize Dally Advertisers- Adv.


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