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April 24, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-24

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Etrda ceonfot-s atter at Ann Arblor
A w~ n ft.. _____£ . n
St. L. A. ELEI'bIIN.
VT e aetion of S. IL. A..e'la'101'0 for
Satluaot..jiApr' i t 10:15'tot tiotot
I >:
the ier eat thLait'a'.tnt io ii-resaide't.
,....-Ciiiaa rn} II pr'ooi't-Zin to thesuet nol
'IlieItiroal tiiilmostEARLE 1. HOUSTON. '113. 1 ii'1rot oatrt ot't
tollllteIfilto of lBUSINESS IlANAGFR, :Id 'a'Ioilus i antii a iron to feu,.11141
ROOCQE B. lIUSToN, '04-L . otin toli oltito) hirteeni.
Athletics I1..1I1lN IF" tl I.iItII 'l'l'' "IS 'I'I I ll 'i.
Posbert 11,. ltooo, 'L.rs.i I tli so ie, \\h()se ii('c to lilt
Assignment Editor AXliel Ii ii It iv oll oh X'1'il ai'l,
UIENERAL NE.WS it1)( t (.1-h ics thoe oral , t xomittao t 1 .110
it U.111 I 'f fwill )('ftlUSl~f i Tas B. io ets,'01? TI.. 11/1too"0; :1;It1 o lp
E. tihit1 ton G'e~t ilet er t tO 111 01 Drr t lt 'O lol a Ii . (.1,11lot i lii'l'P.\'ititacIi/)II i ofll to'
thesC'e('lol o al Su t-In ,; trCll('IIic& )to' tJ~o at tin tilt ,t l l' rcrticott l t otta.: 'ol is ao Ilt i lr ow Yo k. Io:
Or 'tC' iirRRe'(110'h eo t o tll or Lo don, itittlil o sinutu ttu' It
,110111 (1he (11h i itio t' pr ic e f t le at. of ot4I csu ypr i tt Il tli l t ovl o rd it l
c lno fo ths sa ol Daly hais *2_0 for 'nth clge erRII..a1 lio i liitlt-l1
18.'Wsito * tc ~ntnt eatio ly s.'etOctltO. mt' ~kes l leirnrtiIotollatsat cash-1
iilt t h'rDil l y ofit e befre__p. it._or______ill the farhe __pato__ h
m il tthetit o be.' rea oon f t 1 w da
Subcabeswwlleoierngvo byreorin
prmpl a hi ffctayfalreo'cr ier W r .tit l erett ser f iX: '
NAl ltinge nadvetisingil trmutbyf holiaini idelre akbe
1 Inl tilloffiebyI .i n.ion'atheilday peius' to I 111 ltttt I i.It ii
1RO E (101(1111 ttht o w ichthe 111r1 ttapper'i. Fresh'iit'i ltlt r N. 1111 c0. i'ti' tl' us.hI
ofi inte faly atr fi' . Nii.310itt'a t h o INCY L .N I
1 11 Ma(i St Te''il jltth oeN o Iy: 1 Mue nItlo w itns htttn
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5 1100 I oaoa i; Ia'tiatCA/i 0 it t i - 1.11 loao48cnietta
'i' hepr t t o ett (Ilislt' Si t l tilt Ilet li(1' tt 1( N"tity i itI e u r ami'r'ihtt
1903 il~slIle l lot Ilieliy. Ior un e o r orthwested y li; t 2..ii: iLO ANED'.Xtrl~ ' t
ment Invita=
lions and Cards
Otir engravlinglis lotte b
otti'of tie lettditgIt~tlrol-
Iiolltttt f irtIa iItthiis
countlr\'. The at vlaa git;
aship is (ho very bestH. W
t1f0i1111(1yo 0primt se-',
Dan McGugin
encourage every movement
of the body. Guaranteed
'tilt' otfilt'.w 'li'111 u rea ls au o wou.
of tjvey'I'le 115c and $1.00. All shop-I
li-tUtill I( :If i' tlit' lldeit 't C~ul'e ioitiiil5 toteach Nill f lt t (11 keepers in Ann iArbor
ll(i'i l ii 001t1( 1 'le t0o .11(110 0 oi .1otpai d fomtlttii
SHEEHtttAN 00. 'S.St''Iiititil't1211tjtl Xi ttt . C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO.
University Booksellers, 'tcC . I I ly \'0s it '0omwItatttl lulfoil ' ' ox 86,Shrl., M40
JR CAS Seat Sale at Stofftlet's News Stand.
U AIU IU U~ One 5olid Week Commencing Monday, April 20>
See our window, t here is only one Special Engagement of the
quality, the best; f here is only onepriceNoJthemDAat isA$3.o.PIf CO
K NDR M TCyou have never hadt 1a pair a: k The Show You Know. The Best of Them All.
yourfrind hw tey~war.Headed by Mr. Lon Beasley and Miss Alma Powell-
CTB Ill's.1 t".''IIX WedsIXnu matin eet~l. aX 'XlAid0A1 ril Suday -t
MMYIRS' xl t ,ARV [I/111U~FTL tt(IIO DN'I'l luriby nIlitt StLXXI'S OF THlE ORIENT, Satin
~AR1N ARBOR. MIH.C.XIIL.I., Fritatty ttiittd'a i'lt.
- Repeaters
lit heticcol l t at gives snolmu rti R fait iGt iI litWItnt to11getilr
R' futf tic SA'IEB IRANti). COttt i CO(11(0Ctllars a~( Of thlatliter
cittl "hi tpof' ofRIithu ditig,-luve YOU titel l ?i
. Helmet Brand.
T-0 0 M Coriss, Co onl Q Co., Mahers

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