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March 17, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-17

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THE U. OEM.DAILY.'l1I i :' ________ i4
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411' 414.114no111 to:1nit Sbocrppe t e ll 3 1
320 Sirr . State Street. 1 1141 _ 1(1 e iV 1 nim litle 1 (((14s 11 1 eohe'ot e 'r eaiigof_ a'lyatS cnd sFoorha d
-- --(lnsttit ro 11( hic1 ! 1 4 1 ('114 '4 (1 thIet ItIchJ E-Y s'OIE
When in need of a
buy the
A. A. Waterm~iano
T he Pen we guarantee to
give perfect satisfaction
116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
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*~ ~ Elcti o n 4 (441 11(1 111 Suplies. Sanitary T H E A T H E N S P R E S S ,"
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Styles, entirely different from others, Smart,
New. Quality, a little better for same money flOODS PEED'
or less. If you desire to be strictly in style .J11 IT S. Main Street.
and exclusive, wear Varsity Hats.

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