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February 12, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-12

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No. 95
Everything Points to thc Largest
Preliminary Meet Ever Held
at Michigan
.S e'dy night in the Watertan
'almain i he lg preiminary track
,met for 10:3 will be held. Active
:.Pr a tions for the evnt have been
Tpioge's for somte time, and from the
05 fv~e hswek, i is certain thtt
G contest will be of interest to all
Studnts.ll Plans are being made to
take care, ofil lsecttors andS every-
on who attends will see one of he
aet meis of te year To acosnio-
-zlae te sowd Icirtus seats will e
placed in tle gymtastimm he smeo as
last yir 00sothat a tmpoatry amihi
hers ox iI SbthUe result.
All I rslioicii wIhsodesire to tke patrt
551 the iet arc retested to file their
entrisat eonce. it is (desired tat a
:age snumbiler of firt year mnstatke
part is the -coitests. fu this wiy they
w~.ill recesve it goodly amsionit of tain-
ing ands wit besides stake kowt to
some extett their abilities in track
athletis 'eertIlist yetr meshsave
aresit shownistheir winnisg qualities,
ansd it 5-isssilel'there my e some
anrpries Satiray inigt. All he otS
m~ens:iso welltasothe nis-onoses will with
a few exceptionsisoIni"hIad, .ad he
prospect of a godiltunsoti f tletes
isures the success of the itmeet.
Other track; work is isi progress its
prsogress its the ' gymt" tand misy css-
didttes fruums tll s-hsses tre itsei-
"desee. Yeserday afternooi he All-
Sophomiore try-sut ws held. Of a
good sized snumbeitosfetris sevei
mess made excelleit timte. Three wtade
tlie circuit of the tack isi~ they
were(Galt, '04 lac; Mctonal, '5t
engintee; Wlton,'04 lwoo.,Te st Sr
Pour, Ilayes, Drtke, Hyde stnd Bell,
ran te lap iii454iti. The isons-w-re
tmed Sbyc iswtch, which isnot conoi-
- iee d etirel sacscurte(its thisac-
count there masy Sbe slight discrepes-
Siesa etwenisthe uie 's givensou-ti
ad te atul te Adolph anti
Rezstock did sot rn steday but
"will ino all probbilisty le iso he final
tial which onill e held te first prt
' 0r next week ntislt r-out he ei-ht
fate.s mens soill le chosen.
n the seio truts yesteday after-
' n0o~ lion tlaoo ross one 'lip in aft
accordig to he ime giveis out. This
-is a good record if te watch was-en
-' Srely accurate.
Other preliminairy trials were held
hbut no defisle results were atttied.
The trials will costine front day to
day. Every oie iterested in trak
athletics is urged o tke ateive part
in tnSle vtrious events. ' The catpains
are onithe lookout far niew material.
Michigan Man in California
Mr WilliamtiA. tBeasley, 'fulihigast
'01apsacticing ltwyer of San Jose,
spoke liefore he lwx students of he
U5niveritty tst evenig 010050a' plosase
O hislitrofessinfofr ox-Sch Sle law
5sciool ptoper taffirs littlelreprtion.
tseofitiblic iecristntS Pblic
"Offis" -is te sbtject of Iis ai-
'dess anil its iierestitg ntl 1er-
soial1sa lOr. etsley -soike of he
tiis o yonig ltiwyer, ost of'wlatS
a knowxxledge of publtiic recocdssietnst
toIi stitroighoiutihis pubtlicetirset.
Inappseia iitinosfst'te diliest-is it-
Sir et tuponiipriiticeithle ecessity fit
thiorigi famtili-trity' -xit the recors-t
o lii'fousdisil iits recrders isfice
isisI tes'ailvtntages' obtiing ittle
al rsltions with -he oiils- of
Pitlli! i s s i' torss''htown.ti r. lls'ts-
lPi wasin ttrducsed Ib-tvFrask IW. tDoan,
lacy ''03ersens'ting te ltaw fraten-
Iy of IPhi IDeltti 1't0,sunsdst'who-Ise
ivsitation Mit. Bitsley stke. I is
-Probsabui li drt ts' fratisrnity -dinisg,
te s'mster w' oiltlitoiesevers''tl ad-
d iresses to SoeSlis' s otttfst he'I s'depasrt-
u--eutS Sit' Stiltotths veiist.tSsevertal
-"yea~rs its practiet.-Datily tPtdo Alo
The KnightsTempt~lar- will -confer the
Odrof the tted.'Cro.snett -Tuesday
' i;t. Sir tKoughts attiendinig the PtS-
+reity cord'uily isnvited;. '5;' o".~Cl"
Base Ball Plactice CHICAGO-ILLINOIS An Alumnus Injured
Batse Stilt pratice''his iopentidil 5in55lT'efolloing, tan-sfrsioste As
eigtsrssi'sS re'rted -at snsthe. caiein 'The Most Interesting Thing in west- drit st.Stlyhuhitii fis
cigliy tius ti'hiirts-h atStie sgs'itsres-est his those xwhosukhnswuA'iss Gil-
the 'gym"i antusquad551ait'rsquad 1 emnAthletics at the Present smons' xwhile vieta ti li'as'r. S4e on-s
v Sssint intoisgut anaslose it this Time ti semssber of the ltixo i-hss of 1101,
baiil.This mse's xe's'' tll enthiusitsticsuitS onsforfit'sometim iie lrixtate si-i
susulthis'workt wxts sentirelys' at sisfaic- The foliowing article,takenssfrous tle rttry to Pr-ofessor Jhnsonsioslnr o
try to Ca'tin Jei Srry Ithey, oxis ws tllisi, shoxwsthe strent-ihgsof te ill- his departure fo te P'hiipinuses
gretatly phised asit hhe gooditusout. Bisuiathtlsetics. t xwille itersting Wordl liss SbentreceixveshfromooMa-
Sevt-nih promuisinig cnits mad uie to comparet~'hes' umtrks withstoseocIslt, P. I., thtlSiso FlotsGilmoire of
thseir tatspearantce'tnsdthis' pract-ice 0as matdssuhee-cnext Stturday uigt Elwoood, woholeft thst city sa y'ir
untussully ftst tashlixvely.Ose of the 'Thety-outS ofIe tackn tetmsfor the ago ts tke ai tpositinin :t1tilasxv sffice
suirprises of tesay ox--s this'gresat Chicgosumet,h's-h. 11, woasshestits the ieteSwitia sriouso tu-s-ilsst tereu is
workn sifItatchi s u-tshe-ssrThe tnxew yssiiiuti nttfetywot ii. we-io' sseks ago. Miss Itihusius'- i li-
"-losus'pttate" mnsiss tutu'05 lwt ndfitxhaotltSacsduvein.0h
fitS ,ittti'ciodsh verx--y trges'slusts'sssgrtthir in this' of iciof At-
coniessfromus lHtnoxver. Mich., o'lw'here -uussIsiuhsisg ths u ttftitoit'ttshu'sonditionso irtis' SGentealh V'hi'-tt. Vs'ihc si-
tie hasu shad consinniderale' i'tiuetit if he weatsit'rshiuos tat itetrestin Lig une'tr a tbleirhanstsg its lennron
catchinig. Hatchti-s isnuitofItsi likely rc faisa l-ni-sol h ieit- iuil sittah SI' des auh
muens fistthuetpositious of scatcherund' r itiu thtithe stdets hits orhegus totuinthis' lamutp otshde. The]is' gtsspwats
oxill Se gvens its oiportunityuto Sshow prcaetooxspotte rc uldovrit e apadtn un
his sill aso thestdtys g'o Sxhr s' t illOne 'ise su osihiteam.hi- t'ing tislsp rad.itl istatushse wsu
his best stusois tat otthroin-x-tg thise -u.ii ilsiiih htiSisiui h sa
Thei'-sussstuis is's'as o tuloxo's; its itiiss. A o-sustussits thehottse
ball o sconds. Slath scesri tossibeli Mile u-itu-- u0 siuuu'trs';ISll'ully it, usardshertsreauutm sandu extinguisheds
all atos t ntthis 551:5. From tiste 55'- flat; 1 heiy. scutndb5:02.: Lymanit e Slut' me-sibsyhthurointgits blaket
da' fie-ovn hr uh ob flidus, 5:153 835; Aslittuit 3. av rundsuhIssr he as' ots dlyhvbured
uenoughu~pot sWse'nto umakle up aowin- 35yad sishi--istht, inu hnt, 41,/,, ushad etus ake5 nihntoistheis'roil hos-
sisg ''St'Steam. oues.; seond-i uhehtat, Is-sussug. 4 lue.; 1 1 his Iatnisicatugtte buils-
third heat Csill. .s- foursthi hisat tg ansulthte'huossswserenu'destroy-td
HARVARD'S PRESIDENT IiDuunbar,4 si.; hfts heatt Sillsr, Sit-lire the uittes eouldthbe cotrolled.
_________ 4:s's.; ixthlhet, for suconiss, Pos,
of .thetcs 4ou.; s ouuthu heatt to sondl AnIngenious Clock
President Eliot Speaks o Ahltis i ts's.Si't sinaiutls; thrs, first 4 lat Aco; oihs tceo lyn
in i Report Sill sndtusCr ill, its-tuheastt. Aucuocks ith stetitisftace ttofplinS
_________ h'oo's-suils' unsst-huitfit; FrnlnW. Wasc-tihtel andil Hoasrd Bteeey,
Amonutg this' deparmntal'utt rep'ortsoseondt m,1:9) tush Is' of Fl ut it Thue-twxous-tigieier stu-
xohic-hforiunt 5altSof ShutideiS-Wityshin'b h stht'gistancetuin ilte srgui. Thitwbo egieer tu-
3hisosus ua fes et 10 sueslt('s;11s11th, scondsh.4 Isets hatt ivestedstid b ig-'timepiece
r-hortSis icliuecis yarfo te e uitchesosnus'u'thsu'nthisrIdxtuu u3ho-t'3ofotistissstr
?frtin me555 iustiurt snsathlehtc shuts hifi't 4 ishis-a:'tttstnthis-nsgushuucni-sThuhiusoout te clon-knat-cdesi'nated
by Profs'sor-suIratssN. Hosllis, the ir -ti'test Rohtgeb'iucrsedsssuhhis udistnceThSix chusipoltayig catds.ho inunte-
plsn osifte c u-ussittst' it tis-rr i''thgua 'i ist uss'-uiu prattusu-ice utinusg this tug9twillstheu'asie ot 'cluocus, theotSe
utisntof Ahttc Stuorty. rientushstotsiul ft'-iWs' inushis's, teiseifStun os-ock sandsthenstuoupq
tthisut, in i u-stusing;ulton usths s's-litS Il-l~ittssls'ustn-itst heuart, Matther, i t1o5ichc, owhichs is matrsked by the
ctalls atutets-ioss tos theustert'estig tcI fistsul ; 'hlussinsosuuseo-dshjutk S thuteeni standss fuss'2.
tsatSant lutst tlo-sthuotushd su.thes1 2: 1 - :ss'uusuu I lutut W'tu'n hfit. 1This'hndshsrutso hisuge tt eechi-
thirty-ives'hudred studs ittl othis'2u14/, I tlls',seondstst2:5/;,;1thid itxsiseqlsuired Sorus t hutu-ock. 'The
i'tutbidige departnsrtsiiof tu'S-c-Stt1su~shss 45s thnsrt s tuosipusratuso is consectd iths ant ree-
st5'tilks psrt it ssusuintoust-doo shrtos--smsh2-1?!; fousrthuheat , Iteni kItile motor, ansd is so regulated that
H-e ntss thastichatnsges Its fosotbasll fist 2:11% ; hDis'knersoseon-iisd, 2.2/; the tinoe piece keeps excellettt time.
rules lists's'ir-t folhowsedl by ian uss5,' in-t lsh :2;1-ig Th, le issvstntios is sahsrge as most
ceseth~ier thasnssoit decreaseill il- sconsd,'226; Fosteu'r hirtd, 2:27% . toxwnsoclocks
Jurisstud thatuthegsmoe tensds o 4-yarduhhuslls--liu't het, Khlne____________
beconeslsoxwerstd less visibule ino Its first;hltto, Secomndl; tse 5 3-, ; secsunds
detsil le gesoutSi)sn~';'-Misehest, Rlhsht, first;1F'osett, secusnds; Scrap on the Campus
oeratlsitHetgosicon of e tsi,"ores titte 5 3-.loskettd Foto rnisfor Xestelsrdysmornsig wh~es he clock
are he imprfect ethics of war , do plasces itslSie limtsio skett wsininttg; struck eeventhlere owasshe usual rush
sot improvuie. The nmarial saxiomu-ta- tisse, 61 sec. ils.hsthlie, first, Rol- of studesnts from the libatry to classes.
ack thi'etesmy's weatskst poinit-A-uiksm, stosnd; Fosktt, thind; tisse, Ito he sulest senior lit a bit over-
e5ttiyl3-5"oChcdeisc',teonanssxous for a frostS set is lectur
shaghu 00 Soe r~ihie o te0coivs- 4(1-yaurdhdsh-Fir.shisst, Schoeler, shouvei a freh medic hardr than the
learest us he opposintg linoe; andI the 'firt, 12305; Bloundys, secois, I:U44,; freshmansss thoughtSnecessary. Preim-
habtua vilaionof ule, f pna ocscond het, Heinstg, fist'58 3-5; iisosues oere quickly sat551dand each
tissbhesapedho ss regaofruses, ifyseanyt-Smith, secosnd, 1:0i2",. InotSluthirdlidtuh lis books0on thi stets anid hsul
Sis mbresc apedinrg ate. b mnyheis ustunbar und MSliter oere pited suit' At the fir scluch Sthe little lit
(7f utluleicport. its gnet-ahlh'rei- against echi oter, andul oere msking threwcte big isedi. The se'Stime
desnt Eliot says that there is i c'-as excenhst Htisse, btnthSlu stsrter giv te it suffered worse ads got all
ing obsjections o their great sxagger- the sign'atl fun he finl sruntS salttoo thtws 5.cominghsgIis way. Whesn the
anion. -"Thoere isnowv a s'ries of soon. Befoure smatteo cotsld Serecti cood seartetemSs they both looked
compeutitiv'e gamssuswhlichs coveurs te tiediIthue ut-uen uhdstoipplethrntting.asoif Sthy mtight but remnanuts of last
enti-re u'scaemissetsr; adthtuSSi ls- tasd si thhis oleiuhtsiti-tousmstanco sot sumsur'o gisgluas.u
tratiuon of Isisge bodies of studeunts covered.shISosit w s n uot-tunte o- - -
fromtus hut proier wok of he nvister- cssrn-m cu',tsuuse bosts suts were doig Pnrobablty fsw-ctsc onothble Aneri-
sit grwsmor itonetirdcosussuvenan, nsubsshtxo'suldthtchav iis- i-tutustge touay are etterextonents
otis yan after'yr su. Tlissunreas-u'onu - e tel 1110 rgoodishtitue. Its of romn stic hroes thanis Sr.tobsrt
tuble sxtggrastioni of sportandsui e-'tune thus'rtumhluhis-t BIteii sngisutistsMat sell Its 'thurIDtggr tud the
vise 'hus 1ecuisue asio sus dabckdmdiex S ettins sssl le udistancet-rits; J7-sun. SCross 550ioswhicho le strs'.this seson
tula is si-susutiy olsuots'Ihsus n 1'3S0-ysardish --lshslu'u, ims, 44' -wsudirs'this'-manasgement ot StI. WIlust-
of Itis',athoiss forttuatlty stua--t f Cio0suhot secondtssus ,445lesy, Se hassoachi'eed asicofte gret-
te countuiry permit thisit puilstoh o le vashs- ulhI-ost lst,lheightft.t eust s-u-u'sss of ilo itirm's'r. 'lo-p er-
ise.iliou'-'Su' susstot utit21"'5'iticheSht'Shi'saIrttuSn I iutnossh ttus w'' sittSe gixs sitsSturdaihy,
studly at'naturasil lhistoryuby too hutirlo- Stied liir'scnd placbtti'-a'utugoig SSitsb.14 leustineeustoteinsg, ''fle
spormt~ sluhih cotessthur entr escholutiThellushighSumputuiwaxs rither longsithe iiisulsceni 'icitsprinoucttion of "'"Sie
y casr. I hutcSluu-lg tituS hut'sn-ienits ittn t, oib uiSts fiatly'wonubySt-Di'gge'r and thIe Crss.''
si-hoo sut ts falts'ruiuuis oh sixn sit- 1Foskeh t uSt a Shigtutout 3ft.4i. -S -- --
5)555d5 in5 fr heuS titurtofWosl iii''"S 'heppa'rdI. Sta'ttthiuNiTit-I-.
lookinsg' at 1his'gtameu's ox iii 1tine ismost Trasier Sussiuu'uu oill slet-tish itisst t 15shtotu~ t S ot Su Ii-it csht t Se
expettsthltte'-i5ttitc 1)1-se playing te ors ts S u uthet itoosit it to'fr so t-ett- tutu' i tli ut-too t'zpttic's-htitti
sli's-Slo's'el -Sit-S sueit suitsng tu' tist-sits St~t'uay s-eu'uutu Il . t i tltso t a Ota .
stuiei-ts it'f teuo ltletgs' s sioausy ig te sutotttoua Si]etu' t'u'u ' t out' - i ' ,' T rack 'i la-
limsite, beca'-tuseo f sthStir irout'sif ht usstn- t h -ui isisei--arlll std ru :+ l- - -
ulu'stsussasd Isu'sstutu'' sittacuuhers,'otot 'Stlests-i i-Shout ttot:'to' hto-st oo "S NTIltEI
ua idsh t itii 15 nti t( 55 tt 't 'sttu''uuuois sitt i the slec ii te I', its tloa t. AlS3it .131- t a'oottttt'S i's iht it ca its
Suit-Isui's-someui'of theis-us w'to-uut ua -t-ts0- t-i-us' to-tu rtly team sw', metit
trust thus'psovailing exagsgerau~utins out NOTl'IEI'll 51 N Sf51 5. ;a1,1 sn t3:1 xi
athlticspotus; ])t whtot rtusshut' s-is It order tot h'ou-ttttate' t:' u-itiu' 0 O,,'tiN 'racisC:-S n.
titttoiuiit'ittuonthStis ei aertionsart of50 oatsttst'sfrmntuto ii:- otuiitd,il
menuuttuuneduit souuldulsiosibS usettitouts pttout'ttisthe Sits'.1u:SIt tuiIo ---st 1PITU1E1
s- t hutStet ouitdoor i'spoti is snithetais--us s' B~ord ru e uu st thiu ot'' - s utout' -igh .s-, iw uw o iturtuo h.it W-ad''ilus
agte and lintheSurmatss o tu uts- ''usI Oti it tu' iuttu' Sgo d i-u-tutu' I Si ecod tau ut o t t:forttuu- t he It i c'it ti o tn' t
tlutumitss for ta hesy5' i utiso tmo ite i i'ous x'hil n atu beuusy l u't tito.5tt hut' 5 u'tu't]tsi.tti ssiead ot ti-i-mg s al tit -
phsysicalid1vlopoutmen'st, musS iprasise in- std Lawtlxbrahits'et' sututdudupostni its s:uutRanals u' hRstsils lt yar,
x'luatbslehusafegssurshagist iWent-sthe busses ilte Itw oo iotartis'ort s-ssesusld mailt-uh Set phtoti--s-u ,,
iuacy ;suit ice." lhandstit o Stttu' meuberof stthu rditubualthertshxs7t ice-nts to thS~e 'St - t 5,5
trosts Iis o-sit sitandsuthSltitsh10 outehEditors, 1443;SWa ,t'ltsisssi usi-tutu'city,
fTse.Libertyj' Belle's" at the Atlisoby 1F'ib. 14. 1958 by Fseb. 14. 1!38
Thieinut'rxtoimsiglit.1SssSlt MCItlSNE NSAN 'BOARD.S 1.5051MICISItlANENSSAN It AOID.

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