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X7,Tr YrTV .. 0____________
VUL. XVU. NO. 28
vnir nw\r\ New French Premierh
SR ~ LuAGUE GIVES TEAmLurnsden Gives Third Lecture
uL1uh ll IIII U lVLU
Jewel Cuses~!,
Clgaret te
Beads, 4Vlpe-stem., And
Holders Are Amton ;
With lantern slides, experiments
and numerous actual speciuens o
amber and its imitations, Dean Krau
illustrated his lecture yesterday after
noon and took his audience on "A Tri]
To The Amber Coast." The afternoo
heat reduced the attendance to les
than usual and less than one hundre
students and townspeople were in Nat
ural Science Auditorium.
Amber is, said Dean Kraus, a fossi
resin of rather complex chemica
composition which is exuded fron
trees. Amber is found in Roumania
Sicily, and Burma, but primarily ir
eastern Prussia on the , Baltic. Th(
nearest city to the center of the ambe
trade is Koenigsburg, while its rea
heart is the village of Pamnicken. It
is there that the amber industry has
most extensively developed.
Amber has been known for cen-
turies; the Greeks called it "electrum"
from its properties of electrification;
and its use has largely been confined
to jewel-cases and beads because of
its softness and injury by abrasion.
Recently it has been adapted for cig-
arette holders, pipe-stems and other
accessories for smokers.
Is Soft
When found amber is soft and may
be easily worked up into various
forms. It is also easily polished, and
the two qualities make it very desir-
able for decorative purposes in which
it will not receive hard usage. There
are various colors of amber, varying
from perfect clearness to osseous or
bone-like structure. The differences
in color are caused by the presence of
more or less air-bubbles. Clear amber
is almost free from them, osseous
sometimes has as many as 900,000 to
the square millimetre.
Amber was probably formed, Dean
Kraus stated, in the prehistoric for-
ests of Scandinavia. From these for-
ests it was transported in loose pieces
to the southern shore of the Baltic by
water. Amber floats, not directly on
the surface but a little beneath it,
being only slightly more dense than
water. People on the Baltic coast
still pick up pieces of amber, especial-
ly after violent storms.
The present day industry, Dean
Kraus said, began in 1860 when a Ger-
man contracting firm. Stantien and
Becker, was given a contract to dredge
a channel for shipping purposes. The
dredge brought to light so much
amber that the company offered to do
the dredging free if the government
would allow them to retain the amber
found. All amber, since it is cast up
by the sea. belongs not to the finder
but to the government, and the latter
pays a bounty to those who turn in
their discoveries.
Shaft Sunk
In 1876 a shaft was sunk to mine
amber after it was discovered that a
certain stratum was rich in the "blue
earth" which contains the material.
The shaft system proved both dan-
gerous and expensive and was aban-~
doned in 1923. In 1913 the open pit.
method was begun and it has been
found the most profitable. Amber is
mined by great dredges and hydrau-~
Besides its use as jewelry amber is
used in large quantities for amber
rosin, a substance used in the varnish
and lacquer industries. For the amber
rosin the amber of poorer quality and
the chips from the moulded and polish-
ed gem amber is used.
Dean Kraus concluded his lecture
with a discussion of the various sub-
stitutes for natural amber. The first
of these is pressed amber, made of
low quality amber and chips fused to-
gether by heat. Another well-known
substitute is Bakelite, which may be
distinguished by its greater weight,
and a third substitute comes from
Zanzibar and has a goosepimple sur-
Under the auspices of the In Series Of Hygiene Talks
Woman's league a tea will be
}.from 3:30 to 5 o'clock to- "It is in the power of every com- That the application of such health
day i Barbour gymnasium for munity in this country to provide it- principles has its reward not alone in
the students and faculty memi- self with a health service which can the saving of lives and health, bu
hers of the physical education keep one individual a year from pre- actually brings in a dividend in "coal
department, the school of rdu- mature death," was the statement cash" was shown by Dr. Lumsden by
Scation, and the Women's educa- made lby Dr. Lumsden, government the use of figures. The conservation
tional club. Miss Cleo Murtland, surgeon, yesterday afternoon in his of economic resources amounts to 10
and the wives of the faculty as- Ithird lecture in the auditorium of the times as much as the cost of the
sisted by the Alpha Xi Delta Dental building. He spoke on the im- health service rendered. "We, as citi
and Zeta Tau Alpha sororities'
and ZetTa uAlph s.POic of sanitation and health zeus of the United States, cannot af-
yt !will act as hostesses, work in the united States. fr to hold back in providing the
, '_ _ _ _Dr. Lumsden defined sanitation as means of preventing the suffering ant
"the common-sense application of the inefficiency occasioned by neglect," he
principles of cleanliness." Its prac- said.
FARCE IS FIFTH ON tice prevents the conveyance of waste "Fromn year to year we are getting
matters which are known to be the dozens of demonstrations which are
source of all infectious disease, evidence of the results achieved from
B The need of health service and the reasonable common-sense health ser-
success which it has so far achieved vice which is possible in any com-
was next discussed by Dr. Lumsden. munity," Dr. Lumsden concluded, "But
"Le3edecin 1algre Lul" Is Fifth "The aim of health work," he said, there is still room for great improve-
)L Voincare Number Of Summer Stock "is to make growth more nearly per- ment. We who advocate this work
Who will head new French ministry. Company Series feet, decay less rapid. life more vig- must believe in it and convey our en-
-orous, and death more remote." More thusiasm to others. If we can't sell
JOUVET'S BOO USED 'than 2 per cent of the people in the goods as good as these, we are poor
United States are continually in- salesmen indeed."
As the fifth prodluction in the season1 capacitated by illness, 50 per cent of
of Summer Plays, The Players of the which can be prevented through ordin-
EEiversity of Michigan are presenting eary cleanliness. Of the school chil-
1oliere's famous French farce, "The dren of America, 70 per cent are suf- RM
Doctor If Spite of Himself" "e fering from defects which lessen their
Half Milbon Acres Burned By Blaz Medecin malgre lui" tonight aL efficiency in absorbing the education
J hich Devastate Dry Forest which the public is paying to give UCI tIL
ReservesHatur at 8:30 o'clock.n them. At the cost of from 25 cents to
TuHall g' ds -one dollar per capita, which will es-
Tuesday night's audience was con- tablish an efficient alth service in Senator Fess Indicates T'Ihat There
1900-L B siderably surprised at the many un- any community, we can save the life Will Be Some Measures Passed
usual stage conventions introduced in- of one individual a year and improve! In Next Session
(By Asociated Press) to the performance, especially the use th e mndt alysdimritua
MISSOULA, Mont., July 21.--A pall of the entire theatre for the action of the mental, physical, and 5piritual
of smoke, rising from the embers of the comedy. The introduction of so onthousands of our popula- TALKS TO COOLIDGE
forest and brush fires that have eaten many unique features has been made , ___
their way across half a million acres possible through the possession by (By Associated Press
of land, shrouded the western part of the company of Jouvet's personal I_ PAUL SMITH'S, New York, July 21.
the United States today while an army prompt-book for the part of Sgana- -Leaving the summer White House
of fire-fighters strove desperately to relle. Jouvet played this role in Jac- where he had been a guest for 24
stem the advance of the most dis-, I ues Copeau's production of the piece RIIIC I t I i Iflhours, Senator Fess, Republican, Ohio.
astrous conflagrations that have beset at the Theatre du Vieux Colomabier inIi indicated today that the administra -
this section of the country in a decade. Paris, and is generally considered the tion in the next session of Congress
The hundreds of widely scattered leading character-actor of the French would seek to improve agricultural
blazes stubbornly were being resisted stage. Former Senator Ponierene Opposed By conditions by legislation along sound
by at least 10,000 men, comprising Prof. Arthur G. Canfield, the head of Woman Who Is Avowed Dry economic lines, but would not favor
regular forestry employes, government the Romance Languages department, Candidate price fixing of crops and advocating
troops and hastily recruited volun- has endorsed the production and the ,by farmer's organizations in the west.
eers, many of the latter drawn from faculty has made special announce- WILLIS WILL RUN Undoubtedly there will be a move at
the ranks of automobile tourists. ments of the performances to their __doubttelne te r.wFessosat
Eight thousand men have been classes.
Irawn into battle in California, where The farce is being presented in a COLUMBUS, O.,July 21 (A.P.)- - strengthen measures already taken in
270,000 acres have been burned over. robust spirit and unexpurgated. In- Prohibition promises to be fhe domin- behalf of the farmer.
The devastated acreage exceeds thus cidentat dances have also been intro-'ant issue in the August 10 Ohio prim-: The views of the Ohio senator were
'ar by 100,000 acres the amount de- luced between the three parts of the ary campaign for the nomination of given a few hours after the midwest
stroyed during the disastrous dry sea- play by Miss Alma Merrick, a pupil of both republican and democratic can- farm conference at Des Moines, Iowa.,
! didates for the United States senator had been concluded but he did not
son of 1924, official figures show. Cen- Mlle. Victoria Cassan. .1
ered about Shasta county, the fires Tickets for tonight and Saturday's and for the republican governor, comment on that meeting and its
are causing deep concern and have re- In the gubernatorial contests this is- stand for legislation along price fixing
pulted in additional appropriations by Wahr's and Slater's bookstores, and at sue is expected to be more pronounced lines.
b 'alrsadSae'sbosoead ath tw 'tets r xete o Nieytw ecn o ' rdcs
he state to tight the fiames. Of the door after 7 o'clock. as these two contests are expected to Ninety-two percent of the products
e650fi'esireportedf-hus far, 350 The cast of the play in the Frenchdevelop tie most general interest. of American farms, he said, are sold
have been man-caused, officials de- style, whichi is characteristic of the While it also will be a factor in the re- in this country and the West is de-
lare. production is as follows: h publican senatorial battle, the fact pendent upon the purchasing power of<
}~r-poutoni sflos that Senator Willis has seven oppon-; the East, which needs the protection I
Northern Idaho and western Mon- Sganarelle . MM. tWsENDERSON
ents lessens his concern about being of the tariff to prosper. If the East.
VOTE 290 TO 257
Mounting Apprehension Of Country At
Large Typified By 3fobs Which
Surround Palace
(fBy Associated Press)
jPARIS, France, July 21.-President
Donmergue tonight asked V. Pon.
caire to form a new ministry. Polin.
caire accepted in principle and will
begin his consultation tomorrow.
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r PARIS, France, July 21.-The Her-
iot cabinet was defeated tonight 290
to 257 in the Chamber of Deputies
after barely two days existence.
Outside while the vote was in prog-
ress, police reserves curbed a crowd
of several thousand Parisians who
hooted the premier and members of his
government. The temper of the
crowd was described as "ugly" and it
was seen as typifying the mounting
aapprehension of the country at large.
The Heriot cabinet was formed to
succeed the tenth ministry of Aristide
Briand and to re-habilitate the finan-
cial position of France. It lasted just
a few hours longer than the Francois-
Marshal ministry, which in 1924, was
formed to present the case of the
president of the republic, Alexendre
Millerand to Parliament after M.
Heriot had refused to receive a mis-
sion to form a cabinet, at his home.
lillerand's Fall Cnompared
Significant references to the historic
events of M. Millerand's departure
from Elysses palace, where he was
succeeded by M. Doumergue, were
made today when the man who played
an agressive part in this event fell
with a disastrous crash from the ped-
estal in which the election of 1924
lifted him.
The reverse the radical leader met
with today, was all the more serious
since it followed so quikly upon the
assault he made with success on the
Briand cabinet last week, and because
it may mean the return of Al. Miller-
and to power with a national union
cabinet comprising all the former
premier's cabinet and presided over
by M. Poincaire.
While the premier was pleading hi;
case before the chamber, crowl,
gathered in front of the Palace Bour-
bon. They grew to serious propoi-
tions, and before the vote was an
nounced at least 5,000 person had
massed in front of the chamber in the
Rue Bourgoene and the Boulevard
Saint Germain. They hooted Hleriot
and there was an occasional cry or
"on to Elysses."
Defeated on Policy
The Heriot ministry wa sdefeated on
the question of its declaration of pol-
icy. This dealt entirely with the sal-
vation of the franc and the general
financial situation. Immediately after
the vote, M. Heriot went to Elysses
Palace and presented the resignation
of his ministry to President Doumer-
There seemed to be little doubt
when the lower house met this after-
noon that the time for political man-
euvering around the financial question
was ended. M. Heriot, who for two
years has been a commanding figure
in Parliament, came to the govern-
ment bench for the third time without
a single greeting from the assembly.
MOSCOW.-Felix E. Dzerzhinsky,
long one of the trusted lieutenants of
the late Nikolai Lenine, president of
the council of commisars, died sudden-
ly Tuesday night.
tana have suffered heavily. Uipward of
200,000 acres have been swept over in
this region. Splendid stands of virgin
timber have fallen before the flames
in Kaniksu, Pend Oreille, Coeur
D'Alene and Blackfeet forests and still
other vast tracts are threatened by
the spreading blazes.
a "Temper" by Lawrence Conrad of
the rhetoric department, which was
published in February, 1924, has just
been brought out in a third edition,
by the original publishers, Dodd,
Mead, and - Company.
Although the novel was issued more
than two years ago, its sale is as
great at the present time as it has
ever been.
"Temper" has aroused a great deal
of comment both for its reflection up -
on our great industrial system and
for the unusual manner in which it is
written. It has served as the basis
of a number of sermons in American
churches; it has been used as a docu-
ment in sociology in two or three col-
leges, and has been adopted as a study
hook in Americanization by a national
organizlion interested in work with
The first Amerien novel to use the
automobile industry as both back
ground and theme, interest in it has
increased during the last winter as a
result of the automobile industry tak-
ing its place as the greatest American
industry. A typically Michigan prod-
uct, it developed out of the author's
experience in a Detroit automobile
Geronte, a gentleman..Eric KLEWE
r ienominated. cannot purchase, he emphasized, the
Valere, his servant.. William BISHOP-
Lucas. Jacqueline's husband ... . jThe contest between former Sena- West cannot sell its products.
.Warren PARKER tor Atlee Pomerene and Miss Florence Referring to Iowa, Senator Fess
.ndr, .nda' lover E. Allen supreme court judge, prob- said the movement for agricultural re-
.Wr cds OELLHAF ablyw ill be fought mainly on the wet lief by the Federal government was as
i. Robert, a neighbor.......INGLIS and dry issue, the liberal forces sup- much one on the part of the banker
Martine, Sganarelle's wife ....porting Mr. Pomerene and the dry as the farmer. In that state, lie said,
Mlle. Amy LOOMIS.. advocates backing Miss Allen. A third the mortgaged indebtedness is heavy
Lucin. G eronte's daughter ... I candidate is Charles E. Wharton. Mr. and the banks have loaned on inflated
Mile, Camille MASLINE I Pomerene also is drawing the fire of values. Both are advocating fiat
..ac.ue.ine, a nurse,.C.....A. organized labor, particularly the rail- methods like free silver in 1896, he
.Mle. Frances HORINE road organizations which opposed added, but expressed the opinion that,
. ..him for re-election four years ago. this business would not go far.
Bonisteel Will. -,
Give Answer To Cittzen's Training Camp To
Oil Injunction Hold Visitors' Day July 30
Roscoe O. Bonisteel, city attorney,
is preparing a statement in answer
to the bill of complaint of the Michi-
gamnme Oil Co., in its suit against the
city upon which Judge George W,
Sample Tuesday granted to temporary,
injunction restraining the city from
removing gasoline pumps and air ser-
vice lines from the curbs.
American League
Detroit 7, Washington 6
:Detroit 7, Washington 10
St. Louis 11, Boston 1
St. Louis 7, Boston 4
Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 4 I
Chicago 4, New York 3$
Chicago 4, New York 5
National League
Brooklyn 0, Pittsburgh 1
Brooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 2
Cincinnati 6, Boston 4
CAMP CUSTER, July 21 (Special)-
Every citizen in Michigan is invited
to visit Camp Custer on Michigan
Day, July 30. There will be a special
program for the benefit of the camp
guests, and everyone whether they
have relatives in camp or not are urg-
ed to visit camp one of these two
days, as they will be welcome. They
can see first hand what is being taught
the young men of Michigan.
Governor Alex J. Groesbeck, and a
number other prominent citizens of
Michigan have been invited to visit
camp on Michigan Day, and Mayor
John W. Smith, Detroit, and prominent
Detroit citizens, including Congress-
man John W. Sosnowski and Con-
gressman Clarence J. McLeod, have
been invited to visit camp on Detroit
General Fred W. Green, mayor of
Ionia, who was the chairman of the
C. M. T. C. for Ionia county, and who
brought his students from Ionia to
camp and turned them over to Col.
Sheldon, will visit camp again for sev-
eral days during the latter part of
Every afternoon the young men en-
joy athletic games of all kinds, and
many are on the tracks getting ready
for the track and field contests that
will be held the early part of August.
Eagle Lake, adjoining camp proper,
is a busy place every afternoon. Sev-
eral hundred boys visit there and have
a swim every afternoon. This is a
popular sport in camp this year.
Very few of the C. M. T. C. students,
less than 550 of them, go to Battle
Creek at night. The boys remain in
camp and enjoy the many things pre-
pared for them in the way of movies,
concerts, dances, and talking parties.
The camp for the first week has been
free from sickness of any kind, and
the discipline has been excellent.
When it is understood that many of
the students have never before been
under any kind of restraint or disci-
pline Colonel Sheldon marvels at the
manner in which they accept the du-
ties asked of them.
I Cher'Wea h Mxt.
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Says that it will surely be cooler to.