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April 28, 1903 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-28

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the "Victorious Five" Reach Ann
Abor From Their trip to..
Philadelphia v
tttri llaj t y ofMichgans trto.
Fiatickveroet I hitniie niaatinnd-ty
afn o . (itll I ra nagl t tiil t, seilds
patched to fhe Dal it' l hi I dlayied
intrtln 0 i i ln it Nvasiintiuvi in li st
tirlesre. ni ia oodnlisized 101Yii It
o e tip. on oWNMMtevc
till' Pent fer. y. Coer anldvWi i te
mmd ubuI -iledlhiindso e old - d
Inaitin te tI em broutishonmsinIn
The leillllerts shoe tinaittheifac
ChicaUi v rs it fi llshei iri n the
lose-r iuii- . el i lilicii i
t agg a tla t momet. bolliii
thatlteltichnce (l.ithi ollnuuu u SNO WN-U
pill11in1I iI C icago's hlostimiii , 1 o1111 1
theiil frtlp. Wite Afternoonof ThistWee
tt liltdland ihe lit t liedo th
reay i th Yale. It uit in lieCh it ~ .tt iitnatigo,111 liI ei
111th lPtnntsyl'ania int1lowing ittti-tii
ortdet na tilt ii lit IofiiiltO" s111 hi d
it etittlipIaboin 15ut tieni
By ui'. ttii tn thitiim H rvad ntto i - W o tue nth S. . :tt
bite ablet hoipless tty ns'tf thleiU.ru- t tlitv il lt ili 't1 i ltn
Mlng Ael. thm itwilid itt ill(i'i thiiiidtlitlt
slat was nlit o t ''."aintl ili bind.f I i i Itttjhi loilnte'a ittt
li o eliog''d ( O'traii'g i i Il- 1 i-liluutn ietilt n 'tfihn
tile(] i ia1nd 'a n 'eelnut exti~ltt'iAfiternooet'ofeThntis W e ti
fid tntly ti i 1.111 t '?a ymit be ind tle1Ithit annI l il saig i- it o I'ufl
graualy losng p he . I a is uhir itsetaliteetlnese,' (1 n occur~
nt 1m311Hthth~itrdtiiter thit'Ni
unss ilo tv't' 'n Ce gt'tt'C iii this wt lI t i sl't t 1li 1i.tetniti T hntA
toking iltniile. oisie nly h to o iil a sa d g w savrc \r ree
Ynaenl'iatter to tnnhe iinle mlt. Bolit lier(' ntitetagoititl i . i tei inal o o
as te a' nt I-tr iint itee trigh iit mg'taw y sa e 'n l eit. nli n (ki o l le;nityt
abe lio e tartt i 'in uslithspr tit'an a ten orn e ati uiomi-ilnds1;atiomiiti
'tilt' a theOlo i tape but' lict-y atileastm . On wiit H ll it e titiriti C th
Oib fe teitla d rehit i a tin a' It' 1- ili.Ii tis eryt'ndes-' i t' teiihat
bem'sbl ht lini am roustiga hln1t . oi ' 11ittttt Ct allfr1ttii hltl ei tiiiitiii itouiii
M . yell.' hailt'g-their antiehm as it't' tieinrindinai
eoe'en'u-lm'nipoBe hid ont ilsdliet plii 'to do is iti iiti trgoodliin
ivn l aa re ady 1.t1111 vr nti tirliini atrimhte w l ac i ol
titistliO i'fvternoonmand iKel tog t'ties imd t h peilsrIe i i ies
time itt''iiit1'ifor thieim almeei sm ps ball'n It- iRa sea ractoti e ta
' i ,a wasntt eui iie wn'einothescil alet vniap a d oo s '''llb
ChuraC lstle elm higthe nitt vtitr x etdbAert hem.'resint I ''ii
''lelm a uk n lll u ni t e u n ftri. -elliettnguct .... 0 0ur umii ei
tie East Mtiii Thtonm' th ee i ilu cons i Iide- I mt.11 1 N' er illpif ideit,
-abet l ti ttut ts iones 'to 'lie Ci' iM a hn C alie.them's tt tvma'm' it l ' .rtnily tiil lii
.1that o fekw n t e 'il(0-ardliken -i calsoIl iielsntill de d 0 t 't iti
&a sth at' thie i itiga n 111111t 1 t ilt' b inyw i ll'imenad e ond of e0 Is 2
to~-oleu K "'atril~ a llthu' view isn0 t as tt t e'tiicus~Ytm. iilit0t fri
yry 1en111 01, ~' tC i 'nt IU ' iisene il o eif itmku-iil
c nt etpctedilla
]Brwer ,w:Ugolfte to bheingIng CheirIpercetage
ut-erage nearertheilt'olull theilit st.
Tuesdy, NMay 5-=Cmedy ,Club per- Tue 'Vainii-i- infitetd i-t uiveil ilesrdli
Iiinanc e at Athens Theatre. Te V rs-by itielilremiained the sonie
No. 150
Thte First Pubhlic Appearance of the
Girls' Glee Club Promises to
ho Notewsorthy
() it-sit Aoii(iitv eeniitiu . hi 4.
th iirs tt-i-ClubIillv 11 ii' mthir
fis ap e ra c s i li'u ii- li icSi T heii c'istill-
'etistiseien iilluS vu- Caswell
exiteceofthis (i-11) andthe priii'
111:tilt' sillce' ts tit, 11- ulii t Iit)1 i s I ol
i-it 'll illof It-i-il 1 iiittii ti-s asii 1111i
iittiisiuill- fi li'le vice :111(1 1 tiiili't- the
I mu iiittu ittinn.111illslt-tiomlof Mrs li.
lit-i'll erith uiisii'hliiwok prmmmmisne'
toh l i ut iulut"ood iItl~l mihelt-
is umeiu-uttuei-tiullsive. - lhu-iulu'n the
Ii liii' nlnbrsofthet (lly.numu I
The liltilt' proceedsu Infii ll(, i-tieittui
is l iut urhsei.1t u1miuiabl fori'Alut'
I-' t-um inIi'Auiittt. mli'olle iiof utheioremt
tt lll tin-it u-u t utis iilithe u-munmtry. Slt',
ti-is premsidenlm t of i'eltsu'O Coltlege,
litr Iitisukind Iintg mpresideunit ofit lat-
tt-dti i te wuill' lisie.-'Mrs.I'Pinteri
ti-is tilt'ofii lilit-s1',41 woiui uuuuii( lu-ne
of iheI 'lIver--usiu- iof lhi -.111,iu nu
11:1t;'lltll. I l11o it-i1 tillit bus' pur-ii
iti it ll. The other'u-u Is iii lfor
toi be i-ivll i theistltilisti iitu'itoftta
ston i-siwho11 il ii'if euih :millo mil
i i teli(t ttits iii iofiu-iti u to thi
-liesitY. Situ'~ti-theii' uttumu mm uwho
I e~lo lii11e litrst 'gil sitilult to li t e
Tick t" iremowl i l soleI:1111 nit lihe
11:1( -in ia11 ulieitilue ioftt'e til-u'Citub,
Asm tticas'is .1 ttuiiy molioi' t in
' . hopedi imu .1141 liet-i- l i nt .1i1.11- ttctowd
ti-ill ihteil i t ll mmh c ut-u
Dr. Rainsford at St. Andrew's
.11 mmitii'i1uumen tt~litint tutu I i ti'D.
lIumIiIsfordu. lueutorum of SIt. Giege's
curheui. NoittY'rkii.1111(1u.1-3.'(W'MBi,
1 11 Si-.\iiii mit 'si(.1111et-li. Jlutiur aimx-
'li'l'-n'.wa hut' nntihuumt ftlmk-fhes
t'moti;'ui.'' 'ivuion "-Lioumve."im fTime
noutedul iuiisti'i proved'iimnseftoi mbesva
mot fircefu1mmantidmm- iimessive it speakr
liuiord imtuitathosutt'iuliiu'tit plea tCo
oung, iitlligenmt mii'nilsto ntner tie
imminitrmutsonuthli liii' iniatniaul
iadvatalugeshutforthlimigrt-at good
thathcan bimdhu e andiuu th ii e Teat in-'
iliti n-i' that uaii bei exet-cieiby he-Ci
righut miii tthotifollothtiit eutllitig.
E. I.I 1 TLEI' I I:I.D.
( t)111' t' t'(IIIt" t ;t\' I .\'t'11i71:;'.
its ini Satthuaygtuiiu'andit i is thei
mitteld i Inalii' of the ii lii 11
hi nw o het' ulieiittNOlmimt n-u-tmIli,
ra ilmt-n Ii tu mitm speakuts wtnull tut mmi
Iutur. Da is' :31.111 is in even lette
ttilll tiihn ea l- iin thei siusuut I n
1151rla-' "a uo ili'lo he il uceeded'i n i
cacim 1 ean oftit lut. wile h' is
ITheittun iii scoret is It u-mu' \',
AHli t IIl P .1
I~oe1e. 1. f ... .... 1 1 1 '1 A) I-S
JI . '' 13 . . . .. . 4 1 2 i) I it
Cuttinug. 1 1.....4 1 2 03 1) Ii
Camumumbllt . ... i 1 0 2 i0
Caum therst r. f...i.i 2 ti 0 0 i
Reddeiiin. (.f....4 0 0 1 i0 it
Wi0olft b ......2 10 C 1i 0
Itivinc ..... 32 01 7 2 ti
Cotlt' 13 . .. . .. ..3 1. 10 I 1 0
Iota ss ....... 29 11
A1011It I
iGeorge. b..hi .... o2 00
'tt'timiiin ' ..... .. 3 1 i 2
lIta.t I u .1 f .. .20 i 2
Fox i- p ... .. .. ..mi0
P .0 -
2i () (
10 Ci )i
2 2 0i
Tot - - -.2i4)2 - .: .
' ii it - - .. ... ...0 :), 0 1 001
.mki lo ume-.. .. .. .. 10 t t01 -i2
'ilium I-tiusne' iit-Btiiird. mutt-Viehut
iI'x. ass on vii I~ls 5 --- 'mCole, 1-
lit hits -I. Stiit-Im miii I ' Cole.
I - Fx2_> Stolen btsus--"' itti 0aii
riii ins
tKilsteniiin nlowt'ly recover'itig fromi
-h severe''Attackm of lii'eitmetsleC.1111t
mum o tutu i s iii gut bmit u iftim ml l I-l l
hue someil'titehe mforen'him'Nmtill aguaiiu re-
11mm' lt idi-itus nt tit tomulty 'ti
o'citlckin thluoweri iileugtueuhoimna.
I' 01E 'hIlON'r.
Catudidatenfour Cue 1054 lit lbaseball
eamr emport foe pratice, daily at 4
pin. at Clhe faitrgrouitds.
Finals in the Cub Debate
LatiS~itntirdt tight11mm'theAdollli
Titt'i'a ml Socuit'ltyhNollililit'hetstnli-
Iu'fm'si'm uSumiety.Lust Wedtiinsday-
tim' 'i'Webstm-r So iet'v 'it-utu feumu ll l lu1.) n
-Nilt hu Ilumi t'i1ui lithe tuinals ill this
Ito rIint eIntetu e m-iomntstd Ill
them lits aiiuiluawsn lutethin easn ithin
deb-iate' primiisunto tie tl'ery-i ii' nstlii.
Thei fiirsthetiutem mu'ttt''imtimittwoutddv
Th1 1mmrso ' . imAdelhi teamimaute
Aliibut-tmll, 11i11u hit' ililimi inOcmit
Fori ii lmu-uuofm'sIlaceithe gguiccouninfi'-
day, t m the gim lit'u'iltu.g lnmiq1', time hut.
miies i "c l~umuuiu-n lmtu e ,gitelitis
it-mm'bym11'.iiEresut I Itlev, Stat~e
Om'iliugint of 'MIinsur ti. adutheitlriitemsi
NV iliu apit'eimuil tomorroi'sm unissue
ofi it 11 huly-
111510'AL CILUBS' Nii1EI.
Therem-' till tie aii t'in"ig if tC l lii-
tiesih (1lee, Batnjo aiid Mmandlin
IClubs lThursedamytevei'ngiat 7 o'clock;
fore l ectvttino ofilit-en .Room-24,
52' CilOIM'E It .1B.0TNARD.

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