Ask to see our new "Spudt" last.a
Cor. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 3&9, 3 rings. DIRECTOR
LOVEli' (Odl1NR STRE OREOffice 2091 S. 4th Ave. 'Phone 98. Res-
caps and Gowna All kinds o Artists' and Photog- deue 302 S. 5th ae. 'Phone; 14. Am-
342 S. State Street. The customiof weaing lihe cu1)s and rapher' supplies. Gushng's Pharm- buance on cal.
gonseah 'uesday was successfully acy' Wooen Sutiugs
( 1 m Q Ufiv rsty inuguated this wreek wheu a lare 1ill te gutileuan wit whomI The largest stock of WVOOLEN I
II~liv~~itv'numbier of men 5s wel as woen ai 1- exliaiged opera hats at the Conedytlyhi'ity, made to measure told a per-
IVVVL~tt1iLi1ld 1 5&IU51Jij pea redi on the campus clad in their Club kimily connunicate with me at fe et'GARAN~TEED. (N mne
clsiGotmo hr a o E . 102 uron1 stee. in advance) Sak suits 1116 and up
School ot Lawi hesitancy am~ong the nule members 01t) D F CI''ENIRA. dos28alu.Toeigs$5
ofth snirclssabutaperigu TilE 'MICHIGAN CE1RA (1ndup. Maclitshes:ad t(ave Net
thei "swng-ot' ttir, bu as oon$1 and up). SATISFACTION GAR
tieic wig-ot' llrebit 1 50))Offers a re of oe fare for round ANtEEI.
Offers a three-year's course In private as a few of lhein lore enthiusiasic set from Detroit and Jackson o Ann
lh' exampileier111s 1took0 courge utnil Arbor, to be ain effect at time of Mlay FRAZIER,
ad public law leading to the degree in 11w afternoon eveni the freshmnani etsa ut ihgnAitei so USO iALlI 'Oe s a
of LL. B. 'Membership in the school veased toile wiit'sheni lhesaw a catpll) iaion Inersholasic neet. 61l tional Hak, Aim Arbor, Mrih.
and(1~gown. Tihe csiomiis ia gooioie_____________
Is restricted to graduateo of colleges and "Wiryii reslrl5imii of applroval EXCURSION TO 1DETROIT, S aerl eu mn iesuetad//4 Y
Gad scientific schools ini good tandinig facultyhSuthtnrCelrlysecaltrin
ad to persons preoentitntg satisfactory Aflulf ieyttg'rite'ca- Round trill ti0l. Leave Ant Arbor at
mti-itshowth irt'i' guoritie 'of -ollg'1:0 .m We Juglae erit0 1Booth Jn V Sieea
tkIdence of equivalent training. Grad- ctstomts by passiug alleged witty e- a 11:10 . m RtuingcleaDeabycabsWn Arnold Dr V C Vaghan
ofapoe olgs admit-ri~ks aithe it'ltst feesentuiors paussd, NJ3 Kr Jhn Sarer
mishesoarepproved-olleges arl admit-Olv will e checked atd carried JP Kc ro H8SOCrart
uty tte free. 61 Frlash P 'Sater Critan Mharn
ted without examination. to t' sight. ___________
Doutle~ tss aftr'lt'e 11l'lcl'5of to- COME IN SATURDAY EVENING. 1116 lnn flrbor savinup Banh
Forcirulas ontinig ullhifr-dry apearnc titgeaer artofAtnd ihar our popular music played. capital Sto k, es 0. Surplus, etisas.
te'1103 lassJl55will tun olt next '1Tis- hesrea. $15esosll0.
nnation, address the Secretary of Co- Ol '0lPreiden1'uu 'uolu' wisesto 111.4egl All the latest selectios frum the ligtede.aerteGnea ahiglw
tu.oers in stock. oh thiasstate.
lunibiutUiversity, Newo York City. li the '1members f lillyclass5t1o illillurANN ARIBORt MSIC COMP'ANY, oa theprncipal clsof nicte (JotedSates.
netiXtTuelsdayt5'llithterCals .Ilt gowns D(1-1 us Wsii~o ~ ratsashed patn proper ideticain
and1 tuslrittlssaablisithe custom 29-1llsuWsintn.S.Saey oes to rel.
Orrcns Carle E. IHiscok Pre.; W.D
AFTER Ttd PLAY tere. SEEPINGCAR('h tl'ts F, Harrimna, ice-Pei.; M.J. rItz, Cashier.
Drop in and get Oysters in any style and ol~l thel
Lunches of all kinds. 03 IrS-EN(INEEsIS NOTICE. ANABRRIRA. DJ,.. A. al&J.urlyfrSta6:a.dTm
1ee E. Hron St. M. Basik The commitenc(eimetinvitaios will910eep111g cli' strvictweenioled l'llo no. until 6:15 p. u. Then hourly until
Onee boc frain the Athens. behere the iltter part of nttxt week, asd l'rakfr, ich., via thlie'Ani 11:15. For Ypsilanti only, at 12:15 a.v
PROCHiNOW & SCH-AIBLE. asnttcut be had oily after paymeit of Artor ralroad will he 'rstimielMut- n. and 12:43 a. n. For Jackson hourly.
te class tax of tX3.50. This ax is (lay, Mtay 11, otrtis leviig Toledo from 6:15 a. n. until 7:15 p. n. The
STATE st1ilsiT nw due, aitd payable to ile t . p ox itt:0 Ip. i. and from Frttkfort a at 9:15 p. n. and 11:1 p. n.
orrice In University Hall beweeni 12:4 10:10 a. n,11 Waiting teem Huron St.. W. of Main
Lunch & Dining Room an 2:15 anly day except Saturday.ANARO RAILROAD
ry our Special Steak, 25c. open all (61 Treasurer. The next Sunday excursion to Toledo
night.TrislaeAnAbrbCeta ta
2IIXSON & SAMSON, Proprietors, over (le Ann Arbor railroad will esr Time.bes n ro t eta aa
airy Lnch. Ypilant. oppoie Parties having roonsa or table oard given May 10. Special train will leve Effetve Oct. 2,1D=tat
D. Y. A. A. & J. Waiting Kani. for'May Fesival visitors are requested Ann Arbor at 10:25 a. m. Ftre for 800TH yuSTH
__________________________to leave their address at the School round trip 50. Children usder twelve
E Q&F tf F i i of 'Music. 60 years of age half the adult fare. SNo. .-' 7u2t A. J. No. 1.- 9:00 A.
'No. 4.-1 e83 A. a. N. 5-2ue0 P. .
s asn.F.MEER BIALER'S JEWELRY STORE. Expert repairing of jewelry at S.AlmSa o S.5-~l .K
I Modemn Job Printing Eyes tested and10fitted at HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. Tan .6at nd6 rn between Ann Arbor
Trains, ,1., 814, ans ;,daily ecept Sunay
Thss Ited You are Lokieg Fer PCK IK ILIR P R OR&BO LN Free hair care on Kne- nd4
Wo 8-F :5S.Mi t rzsgiven each day. 107 N nvest3Ae . J. KRY n, P. A.
Every Student bhou4d In- Save a walk and get your
vs ioCents"TeYgrFal o.
And get the Detroit Free Press Watches, Clocks and Jewelry THE SHRT Il T
e'very morning and the Ann ANN ARBOR T
Arbor Daily Argus eves- v ens-CH A O
iug. The best papers in the REPAIRED ON STATE STRELT.BU F L
state and city for the one priceBU F L
of 1S cents a week. Leave or- Enrvn- pcaly okGaated ali n eaieN W Y R
ders for the ombitiony yerat Egaig cat.Wr urned ali ~I xmheN W Y R
tofietts, 121 Sain StMyr otir U. of M. Pins. Souvenir Spoons and Banners. AND BOSTON
611 E. William St. or Argus Wits direct connections a O~eago o St
offie 10 SuthMai Steet.~ ~ t~tute KasasCIty, St.Pul andtickts Wet.
ofle,30 othMinSrSt o luorniion and ihuhr hndcketcall osee , r
TRY THE T W O F ED J. N dl t t, *Sae write o w. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor
Single admission 50c, $1.00 An-essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $1.00
St-1-udents' Lecture Associati n Ticket,
The Assovia thou sells tickets, not to "make money,' but to be atble 1obtiusu to thte Watch this space for s. L. A. an-
Utiversity o.f Michiganth ie greatest orators, lecturers and entertainiers of httewoutld. All nucmnsaddts
mniey is retutrned to the student in the form of lectuies. nucmnsaddts
IIA' I,~Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain-M
ing prettiest line of i ome-Spuns ever shown