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May 09, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-09

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TIl .O I AL that the higher learning is a hni
Spring If thes data snupported Mr. Cranes
SEnteI~redsas clne~xxmtte r at Ann Arbtac~ltentitans they iiud rt' otliiiig fVe sell
111 1818f thecollee ar at the Uirsity f ici-to tit mersfor =gaisfl ist (IlIt iol f Cl ubIs
Compai ny lu), reapiers or elti''iors. Weit comeiisi
MANAGING EDITOR, to therhandciapii of lost tingernt
Tie larest , an td cnt £ \RLE I. HOUSTON,3. ieeeatciieeofwrteeteei te
Compteiulis .lte itBUSINESS fSANAGER, bottomehoeter. fost uenitll ii o.' Good, eedbeones -
ROSCOE B. I UTON, '04-tL.' made fresotihe very best eia-
cetle thaet tie'piteiif Mr.M('lark
EDITORS, i, eec ccci. 'The yiiteeg Juan Whost.e ste s terials ic e isest wee. liehey
Athletics10inetoemastiier aesejieesiwithoueti"ohs',eg are correct ita ote]di eand
O L ~~loet K s. Wtoniii,if, t. f elit'ie i ieseeiee ftee ineelfinisihed. I )ecial lat-
W O OieeLeE N iee. i years over tw iler etie ii' s'tiise. IIi' lion is given to tie Spr:irng
OBEICAL NEWS also heas tier llteeaieege of ane 'ester and balatnce of tieclcibs. Thei
IceA cte rtortril e fti ed Te'i~ea I. isb'ci. retj. . n anetd rooieir ii iattetility toiwiak. iroces ire band litiniceced
11Ck 60c '0 'C FrainkhJ. Cl'ark '06 ry iSf ess'cii~te'r ireteattE s an b( fromtnhte finest il1d teel.
itt I W l Ci o.'stC iklsc tein, '. Rosberct I..tt'ti'rt,.'er tlnntetit i i ic ietiiei Thlie gtips are wiiund with
E. W ashiingtocefit. ( G seit il i eBaitger, '0a. Dsiec tylsl ii"ct'. 'ii 'ee't Ii11'',itorsehie. TIhess aniaebettk ni knly..dr'6. Ry 'els'ra T em"_.'l(( ia ,tee 1 h r lelnisos c
1 ieatcv.b~ i iic ec le i c'5). Io 'ccli.'Ci ilc ity iiof tier ieeniteI l iu i sties I3.VARDON"Golf
tti.eseliec~tiotn (it all sute- LouiicA. I t ic, 0'. i.tijit e'i i'i'cswc,'0or by Mrte I iie ce ethte value Cu s d sllte Dcfr
tug', tiittietecgsC&iibc landBrsieslf$2: ivea
ingottefrti i . ovecia oleetiect natutie aeer" ndsiptan uricee setthe C. oat .eeil' ot. ii tee'i(re' rases 250eah
coatin s for his seson. Dily is h:it oe tiercolee year. NSee tirftiii to ':15' tht colC ttegi' ti
tiiren s.commniccaei.etc.. niust ber handed emust iii iii tIt the'ttomiie" andteit i Irons, $2.00 eacb.
Icc at the OcDaitofice e feta 8e c. m., or
- ci iaiets o chi e~rut er etic naocn atthe dear .1 iitsineiss. '.icl'.'Cralle, hocwe'veri' -
pi i TT 111 revlans to that an eiheithtiey are expc'ted peaicheis tis testicmony ic faivortof AT
* 1.1 11111 1Suscrib ernill canteenateavor hy repeercing cileeiitl ii is ihioik.
I Y JIipanmptly esattireffice y tailure itcarriers Thlinitiitat MiifSr. Craceti'sci s,
G1 D !W ILD C 0 " Xi1 hau n nlaiirtisn atter must he can iewiiih is Iiiii teby'tihi' cei'cci s WAHVRR
i tii offi ce i p. tn. on the deye v iusic'to u seee' r clar cuiti
tciat otiec e uy ar ie. pea. and Soati itii''feiiietr eeSheisponderc th iis-S BOSOE
108 E. Washington St. anheiii hefiee c ti'rceiea, is thtithoughiic he i
_________________________ Mecice St. Telenhone No. ii. ieee'" tie saieeeaes tilt othierstandu
1ecst stairt at tie bottom iscet chantces
$ 1 5Oponrfrht Novels C rif scuccess, if tic aecicccrig tilefn
d I~ J b c~ cectte s of tieriucsiess,leei eatie r
thaceethtof tie ianiwho haes eiot
i'tuitor iTodacy,. hay tPeebles. giene to eoaleige.
8moc anyproosiionIlo r kniowl'edge is teawer. Thiis trueisiieT
8 cat cii,,ieyiototioieitcsticng is moser s'wi'eiytciislvti'igeii thani C pE'I l
I e spieceiltlitlies (itc ed qiculity) ui c on iicetei', tancgiblt it 'sil'ecait erc'berfore. If ti youneg ceiee lieuru Co.
itthli erciytow price. bi'eproveniy sttiistics. Acean'uveeue the right staff i s a college edu t- T
spendsi a cmillion o llars . 'ea fto 'ti shuliu' eeey htis ofaecuieiscu'a irndh
Tics Cavalier, tiy (Geo. 5. Caubie. adets''tic e ttproduct msiglit 'asity trust' etieesi ayln o nevr is h
Th Valetty of Diectsioni, hy idithe icy'tigitrus ttileioliiccnii anseete t iii li 'teitus' eiioose to fottocs.-('tei' Class Coast
Whrton dc. aeesiritisinge .ad eeic i i tee goit ci 'nio c liic iService. 1 ' ' Line to
Dortity' Vern'oni of Itilddoci Htall, by (tmite iii' I aipientt'h' t hadtelSafety. Points
Chlueis .Mtajicr. it otled iice fori' theicotiiinuos 'Ind DET1ROIT t'ic BUJFF Conmfort ! 'o
Grss Stitte ce Shttiers, btoterii'eeiete tiie'ipusbliirrta 5Greatnd ee' . ~ o
Gess. Douuglaus. i ii'ty fews'woi'ii haiet ve r ici' c' of i' teetirit cite
Tlce M~isdtemteanoirs of Nettity, tiy Eleas' i, :eiltheii soii' eics iwouldihae e e ----i8~iee.~ M
ncor Itoyt. irtiti. -t... ~:......
A Dioubet-B'atrru'lled I Detciv'eStacy, ;'o it isiswithe let 'l ttt''iii'' " > . f ,.-For Cleveland, Pitt iiiccg and alt
try 'MetrciTwveinu. S'iice i'eie prove 'lilytihuii s ito its dtt' Apotits'eaist, teave Detr'oit 'iilivt0:30
Viet Crcci'i,icy'I',. Maciicei Cec ssfeirit a. seii'by tig~Ime s. It s e fi i, oneComr c mG t MAY 1T tnp a cihe i iysiviedirc
Tics IIi'ieit o a rb etailetnit ftl,:nllo' ,"ee DETROIT AND BUFFALO J-y adccgust.
Runle te dirct1"'tlr," ~ano h t:111-LeveDETROIT Daily 4.00 P. M. end eckconinanorthitci', Deltoi
The I leisis if ter lird, ey 'Mirs. Steel. ]tited ircompieeii d'i. (rillii'of tI iti it' Arrive at BUFFALO . . $,8.0 A. Mt. andy ll ptsnot, F tlceavi"eetroi
The Laeiiy teui' titeiii by ili'y' heir' ciiiii e e htc i ccifronit the staetiustc i'iiti Leave BUFFALO Daily -. 5.30 P.MTn. Four trilus per wree cr1fter Jutne 10th.
landci. is theisiatulty otic ei rmiie'just shtei Aerive at DETROIT . . . 7.00 A. A7. Send 2c stamop furcRtter acnd
the c'ollegi '101e u lds'c hai eedoiniesof C on~ece'e:itrieh Frit or tein oteilisinO' SO oarer to alt poccnts. Addressn
Fine Staiti'e'y' iy'this lee it.und. t ithoutt i t'e co eieeui'i tc'aiti . Rtcsetwene troitand falon ni cit n ay
i~ ic f.j[you ilwai ynagen lt ittllyon . enCeost I tssseiniertandc Tin chic
vastaln le of(1.1.1froindteaie]dlead"ceI thrugh tice. iasyanlocal Mantiger. Detroit, Mice.
t~111e~ id tutu41 iteitstrnil ihoiusi's to tickerita to ifT~iooet roit51, aced pay youre
Unierity O S1 S rov tatcoleg ;rdwte ar nt tit etlose wintsen otta300t at.ny
" esiiii the prter''ice i n'i thee il ies pinitt Et o t n S '.
320 S. Stag te S. lof t civiliily, i ee is t e iiduciiie , A. AanrTZ,. 0P.T. M.,Detreit, Mich.
Whenlin need of a
The, University of Chicago
Professional Schools
buy the
A. A.Wuenano
TI he Pen we guarantee tol
give perfect sattisfaction
116 .9 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
Law and
CEach lens a special Circularcof Iniformation which wilt be snt on apptication.
Each wili be in session during the Suimmer Quarter (June 17-Sptembner3).
Tecourses in Medicine are given ccc connection with tice work of
Runh Medical Callege. .
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Pluitimb n coi cteniSttl .'ict y ~jiihcg, Gacs and Electric Fixtures. SteermAT .N
J, F, Schul i, Wtetrcc eLin.St07 e. t'Wa s xngttet 2d Floor ATHE NS THIEATRE ir BLD(J. 'ilite asicLms,27E.WsintnStet
-t-ih----ter-c-ti---S-d n 's--- ce -_
All tb e goodness in the $5.oo Hat is shown in our
'Varsity Hats at $3.00.
S. flain Street.

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