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July 18, 1926 - Image 1

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17(1T. AITV X. .


VUI.. XV11. No, Y,5


A A41t~u V AY 1 l <rG1Y 1 J


15 ARE "M" MEN
:Michigan AyMav lie Strong lRunig
Offens~eIft Recruits Shw~
Expected Ablty
Sixty men receivedL calls this week
to become members of the 1926 Varsity
foott'q.l1 squad. 15 of this number are
already letter-mnen. 12 have seen ser-
vice on former football squads, and
17 are graduate of the freshman or re-'
serve teams.
Even with this large numer asked
to return, it is possible that some threi
or four more will be added to the list
before t he beginning ot training work
still two months in the future The
coaches, in compiling the list, de-
bated at length on the inclusion of
other names, but. finally decided upon
60, five more tan a year ago, as
about the limit that can be handled~
The coaches also found the ability
of some of the men entitled to c.on-
sideration in more than one postion,
19 being listed in this class. Most of
the men considered for quarterbacks
are also listed as being possibilities
for half backs, and many tackles and
guards are considered interchange-
able. Fullback and halfback positions
also have many candidates considered
for both.
)Many Bck Field Men
Listing the men where they played
last year on the varsity or fresh-
mani and reserves, there are six Wul-
backs, eleven halfbacs, eight quar-
terbjacks. eight ends, nine (,klS,
twelve guards and six centers.
While M icigan's largest losses
from the last year squad were in the
line, apparently the greatest gain
from the first year men will be in the
backfield. While it is folly to count
on what a football player may (10 un-
til he has been under the test of
competition, few teams have received
a squad of backfield nien who in
spring play and freshman work look-
ed as good as Paul Cook, Austin
Hughes, George Rich, Alvin lDalem
and John J lKelley. It. seemns possible
that in this number may be individ-
uals who will give to the Michigan
team a running offense, something
the Wolverines have lacked except as
they have ben able to scatter the de-
fense by the power of their forward
passing attack.
That the backfield battles for
places on the Michigan team will be
one of the merriest in years is shown
by the fact that among= the veterans
included in the squad are Ben Fried-
man, captain, Vic Domoff, William
Puckolwartz and Leo 1 offman at
quarterb~ack.~and Sam Babcock, Lous
Gilbert, James 14'. Miller, John Mo-
enda and Walter Weber for the other
back field positions.
New '.len li Line
In additionl to picking the best four
men of the above list and several
others as backs, the Michigan coaches jj
will have the problem of getting af
line that can give the backfield pro-
tectio'n. Center will be filled by a
new man, and either one guard or one
tackle will find at least a relatively
new face.

KALAMAZOO.-Twenty or more wit
nesses were to be heard today in the
state fire marshal's investigation intoI
the series of a dozen or more sup-
posedly incendiary fires here in the
last half year.
Twenty minutes are required for
an expert to attach the great seal of
Georgia to a document.
Says that It will probably be warm
and continued fair weather.

(By Associated Press)
PARIS, France, July 17.
P 1remlier Aristide I3riand's tenth
cabinet today was tied up with
[l1e ('aillaux bill for extraordin-
ary power to allowv the govern-
mlenit to cope with the financial
crisis without parliamentary in -
terference, and settled to its fall
early this morning after two
combined French attacks by M.
Pe-riot, leader of the radtical So-
cialists, and M. Narin, leader of
the moderates.

Party Leaders Pla
G. 0.AP Leaders WASHI NC T
(ismiissed. itsn,:
Clear For Action corners of the


D~r. Liinisdemi, Go~vernent Surgeon, To
(he Lectures On (County
health Unitr



Organization and administration of
tcounty health unit will be the gei-J
eralI topic of the special lectures on
Applied Hygiene and Public Health
given this we every afternoon at 4I
o'clock in the Auditorium of the Col-
lege of Dental surgery. Dr. Leslie ARN
Leon Lumsd en, surgeon, the Unitedj'
States Public Health service, will de-
liver the lectures.
IDr. Lumsden entered the Public
Health 'Service as a surgeon in 1895,'
and servedl in various capacities in the -
work, being made a Surgeon in 1912.;
IHe has served in various marine hos-
pitals as quarantine officer, medical{
officer, inspector of immigrants, ands
epidemnic work. He has also been in
charge of held studies of runral1 sanita-
tion in various m iddle w estern and ! o t e n s a e , s m f w i h w r
Weest Virginia, Maryland, Indiana,
Mississippi, North Carolina, Kansas, J
Alabama, and Iowa. The plan of field
work oin rural1 sanitationi now used by
the United States Public Health serv-I
ice was originated by Dr. Lumsden.1
In addition to this he is the author Pr of. Hollister La
ofseveral bulletins and articles on As I Trp
E'at~eattlprevention of typoid fever", ATript
reports on typhoid fever outbreaks, V [
and general sanitation.
The present trend in county health The recent trip of the Universityv
service is to ward a single unit organ- dlebat ing t( am t- OO, iet number of
ized to carry on the work for the en- E ,nglish teams waszp a stimtulating and
tire county. Ease of communication' worthwhile expeirience in the opinioli
among rural communities has madle of Prof. It, 1). '1'. 11o1listerm, who has:
such a pla~inimore desirable than the recently returniied to A n A rbou' froni
older one of having a separate unit fori accompanying the debaters, 1L {,.
each municip~ality or division of the! Goni berg, '27, Wil1liamn1%Wirt.King,
county. Particularly is the single unit 27L, and Gerald E'. XWhite, '27.
satisfactory in counties not having English debating practic'e permits
cities of more than thirty or forty, speeches from members of the <audi-
thousand in population. once. After the first debate, the Am-
--erican teaim reacted to tills situoat ion
Dean O f Women ivery splendidly, P rofessor 4 ol lister
said. The British audiences dlisplay-
Has Camp Folder e'd a spirit of fain' play and greatly
adniired the mamner in which our men
In the office of the Dean of women took the bantering cust omary ini le-
is a folder listing 230 summer campsi bates there. The decision was alwayvs
from Nova Scotia to Algonq uin Park. made lty a yotei of the audience.

suds En
while E
Nvere'& brought it

in Campaign. Strategy LECTURES BY LNIND
beJul 11 ave led theDemocrats Plan 1 1IO N T E I
c ount ry there toumend F l a p in
rters o the Republi PROGRAMOF WEEK
campaign con iittce s
can congressional a- -
e are to be maintained , JIAEPEAJIE READING CLASS
'hese headquarters wils WILL PRESENT "HAMLET"
t Aug. 15 with Senator TMRO IH
Ill.), secretary of the fT______W NGH
rpi., ndRepresents-~
r p., md)chairman of y< ~ ~U V1 L1'~,
oral committee, in s#1
or Phipps (Rep., Coo),MleeFreWl ePromdB
e seatoral ommite .... ...Players With Teclinije of
t headquarters part of........ ~ants' w a
an congressional com-
11 mintan aneastrn WLLWMThree lectures, a dramatic recital,
nr New York city wtI _ lDFEL0 and an inspection ofh bevtr
Tlo epConn.), will egira the week's entertainment
rc of the house, in program tomorrow, Two lectures are
its wll hve teir rin-scheduled for 4 o'clock, Dr. Samuel
tersin Wshinton.C. Lind's discussion of "The Problemi
y (Dem., R. 1.) is chair- e?;z':, : of Nitrogen Fixation" in the Natural
mcratic senatorial cam- . Scienceauioum and Dr. Leslie L
while Representative' . Lumsden's health lecture in the ani-
Ark.) is chairman ot c torium of the Dental building. Prof.
congressional commit- {. Lumsden will continue these lectures
erry and Rtepresenta- ' at 4 o'clock throughout the week.
ill be in charge of they .* At 5 o'clock in the Natural Science
adquarters of the two . auditorium Prof. Henry A. Sanders of
ich will be maintained I the Latin department will speak on
in close co-operatioi4 5 "The 'Oldest Fragments of the New
n (Dem., Va.) will h el PET ER. .GEP R 'Testament." The Women's Education-
e speakers' bureau of/ al club will meet at 7:15 o'clock to-
committeenorrow night at 36 Tappan St. Ad-
an choice of Chicago I mission to the Observatory at 8
s is significant in that o'clock tomorrow, Tuesday and Wed-
party's desire to get s' esday nights is by tickets only,
ticalIly precarious arid- which may be secured at the Suner
rampant agriculturala a session office in University hall.
[ty leaders do nt at- IJ The class in Shakespearean reading
ver the problem' which under the direction of Prof. Ray K.
farmers are dissatis- ,lnel of the Summer session public
resent adinsta i' speaking department will present.
liey and it is going to1 "Hamlet" at :15 o'clock tomorrow
propagandising of a . night In University Hall auditorium.
store anything like en- This performance will be unique in
,gular Republican men. that it will not only be given without
ts, on the oeterhand,'i costumes and stage settings ut that
ngton is perffectly safe C-u~ GA~ the roles will be changed after every
C4AU~ A.SW~sONscene.
___________________________________________ I riffin Will Give Lectre
tg~i~hProf. Clare E. Griffin of the School
~li{tore at 5 o'clock Tuesday in Natural
~eriece CEMIST WILLGIE:nsAdnitaonwl
xper ene A H IScinceauditorium on "The Economic
'7 ~ ~91 ON il 3 I ITflfl ni Aspects of the Auto ile ndustry."
wit~ IIII IU lfhl ti1At 6: 15 o'clock on a that dlay the Men's
'to close contc it h ;III t IIII Educational club will hold their regu-
English instiltut ionis. lar weekly meeting which will take
In be no fundamental het'w-re Postponied From J.1uly 7IDuoe the formr of a baseball game and pi-
en English anm ier- To lDr. Lind's Illnscs 1'1111 e ic supper at Ferry field.
idemts, Professor II ol- G'ien ~Tomorrow~i At 830 o'clock in Sarah Caswell An-
In genemral, Aneric -;
er otloo on ifeduegell hal The Players will give their
gearter extent of our' WAS PROFESSOR HERE fifth presentation of the summer,
aMoliere's farce "The Doctor In Spite
he students are rest-
iey do not feel that. hr. Samuel C. bind, assciate di- of Himself." This will be produced in
are tmnit 'min~ rector of thne fixed ntrogn mresearch exactly the manner as it was original-
ed's or flie nThy ree aboratam'y D1epartment of Agricul- 13lyPresented by Moliere himself. Per-
ll in Aumrc colstume at Washinigton, whose lecture i formances of this play will also be
iuink that they ofer scheduled here foi'Juluy 7 was post- I given Thrsday and Saturday nights.
nitres. paed, roil speakc at, 4 o'clock tomor- Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum-
vi tia 111 ppru-row t ithe a~ural Science auditor- Imer sessionwil(eie'ailuttd
y~ ~ ~~~~u tem hd~ot~- i l o "The Iproble m of' Nitrogem ixn- lecture at "5 o'clock Wednesday on ''A
~temsivey aout ng-atioin." The lecture will be illustrat- I rip to the Arcer Coast On the Baltic
hospitably entertained
wned Sea." Palmer Christian, University
____________Dr Lind was assistant proessor of organist, will give a recital at 8
phiysical hemristry he'o from 1905 to r o'clock Wednesday in Hill auditorium.
1915. For some years after that le, Thursday's progranm will begin with
CONDEMN n r5s superintendent of the u-alre anrdI an open house from 3:30 to 5 o'clock
BIN precious metals stat ion at Reno, Nv- at Barbour gymnasium given by the
1 H1f11ad a and later w s chief chemist at the w\omefls league to Wonen's Edua-
l3 1 tiited Stales ureau of' mines at tional club and to women of the
iWahntn School of Education and the depart-
'o rthe condeilnation 1 lie is the invent or of the ~ind inter- ment of physical education.
edI for' the new stad- Ich angeable electroscope for- radiuim St John To Speak
~ b41'f Judg imeasurenets, and loiginated theI Prof. Charles E. St. ohn of the Mt.
ionization thereby of the chemical f-t Wilson observatory, California, will
-e in1 (iculcoite fects of radium rays. In March ofi lecture at 5 o'clock Thursday in Nat-

ir tu.this year he was awam-ded tel-I ural auditorium n Mto
ired is valued at $40,- teSineo
hiam I1l. Nichols Medlal for Chemical; Used and Results Obtained in Modern
ermn h Uiest esearchl.a Astronomy." The lecture will be il-
.01) fo- i, ahproim- l~r, lind is thie author- of ''Chemical E lustrated.
he oers aibodishepre- Effects of Alpha Particles and Elec- Trwo events are scheduled or Fyri-
lieowuersan th UnIti-ous''and other- articles on chemical dlay. They are a lecture by Prof.
'seuitedl by Cavanaugh andradioactive subjects, and is an Clarence L. Meader of the linguistics
associate editor- of tile Journal of the department at 5 o'clock in Natural
American Chenmistry society, and also, Science auditorium on ''fliolinguis-
Ia co-edlitor' of ''Chemical Abstracts."! tics : Laniguage Study As a IBiologicalI
3ALL SCORES I Hte is a fellow of the American As-!a Science", and a social evening under
sociation for the Advoncenment of Sci-I the auspices of the Women's league
lean League once, andl is a member of the American C to all students in the Summer session
Philadelphia. 2. Chemist-y society, the American Elec- from 8:30 to 11 o'clock in Barbour
New York 3. r u-ochemistry society, the American gymnasium,
3, Washington 5. j Institute of Miming and Metallui'gical On Saturday Excursion Number 7, a
Bostoni 3. enginers, and Sigma Xi, national-11hon- trip to Put-In-Bay under the direction
FBoston 4. I orary resear'ch society. ! of D~r. Gerald R. McCarthy, will take
al -__ II This is tile first lecture of the week place. The party cvll assemble at the
Dual League I of the Summer session program., and Michigan Central station at 6 o'clock
as 5, St. Louis 13. will be open to the public.l in the morning, will go to Detroit
8, Chicago 3. I and take the steamer to Put-In-Bay,
Pittsburgh 9. 4 The University of Texas has an in-( returning at 11 o'clock at night. Totail
5Cincinnati 4. come of $10,000 a day fromn oil roy- expenses or the trip will not exceed
Ialties. $5.00,

It sets forth tile attractions of camp!
life in all its phases. Alone it presents
enlough to simulate vacation plans for I
the remainder of one's mnatural sum-
mers. There are letters and pamnph-
lets regarding the Y. W. C. A. camps.
Forest Beach in the dunes on Lake 1
Michigan, camp Hachelaga on Lake
Champlain, and many others. The
Y. W. C. A. conference at Lake Geneva
follows easily the closing of summer
sc-hool; August 20 to 30 are the dates.
The theme will be the problem ofF
youth under the title "Students at the
Cross-roads, Whither Bound?"
The Y. W. C. A. Foyer for foreign
women offers temporary hospitality toI
such who may be in Chicago for a few
weeks, or who are merely changing
trains or waiting the arrival of friends
there. Camp Pan--Hellenic, for col-
lege and professional womenm, is at

!Of the mniversit ies visitedo, those of
the industrial :enlters- of Leeds auld
IManchester a ppeai'ed mo fst. cosmlopol- I
it an and huadltime keenest atmlosphere.
Exeter, the smallest of them all, im-
pressed the ~A~t(mrticas as ha ving thel
Imost viiile edlucationial life and the
most wholesome stuodent body; Oxfordk
seemed most stagnant.a
English schools lack the systemiaticlt
truainIi ng in plat form anid speech wvork
pr-ovidIed in A merna uuiversit ies.
ile lpoorest; speech habits juidgetd
hromu the standard of lplatfom pIu r-
p)oses wer-e heard at Oxford, the biest,
at Exeter- and the northern schools.
Professor' IIollister- believes thati the
absence of dialect~s in the Unit ed
States g ives us a finer oppor'tunit y to
develop a clear cut language and tihat
it is a mistake to feel that we must'
look to England for our standai'd in

Washington Island, Wis. speech.
The privileges offered at these I Europe appears to have nothing in!I Amen
camps are numerous; horse--back the field of the theater to surp~ass that .I Detroit 4,
riding, canoeing, swimming, archery, in this country, Professor Hlollister St. Louis 21,
campi-craft, dancing, nature lore, and asserted. Tile most amtistic produc-! Cleveland3
all athletic gaimes. The women who tion that he witnessed was "The Mer- Cicgo2
are interested are asked to inquire at ry Wives of Windsor" p~erformoed at.I ('hii('igo 3,
Miss Richard's dlesk at Barbour gym- Stratford by the Shakespeare Festival
nasium. players. Other theatrical ventures, l Natio,
both inoEEnglanmd and on the Continent ± Philadelp~hia
Lithuania now has eighty-one ee- i have little to conttribuite inl the way i New York
trio light and power companies, a of artistic imagination.J Boston '7,
greater part of which are operated One of the spleindid results of the Brooklyn 5
with oil or peat as fuel. trip was the fact that the visitors 1 --______

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