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April 28, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-28

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T1he lrgest andniost
clte lin!iite of
in A nn Arbor still bse foundls
at C". iH. Wild 'k Co.'s, 108
IE. Washinlgttonfit. ('rentt
pain~s ha5ve, beeni takellilli
the selection of rill suit-
Ings, trollscrllitigs' sver-
coatings for thissniO.
f. IWILD coo
108 E. Washington St.
Off ci]j
1903 now ready
H U. IT (f>Z <AtsAtb(J '11011 sillIllilliollt.LIf II'l o
THE 5U." Oi IM. IDAILY1 thes a wetly Smiailltigs wre a e
Eterredas seconistad'asitter at Ann Aria s's111e11e'd il utre N Ii srt11.111It r' n
Published daili (Moaatexcepted), du'lring" t~i rem11' in thell's t ii iii11 toie ce
the ollge Nar t te Urivesittof lici1httici' rf Ialitiici alne1.1"saiI ~Is e (in7j
Compny Jc),tions and Cards
MANAGING EDITOR, Other Colleges _____________
EARLE I. IOUSTON. 113. A petition was receniitly iitroduced't'i
BUSINESS rIANAGER, iby'tle youir s' tiliclitif tile t'liiii'isity
ROSCOE B. IHUSTON, '04-L. if AMililessis Is h.1re .ta ese'
EDITRStsil~it ii laterst ils lI~Ii~ iiiiii Ouneigraving is 0doneeb
Athletcs blIii w s I turni ediwnsy'the e--ts. Oneiioti'sf the Ietdinig metre -
Ilaiset . l tisls,'si0t.. :1 ~t ii iiatsitst t i polita~n firmts illtlhis
Assignmenti Editor' ts 'Ii -li tilitnf t 't is'rsitr andtill I 1t coutntry. ''The styles ire
dialph E. Jras'q. '15,. Utivesity 5o ('aificiiial, iii .1 tie newestithe s'irkmli'-
GENERAL NEWS 51 liii ll t broke 'tthe coeastsirecord i shipj)is the very Isest. N'e
Tlhr>as B. llaetris. '15, 5. . . liy, 'ii.
Mark oot e ai. '035. Fr'ank J. i'ist, 'are ill tile't utittl)lil isis lslli'iti th at le 'll 5 lt yotu p'otiitst s f-
tila' ilsieis, ',13. ldaiir'iI.. t ils,"aa . 1t 1 eet sjitu's. ia'lttilit he i l diit vice antd perfect setilsfac-
.5alrrslrsJBoilalfjt'e. '04. Douagllsa w tliiia 704i record b tilt' s .111(1rtstllil. vtl tioti. We will Iitt
lluwiliril Jit'r,'0lid. ay trebles. 'o'551 n iinhe f thei'wais'rl is'sscodta pcilprices or ci'4
Lsstsa A. Jariaos, '1.. 'li~il'al lirt'.'rsa ,'f ill ii is It. C ']isti of ~'le.otrters upon alspliesxhioij1.
Th sbs rptonuice at the t. oat1. at('
tDaily iss2.,0 or hae Isilelic year. Nao-lI 't
tices. ceaitnitiii atiiica. etc.. mtitabc andttit2it bitAl t i115 li l ttiseedtt ili l I (t<. IAT
In t uthte Dails' atics ieforits3pa. t., oa
previaous to thiatisnswichiheay are cxpectiediftutu)IofithelIii ilsvtilil at 7 p.i. W Ssitd i .
Susierts A ill rantera favore by repoeritg
prompt~llly at1Ibislastic ICy tailurceitf earcicrs
toa( IIltr psa(r.
11( sdl . The t l),jo t OT the n1E'(flll ]s
to plall for co-olO11*011ve Study of hirds,
ill the vicillih. of Ann Arbor. 11
inte istiles' by I p. ra. con the daty preciousata
that sin siichelit y'ar Itoiaplar' Lost - Itietil itoti ,tt l2 ssak aitli bi11
Oticecits the Daity Aigus office. Na. Iti0 Sioaitth 11iis 1ilii'4; :tsaers to the 11t1ills'of
MaiiniSt. 'Trriteuh c Na. 13. "Mt. ".'' tietti ti i to -17I,. I'lhair ally'
Fresh Atiegrettii..ocoiates at Cush-
Nos'sEd~sitosr Tssstsy', Dotg'is A acshfiftInttsPharmacy.
of liciai ll so lstbysthay tisttaity 111-t Ji lt tit s ell-o-t ttii at i t sAt'el
der~ l is's'ta il 'lirece i i s I list 'sxiti ''tlleitreItstils ii i i ly' iii asitiiir 11
''Sicais'las \Ststray ii Its iiThetu til utu siiii iii' 5' ot he . ;:ili
fa to i Ii sill'sal v ior i :It h lii'll iiBroter,:a 1d scredaldeidedh't
01d .1r l i tt a ia'laly i '' i'le't''lIl'i'i ' ~o11Ily i's liii' t hel
4111'1' a l ia l Its'11111 ti' f li lt tii ito,1'l ii ll It i'si t tto doubta to
celebratethe even by ititl lilt ht o, atti wlitihti iil ly'411111 114'l'' ill ofi
accom1151 11'5 'lls s It111 lil1'i t'tili'ii t1 I theirt lslo l 1tia t .y i lty iealit' ani
spitus.Atsuc al 'vo it' swigtl oftlays :11141't spcii' t'tll i c too ilts'e .ivenli
T~litlrit' I isal liii tiltssitiiiillili.i:11111 soiIt. -'
idid Ii 111 ii l it 5 liof i'11 itellot 1111 Ai-SI' ii siA N liii'.
on s",we t1(1 t111thoii ( 'rood O l l 111 ly Iiis it'lt itl oftie poflyaill whyitMr.
11 l fi 11. t iii i ,tiv theily' strif thei In tte t 1111t he J~tWt.-ttY ST:114 lE.4
l ledical=
Text Books, new,
and second :hand.
Dictionaries, Quiz,
Compends, etc.
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325 S. State St.
Second Floor
Universiy Booksellers,
320 S. State Street.
- When in need of a
buy the
A. A. ater anna
I he Pen we guarantee to
give perfect _,atisfactioni
The University of Chicag"'o
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Law and
Each has.a special Circlr oInfottremation twhih willtbesetoat iilticatscr.
Eacthtrill he iasession duritig;iiie Summer Quarter (June 17-Sciitttr 3 )
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Rush Medical College.
ii. t ttmn~tee uo oreroT~tat atoLESC L atrem qThe University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
S* ~ Elictric; ciiitrutii ai(Iupptitlics. Sattity T E ATHENS P E S
'umP bhhill t'ti r G indElielcttic xuesStcte
Mhe Niftiest Line in Town. $6.00 and $7.00G
GOODSFfbD'S Wahntoa St.

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