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May 27, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-27

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r v f K !RTkii R SoIPY0 CIGAN DAILY.
Is wha keeps this store in cloe
171 1 1tS ~touch with the yougnno h
ni ii~. Our ur higbitnofh
1 a Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,and all the ; --
Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing K
- tl Madras, Cheviot, I geerous and intresting; nd
Lie n ccl.ismde up of just tho e thinas r<
Line andPercle. hatgive tone to the war.
Alenswho like to be wll drssed
13AG~rT. RANDIII t mdierate cost frequen t here. -
2 f o r 2 5 W a g n e r & C 0 -W A D H A M , R Y A N & R E U L L 1: t l is e 1 b .0 6 E . 'H r u S r e
z' ~around you'll find MOGUL-
pCigarettes pleasant smokes 11'e are prpard this seaon to met eery demand
between numbers. Or if you ase hvinciiced thi nuine of Woknen. A.
"sit it out" she won't ciet usual, we hae THE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS
as a springtime zephr. wrk as in the past. We respectfully iivite your
Plain and Cork Tip. S. W. BURCHFIELD
" SP A L O IN 'S O FFIC IA L M ICH IGA N N OTES. po swer an d sw eetne ss and is a f v rt Fw t a g u b r o e p e h r .I S R W E R R S
ATHLETIC AMAN~AC Ivkviite 11feetc1inches, Heiprogram a 'riety uited to hr S W [I~ R
est~dny n suh a celtl.Te is t numbr SIRAWBLRRY SUNDAY
For 1903 by is good r 1"IIws ais groip of. Scich wns Mis J /]
The only almanac published that hIlie st i stheseries of .ops givenCiiamipll1sins ties ons as no se SRW ER LI
conains-ak.complete list of Amer- ib' iii Social" saw clots will beIiven is'0"te cn ibee sic heliTScotci oii. RW [RYF.O
lean Best-on-tecords and Ceal-ThursiyCs'v'ninig. Seiw'seiieroiisly applded in this
plete List of Chanmpions. Over is wel1asin cotsernmiibs
530 pictures of prominent Anmeri- 1Miss Mary llmpbny,of thiii' DJAT
can and fore'gn athietes. froitFree P tress, t.It. '02. is vstlgI1-hrAm 1 iolNTC
Price 1o Cents about'iiiill dai n1 'lion fe- sc if yuo tIseholooi c yor ltfe rii'ewd'hlint
A- glSp ldn & ro.iioo e . ii t ,'iigtie' brack aser osi iiiisl ftw or conyewsh. Ii iso a ulil
.G .Spaldi g & ros. isei in no i ie iiiindiboaiig ini cc -lie to oivettiii tieli bri incuii
ailiiir iiireito tofhiecolege yair. ITle to iss-li n & C o, huushi. srt o i I j C mps r g toe
INe'w York, Chicago,Denver, Balti Ifir i neiiii'iii'it c see ie sil iu t-is a i'l uh li y. 7icis iAt lisd3thil.
imoie, Buffalo li ,usteoiii iy ux e ei 'curioii" Pit.. t k Nbe h e ifNw York, will io ___h____________ve___________
MrFay Woodmanae, agraduate w it ei'iiise i'ic e ll ty. cb I lol hoii'a ninr
Our larg e e ngneer of the Td of eel, who for the wieh oulot only'mit icarddcl no elgu sbos u loyorc prepartory Zoo Pamk Avenue, New om-.
lasIt fess years has been connected with " ' bok,77
l4lifthe L o~ Sla dison Electric Light works at sho ek.Foilly tmlp t for sclrly n 1d pne-
Clb H ue~Scienectad, N. Y., lisa acepted a fine - tical sor Ino the midst of thehi' -
position in Chicago, where he removed Michiganensi an out today. Only Isn enterprises of a gra'c it, In cose
for sx is a Winner swithlisl family last week. one edition. Price $1.50. iacadeiiic reatiois with Columbia ad
Nsv York TMiverities, emerapjir-
usET . nit aions are out for the ma.rriage tiinitie for the degrees of B. D., A.
VCSTER BAY AV lY 0 of Otto Henry Hans, business m.an- Lot-Oii (hurch St. obibll di-i1., and Ph. D.
(A1HIN ~ alter and editor-in-ehief of th '.Wah-,iiiuiii Sigisi Nii piii iioiiitiiig.i1t4 Open on eqal1 terms to studensof
6Q . Williams S, teraw Times, to ia. Clara es Snytrin to SigiiassNihoseamd t recie all Critian bosie.
60der, dauhter of bar. and Mrs. Redney rsward. SIXTY-EIGIIfI! YEAH begins Sev.-
Open day and night. Phone 467. Auesdaymidernon, ofuels , 0 tember -3rd, 1.0013.
Tusd.y atenon, un 0 Gus untea fontain pens, $1 up. Address the Presidit of te Fauly,
t 1 7~ Professor C'arpmte',o Colsimbis Cuihing's Pamacy. the Rev. Charles CuthetIHall, D. D. R N nvriy hRdSuro
______________________troic DrJomies anmdles. Dr. Ptton, Eye glasses repaird. new lenses at Y HAE lust reeied the Lrget aa
of AmimsAbor, and sevral prominent HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. nnsTUK ISHC RTE n IE
Academy of Dancing irsfessrs, ssere usts of the Quad- TURISHCIGRETES nd IPE
ramgle last nith. Seeal papers amd For Sale-A fe dr-a suit and nma- Ever broght me the city.
Office-Residence and Academy speeches on Emiersois sere presented. dliiicieap. J. C. Watts, 331 East FN LUNCHES in connection
Ground Floor, 310-312 Maynard St. Miss Elizabeth Campbelaso her Liberty stret, city. Eseryhng net and ciea'
grduating reitl at"'ias Memomial 308 soth state St. R. EB JOLLY.
hll lalst eveningi Thersoas ao lar'e FOR SAL.
UT'TLE nomier of her frind pre.ent to enjoy Drug she in iv l - oil tossniitwentyD A J I ~
( f./(L( e C te lbpeaant program whih se ren- as'emlssoti of Toledo Ohio toN IN
l WfYJ t11,LQLJ deied so excelently. Miss Campel's quire of G. W. Butler, "811 Monroe S ring Tr $2,50
LuiL~ lOOLIS voice is a sweet soprano of wonderful street, Ann Arbor. 7. Sp Tr
338 S. tate.Univrsity Academy
PROF. SCOTT. Instructor.
PHOT OU RAPITIS Goods Talk---Talk Does Not.me ilar alr
CL ON We sell the best clothing in thewol for the mny Fin Cigars and Tobaccos.
,EYMOUR STUDIO $10.00 and 15.00 suits and Overcoats made epecial- JAM ES EIDEf 312 SO11k
116 . Maln SE.l o us from the best all - wool fabrics, styl al 9L~1) State St.
adftequalled by few and excelled by none. CT A B R S O
DAN SHERIDAN,_ff rop. 11sE.HhURtO ST :.
F. WillimS2~- ..First door ofSae AGENCY CHICAGO AMERCAN
411 E. 57th St., Cicag. -D t-t oldG lm u
P iitil s oi cillgc'id" ~ '< Leave Detroit Io p. m., Micigan Central
nxitic.acsdi - Leave 'Toledo I2:3o night HcigVle
fts 5111 ill' - Arrive Colunibus 6:50 a. Mn., Hocking Valley
CJ ]a 1., (It.. (_. 1 Tt y Tna Z.i PARLOR OARS ON HEDY RAN
Say .Hocking Valley"Ito the ticket agent or write
SEN'D FOR CATALOGUE L. W. Landman, G. T. , Detro it, h.

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