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March 07, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-07

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No. 115
The seilior medic c-hiss gasve a de- _____
lightful pairty ill Barbiour gviiiilsislsi
lichigan's Team to Meet Illinois to lsot night. Albout wlcouples wsere Mr. G. E. Mitchell, of Western Elec-
be Selected-Cornell is Corn- in alienidance ind the affair was tric Cs. Addresses Students-A
ing-Officials for pileasnlt ilhroughout. Mlusic swas fsir. Growing Demand for College
n~ih ishied biy Sinney 's orchestra of D e- Graduates
Tsnihttroit, cird the programs inicluded 20
danices svitii ice interbmissions.
The annsusi 'Varsity indoor mseet will To the commlittee wh-lo maide the Mr. G. F Mitcelli, representing the
take plsce tonight. It will be the first party such acharmning success muilch Viestern E'lectric CO., f Clicaho, yes-
opportunity So get a real liue onl She piraise is due. The lpitrons and pa- tirdiy aiidiresed the stuidenits in ecu-
mhen, tile preliiiiiry naeet being a Ironeoses Of the occasioli were Dr-. and noiiil and finaince oni "Thee College
,trifle too early ini line season to preselit Mrs. Peterson, D)r. anid Mirs. Warthins, Aiiii in Buisinelss" and lricnlarlt on
a good tools of judgmsent in regsrd to D)r. andi'fMrs. ONeill, aiid 'Mr. and tha t toranchi ot nainl facelurig ill tshich
the relative abillities of She 'Varsity's 'Mro. Jurdanii is e5specialls initerestedi.
track athletes. Besides this, most of ___________Xi 'Mitchlo aftsler giving a brief
the old men lid not coispete in the Jeku-Conl cunlt of thse nature ansi scope iif lihi
preliuminary imeet. The abulndanlce of bekuosCrel inessi' of theis' Iesleri Electric Cu..
new miaterial in ti he ranlks if She Professmir J. W. Jeniks if (Cornell 'mud Shait his ciiiiiiiiy 55a5 e'verv- year
freshmieni, aiid thii inc reasedi inienive hias liienI apiinlteid a iiemmiir of liie becing iiiiri aiiindiil mire interi'sedi i
for work wshich this has given So the ciomamisoison asseimiliing at Mexicii 10 time priibleii f hiiiw to it the icollg
old imenm, sblili immae toiights iaiet idsise thei giivirinnt aii'i s to thie best iieii foir a bimsiess life. Tie com-
the best indohor 'Varsity mee t wvhich miiiiii lto put liie couiiiey on a goldl punyippi ii liiithioe sworthm aiii thle
has bienigiveni lier' for' soe yearis. staiiidaid. 'liii oilier rnl iiro if the I ' li iit ofi the Imsiiiess innen
Not a onnill amiuniit of iumerest in coummisisonu from tiii Uiteid stales lively uemandied that thei comnpetent
the mieet icintieirs ini thei fact: that the ire Shaurles Canmmwintresus'mrer Of the moll w shomi tier svishm to till thei execui-
Seli ruin to eic semit ichidgan in the MHoetonm Trust Co. iif tick York:, and tiie ipiisitiiins shoulud bei sought in lie
Illiniiis meuet tosil tue chioseii osi She Edwiard Briishi, secretary if time Anie- ' ille"'e s. This swas shioswi in tie
basis of liii recoirds msade tolght. icali slmeltinmg anid Ileiiig Co. piresient coniioiiii of miiiny Iiuniuiet-
Time quuarter iiilie ev-ent still be of Tiiniig houses si-I ii'e the highier officis
-special inplorianmc buecause of She filet ''VALUE OF AN IDEAL" iee sitg OpelI svaitinig fur iieii uonpe-
ihat time irclay race iii She Illinois meet lent to fill ihiiii
is ti hi'a iiiree-umli aceaiiiifoti mei the lieiisuilt the Westerni Ileciric
-oshoca ueglithi au distaiine iln William Jennings Bryan at Normal Co ihi-s ceide-avored so toi systenmuiie
-good tiiie miiist lie selected. School on Monday Eveniag- the wvort: oftihe yon olm's liege Imal,
'She seiii-uiinil clss reluiy race iie- whi hi a is lust entereid their emplloy
toveui he oldr lst' aid -miir hts enociatic Club will thati it till ibtin thii nei talenit, cu-
shldi prose a slouse aiiid excitinig coni- Attend mate and iiidhivani ce it s fast as listi-
test. Thme t-imner t-ill iun in ltme finals _____tle -nmitihiis fill lte irises ymi-lm mirti
againmst lime fm-i-h i-igiineers next Sat- Wila Is'iiiiimg Braa his bee l' at pii scumS_ lyingiiop-n.
urdhay flighut. enxigeg-d ly th eNoirmiai 1Chuh of Ypil- } liii fir st andi by far hem imot ii-
fts quhtioniil as to whmthier oS' init lundito i huli-mr aim ,aduhess o "'"nVine h prti iii is theilussial 1 ourse''n isilm
aon Indior initer--schlastic ssill behie lld of in Ideal. M euveu n sing at 7:14. new sytemti Ther it fi irlst beoiis a.i'
iii place oif ltme imter-clmass ineet is Mr. lrymm hias 1tie hionoi-u' 1 Iiuhi- lr ntesokro.II uso
still open. Inqtuilies havi' tbeen muade gtisiumipeem.hs'--tii'overaulls iaid ijumitmirs andle hans Shen
gas wthmilmprsece but -is tihIliirsnc' betwe-eei a suitS uandi a wtheeli-
anmong tihm vaious high shosbtdumring the eumnpaimn of 1155.1 mud Slim 'iiiot i i-Mtluhii~ iss
nthig dehmt'husueeee. second avums on the occausion of Wamshi-
Yesterday Muanauer' Baird recehved ington's Birthday of lmast yi'ar, swhen I atr hreit is transfefrred to ith'ecoiunt-
a letter fromm liii icting mnagerc of lie spoike u "A Conueuiring raio. gg dep'a-rutment stherei' lie riceisi's thme
lime Cornmell trackl minim, asking about At ecml appeiiaance Mr-. Brymanu wa f rhiiiuiwhicuhl iaesu nto a umpositan
thme aerurngemntsh furts et ienethusimstically resceive'd. oft'iancial or' sseecuive simrs' ancei.iit
ranuk- of time truain teami were not as His uaddrhess on Mondmay nighS still hs timeurst, ruhichist er ]apuuitopmulait
seriously depleteud as ws rumnoreid, 110 doubt be s-cry iteresthig, becmause is tiuhiumt ri pmotion s-is- tu
.andS time squamd still come oun for the of time recenit udecluirmtionis of swur coinm- I infcnDr icelsyta
meet as plmanned. inhg fromm thamt faictioni mihSim demoi- this imuanagi'rs oS nea'-rly- 'll tie brancmhi
The officials for' tonight's meet were ceaatic piurty headed by ex-Senamtor hrouses hamve entere i this Coturse.
-annuniced as followts: David SI. Hill, Grover Clevelanmd mnd t is time course wvhichm s espeicialy
Referee and starter-Keene Fitzpat- Senator A. tP. Gormnmuu. Mir. Bry-an recolmlmendiied by tie cousmissy
.rik..alwys ontivs t mi soe "ot Thme sec-ond course s special mnd
Announcer-T. B. tRoberts. shots' hito hit addresses, and those tehenigli is characte ofe oppenof
Clerk of Course-Sid. WV. "Millard. who jou~rney So Ypsi. to hear himn toill tim, egn snruasila mehlmge gofg onetenmrui tie
Assistantis-Steve Mason, Jr., Max probably be treated to an1 address re- reda nda tersing oraegt onthse
Fixiklaten, E 3. Wblgeuth. pleie stith stit, anecdotes anld polioh- exhierielice ill that branceblhe is ordered
Track Judges-F. L. Dunlap, J. M. cal "shamfts.'bakttiehosSbgiidftn
Thomas, C. E. Dvorak. The nmembers of tim Democratic backd doesig This ouseg i pri-g
Field Judges-D. E. Meliugin, C. G. Club expect to attenmd inl a body. A andmeignmitg of i an oeu ree. pr
ReddenXV. St Cole.movenmemnt is on foot amonmg them So -
Scorers-E'arl P otter, E. W. st'ee- secure him for a banmqiuet -after the 'rie thirS is somnething akin to a
icy, XXells L'tle'y, address. post graduate Sechnical and ueelimii-
Tlmers-A. E. Iterrustein, Dr. Mtay, cal enigineceringt cotir.se. In It shop
Geo. Hailer. Wooley Club on the Warpath practice clamsm time begininer's attenm-
__________ tiomi for a fewv msonthms anid then he is
Stc is reported umioflciauly thtat there transferred quickly fromuu oine depmart-
Cheer Up, Tom wmiii sooin be something doing in incuS So aniother unti at tie cud of
K Rev. Thomas Dixon, wvho delivered X olyCu cile.Tssoctyhtstr'e yisars' mapilrenticeshipli
a mot ct ruinn' lctue hre ustsecret morganizationm has- had a brief but in reality amnse ueiamc h9
tme ago onl "$ackhiome," has presented meerceitbe tSeDb .iya-uniiu is earued, and Sb -
of Michig'an Although the parent youngu snll is theim imade into a very
a e dat h Aeia epe society stas istituted as far hack as valuale emuploye, voiabetcin
'The Kalamazoo Guaette-Pews has the 1v1 time luctiriemwi o sab mmmdago ulmy s Smble q m sn-
folwum Solm bu e atri ished until She futll of 19011. since thou of Ouluiry time coimpamy i re
aneditor'ial: i re
"Rev. 'Thomas Dixon, a sensational' Shut timie so wvmll have time hushted to avoidt disor'ganuizatimon iii every de-
\ author anmd lecturer, jumps into time immu'iubmrslil guarded their secrets that humu ' rtmusclt is obliged to pay only m -sali
I lmelig'ht wtith a prdcinthat the 110 iklings of Sbhiipurposes or nature smalury So he "freshmnu." XWhenm he
rute que-sioni wsiil beusted byon r of theu clb busy beens 'ivenm out, some- is Sliese six moths, the Sr.s raise s
rie libtw e thethtesb an te wht-u-t to time discousfiture of certai muide and then, SMr. Mitchell suays,
blaks n thmchmtie ltte silhbe x-individuals of an inqluisitive a-nd curl- time yonmg muau has hits future In his
Serminated. h-he hielieves tim trouble oustrmo std eim i ot-hmunmd. H-e can do as he pleases. t
evrta h lbms epsesdrssetrl ihhr.Tomstait fson' tenorishi yotir s. of a pmowerul talismanm or else host 'lie maunufuacturers, says Air. Mtch-
o; t on' cmein ou tie. " Could it madd, stithin time samme year, li, aplpreciate the experiments which
Carrie Nation amid "Doe" Ros to itstic Sheniversities are conducting in
Work Retumned honmuorary mesimbership, entertin eachl, their neiws coinmmeiciaul courses. Yet
- The contractors ye.serda y resunsed arid listem So Sbeir speeches? Time they cuanniot rely entirely upoim thecm
w prk on Sb' news eng~ineerinmg building ruimor iow currenut is So the effect that until their product huts beent tested mnd
-after a lay'sff of several veeks, owing twso other umique characters of ni-- found Smue. Michigan aind Amherst
tote Sa steathuer. It is epected tionaul reputation have succtimed to are iii the leaud In lii new movement,
SbaS from iiow oi She stork still pro- time stiles of She XWooey Club and mud it Is already noticeable that these
ges steaudily. 'lie brick work will have proimised to partaike of the hot- specially emquipe young men can ais-
comumence immeduitly st-le the con- pituality of its banquet board, after ster questioims and uniderstand instrue-
strutonm of thme large arch over She eintertuaining anl Ann Arbor audience. Sbuns muchm more clearly than can the
diagnal loug wvalk will begin on Mon- Further developments are awaited others. This Is shown the most clear-
-day next. wtith interest. ly after one year's experience, as the
The contract calls for the comple- first four or five moths are practic
thou of the building by June, but the NOTICE. ally of no accounu.
d selays, etc., ho which the work has There will be no meeting of tme Mr. Mitchell is an Amherst man of
been subjected renders it exceedingly Rocky Mountain Club Saturday. -the class of '43S. He has aiready
PVOable that it 1eh be early October BEN. F. BROWN, earned for himself a good position
-'before -it is ready for occupmancy. President. and is at present making a tour of
twets''my f liihemost prominet univer-
sities uandl coligiso in the iterest of
his comnsliy. lHe is mee'ting with good
sucmess,.haingobtaginiiuied severial men
fromui 'uch School, Aumest Collige,
mndliniiall hei'expeic'sl5P20mn So cter
the compuhany's emloy.
Prof. Shorty will LectureI-
Puul Shory professior of Gr*k in
them tUnivrsity of Chicugo, is ecturg
in this chief ciis of SlimsUnitmemhStates
underuhie liiusupiess of thaeAnerican
ArchauemolougicamltInstitute amd limi kind-
ly consented o stopi at Annm Arbor
andu uuiddeu'sthe Piliological Sicity
Mondahuy eveinig usnm"tislinand
deualismuihum(;reesk Litrattr."
Pro'ufessor Shory huastspokenmsiliumn
Arborii. be'fore a hnid ''uuisme bireid as
im uusiully- brilliant amd etetainig
spea'keur'The i' tini hgs mit themI'lio-
ligiiculhSocuiu'ty inremsaulwauys oten to
those'inteiru-sediltihie sujcts pe-
su'uti'm. Thuepsntmeting sill be
tbeld ini TapitanmI iall at eight o'clock.
Appropriation Made by the Board of
Regents- Prof. Cooley in Chatge
-Institution i a New
Michiguatihums again shsowsed her
abliliy o kel)pmabreast of the ies
liv thue stuablishmnt omf tie Ps~utur
Initue. 'I'bis institution, sthichm sas
authourize'dIby t hieSBiourid of SRegemnt
uS thir-u unmu''hlmg 'Thiur'sdauyafternoon,
is i nwistmep'arurie in unuiersty work,
as thi n,'eedi fr it hus oly been felt
In irim-iemt yeaurs. This quick rsponse
if the regiunts inilproiaiutig $2500
foir its estuablishumentsill io doubt
cinvince lie taxpayrs that their
neimds tie malways takenm nto immedi
mte consimderationm Sy the PUiersity.
'heimiedicmal professors prticuarly
trofs. Vamughianurdmi Nosy, have in
Shie last fewv years been ii receipt of
numemrous requests for their advice
and assistancme in combating this new
andulstartinug disease. They have
readily gramted those requests and In
- manuy istances have gone o con-
siderable inconmvenienc in rendering
thue expected aid. As he neqests in.
cremased in number, it was thought that
some institution of.- this- kind would
be very efficient and besides could
make possible a systemaie study of the
disease,- as it presented itself. The
canines suffernmg from the attacks
could tie easily attained and then the
professors in charge could begin a
series of experimnts ii their laborA-
tories which would no doubt render
considermable aid in finding a suitable
Thoms. Cooley has been appoint-
ed assistant professor of hygiene In
charge of lhimi laboratory at a salary
of $1,600. Tie remainder of he ap-
propriation-iill e usedt defray he
curerentexpesest aconnectedsith the
New Magazins
Tie "Inter-Collegian," a new maga-
zine, published at Lo Angeles, Cal-
fornia, still in the near future publish
a special issue containing write ups
of all the prominent universities of the
country. Michigan will be represented,
sith 21 puges. of half-tones of Univer-
sity buildimngs and other pictures of
imterest in the Ann Arbor institution.
Anmong this universiies represented
still be Harvard, Ohio State, Wiscon-
sin, Chicago, Penuslyvania and Colum-
bia. Professors of these institutions
still contribute articles in this number
of he magazine, anu various cartoons,
depicting student life in he several
colleges, will be published.
$1.00 DAILY $1.0
IThe U. of M. Daily will be de.
livered for balance of school year
for $5.00. Leave orders at office
310 S. fln St. Phone 13.

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