No. 123
lterestins Contest Promised for Next
Saturday Night-outdoor Track
Work to Begin Soon-Other
Athletic Notes
Next Saturdaty night, in the Wateir-
Man gymnasium, ill occur the first
interscholastic indoor meet ever held
here. It hse been fially decided that
this will take the place of the usual
Inter Casse meet which up to this year
Jas occupied one of the dates of the
Indoor Mets. So ar four high schools
have been heard from and they have
deinitely tannounced that their teams
'would be ol hand Saturday night.
It is ptriobable thai the numbr will
he increased to live if te Toledo
high school nwhich as yet has not been
heard from, sends in a favorable re-
ply. The four already enterd ae
teAnni Arbor High, Detroit Central
Iligh, Detroit University School atd
the Detroit Western High. The first
three named will enter twelve mes
cacti tiut owing to lck of material the
Detroit Westrn Ili h ill send only
four or ive men, most of whom wilt
probatlv be entered in the ong dis-
The tractkmeni from the D. U. S.
ned no introduction, as their fn
showing here three weeks ago agaist
the Freshmen was ar surprise to many.
Alt the other tetms hve maty good
-lid protmising men atdi t is a sure
thinig that tll the evenits will be start
IY contested. Each school luteiany
-srdtates ter amd it is exectd t
their supporters wilt turn out en
nmasse to root heartily amd help their
team to wi.
This is te first oportunity for
the students he re to get a ine on
what the large schools are doin in
athletics this yer. Astmay or thee
athlete tcte to Michigani ater grd-
uatittg, the meet Stturday night wilt
afford a good ctantce to see wht kid
ormateril we are to have in the Un-
iversity next yer, sitce many of the
athletes ar seniors.
The fact that the sial in the relay
face are to be run at the meet
will give added interest to the con-
test. The two teams to ry for the
*hampionship are the '06 engineers
and the 04 laws. As oth teams are
Sout evenly matched, it is very un-
,Certain which team will be the winner
and the race promises to afford a good
dels of excitement.
Owing to the early arrival of spring,
Preparations for outdoor track work
-ar already under way. Manager
Batird is getting erry Field in shape,
and the track is being laid with fresh
'cinders and roted. It is hoped that It
may be ready for se by net week
orthe week following at the latest.
Neary alt the eastermn track teis are
:already doing outside work and Mich-
igin, also, hopes to be able to be
Out before ong. Ltst year the new
seen were utatble to do any work un-
t after the sring vacation ut it is
expectedithta.t they will be able to d
t 1ltit a wvsek or to of hrd work
ottheCiteltditbefore the vacationi next
The Cross Country mnm are tuning
out in large tbsinces every daty. Stutds
-offPrsomisix ti-tiarly fifty rlnnrs
lte~sthte li ygtiisiunt tbeten the
It1- sf tiltrtitisisix elci ht tilsnioni..
GittitiKellogg Stsha issside iddts issue
aciiil ts ll tmten,.twho have liy icli-
catile11t runt, to join these bunches
11i1dtrum ith itte C. C. C. men. This
Iisltsrewayt o tdevelop tny rtntintg
111011, sectitllytire likely to be stue-
tbltitii attit eitsaetbott coning
silt Ca1p11 Klligg urges tll these
try t ti., t- n tniittfast sititd are
Cii ni ititSi that te liewtm1n111ntia bke
tise i ick -irs igttoth te tamont of
"ituadiiloaves thisgymnatsiim evey f-
terntoon1 t 41.
CIntertst iii the Cornell nmeet is be-
hinggretiter every day. Furthe
41 ouncements will be made later.
eb stock, who was.iin uexhausted con-
lito ftr heIlinos eetan wo, BASEBALL PRACTICE
it svtas ft-tiltsi. as threatensd-itsth lap-
pen-ldicitis, nas around todttay ateis-
ig his lasses. lHe ftels gealy itt- Candidates for "M' Team are Now
proved.i Kelloggsvwho ittacitomnt of Out uloors-Satisfactory Work
ant atttck oithetts-grip, didisot cmttpete Acmlse-oc oc
ltst Stturdaty nigh, is etirely recov- Acmlse-oc oc
sri-d atnd still hb- inigod shapt for thin to Arrive This Week
Cornell mieet. tDvortak, wvho injured
his ariiiwhile vulting somet time ago, Thin basebaslsitaireortd5 at te
is gething it once nore into shapee.ia- ftir grounsds yesterdaty tt sneos-hitk.
though It is doubtful if le ntitt be int The sutdtnas not n-ry ar, --s tny
conditioni to compette tagtinst Cornell. tibott thirty cantdidaites were- oni han.
Thin gysiniumm teats is prticticng Te inieder-is-iri giteni trtctice snt
daily and 14 men are working for ieldingiou iniers mii, cotnsidering the
membsership. The bestnmetnill its mrsughicinditition of tie ditimontd, they
chosent o gin-c-aliexhibiitioni it this. ntait-a ern-crei-titttte shiwing.
tannuta fencin-tg touirnamtii. Wiittttik. Johntand itCote were tieisilott
nt-io is phtysicatldireitocr t Cultism first nnwhle-ntiless thanitit hitsie iltn
mtilitary tat-adeimy, Itdiiaa tnill coli tototk tn-t garsitg si-comnd. Kity
batck ini titmesfor te exhibtiotn. ist it rptsost tCarrutithes htdh to
ithimi, Ste-watrt, Kellogg atndhBrewnner oppotsitiontoittslimr.tO'Brientthl
haveuese tlictdtoCiaccompany tii hit itwn-ithirdili.and isceeinstIitmattkitg
Chticatgot Regimn-ttatthettes to te Alet- connmectiosmwin-thi thi bn hits. Theinbat-
rottolittimi A. A. Ui. meet to be hitldint imttiws minily sisulitestto hbuttitimg,
Ni-tn Yorks City sootnt. The is chiligtania brancshi f stisk tnittk itnhichi tetrly
mienmiotitlisCtaitke a ite shoisnimg Ea5st atlllsisge htte s ait- ltcinig. K-arstnt
smitd tnill no doubt do homor to Ctss tutd Danis fonimisd this-batutery antdi
University. si-emetd to work sviry nt-il. Dtvisi'
trmt is itt good codiitintidespshite tie
FENCING TOURNAMENT colnesss of liii s-tiy sesnt. culi
_________ oormitim, 'at t, ti likily cni
dtte for the outitl-d, receied iis-ry
Arrangements Made for Big Contest stvesp hrain of his tnkle duiunmg yes-
Here April 4-President Nagor- tirduys ptrtctse. Iews rusningitmi o
ski Announces Interesting first snit iihit anmith nitmite attemmited
for Exhhltion ti;tutu after tuchimgthinbstg, thin
Program frEhbto soft stnd gtc v tuyay itder his foit.
IC is tnothrobttible thatt hitssiltCiie tble
A meetinig of thet U. of M.Feners' t report for prcticie iurimg teisri-
Chtstn-is hisld ini his Trophiy rootim itmaunder of the we-I:.
in te gmnaiumlastnigt, t wich PattiJons. it4 lust, ome of last
in hegytultiiltittit tihit lt ihttt -trs c-tndiditets fo- te utiel,
time it tn-istgreed toihldts the tatnualti nwttchidushy-terttys prtctice. Jnies
ourinment ottSaturaty eentimg Arilihils beitheti hospiittl for six tn--sks
4, itt te Watermnigymnaitumis w sithiti si-s-ire attttck of feer. Hessioss
Tie 1encers Clubml titshire niter mot sxtect to lke patrt ii ay srimg
timent uor extpense to mattke this thin spisrt.
greatest femncimg exhibhitiominn-ier heit "Ske" hotch, nhise cotrtct he-
int Ansn Arbor. To reieve the mtonot- gina Friday, is not exiectei to put
ony of fencig, other attratctiomn hate its auniaperanctte unti thie ttter prt
-beemi provided for.schinf of twhichi with of the nvieek. tec isatiCpreset is
tic thin U. of M.hBmid. Dr. George charge of the tewis Institute teamcm
May~, te ex-chtampiioni club -tning'er tit he sil finuis nitht them ot
of tie United States, amd his gymn- - Wedneday auit thenu come to Mii-
-in umtteam, swiltterformn their nonder- gau.
ful feats of turnig amd tumtbing. Thin prctice wil continueu to it held
D~r. Mtay with also give his club swing- at thin fair grounds from on to three
tug exhibition, which was received last oclock. It is etry In tin season and
year by the spectators twith such nu- the Sarch aftentoons become coot by
thuslastic applause. three o'clock. Thin fair grounds dit-
The cub was fortunate In seeurinig niond is not very satisfactoy siut it
Mr. Herbert Young, thin celebrated ntitt be the-feld of opertions until
club juggler, whose skill as a juggler the bleachers ont Ferry Field are mo-
is amazing. ed front their presenut location o the
This tournament sn-it determine the space on each side of thn catchre
championship of this Uniersity. box. This motting with not take place
There with b a lively competition for unti thin ground becomes harder. Ii
thin honors now held by Sr. F. T. its prsent soft condition it Is unsafe
Nagorski, president of the club. The to move thin high structue. Ate
winnuer of thinfOaha with meeC Na- luig placed hut thueir unew positiotns
gorski, and it is predhcted that either they with be separated, thinsahler
Gradle or Hibbard with be the on. part beting uei for baseball whieteCi
liarr Gradle, the freshman from Chi- higher part sitt be moved back a
sago, sn-Ito fening is very pleasing contveninut distuce.
o the eye, and Hibbarid, 0W law, who
has strenugth atnd speed, with make a LcueO ee
most interestig spectacle. Then there Lcueo ee
are Edward Domnnelly and toodrich, hum beginnuing ii. lecture ott Conrad
both excellent fencer, whto nil make FerdintaindlMeyer before athlarge nu-
it Xi IA t fr any~one they wil nueet. her of stuudents Miodaly afternoon,
In order o chuose te necesaury Dr. Bouke saidthtit mut-ter tite thamn
numbier of mten, thincli will hold i the ione tannounmited would b "Iisturi-
tpriatetosurnatment outhums21st of this cal Fictioni tushCntrdittFerinandutu
muonthu t inte Fencinig roomuu. ;Meyer." The historical noelist, sal
A s-ry expestivi- pstirsof fsotiu-s ve Di. Bouke, nity lutite inssthproni-
twn-ti is-edhbCy AMr. -Ntgossti, from entmittnuthissouts osnesof threessasus:
Mssrs.SLt & Co., sit Nt-taYork City, (1) The pituring of the cnes, ci-
ts bet-givn-sto te sinner of this chaiun -Irnist sis-utomtts tad thosugts of
poshipts tis ussnlugto te gosoduhthesps-is; (2 te nentsstatin sit
sfitces f Mii. J. L. Skitner lthatese ositu-s uttesotilllitslift ofsomteiihi-
foils titus-beties-s ecuireds. Ile chibt oris-l stisoitiy:I(:) thinelitoittg of
ntill phaltst- ianotser pail of foils for lt-e infuence os-- f itisme i int personaliy
this-second it e rnormdeIsurn it il ptitItrise-t of-siasi-it
NOo iitrsge sill be maduse fits ashsis- senitnttt on slttheindiiult. -Non
Siit its tournuamient, stiton e oftheSsuet5its-sais-seprsnteloneuhsi
snill hisadisttted-s wi~sthut an 1iniuutissu. 5 in any tiltsolsh Sir WualtSsot
Invttins w 5sill be reaudy fni itisut -t is-5sresttbSt ieSitsrlst hus. Ini Ger-
dashv, tashdlusy his procredtsromlitIs-.util thsetatproacsshighittumtost
Nugstn ori inemsutisrsu f thiscls-StiltselyateinhttltnushArnim.
Whit-skinsug foru tickes iby malti,ds ts hts- Gderm tn writrs is 1aitlti
lut ttaillto eliss a self addshsedss-antdu Pituing is lst itte, tendstusseit
stamspedsssestuelopie. tiftesen hundrhied ti realuistic, archeisoloigicalt nossh, uusg-
tickets- onlyswill beissued. letingtCheIsoetictal aide of te pic-
tune. Thue uars-haeoogictal novels tire
Sir. Grainier requessChose attenud- retpresented by the works of Ebers,
mu, informal parties at Clue academy Dauhmn, Scheffel, Alexis snd Riehl,
Co 'be tinrefultabout taikitugsand hut on Scht ifet s Ekkehtandt" is a good Sam-
shoes stud skirts. Dust furme very plo of one of thin best of these works.
easily 'this time of yeon. Of the novels rmuesuting the see--
slns tut, thin pourtraiture i- somnc his-
toici-al persnamulity- thoseasositLouies
ltuuihtstsuhu furnishiexuumples. 1Hin
nls-ot.tss aehwe, of-r. it tvni-y low
tylts. tin iteratiry Itaentstins "ilsw
zes-o." In tConradshXMeyir'ssorks his
aishu imoutst hprosmuinent.
Thousaewsnnh-nasnho have Cle thirl
tum t lest, tre ripresented b- Gus-
talt Freytaig. Thei-lessinguidela of his
uneisinto deitemrminthis relation amd
interactiotnubetwetn theintudiidual amd
this ntttionalusuphirit. Hismonetsare
musi, howev-en-sr, eenctly- successful,
tndsh atrily great uone sitths third
typte remaisia yt to be writtem.
Int his tineatmenut of Ieye, IDocto
Ilourske uundsertook two tasks-Cs.), the
showng of Cle flits whit-thuavenef-
ternedhuti-sI X s3- ndiuuividhualcareer,
amit (2, thue anatlysis f ithus works.
11,-eras liiie nc-ucsn to three dts:
Ilei wstorhnt int1825, took ti wife in
1875, tushdiediin1898. tS Although his
osutr its- is so unevensmtful, most of it
being 'satenu tquity at Zuich, is
tutu-u, reflective life i ery rich. His
talemtslutdtot matuture unti he was
abuhst fifty years old. Tius Cle clea-
mis-so mist sliganues of his style may
beu explatimed. Ils erly-acqtuaitnces
wtithi Fri-mch lteatumre also ent polish
o his style.
Int wviting tis noveh, SMeyer natur-
ally turned to period, of high culture,
nt-lr-nthisscosul ietter pursue the
psaycholiosgicalstudy of character. Thus
fouri of his novels antd pait of the
fiftht tie btased out thin Itatlin IRenais-
saumsi. These tre thenost successful
of his woirks. It in at favorite device
of his ts inoduce intfle scene n
outsiser whio ti-hls thin story. Thus in
"Die ttssshtzeit dnasIoetebs Dante is
thec rtacontur.
Alb-yinams-s-in. isdie to two rma-
ots: (1), his chtiurtcter embdy per-
sontaliexper-iencie timd personalitmoties;
(2, these chtaractersa peentt an evou-
M1ey-er hatd a marveous isght with
soul life anuidueeoment of character.
His wiorks umay never become popular,
bit they snitt awasys ineret those
snho cane to see the power and triumph
of at for its owin sake.
Chicago Man Runs Two Miles in
ine Minutes Fifty-six- and
Two-fifths Seconds-Ath-
letes are Astonished
At the Wisconsin-Chicago track
meet last Saturday night, Hall, of Chi-
cago, smashed his osn record in te
tsno-mile run ten seconds. Hie rant I
in the amazingly short time of 9:5%.
-This beats alt Indoor attempts In tie
two-mite event and shows that all I
a wonder in ong distance work. Kel-
logg will have to go some, if he wins
frum Halt when Michigan and Chicago
tetams met ater in the season. The
athletes of Wisconsin and of Chicago
sneretatouished at the showing made
by ftail last Saturdniht ight.
Wisconmsiunoutfront Chicago and
several good recoridsn-nie madefi. The
Martns saalost-it utusneli in tie contest
athtouughu they mi-C defeat, std ichi-
gout silt hatve It formiduable oppnet
shn-le Chicgo cosmes to Anti Arbor in
it fews seetks.
Paul Jones Goes Home I
tusuil Joness,also huh suit-lueffectie
work-I i stsing]tilesthr sough op-
pssing fossial 1timsitlast fal, may
Ievertbe Slt t 1- uitol lnte gmne.
Juostvs s tar slum ayeur tilt Michtigans
C-htliampsiontut siteam, stidshe -ibove ew
is usussssuss-sst nitriglt Sice his
ineshits-atihus givn-hIim ucos-
sideratlls-leiuie adtus ocodiition i
suiht-l haut it Asnusuh Ce udtangros for
itstoido usu-islshnt tx-ucsin. Thin
tltts it s te ouhsisluic m ttuto plty
footbllshand1h Michigai nill lohis
excellent services. Jones silt go home
to recuperate. Ite is now out of time
hospatittal. Charles Cairter, another "M"
footbatllhroan, tits gone houne but with
return next ftllh.
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