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June 01, 1906 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-06-01

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llockinlg Valley. Ry. PEA N UTS
SFinest Quality Roasted Peanuts per Il. to. W hen itConies to Clothes
CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT Salted Va. P eanuts, Bleached per lb. 5c. 2 lbs. for 2c.1
TRAIN SERVICE IPeanut Brittle per 1 1 1c.
SFor Young Men Count on Us
'We buy Peanuts in car ota of 25,OO-bs.:
You will findfo Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peant
fless money than any honse in this vicinity,ut
Four Trains Daily Man sh DEAN &c CO. AMicArbor
From Toledo; ~ ~ COUNT ON US for gving yon he snappiest, most
up to-datne g it nets evr designed fiory o g minii
Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains
COUNT ON US for ivilg you clothing that will
Sleeping Cars on Nigh Trains poosoi i on c Iti it h i idd lf on y ou ni 'eli
Uno lpt.ln Tld ndC-T OOOA 50CNIE COUNT ON US for alpael miade of dependable ma-
lumbuse leteestctia P and tailiord ql o-or n ier iou Icgaiieits.
S. E CLRK,32!andCOUNT iON US fo sllingyonItie hest clohing
Campus Martlus ne0to i d o to 11( --t)ilto rIo lit'edI
Detroit, Mich.' 0 o i Ot
F. J. SCHUH Rolm,11Isef005 IslST IN BL C
SANITARY PLUMBINGi o nooo no o ~ ooo oon~toooo5F ie C o h n
(las and Electric Students' Supplieo " 0 0 000-'o oo t oooo'0 io00
A SPECIALTY to1no n :1 o-nloooo oI-J tL10 0 Ott 0PN
j. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washingon S. r >7 7 n0r ootat-
BAL Y D UN S j 55,51isJeffson Ave., ldo Ohio. Lin d e n sc h m it , A p fe l & C o .
121 East Librty Sreert. ______________________________
Suits and Overcoats BuylDirectCandnSav
/1To Measre y 1.00 to $28.00 UOISII UIUCotingImII5 Mouy. Direct0and Saey
U, of M. BARBER SHOP Photographer R NTSCIr$ 319 E. Huron R A N D A L L
Trojonowski State St. _RE ' P1H O T O G RA PH E R
There's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cup
f oidoma octini lues you are disappointed
I iiwirec ing your lineii whleiiyou
Tie- oli laswilhldatitul ," rrost ieed it, unes you stud it to a
>0fo'lck 'i ft5 /nil oo C ehtb launidry. You are nevr di-
<" t lk h l ooooolslnooo }1f00 ed when )onl eni it to the
10 o7 en1r. r~rhn.o lldpr-dVristly, anid ounot oily receive it
In>0,meti/ fo t fu-sco a :3 il i itl he, boit with a color aid
1aoo. -itoNightolnimiotte f 7 fIinih on it tha is always gratifying.
liaco o!til tootttoi tolrg oftil( 1orA
\ M AN 'S Alma tc clb ;fight t ot7:300000lW' 0001 ha))./ i
L~ Mter isti- " ' (I anicstoo>of 10a0t- 0 >1157 54th Ave,. Beth Phoss 928
guishes him no more ____11_,11_o_________othecommtte
tha hs igaetes 0110(00000noon t te-ltes. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1= JJIzt
0100 100000'ttt otttttttto'o' titl ONiAnn Abo, Mic h.
M en, critical in their 1000000 00 0too'lo tilts 00lcumoleiooto'e
.tuiiiot. It isCessnttil tl tll E l. IinnoooPrs.'to-i. to 000(11SoototA,
selections, smoke te- hr,,oooto liet too I tooot - .0. 'otk-to4Coo
10000000000 tl t o' lgoI tt' 'o en Crt oitol $100000 ~t. o 1'ol otsOt.fioOn 4 ° j5 (J I ')X
n (O'gicctoo l 0oorl i fooo.-is (lie EORGE BISC'HOFFI 3
uc oftltyarI)'iot. FLOR.IST L A IflPSJ
0t1 ecm i Ito \lillatootohil ltoi glt Choce Cut t'l er-n drsol-Iors;
0tol o lk shtp tilt ott to nshak Chapn St btweneHurorn and Iullr As-e
00 I E W l lds cnoll 0 l toutoC0ltIt-e ePhone ON " 0 LJ j
a 10it0ni norcrmnloofyot' COOK HOUIJSE
C G R ~TI lieShtodo Itotot otigt.-ot \ll csooo'o$2.00 $2.50 010.001100 Candle Power for
bec aus exofsterlaorg-10 -of eenito eIIc000001 t t) eeto illott eat H00111and P~lea t- N A 'nitse vie
na1nequst lao,-focl tnotott 00000 050yiNtV INNs A sP A O i'ot- Y.-o 'o0r a1.(t3 Cent per Hour
and pbecause they findA.1. Pal'roonstor lotttr go tor l sc-ooi Vnssr -p Saeand Trouble
that flavor uniform day ti f lir Uni ootl. C. A., Save a Walk own Town
in ad ot ad u- t n d ooottotoo t i '~t llvooohtll. Gt your Watches and Jewelry
intan'out'td'o-one t'Su on 01 einooeoOatiloliog repaired ao the Right Place ANN ARBOR GAS
equaled n eery oin i toIl it pea t totoobOT nrodito. By your U. i~l of fl. Pins

of highest quality. Nllio oIo t ~ooIko ioo eoftpri es.No - pores tk_
1,ytto' tkt 111ir de ir -owo00 ndoolcharged for a l-- knga
10 f r 1tCen staoid to rnsoloof to'e otlost oto ays our goods org-eooki n g a
Ce t _ _ _ _ prices on repairs, etc.loirni lockc sosRINGvOtR UFRAMEDonPICUES too
Satifaotory tiloring at saisacory $1.00 and up Cal at the right place,
maila t id- I o can etI67uad C ra etrr atourpries. Fuller & O'Connor 6tipH. iVi- opposite Law Bilding. fR SA TST E
dcooer'~sesdzjrc.fe ot; 75fa f /oy Lt 'e/~ojo eoi /ooootoooam stret.i J F Hi ,~ St-toStreetRIf A T SI
Byrsi/posoahZIfyoio oo eg tti0 oi Otgot 0/S 00' 1000 ~ BAasd hove them framed
ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York CityIti nrilIn ILLI RD with Choice Moldis
YJIU~UuIELILs1AND Only the Best French Glass Is
t p PARLOR. CARS O (.1 Ued
ona10 trinous btween Tldo ad (oolbs. O W I '12 sd
1 et itmoden Paro s, owith firsO t-cas J?223 . Main St.
CoaleOs-lStn. leoCosSo n S.ROTENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. -_______________


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