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July 18, 1926 - Image 2

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0'TTNTI DA V TTrT .7 1 Q 109Vl

+ + ++++w avaa sc L!-11LI r5u IN LA Y, JULY is, IUZ6


41 ,r h ia n a:4la Anonymous communications will be M Yusic A nd
disregarded. The names of communi-
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE t cants will, however, be regarded asa /
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN confidiential upon request.D r m4
1'ubhllhd e ety morning except Monday _ Ii111It lllltll1f 11111J111U
during the Ulniversity Summer Session by EDI)IVATIO\ 1RACK WARDU
the Board in Control of Student Publica- ~Eio:"THlE DOCTOR INiSPITE OF
TheAssciaed res isexcusielyen- «When President Little at his inau-
te ssoatede Prressblisclusivofealynen-s The patrons of The Players' next,
ile o heue orrpuliaio o llnesguratioti last ;November announced,
dispatches credited to it or not other ise . production will find a formn of dramn-
credited in this paper and the local news nub- his educational platform, among many
fishd heein.other important things lhe spoke of ati art which is virtually new in this
E~ntered at the Ann Arbor, Miichigan, 'he ye 1tasto"itted country. "Thle Doctor in Spite of
postoffice as second class matter."tretpsOtanio"inhed-
Subsripionb bycarier $ia b mal jHimsewlf" is, as Waldo Frank says,
Subsripton y crir o al veloputent of a student. Briefly those
Offices: Press $uilding;, Mayvnar d Street,{ three types or stages were first, "a clump of crude French soil." Toi
Ann rbo, Mchian.t lcarry t he analogy even further. one
Ann ArborMichigan.facts, acquisition; second, a period ofclsia
goo fit, il beinTh Soinrightsay that M~oliere'sclsia
C.omnmunications, if signed as evioence of analysis aild correlation; third, a per-ofsiaspentdb Th
godfaiatthwbe published iThe dito.Inr .io of inoestigationprendnresearch.
Dianilath discretion ofte ndio.CoJn- do netgtonadrsac. rPlayers will have rooted in it the
sindcommunications will receive nocn- l1eSjij'nt Little thlen proceeded to of4''~~~
sideration. Thie signature may be omitted in , most verdUant lpractices o h ud
publication if desired by the writer. The (kfine policies andi procedures to
Slunmer D~aily- does not necessarily endorse best enicourage tr'ansition~ of the Stu- ern French dramatic art.
the sentiments expressed in the communica-aTeearatpsnt wo mi
tions. dent, wherever possible from the first tu r tpeetto mi
to hethid.schools of dramatic art in France.
EDITORIAL STA1F One is the hide-bound Comedic Fran-
lin delineating those three transi-
T1elephonie 492R Ihon periods President Little has cais, with its stiffness and convention,
MANAGING EDITORI as represented by French National
MANNIN HOIJstatTed an educational theory, the the-
MANNIN HOUSEhaWfctOerRiTomaio 'TIheater; the more modern and plianti
Chiral, Bor thatfactsmugennformaion, l isthat fostered by Jacques Copeau at
CiyEditor.o............ IIm. Bryer *tI tore of word symbols charged at
Mlusic and Urania.........Williamr C. LucasM least fotr thase writing them in books liTetediVcxClmiri
Woman's Editor........ ,Julia luth Brown or Parii htt eii-e l~~ ris. The latter of these two schools
W lo .~ Night Editors is,~. . the one followed by The Players
nltt A ipson 'Theodore Ii oruberger imeaning. ildi 011W their forthcominglproductio f
Paul . Kern lrederick Shillito first, analysis next, and lastly idtixid- c',,u-.nr~nr ; , tof4 tn,,lf'"

. .oo .


Special Tables of Books of
Interest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal





H-as served students satisfactorily since 1899
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Douiglas Doubleday
Gail Lyons Thadldeus \Va'ickwski
George T, McKeari Morris ZN erdling
Circulation................... Kenneth llaven
Advertising.................. Francis Not quist
Edward Solomon William F. Co
SUNDAY, JULY l18,l19:N
Night Editor----PAUL J. KERN
'The whole foundation on which
our existence rests is the presenit
--the ever fleeting present. It
lies, then, in the very nature of
our existence to take the form
of constant motion, and to' offer
no possibility of our ever attain-
ing the rest for which we are al-
ways striving.
"We are like a man running
downihill, who (cannlot keep htis
legs unless lie runs on, and will
inevita bly fall if he sl opls; or,
again, like a pole balance oni thle
the tip of one's finger; or like
a planet which would1( fall into
its Sure the iiiom~en it ('easetd to
hurry forward oii its way. Vu-
teit is the nmartk of exist ent e."-
Art hu r Sc hopen hatter.
In the opinion of many of our fore-
most scieni ists t his may ihe the last
o1 ouir summhler's that We (can proper-
ly ('all by that natiae, antother' ice age
is approa(Aiiig fast . in a few mit-
lionyeas -fign red at the rate of the
earth coolintg off five de4grees iii over
tm 1atl U ontui rin2 A;'- , ,f , str.1 hno

1 Ito. t}octor in z 1imte of riRIisea. I

ual interest, hkence e.xplorationi and re - 1ft MLcuayJ f'p3Irdcini sue
'However, when we look at ediucative Iby' indirect personal contact with
lexperiences in actual life do we find opasow poucis. We
Rtobert H-enderson was in Gloucester,
that wve acquire formally organized
fa'Ste nlzte netgt?:lotss~, last summer, he played the
fact thn aalye, ten nvetigterole of Sganan'hle, the leading char-
lb Dow m(emorize about the way' a
dog wags his tail, then think about ast er of "The Doctor in spilte of Hinm-
it, and, as a grand scholarly finale ef,"i h'luete lyr'po
xvih iii' eryoxii ye, gzecriicl-duct ion of this play which was under'
withourveryowneyes gae crticl the direct ion of Florence Cunning-
ly' and with avid interest upon no less hnoeo oeusatess h
than a genuine ('anine, tail and all,1
engaed n te wggin buines"1recreated in this production the at-
W'l. ttt s ~n'waywewoud tt~motsphere and details used by Cope-,
Wan.lIn the localhproductionouobert
it if we were to follow the anicient ed- lnronwlrea pdutn a
uctii~ onl 1theory antd learntta bout ti l o nersnllretaditis ormer rolse
wagging via the college coturse.- The hf a cree aIneprdtion othisplhe
stark naked actual truth of the nutt- hscetdarpouto ftepa
ter is tha't in life we first see, feel, alls ested inGocesateriswek'
htea r, are stimulat ed by actutal exper- Thsteadncsttiswk'
iclees thn w thxikatt latly performnances will find something en-
ieormulathenfrwelnksandanizy e tirely foreign from the usual Amner-
facltcne forniteees rien. dlican play. Except for the fact that
Hoctsdooecnic th xe I h.te actual spoken lines will be given
facts? UnIsolvedl experiences comein English. everything front program,
to fitnal bow will he ''different." It is'
first. e get stuck. :,eno twist and,
wi-ggl ap s~uim. othphyicalyincorrect to use the customnary trite
andi mtentally-. Men find 'wtays out' of ~"reson'th hoesowinronli
thit.'diflitiltis n crtaincur'tailto curtain... . -, frielt
thedifiulie. enfind that cranthecre will lbe no curtain. In accord-
'Was ititarealaysstt-cesfil, ace with the French custom, the per-
wu'ys val idi.M-Alaiformulate' those' solt-r
suits of the play will enter fronm the
cttions and write' them in books. Those ra fteadtru n rce
formtu lat ions onc to he, known as1
scintiic acs. hatis iewayof lt rliscuss 5things in general among
scietifi faui: Tat s (h wayof 'theselves and with the audience in
science. But ini the presetnt edulca- rnh \hietsisgngoiom
oa ytct11- rcs sjs e of the characters will pllace the neces-
versed. Manay of the mcii who have
I fond way oas' gthe togthe insa ry properties in order on the stage.
T'hent the entrance of the principal
greaaIt institutions known as colleges. hrateswlbeatoncdite
Booksaincwhichware bv atnouncethen'way
Rank in hic arewritl~nthe wa rencli mainer and the play itself will
out ar stredt~l an o ,tp i ~il'er' irceed in English. The sanme back-
1ibraries, and are pr'escri ied to c.er-
tain young Incirihers of the human;-rudilbesdtoeahcan
inbe whoxwit h little ac-quatitance Ithe' change of scene betxween each act
wvill be indicated by the removal of
'with the ways of science- -the method I
of )r~erl' dtli('llly colie ee I some properties and the bringing on

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xxisdoli. Fhite great men who have
found 'xways otit' expound them int lee-

L 'A liLr lI I I si itI I rla t ires. And the xworshippers of wis-
1w i'letti a I w'inter. and in a bout double' dom (comte to knoxw by hoart all the
that tineteet'tire earth will be 'fatctual chant s, cani recite iln pretty
frigidl. Just bhinkIiot' it -and only order all thle 'ways out.''i
such a :short space of timtt before Tlhiat is the 'first, phase' of educa-
that tune. tioti backwards.
Why is it that, every fou r or five; lpesac'i idt h ua
yearssonic scientists mu tst pop 1111 race, however. Some, it xwouild seem
anti spring this old wheeze? Years by the mierest good fortune of some-
and years ag-,o, somebody told that hovhvn3cul ieeprec
one-and totday, with our coplular some c (omet. to have nexw- purtposes, to
knowledge of science.,xwe ar'e able to epoe
coprehen I all that, so why does! The ideca of 'transitions' is sadly out
some musty-brain have to break into of joint with what xwe rind in the
print every so often as though they ' natu ral' learning process. We do
were tell inigits a ;great new discov-# not acqutirie facts as little children,
erY. thliink when a dults, and explore onlyl
The ludicr'outs part of it all is that. in maturity, We do all three at the
every oince laughts at thtese' calamity-1x'ery first day of birth and so contin-1

of. others by the char UIacers orL
play. During the play there will be a
good deal of singing, in French. The
pIer'fornmance will be concluded with a
(lance given by the entire cast to the
accompanimnlt of a French song.
"The Doctor in Spite of Himself" is
the broadest of Moiere's farces. Writ-
ten originally in prose as "Le Medecin
malgre lui" it was put into dramatic
form and first performed in 1666.
IMoliere himself first played the role
j of Sganarelle. Tihe hulk of Moliere's
works is composed of farces dealing
4with the life of country France. In-
teir spersed among these are several
t ragedies occasioned by a succession
of tragic events in Moliere's life. Wal-
do Frankr says that "France has pro-
duced greater genius than Moliere :
but none more typical of her essential
vir'tues, none so inclusive of those bal-
anced qualities which have won her
among EurQpean nations the name of
protagonist of culture. He is at once
a type and an essence: he achieves the
rarest equilibrium of art, thus being
a representative of a people's consci-
ous will and of its hidden nature.

howlers. On e(ani easily look aheado
aind see the wxarm political campaigns
wve enc(ounlte r each year and1( all the
hot -air th at is loosented int ( o~gressC
each I trmt will help keep) us comftort-E
able. Why worry- abou(t a lack (If
Itta t? 'hlt il.it*I tese two sources of{
warmth fail us it is highly probable l

Utt throughoutt life. We are stimulated,!
we explore, we feel, we think, we
lastly arrive at conclusions, at facts.
Until the thteory oi Education Back-
xwar'ds is cthanged colleges xxill coni-
tinutie to insure for- the hiutman broodl
the smallest possible number of ex-
plorers. Until edhllators r'ealize that

litillllitlll' Kl1l~1II1111il1III 1t1111111111 1i11111!1U t1
- _
JULY 24, 1926
a _
attistm adalaes+eierdu
to tis atewillbe hared a th rae o
5r cpy


thatthos satw caamit-howers ill . e was awue to mtan~e vouieay o
thatthiet' antecalatit-howers ills ecitr is a mei thod, that it grew outilvcsomain vrce
quickly inivent. somtethling else to) keep Iof men's fexperichtd, in solving difi-teentlticp~eso hypon.cr aisyen
up 1w odiy Iclthieatir.P 'hap ICutl ties, antd that the fruits of the visadargneo cec .e
they will find a substitute for tile goodl titet anldlarraganittlefor nohing to th
odsunti r its ( nsor aantsuetutlh a oet e h cause his world was so sure. The true
w1( m a te rlivdgnhtise slgm- t tne t u tl h as c m o se te marvel of Moliere lies rather in the
wgie may bl iing"D nin ; ho t o ix t m- x'a v xtheriv t, t e meh d perfection of the m anner, in the m eans
agiie sl lga - 'D y a mi De roi, t e un il lta ti he dti ati n w ll e- w hereby, preserving all the lustiness i
Greatest Hothousemain Anwrc"o'I~ xhat mtany of its devotees---es-anrciesoanalerFneh
"'Salinuette State's Safest Solarium." penallycitssbiologicallyieindednde,
Aeciyway.iwhyblistencallytheseepet--has moulded this animal energy in-
Anyaywhylisen o tosepet votees-- thiiii it should lbe, namiel y,a
ticoated scientists? it is so fat' offruheslinaoncts.i to a form impeccably correct. Final-
tiat it does not hinder uts and never Wt heictoia le~y~ h ly, throughout his works, runs the
wil ai1asft{a-el: setar-k ages i icaddand tehtr eartywind of farce, the endless vol-
is absolutely nothing we cant dis heohi4 ley of slapstick acrobatics, the mel-
ma vrdt'nprtley t phas>es are seen as merely transient low Rabelaisian laughter."
aketh wol epraurl safe( as j cts oif any situation of difficulty, ila nls
for poster'ity. So why bother? then.., instead of a wasteful eliminationWlim nls
process, education will become a truly
"No man was ever nmade good prodtuctive process. The real 'transi-t "The Declaration of Independence
enough to govern a community with- t'onl' will he one fr'om thinking thatI was nothing more than a political
out that community's consent."-Clar-$ facts are first, to realizing that facts 1 platform, which when it was promul-
ence True Wilson. are very important by-products of an gated one hundred and fifty years ago,
-- uxtremnely important method, science was regarded as a most radical doeu-
"The spirit of the early patriots is G. H. H., Jr. ment because it was in conflict with
not dead but has merely been slum-! all political concepts of an Old World
bering amid the incense of excessive "Everything for the people, nothing steeped in Bourbonism." -- Governo'r
prosperity."-F. G. Stickel, Jr, 'by the people."--Napoleon II. Smith of New York.



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