New line of Patents just in.
The New " High Ball" Last the latest.
University Views and PHOTOGRAPHERA ®T RENSULER'. 0 ,M iI,:FUNS
SkeWffis ;,.M
Irtqire t _ Offce 04b th Ave, Pi) 9. Re-
LOVILL, KR X1189 issourli to compete. U versl tuets ering to e- dence 302 ,5 st ae. 'Pc '14. Am-
LolowngtherIdAssinff ie cure positipus to teach will find It to buance on cl!',
__________________________thet nteret to write to Jame F Wooen -U
ot of a wveek ago, the fculty Comm1it Uccullough, WOf) ine Ars Building, Wg"enS .
ilIIII 111f~4Jthat the entries of i ssouri Cinnvei.ty Ukn o the city, 1C e to paut aea a
woud e aceped for te iniercltA knsoiieg- tt'APoog- fet FT tpU ? \1 T I](U"id ne
SOMA r ~~~iatvt-cnrene ret at alihtrsill y'ied apes' suplies. Cuhing's Pharin in advanie)_ Sul.s 4
)ta 3J,3.oeof heon ' 0u p. Tr 1ouerins y.:Q
~~cQrtin1isoeingc it11for rfsn
O0ers a three-year's course in prft Dh nriso raike Uirsty,fo Expert rpligo eer t adu.Mcitse m rvnt
thir. akte thletcs tokols , t its In ALLER'Sarngajewelry StRE$14 atp, SATISFACIN IARt-
a public law leadinbg to the degree, lasnt tyar's meet and 110 laws wvere _______ NED
.~L. ~footnd in the anateur reords'of tile rsh Alleretl uocatate at Cueh- FRAZER,
dtLItIi embershlp ino the school ine. The I-lteamn hagodgsahrac.CSTOM TAILORING, Over lt N-
be rstrlte$ t graduates o coleges wigitt tnittvho is likely to push lugad ha-a #toal ak, Ann arbor, g~ih..
scenifc coos n od tadigdock of ihigan, Lng of Wisconsin ' Rooms for Rent for Net Year- a
ana sietitc cfaol I god tadig nd the tr stas- Chicago MIaroo. 'w suites and three single rooms, ~ Vff ~l
sad to persons presenting satisfactory Miswts tis. 'el furnised, lighted at(] heaed; 11<VU ~ I I
MISS Potts Re~lta1. 2.0 to $f3.0; furtace heat. batht. gas,. S bI2JCFR.
Ov~dcuice of equivalent training. Grad-IisnergaaPotlgv ergad ihne 41. RaIfITrtes for sutume Ji l oth Jue 'Sheehan
His Gergina ott gve er ~td LWentalArnold tO v C augan
ueates of approved colleges are admit- uating recital at Friee Metorhtl all school; 331 Packard street. 3i.. Js iH Weds J; FMils
NIi J ye Jts R arer-
F+riday evening, before a harge number Frs tertiCoclts nCs-lo Hoch Pest H fiCarhrt
ted without examination,rs lereuuvotesa uh Fuses P loie (lrtiss Matie
of Interested friemds. 31isc Potts tg's Pharmacy.
F'or circulars containing full Infor-splayed her diffiult program Ill a nst Te Ann roarain NO
sasion, address the Secretary of Co- creditable mnnt~er tirough'lou. IProb- Expert repairitg of jewelry at Capiali5155, B elies.urus, gigss,s
ably tebs u brwas ue - " TiLEV, E ILY 7Ut. Orgaise, d undrrsth eut baning Law
ai iaUiestNw Yr Ciy l," by Chopin. In this le displayed -- e es deposi, u.,cywl sels e c ge
-- - - ---.gre at facility of ostch anld excellet ~gg~p oteo ripl 1,-illso'th, Uitel Sited.
, - Ilies V5~I~ J5 u O:f't re Sc oni c rieticaln
w mt oleti. t he hi- nuiiibci ws trc - " "Stetyba cts rent,
Ci oneerto, 3Mr. tLo-swood payig the aS OIBOT 0ev O es: icP. Hiscek, Pres.; W.5J
orchestral "'Meditation," by Hei ,Va-'-. ....r a n
tTs,hailousl- -'ws aloeamost excel- D}Y .A,& Y. SatadarTlas
0 .lent numiber. Ms iPo t l sicnghat $ e""'""'If it14+riAfro
Ctuett-Peabody seglige alle loa ileioapre i. tioll C MAY 11 n 11:35. or Ypsilanti 0n13' at 12:1 a.
aemdfisfo ofle fihlle enlingof te comlpoer which J~mrued payie "a r uBr~lOn, t. and 1A5 a-uc. For Jckso hhourl
shi3 rts aefis orCt- ~hsher Iusic mios ejoyble." DTRIT AMeg BUFFALO from 6.1 5. in- unyll 7:1 P. i. TI,
fort, bt style and elegance of L eave DETROT Daly - - .00 P. 11r. at :15 p m- nd 111 p. uM.
gi arg in them too. SLEEPING'' n theSERVICE Arrv aRUFAL . oWatig room Ijirop St..W. of1an,
Clinet hirts, $z~jo up ANABO Lo AD.e Lave OFF Daily - 5.0 P!-f ANABRAtOD
Mesc hrs 10 p Seeping ar ervie between Toledo ya ATENadNE NA SAEtt . _('4-n~sktr ZcasaiaeI a:eiz~~~rin evBAnAbr yoara tn
Cuett, Peabody & Co. and Frankfort, Iich., via the Anitn ~ttirat.. Aretln e les-nAtCta
Arbor railroad-will be resumed lMon- lxse hataieneae ida oa nedmTane
te.3r0 eand ile li 5.Bo 5ncna L e e lid.rnU, 1T9('
APTJIR TilE PLAY day, May 11, on trains leaving Toledo swaniea a ~e. U.I Adfnla _____T___________
ii at gtQyiesi ayptl a~ at 330 d. n. sad from Frankfort at l~ ou ailway aget wihlSriTB ftyoTH
L.unche(S of tll PI0l. 90ti a 71 lciet o ufoo rit, nea~ nd our M c I- S .00 A ..
me . tneu S. Nat 51 Sahranfrrharesfrm ep tw r. N -1 --i th
oe fom leei tn the. Micigaeliehl nout today. Oi nl t Bast oneWest, " 'l n
PROUCIINOW & SCIIAIBLE. one edition. Pice $1.50.- A. A. BIANtz, d . .7. ., DagroIZ Ntn. TatsrNozuad0rorue eeu asiilb
andToe o set -
Loki&h Dinig Room ,BILLIARD l, . Pv,
pt? given each diay. . 17 iri A
-?d . Stote t. s6cLthrty t. y m 't
Try our NSt'icbsi teak , pe nesall i4y J 1 U
DY.A. & . Pf00gltunrts. awlkad e-y
M O ' I Y gEngraving a Specialty. Worj< 5Juarptee. ClI in ittd llexnnie NE=WYORKWrt
JbP n g our U. of M. Pns. oveI?,r Spoospatoll B4nps. AND BOSTON
Th idYuAeLonlg FPan- W.p 9ts dreeact cOc t aaego for Bt
NX2I.2r. 2a S. Ma{n s. FRED J.!SCIiLEEDEw340 tState eulaAeW.WC S
Single admission 50c, $1.0 Anesetalpr of your college equipment is a Ticket,______________~o
The Asoiatonsela tickets, not to "sake money," bst to be able ble 10 ht le Watc this space for, S. L. A. an-
f~nivra Mi chie) gan the greatest orators, lecturier'psoil entertainiers of lit e o. A'L1
Smoneyjislreturn~ed We the student In the form of cctt'es. JIouInients and 4ates.,
A I.-LAA DJjS Sp ring of 'o3 Woolens have arrived contain o
In pwettiestli - of om-tep1p+s ever shown