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May 08, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-08

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"Is is h it heels this stor e in close
t ouch 0wi t thiii 5 iii en u of the 1 '
Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the-
Exclusive Patterns in " new~est Men's Furnishing
M ~ ' ~ adras, Cheviot, I. nl 501 i tll fdlitilE 'tt1i5 iiii
Linen arid Percale. that,.t iiioe to thew(are.'
'SeIt whnlo likeito bi wel I reii d 'i
RA K T BRA.ND' at tmd i a t ost itrequelt, lere
z 'Wagner & Co.'W AD l H A nS, Rn Y AN & REULE
C ' '
At the stgn of tho paternal
surname there comes a check.
At the sign of the fatherty
Turk there comes a MOGUL
Cigarette. Endor e the check
and get money. Endorse
M4O G ULS and get your
Cigarette co-education-
Ten for 1 5c.
Plain and Cork Tip.
Establishedi 1SSI. 106 1E. IHuron Street
We are priepared thii season to mseet overy' demand.
lieswe have incereased the numher of workmen. As
usttal, we have THlE FINEST LINE or WOOLENS
in the city. Art and Skill will predoninte in our
work as in the past. We respectfully invite your
i _ _ _ _ _
SPALDING 5 OFFICIAL Ilate atEvening At00 e unott
t Lst veingth opraof ''ltantlie'' tall cone tietween tesophomnores
ATHLETIC ALMANAC wa inliat th' Athiens theatre fby'atnd frestiniteams onltFriidayatr
teen at 4 p. inl. at Fiiir greiunit. Coec
Fo 10 gtistii'm iosed iistti ic stuidents. out ant reot fur youncltass.
Thy only almanac published tha t ides'cvesgriet criidit for tic wiirk isIt ON S'IE .
contains a complete list of Amer- Phiillis, witle tic whlte cast «was 1uti-
lean Best-on-R~ecords and Coin- usually seood. 'l'iiopra was given cur A Ciommtercial-VIsitile typecwriter,
piece List of Champions. Over ft'e blitIlof lihi Knighits 'lemlluar just received ciii n ii' hfactory, fur salt',
W Opictures of prominiet Ameni- cou'uiuery. tie' tusitiess teetueger tie- $44). teenteroeS-ic'$50 andii5$55. (Silt
can and foreign athletes. ing it W. IGMilr. any evenlinigat .1'1)E. .Je'ffersoni St.
Price i centsThe foloscing is tecast:-
Price i ce'tT'e LoirdlChancellor.. haeneBlriggs Fresh Alleto. e uiocaiates at Cush-,
Eurt tic.1lountoura. . . . tuiect Parker lu's Pharmacy.
fl~nnrEarwlii Ii Ii 11cc .....C...F-utter
I'iv ii ill 5istiotft'e Gcnaidier IFor' Sate--Law pilictici'. Library andI
A .,. paliiig Bros. GuIrd lii xt .. I. ).de Pnt office fuirniitutre'. good ttown ofi 500
New York, Chicago, Denver, Balti- Citieolnsit Ariai;lti petird)li A .slap. 11. J. 51t)WIEY'
'lTraiiIteticci........... irreiiBloyd-
Is ita baquet or n "ater-Qoutn oc t"iiciu'..Mlrs. It. It. Is utnfi AN OGPOITUNI'l'"Y io earn a year's
the-party'' luncheon? 51fliii .....1isLoie'Stretch i n ' tictly hi-h grade proposition.
.5155I~tii51. t i e i1idIiuilcu'lh'hts oferiud Sesti'cn
We can lake care of you. Outr tLeia ................ Mrs. fay Taylorl Mictliotitisltd'iits. Addri'ss it 0once,
goods are the fiuest that the ntark- 'tis...........issL 5 illin S'iifiita i iing oliii'adidress, cot' felltpartiin-
et affords.anod our prices are re- CPillis.............ltiss liLeaS Ciiitn s cas. Agenicy D iricior.01-h) licliigtin
sonaible. ''cust Ihtig., (Grtandt Rapids, Micli. .80
S jj j j][ O'oct 'MINSTRIELS.___________
OYM IIR BAY (ATIRIN i(0. SiteNotonul. tie ellv't-fnotwvininsi' 1T11' YANKEE AGENT fell. htscldr
ihone 467.ctal 'etsr, fiose taiility has gwiiietddoinig; yeatr'50~c; sit monthstial loc.
Phone 46~. fir hitm maniy warm,11clicotniumns frotm (oil summer piosititos offeredf. The
600 EAST WILLIAMS STRE.ET. musicalu ifitict h lriuighouit the country, Yankee AgettDefit. I", Lawtont,
lies chaieof lii'he bndilanticorchestra Mich. I6t
RANGER'SihJohn 5'. "Vogel's thi. Millstrot,
w hih will lieoseit at thieAlliens AGENTS-v-ottne. a new mottey
Tlteafre nex t Mittdaty evetiug. There maiker; ff0000.sutt in t Minnteapells; it
Assetnbltieswill continue throughout saftiftc isparade at inooni and tmuicht-isitosehtolds licesesits': tmilliotis wilt be
expecteid of te betel sider Mr. Nor- sold; costs 7e, soits for 25i eats
the coltege year, iticluding the summer toll's' uirection. everytfi-hisutstateoney mtaker; aen~ts
school_ seas-ott. Private lessons $1.50________m_ ate 40 tii SO sales per day; scnd
each, given by 'Mr. or Mrs. Granger: All the ;irt.isit the juiuor fit c.lss 5 c for sattte outfit. Doemestic Mfg
are requtisteif to tittetnd the meefing Co., desk 2.i, Mittseaitolis , TMu1. 6t
l ott Fritday afternoont at 4:10 ini Roome _______
wil be disctisseid. Eye glasses repafred. new tenses at
TU TTLE i' avi sv~~ITC. IiEortItEti, fl' 5 .ESJWLYSOE
LOWNIY'S (ilOCOLAUS Vie-Pre'sidenit 1904 Class. Subscribe for thetU. of 11. Daily.
65c per gross
5c, 30c, 50c.
W.1e c itrry in stocktatill tine
if witln ift~matetrIitlhoc use ill
Hisatolno-sI ttotogyand 1ac-
Ci mu Drutetore
UWon Theological Seminary,
700 Park Avenue, New York.
tiully eqipiped for schtokarly and prac-
fical swork, ini the tmidst of thte Ctrist-
filth eterprises of a gretat city, in close
academiic reluion.s witht Colutmbia and
Nosy York Uttisersities, offers oppor-
ftnities for the degrees of 13. D., A-
(Opeltott equal terms to students at
all Cfhristiani bodies.
iii oer 23rd, t I'3
Address the Presidenit of tile Faeult,
thte Rev. Charles Cuthbert Htall, D. DI.
'Evr r onghi is the city.
FINE LVNCHES iin Connection
reryt Isesneat adthe's'
355 Sguth State St. R. B. JOLLY.
Spring Term $2.50
University Academy
PRlOtD'. SCOTT. tInstrutor.
Billiard Parlors
Fine Cigars and Tobaccos.
AND BATH ROOMS Cigars & Tobaccos.,
33 S. State St. I A L NSf
PHOTOG0RAPH S{ Goods Talk---T
5EYMOUR STUDIO $10.00 anil$15.00 :stlls
316 S. Main St. IV fur us from the best
StityFrtCs .DAN SHERIDAN, Prop.!
E.'5'titiastSc.. First dosr off State. 1 72
Talk Does Not.
ftse worldlfoir the money.
)i orv'rcots madute 5pethi Il-
tallt wool felies, Style
d exce lied by 1o0t.
en's Outfitter, 113 S. Main- St.
I uuiv ~uuuu i u. ' - - -~NEW SLEEPING OAR LINE
ThaW Iternflnf r 777777 ', Between
411 E. 57th SL., Chicago. /t = TY'1A1u r
Caps and Gownisin'ate to 9 ,'- ~I'b i),IIU~~VUILU
order aind retdc. i Leave Detroit 10 p. in., Michigan Central
Pennanits for all coileges anid j Leave Toledo 12:30 night Hocking Valley
fraternitics carried iit Arrive Colum bus 6:5o a. n-., H'ockiv~g Valley
Cias ito, i.s.an 'osi -- - ocO~c 1 P:: RLGaR OARS ON THE DAY TRAINS
Clas Pis, Cassand ean, Cds.°o Say itHocking Valley" to the ticket agent or write
SEND FOR CATALOGsUE - t :' %e:{ -iu = L. W. Landman, G. T. A., Detroit, Mich.

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