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March 07, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-07

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j ( ~~H I. F~]~.DA~IIifLYhat *Mr..Fitvpa trieisi iito rit isrn TEU FM 1ili;I :n vroei ldtha t
Spring Ct0eiRejlgents t iu ito radmi it
Etrdase i -clsmatr at A n Aroreor vdi -e o'ilsar.TeU - Ptofic.vri t fIer n i boa s iito a- A1 Pbihddly(ody xetd-dnqit ltol h etII~s l nthe D c i n
thecolige icarat thte tiotioityn Mlihi- Eieinte l es iit lxis nbut tiso the best
ACnu ce i ompn slac), ai-Niot iltn I i;1:i ickis the rigti; Tis s teinosthep
MANAGING EDITOR, i n it4e md i lpilir niiii ii IHis The Office Standard
The largest iid most E TELE I. HOUSTON. '0;1. I ti:ilt aset in ijiii theiiiiiArior. hns iv te mand u op-t5
coniplete tlineo of lBUS -:llut lNESSArorhiANAG nd p-o-at
lieo USNS tAAi?} ;lon trtlxIs st ele izarikzizptikROtCOEB. IIUSTON, 04-L. ri--It ieiiliv, abridged dictionary p-n)
EDITORS, Is:aiotlc I h p>~tteo he I lished. Ii ampleness
, 11,t ras "tItodaf- li-l -ing;. No onto
Athletics i rvs nt-e ii rue accuracy and convemt-
HertK. Waltonn, '4L. iioi nce It supersedes all
W OO L N AsignetEor 01lor's anttzenIntl tOstudeints others. It contains a
Ralph F Jennllit'04. '.fort it-/hat- vocabulary of nearly 1i170,-.lt~ : I ,
GENERAL NEWS fI 1 -." it .r glitd to extnied to the 000 words, is bound in
in Ann Arbor will be foundl 2Tms B, ot berts,04
MarteFoote, 53. iV iitly t it I ii iconz'itultittiii)II n his cloth and half ln
at G. H. Wild & Co.'s, 108 AMax Fitnkels t,'0.d i cl u ccessi~ with marginal index.
E. Washington int. Great NSleste S. Itoulger' Price
pains have been taken in) ttndley B. Bak o5-i A Joalrralist $3.00
th eecin o alsi- oi . u oe,'..J. S. Ait/ig, '5. 'life W l v iiiitie ppear idoon Thurs-$3 0
ings, troulserings & over- Straik J. Car i e i ilteue utlitii mt
coatings for this season. ______ l ICidscitaiin om
cstint -1hort st orien, it hasalstoinitits
The tstbscripto prictte theUis of t. lt ns ioul eof h ttof)m a
Daily isV.it no tr the o leigo year. Na- sttt1 i otiti ii ii (i iAT
ticet vcommatttcationw. etc., wast to handed jiulanitictlbeit.
hI at the tDai ficewit e foietti p. in., m
maied ta the editor betoreo:t . in. ot the 'day l hei lt trwill lie tiompo-ted of stu-
prviu IitWLIoO. that an hid ey re xpeted ditso iuteary taste vl ill hd 21 WHSBOKTR
whiap eit rWArNinSippoa. liiti
Subscrbers wll cofers, avoribtrepo ting egul rlb mty ingi f he t isusi
Mum{ tStlierpae. Tteie o t ii W leie ii vets ogt
1____E._Ws_._J__Al _changes _nadvertiingmatte_ mustbe_______ s.Itti l snaktetit f steeiahlwill
in he ffce y p"in onth da peviusto em titorencouragIe orhan ss tt S
that- -onwh-ichttlheyt areettoutpisewil
NEW BO KS ees Eitr oda -S. iot~e. efond woty illbe pthishof in feia
TheAm rian epblc ad e . i M i itt rjiivu iil T h zn.rn);leliafuutieclb i llet en a
Itcov r nt ii-rusttlsiilii ttitrvenf-ett ty rel- in teadsft heSu
byW lmsAber oodhurS dentt-i f tmgiembersi-tto j and ~ teinetinbiniigus
Augutus aesa; itettu i-iliittriu- totiitit-tttendeduo iilyiby te tudt s ~i l
ho- obti 13. lirt. ree-liliit i iEd nu-itorT da . .n oeir artin ke- ealy ut of t hetu tu u it r ei -I e c a
Thtillcn -ubicad ottitt tutAIt-iltibe-Iatiltrded ifoudh BOeK
The Pride of Teilfair;ceswithn -
te Gavrd en hty; tiev tentti n tl n orut tt utCo ttn ttiferreidiitututu -uttitbyge
b a e let obyuilK n. h Baraiiieent t i oi-i-Ttrhu ila iiner 1he aplit-cttta -iji-tiono tem esi t
Six Tre;bet t itil-matdett asilulI o tit tt e TexteBooksanage
Augustus Caesar;iKtenliuFtittrikilt'Iitn liisit-iT heii IntCos h o Iti hrnacy.n ilapueyd
ThrNw Bocaoal:nit io o thi s Si- ten-v il v ii ii i -th as_______
by-JChits.Eu Fisrt1ih. 21 in t- ienil~i gttiut- t ere-slted tuiuuwin t if Dictionaryefor the
AThe Prieof tefa-irest n itltaiicleuruu Simoetutnisytt tin aii ii '411C - with e tut dertin Tpie C n-pe dssec
fyElor e oys u ttid gins . t-tii-i iii tiiti t ti ii iii ii let;iit i rtiii lit-te ifriiised BO
by thar enofithity;oficm. situti utnti a a olt I tititth e(if I effireltoi uti. odue 1etl
Wiggoof te C b igsP 1 1 Ieitbegnefit flitin I lute__________of__all
is.1vauale ina ivi lasilui t ai ne - IIBo ks n
he as rogh fAt let uics t uha_"ti NO n teti ttha tildcy t
TheiNvtBoywt-i-ti sti ittdiiii thIhie i ut t o cii t- Ltis T "iI r~
A ok frae inees r-r i tuio usnu ths a l ea v-ue ii de ~,___________
Uniersty ookellrs, velopedit o K ttn nliteailittu--u:Insn- W ci V. sKOLLAte I', if tdes35iSrSedeS;
320v S. a te Stee.;usiiu- -+, icc tilvi-sreity in -c flile iii ti tttt ar nter l 10e aste onnFoo
by te a th r o 1'r. bentnilid int l o ,vof ili r'_ itF Jffro .1
W~hen in, need of .a
buy the
A1 AWatermannAw,'
The Pen we guarantee to
give perfect satisfaction
116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
Good Government Club-
Elcitric CoiItItititiine titil Saititlie.St 8iittielTHE ATHENS PRESS,
Pli got O a nd t leti:ixt re.Slti tta mi
an. F.Sctu WutnrHgeting.eiStudents a nd loor ATHENS THEATRE BLDG. Pri~t r
1 ~Styles, entirely different from others, Smart,
New. Quality, a little better for same money (1 OODSPEED'S,
'' ts or less, If you desire to be strictly in style l IT S.,1main Street.&J
.*. LA and exclusive, wear Varsity Hats.

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