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March 08, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-08

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Spriog THlE U. OF M. DAILY ',fre osttig to seolleiAScedeof
tllirl oribr ivy ft p411 ' i t it ftulent'
A '~t(1ff 0 ' 11i ioiluosil t 11111c. t
ii fl 0111108111ShllUdrily ~'nit- Te 0 pt!)" - oll p h iuygillel se, td Dictionary
v 011a000 atth11 1ril teo ofbMlicli sloe ,'iid.at lIlia (110 ll ll( 1
ti_________lit,_,__________________________11___khi I, Mr,), olis(11l111 iyiic~lli
MANAGING EDITOR, Ylebe10'gvli up :f.4 it stells he Office Standard
The largest and most EARLE I. HOUT ON. 'O3. d loniing of ~ilthe l Ii 1 f1'Pi1e ''b 1" lbthe il0 I 00111 -
comlplete 1line of BUSINESS OANAGR, I n iitrd' e"r'"te'0 hs andpise'sIf . ce r. l Iw nsvvsand p-t,-d
ROSCOE B. IIUSTONv, '04-L. 11i11 ll I Pof.l ,, i ab11rid(gddti 1toa~ry 5-cl>
EDITORS, degree 11( tte sro l is lil 1l51tolied In amlp1 ss,
EDITORS, li~t e 1ontar. (fill. B1ll1111 1001 sy:11 a lrl1 11( C0V I-
RobrtI . f'ion, 'o. 1' 1010tu 1n 1111i 0011e1'm1,1purely ('f10otr
[. Aassgnmea.t eEditar. heei 15 . 11woui ld ene YaI' -ue oth e. it contains a
MaligerBair sa. woleaoppo e- voabuaryof nearly 70,-
GENERAL NEWS 5d11oft 1'1the su bjet Ill0th 1ink ir.lllis B. Ro'1lOW wordsis ond i
in Ann Arbor awill be found T roiaoo i oe,' '0. ' 1 l'sbet IHo r ulo 00wr, i o
4'uo k eI. 'o uomakes 1his 011111111 0 iit en irel oo10( cl10t11and half let 1a
at G.H. Wild & Co's, 108 max-Vi l. tn,'3.srop;;1.Ile sio'ks loire ly from aii with mnargial index.
E. Wash gton 1 it Great Syles . to I r "'O. elsi'rll11 11orn a view. le is iuunehPI rc'e
pa.ins hav been taken iii Handl1ey 1. Itohe1''0. wokedl 111over0the' ioubl il'bieiween-
ins,,td I atonll, '3. 1 08rl ni "ie1111i00~lltl
theselctin o ,11 oil Ls~ t. O/IN, y 05. bull lthe gae'for f1lnt 1001la. Sch $
lg, trooseriiigs & over- FrankJ. C.llrk, 'O6e 111 10 11'111'uII' 1irv d
coatings for this season. afarahOe_-hr iivr
The lsubscription price of the (U. of M.l 111lihlul'lit10pay (Cutts. 001011 l po- A
Daily ts 1.1 taror the colege yea. No teed i1111Ilhe (11 01: 1 if' wll il {iAT
TTTTTT1~ fl iesa 0mm iniaton. (tc..m1110be handed
P i i i . fii f U . I athe5 aly' ofi c b eo n.o o f llli. As t0oit in ill iii,' liy- ff
EU IlIUM UN 3 aEU l111t1111110 itod~lr bee,,,1. I t . ofthday ero 1 ~il ut W t1ml e vllery m
I~~ fl~l~lill 3 II cc loll)tothaI 11n1whilehlithey are O~~ed 111.1
to1~ V I~ I J o prn 1laye l' l all ilt'he ge 1s'v11th 10' W AHRS BOOKSTORES.
LI rbrwilofrfaobrpr l ictne g~ailes, e101111 H ellll. 'who
10+.Wah +t Allchngesin 1atderisinogmate 101111be ilml 1B 11le 111f, i 1Yd'f v 1ers 1have cil-
10 .Ws.S. I fice 1 pllyn.ion te'day previstoo_________________
_,1111-1th 11other 1t111, 11n :Illy galm'slo we
Offcln e D aily' Argua oilce.No.1011South bill"ye played. Foais01111 01101lerell-
Mainst. 'eleohonN.13. ing 11i 11111pulriy II'o i y dosI 111113 -_____________________________
NEW BOOKS Polcol oSetegm 10,
______________________ eo deior today - H. iB. Raker 11110 o lbe de1live0111j0oy tel lilrlo (f
__________ 1111th 'Freh'll deparl111i 1'lt t will ill'gis ll
The American Republic and 1llf'ill h1is ~allll r Illy Il ll ll'l't d i s on 11.100 11.g
Its Governml'ent; 1101i'l 11 '11 1 lllthetc lom iill'1'tike111i0ea
byTalles Albert Woodlurn 1Tappa11n:1 1111a 1111111tl I flll:_______________
Augustus Caesar; h ill iilont11s111l ai's 1 r.111 11 t0,;g- Fresh Alegremiti lt0005leO at Cuh Dan
by John 1B. Fiirth. au . lltt'. r. Mo~ll is 11,1 1110110 1 "o'lu's Pharmacy.
The Pride of Tellfair; 1 ll11t 111supp oerof foo1111 tba ll 'hl'r'_____________
Thel0arden of Charity; ' !nlakcsil'this olfllrepeatd ch aglfi t-'. alie nofe11111p1 ices11111 iii '111 0111p01our
by Bail ing. tliiiy, 111 lf l i 011 iio liis 11M1illy "ol .7lSlsTee; 01111 viiill lze' that we are1
Six Tees; poinil t1111 s dergatoilry 1to 1t1'e1g111m'eIgiv lin betvl uelI'l forll 1 our1111money11
by AMary E. Wilkins F rechnan11 f~e1 iln0100o yt eahee
The New Boy at Dale: 1 I -I O heaI- olkillrl'ra1h1 fo11tball 0 1)11 '1 II ., dulll 1111111nfcrhi r e id n
Os II~o ElO~~rI ill, ~ , 11111 li I hI'ill ~ \\'Io1111i rI-t-I s d111 ill wndl
A book11f11 If i-n tierst 00 loftger got lly 1pn 111Drattill'liliJIli
1f1r'ho1rs .nd111 ils. 0 InufiI~I~lllfell liI i tOl 11
Loe ay;bl-Hi flII IN53111 i~el "11ie Id "11 br eeV-wo.G-ir
Ifllt, t is 51111 111moe1Inlm111 S ffrf it 1 f sl nf. al ? - L lT m
L_________M aly;__________________the_ _p____ 1110 I" h - filo)I-s lIlarla,. 1,,-,!'
per colil1 1el'IS Illf' llll'rlnl'll IImIcI
SVIIIEiIN11-nu ~ I l~L~.1:V~~~~ <nesiotye CBooksllers Irn otIl-is 1) ,Iol tnnytoj 11 n. a.
I11:1,1.1Ill0tIlloI 11 1111Of1 I-el' t
in it to 1:1a it SeatnSale at Stofflet"_ N,'g s 'ht a x.
Uie s am ooseprice ffsip lfcs;lli ;1,1 a -1i .r ONl.lils .ililelIl,'..t il 011
$3.50p,ly d ei a udu:a lu lb layssed V L t mt sus ACT fi0
Allekinssaa'-Astyles, aways Styr 111t1a1d10 , AD S
MEY[RS NEWS STAND, 6W AST iAvS~i. SThturlz itl ll itt ~ 13d t
ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0'Matin1e0 es t 1ho 1111 ie
1y 101 r RIC[S: I10 20 11111 c
nin the Collar Sets the 0t1e
S l 1( IAI (11. he 1iIaIeadtseei one.1 }C t. '0 11 1 me 1
pr iice- -r, 2 hfll25c. Ask ft emll Ott your11do ill /

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