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May 21, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-21

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_ .r. __. .._ If you want to know We niry acol eel i ne ii.of
lIat smartly dressed
I . witl wear Iti, ea-yJ5
VXESTS > o:', a ,sIk til ., i aQ li
C.) t~liiii\-a a G11.1iti ti i tr
ACV5~lif&AM~{ ~ I NUATR~
__________ 0 r 42 5 5tac St
Ttiat's tie ste 10here ( you(
the teast t lm ht to youri-
selves. I)iiniE'ii ii(3'fi {jili ! H 6That Spr%-,, S t,
specialty. M, F. DOWLR, Agi(. 4 '
Phone 657. Office, 402 M aynard St. or 0 jerco +t ?
SPALOING'S OFF IIL 'rer ott omi1" i efect. Pi cs
ATHLETIC ALMANAC bto er tii tarNo Wtiielse i, elttt){
For 1903 go uaiy
The only atmnaapublinsied that
contains a coniplete list of Anier- -; y.UUiplenBsto-Rcrd ndCm
leeList of Chamnpions. Over6w P
can anit foreign ruatleltes.
PrcIinenshtercollegiate Debate CALENDARt
Ilc ~o i- 1tiiiti I llO W iii i - et
Ag rsinI . tiii ill. ii1tiiiil
I iii i cI v .i'r .i
New 3tortu, Chicago, tDenver, Baltd-
mo10e, Ituffalo.
C 1 j R A N G E R ' S1 1 1 ii i i i i . 1 1 1foi o i i ll: I i l ot i iiv 11
Acad~emy of Dancing til piiitii. liiiii N;ite1 iii
..... u...i..n.~. ii . 501--iimie tiii i tiVito iiiIll1it Iii.,1lec hir i: iiii Ii
fljfiv-otoaiir Pnr.a an uorai~ nVT..J, --- mv1,,.- --;i l~c- 1Ip111 1:1; I ,h scloil - lie
ItIVe YO1111 en thIne xii i b-is le baud
It l re ;ti-s ts-i '-. loii e i ii ris
0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler4ff
Campus Drug Store.
only CnyKitchenml
When You Want Home-Madte Candies.
Ground Floor, 310-312 Maynard St. Iiil at voi iiii thei I tarifft oivo (1 11 1) l l(Miss1.VI lilili- :It '\ilV Tll Ie- . 31. ST()FLJ:T, 115 N ftIAIN
lIv W111Viscn i. iii1.
______-______________________-________cla_______ isJ AVE jst received ihe Largent and
TUTT E Te (:>pt~z,1 i, o tlta 't~lty II.\ 1 <11TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES
11Ii11'lii .1 a ti e~root } (F N r 11\ve"W l o ic:- e. Fresh Ale etto o a cabes at Cush- Ever irougttiiitte city.
LO J (1R 1 ((jllV~l,( (( LABS tag's Pharnmaiy. FINE LUNCHES ill connekction 1 ieflrett I~r~t :l e~lEvrtigna neen
338 S. State t. t it 2:" :t. t ('; -ttii it e, iris Exhort repiiriiig of jiwetry itt 308 South state St. 10. 10. JOLLY.
3.3$ S Statet. \viltiti uiiiiii g I)l- o}I tariar Isicr IALLER'S JEWELRY STO4E.
C. . Ii. AJR & CO fur$17tIniqirec at 312Packardiitreti.
Trout titrI):tiI~v Ntliii s:11:xii f f gl i 11ltt~i li lliler ulix -CtMit N SAKI'tlIAY PS I OtC pring Term $2.50
Artlistic .DecoratorsII1 n cademye {
Specatty Ottointerior dcrtvewr,;llu w -i 21its tl(-tc lo -ii i .1111 Aiiit trour i<i 1.t ti t c t p it U nivers.!'ity Ac d m
Watt paprtint s, ilsan ;lss. "'he e l itv lelld W1. lll andli A11.\t hue tatest silections5 trotulthe lirhty
203 E. W s. t P o 3. tet" 1 i f ('hie:( ;o. l"01,xiii ret optoras il stotk. PROF. SCOTT'..tInstructor.
Feasi i lc t i i ut . as l-i 1rLicniii1ANN AROR II MSIC COMPANY.
STUDENTS USE ar it: : leit i.liith Ilrv n 4or. 20:3-2111Last WashintgtoiSt. ROSEY'S
Gasoline La psertrpaiinn o jeiery at Billiard Parlors
"'I'le s;1vt~ of ~ttssu" tiligt. HALER' JEWERY SORE. Fine clizars aed Tobaccos.V% 32ti
W. S. PIPER, 308 S. flain Street. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JAMES W.EID, 1ot
Eyes Scientifically Fitted SPP INC , 5UITIN i adEapn~
'Nes-lotns and r 001 1 . i i 4 L c. ar
Htiti~e tih 5an illil - lu 'li I xi t 1 L-v> t*fi- LS - Alf
re eri g W rti -l (sfo i le' 221 con)--i1 11 1-W1 l . Ix IiVII £ ' 's 1 t - ilCilf'I t+. St.- A rt c '
I stt i. > L.IP ANd lt1GSMdO til tli -. Ait 0 11 1 ci't Ii I s1 0i I11( ; f -
THE VARSITY B13 t S%, ~ >~0 0s- uiV
tits iVI 32IYii
DAN SHEI D "t, P.. ..ti10,
I 5 Vllittt i Iitu 0 - - - - 20 ~s1, 2) P'.0 -- 1 )I
41h F. 57th St., (tiil t;.
Culsats 1 I Nl, rll oDier - ii 1iii- liii - - -
P elilt --i frt11 1 l
P Iiiuetlit ll I elli 2 c11i t - - - - 1
stock. y4 V k t r
C tass Pins, Cll-x it21it ii1,i
SEnD FOR CATALOG~UE ~ a.> 121 E. Washington Street

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