No. 147
Varsity Beat A. A. H. S. in an In-
terĀ°esting Game-Training Table
to be Started
oldn 1111lit mI 15thle Hrst g-tinlis'of
zslle tti 'ltill Ferry ildl and thei
--': itt 1111 5 Ie ironss w lliforta1 goo
tiie ll'TI-inieitty leitg 1111etoitswites.
in1 ,' i l 31.Theituib itngythe fr t as
m tjis li itop tilego I tlteifi poliag
n, f 10 teas was aii lp t o a.i ghi
-' ll i it'1 ixori.i'iti
plle si dlerswaslisi iing" lltest gtifhl
:ain I'111 01' tiito else.to4infao
al it-Vai' ty'i represenit ltis pre't'ty 111111
rlin 7t gree oll l ititit oil hith stltlids
-iltn 1111 si 111fom ed il7 ten1ritt 111
Come dy Club Changes late
It 51i it lt 111confliet etwieen17- thei
it wtil eimp' ltitssiiii to i t lt 11 o~lil t'elper-
I'rlanc1111 3- 9,i tlit:ll' 'lMr. Bird iwill
-Itt' ittheilt aseba'ill teltl ItIlii ls
I'n titi i iiitt' 11 111 1 11ll. h sde
S ilt' i'to 'iiiy' 1111 stilt' tIli 5,itit tl
th'lttlli Ift it('IIcliibOlnttfeeltt o-
ii lt lll' t iit ' ~tt ilf l sitttttt 1117 be1111
t'l reero seitt ati 'l s a'lii 'lwil t'iteil
itt-li itil ati5i a. il l.nti':ai' h
dluttlifore Peratig'i---r. A. K.oIlese.
remember thedte,'wli'h7is I'u11111
teresm:lin PAaper. byeD castJohn
D icky litMrlt. 1s, Mr.ttFlorentieitatnd
li' 1,1itellt'-i lteltlIleee
Sefreiary-lin ell V ingV litiiig
ifit I ot l 1 sho-1r.R oei itza-
!tToI d.~s' i itltitl to is sil b
Bines 111 seeK ertitiitgof NesBrown,
eItlorlopt rsn ' l'l'oo rf f Ptiltidl-
I n'l trorel'tieo ate, orny i I903.o
Lio ecture f ten Isuaincelrn
il-i's tilt:111tod ayitee will lie g o-It11
'li atHal pt 11iilit ofd(tietfolloo-
Int" ir. hn . a4otle, Uiversit-
Charges and Counter Charges-Fresh-
men Hld Balance of Power-
Both Sides Confident
which t till t i l t i S turd- ay,
lrilt iiittolh'ithe ul t'iii tir -iotesItil.
hebtle foripresidenti is bitweeni''i
ll. .Ili.s is itrefnd vMr.aTi. Hith-i
littti, liho t ' of the- ni or'l' (eas s.liti
it-rt-ispondiigse11111tary, hllsiIfitt-ll it.
itesny toti 'lii i w idrawiti' 1111 )iitit
he wll n t tilit to ollegites1et-tigar.i
This leisi mitiiOtheeoe iaat, tnit111
still . i s t willit sect uret theimit fici .
tIil itsonlyireal cteIli -st it lc
tinw lii .lhe t tiien ii' lut-sitand eiti-
fro tthei i teidritm'ete-itsit4Sir
ttl liien t t ietit lt iowte t toi ne stt
till cai'lnditsthfigh t lseetmto be,'
clse. nd bothmulilite lrecogns i
thmiat t'a t trlto the ti-tinl'
Hil 1111,1i'7oil sivte117oflthe ftt-t t i r
favolr othit' sllittbofaiing
forelttosr omit tleithtiidass.etlb
There t seemsiitttto l 1it' lii' i it ru-
ult inthecmag;.hre n
fli1t' rches aeretaeing 0otilen.tlyA
aoettit psilthiet-tnge of lts ttithae
dbeeliwaereidt'tshow bofi'thtlat hotre-
sultlirsitiin l tuietindsthastluthe ittltrs
oftht list midttttrhaee finats ia st
lit'llas-ialiolitt ia ' nteesttit slMr.Ittf
hi ispecu at lie sirigss. e t
casa nd Geeyuownsthfrehenaws
te efc th t ti-s it ena were' us t
Pot)theu-tick ts they l hadsuts collec11ted115
ITritti-he tiaw idepartme tt sldit
il h o itt-i-k. in ti- it rlN e
I l1he it lth s eit-i gtu itt ]titsitg
out-isterii Astit'aslldiisuret'ile
std t ltfea ti't o I, 11hs , ittti it tto sno
eliiictin swagtered-.sotti
In s i-uiteof thieuchargi i ts iltestii-
fiendsitlartitt onfidtenttditcaulnnot e
tei-lst-illetig DrmPts eem-lst:: lt
nlitultugeuaslthe supo rit oatrofngl
patilandlu freasucelipfitical'ogns-o
Dir. Dueiias lienlaedlira dri-i1
havete Ii -omns garb'"tabooisd. 5He
declineid io talk and seemed to Itave
no0 care in the muter yesterday.
Subscribe for the V. of Alt. Daiily.
Class Baseball
Clamss batsu'ba~ll enthuismis btinh-
ning t sho1111 iselfislitvitryt bit of
avaitlale ii'giotiti t thl ir ilgruins
iour o eihti cltss tam,11praticei
itti-is tindii is phit-html for iii ti11: iti
iii iii ili t'tiuis ii
teresing ml o lilft-elstst liadu
rear'sit, I ltimitsth di ite s, bait']ba ilt
wthsthemexciton of mut-, iiitherttpratc-
t-it ultotht sml e t-i~utiiteam Alen am
Welshi lti r rak ithest's.-ehol
lf colg . 'ho itiuttul'wgstut lie'icluast
tt witit71111'i ibtt iiship wo Years
ago, lih ite iiliii' lhlit't t rotu n 'igitem'
in hstt-tire tetminedi to'agin
117l thesbptiltibboint.iiitettmodesuat
but-t tt itire1dangerou compeitor.u'ill t
hbit yearther Iiire11iii that 111Istisevy
Anal orgaebn precitanbyVPrfssor
socondi itonis tteamlu-ui la'tsitiaruag
d ii iuAtiiti m ae od hirst as
T tatmisiufthei-isliterary tanduimth utiit-
ti-itmt ntuil 117 le uth Lie'itkenitd
by - teitisepara ttofthesiltwo tidepart-iii
menuitsmsttiti titte -soh enineterstiuiand's
itttinitir ituves hownsilt oitdimi-il t
teial'furtai SiteIIputuct-citlmonsisttl.
SirwelltynstL. tenwickssistedi i
stls s ut ttt' uitttoitlof 'leaing d
hais wis,"foredthe lmusics-vie
piul" ir .\ltttstArbiit last eveniinig.u
lThiie occnionhfurwasnt tthe ius uthrgaun
seit gre'l byliti ro f.its ltuse hue rL.
eintuiu'uI hasit -~'Titusdinutuuts.
lind' lrutniuttieiigreu it reof theo
perourm e r.uienw . Fplastwth
gret artitic inBihtord.perfetWll-ui
Chuort.l:r"his~ytheigii 'hes numert-
hs outttim Cwasitheoe ...itlCminorii
Mr.Renickgs si assided ntti
th lceiltut from-L'ind el' ms
tomsary'gooydotheandtioteala hmusel
spondedta bysining"Thet7 'tntal.
CToeorati m'usu sin eita i wasas ftl
owo - --:th
Co'crtu ovetue . .... ultiu
alegretto ir 2 mBihmi... iui lloou
Choal:"Chistlagin oderBa-siei
SEtei CliXnr..C...SS.. aldi
llesopttio icomxuu i o
hue, sadductoly teipaild tuume itthe hbox
stilke in Uiversity Hltl 1an1y'afternooni
exseplt Saurdity, 3)Ett'ietn one and two
o'ktk,, nutil furtheri'niuuiee.
AhLBETt' S I-I NS 'fi 4,
Jlie 'i' - o is us. t ults
Ait i llyI.
Situ liiA 11 !
h~illIL .. . .. . 2 1
:R usidin.sin ......4 t
,,Osrravhie-sr ..... 2 1
woff ., I........ a 3 i
Puitieiotts 1 0
P ... . .. . .. l 1
$ iirr " .. ....1 0
1I '
1. 2
2 2t
0t Il
1 1
{) 0t
11 10
2 0t
2 1
0 0t
2547 el 1S 1:0 4
\N 5IlttRHiIHitl SCHOOL.
All it It P iiE
lTa at'! 5.. .. .. 0 0 1 1 0
iuilitrlsitl, il ...... 0 0 0 0 2
.. . . . . 1 1 0 3 1
ri] ,. .. .. .. . 1 2 1 2 2 0t
mittst'iit'eee err.... 1 1 1 2 0 0
MIIis r ..... ..2 0t 0t101 0 C
2.......... 2 0 0it 1 2 Ct
lltfttti. 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 I1
1h tt "i .. . . .. . .1 0 0 I 1 1 0t
p.. .. ... .. 1 0 0 0 (} 0
23 4 3 1S10 tt4 be onouf very- 01 ittiterett''st tutu
1 2 3 4t) G githlhue'openutotitatlt ltho my' orishto i
,litesii I......3 t0 1 0 Ct -7 ci-tuTu''hut subijecut is ''Somtte Olsertut-
Mlight wtho ttt ... 2t0 2 )0t0-4 Ititus ourthttu emuis lu-itl'iPhases sit Life
Stutliti ltasc-oachtttt(21, Birdl(2),tttsuranie."'Mr.Sir mtrighit is mu tot-
Cmtiettiies Strut-c out-Bly Cile 2, lu-gue umnt,hainug grautttuedl trout
Gule :?. i'siN-ttmts t'ts-CarIriuiters, lrinuehout titi ttue class of tt94,tutu
T:,ft. 'liireuhumuse iits--Sthertilantditwas )1115of liii' utenusreceiv'ing the tis-
l isir erIltuniit-olte. Umpthir-I tielout itf''Stmgnuuucumutieuttu"uI eit
F ill 'Mllamrdt. receivedth te Botittfelfoshuusip ii
''he trauinuing tble for the baseball history lit grusuhuttion hanh .also titu
imnuwsillibhutsalmrtedutI uPreut1itytma's lTheodorsie Cuyleur prize ieoloitetts.
on 'Tuesdhayumourning. Vo ohlteiah alt Mr. Carftwrighut became a staff vrit'r
nutuisnemeiitt wihut'eomateeuntil Sut- ou theitChicag'o Inter-Oceatinafter letas-
triuy uafternootutut tithliii'nswhio tare i college, and lter wsas nmtde eduitoru
pritsft'mtl ces'riti of I placte are Caili, of its inuirtince deparstmuentl. Ies'i
VtU( y, Davsis, irud, Cutting, Campiibelhl, osw matnaginug editor of "The Westeirn
Ilonrlu uand lRedden. LUnderwsritetr," the most imiportant in-'
Theisntier-unive'rsity league gamtes surancte publications in the west, anud
itO btieig plasyed off itt s rapid rate is also insuranlce editor of thie Chicago
----ing n'thet present week..Illinois has lRecordHerald. His ovidepracticai'Iex-
:p~ rd tw-o games, Northwestern a perlence is such as 10 promise a most
IIn iinuns , Wisconsin twutiCicago intereisting lecture.
-ad ichigan. Saiurday', ga ,es will
:be played by all the five univ'ersities. Shenaundoahi it the Atheinil opigilit