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April 07, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-07

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T itE U. OF M. DAILY1 Ktha,; a att' tio Engravedr
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\ tolilei'11'e I 4)tt st1' t~t s lale l('t i e d i ,/6
When in need of a
buy thet
A. A. Waterwann
T he Pen we guarantee to
give perfect satisfaction
116 S Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
The University of Chicajo
Professional Schools
Law and
Each has a special Circular of Imnformation which will be sent on application-
Each swill be in sessiomn durinig the Summer Quarter (June 17-September 3' -
a44 -The courses in Xledicine are given in connectiuon with the work4-
Rush Medical College.
The University of Chicago, Chicago, illinois
mitt t , asan let t vi'Fixit-tu ststant r i
i. F. H Sch ubh in Il E-; tit ~entZ.but att2d loor ATHENSTHEPriEtiters
lleto ri ' m es,207 I. Washiington Street. 'IEFR LG
Absolutely the swellest line of Mladras, Cheviot and Percale
Shirts in town. They're something different from the ord-
inary, values can't be duplicated at anywhere near the price
$a-DO310 $1.50.

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