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February 12, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-12

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THE U. OF M. DAILY Al-Feh otc
S p rin g tttli' ttt' t l iilecolli.S tltc
lit tuee.met Ietn 1 CiText anBooksoi
to be hSld illAll'e M:Irooilhgymfasium
Pul ed .il nas xeTuN , durin hiet: :11 1tli .LIt. 'tt Illo it.tttt of N e mn e cond
A n u n e e t teco(I er t t 1ivrsit Y o ttti- tnin tIsn ri l i tt this t11 itttt'.whil
ga , N 'eigts.t.t al-ed sIulii ;ittlah s Rdh itt it , rtlx Iinoisep
iii~~~ep AttiAitttoil bwfiittllI.t
MAN GIG DIORRtei eu ithe Ifitit 11 ii mI I ~
co 1 111 1 i th(iseilItily of ittttf ti t 't l up it I ti1 W HRS B O T RE .
ISCJO Ii IIIJTOJ'04-Ii fstttt tt te t li iterl f N w adO Se on
Stn t ai tsE I tTOtS i e N vittttg si'' l potsillr li Iet.tt By
Arntty t h ti ile tytiuc i e kt' ete01 ittm ii t o t t h ir litihit fte -;H n
I tititttt _____________ilNvllno______a tisti e. (Il
"in te uit~e ty i p. tt. on ittthedy itreinttnto
__________________________________ thtatonwhictetty are ttttopeitr.
_______________________________Office inthie Datty Atguntotile, Ntt. it0Snntht
j Min S.relephotne No. 1i.
Root'soretitestoatwitl tttruish best
tttttic for itttts, socials and thouse
ptarties -at hoot rates.tCall attore o
phtonte 8:02.
Text Books
for all
New and
Second (hard
The pest $ i Fountain
Pen in the city
University Booksellers,
32z0 S. State Street.
-- _-__-_- Thee w i tttta lttmtottt mtueetitig
- Nv t dto ody . J Car. f t theD iy editotsn'Tittirsdaty ttfter-
tnootntttt 5 cio(ek ttt tile Nttts oftice.
ciat to, t totof Ittll istrantce ctnt- Tit e ntiorla wstt tw i iveth ieir otn-
Granttger's tFeb. 2t. Tile R'iectlteittgotno
iift itsl .3per emAste.tThe fltI.
wilfrih tin.u.sic.'tiketN ca
Iai redt''ttariett use itdtitoiy thes pl iit' benhb taiegromtt Chocommteet.oiS
vers' ttii iiiit o ptl 'te i stt'trittu tin oft'Fitigs Pttarnoaey
thet' 11141is'yinthtit h't' dst oftt a ttttfcial C.tr Ct.r-A ici fot al t
titit.11 or i zto lgl\. e titetei s Strm n.d nig ti ek a
Text Books, new,.
and second hand.
Dictionaries, Quiz.
Compends, etc.
C. E. Baiiel151
325 S. State St.
Second Floor
When in need of a
buy the
A. A. Watormano
T1he Pen we guarantee to
give perfect satisfaction
116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
WVV'VV1/WWv wv 4-4
Good Government Club
ju"g1 P.+S. (Irosscup
41. S. Yederal Court.
FEBRUARY 14, '03
Tickets for sale at Brown's, Quarry's
and Cushing's. Seats may be re-
served at Quarry's drug store now.
'AL I I& AL AL A, & A" i,& 'h, A. _ 'd
Ito ttttEltctri ottiittand piet njts. Sttsitttr3 FTHE ATHENS PR(ESS, *
ii F. ~CiiO ;md Bot Water Iating.Studenit's Gas nstt2d Floor ATHENS THEATRE BLDG.P II~
o r A+ the end r You will loose the chance to buy a pair
I $5.00. We have a few patterns left of heavy COODS PEED'S
this w eek Iweight worstedls that we will close out at the .J110Q E. Washington
eek, . above price. N on're invited to look.

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