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June 01, 1906 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1906-06-01

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for Art and Skill in Tailoring Trunks, suit cases MQNEY LOANEDO
CalosHand Bag~s. in Newest Styles andan ih lan chattel
and Colltral seurty.
SAM C H F IELD & CON he mow (11pnirvOve orlectonm ofeery p-to-date Moerael nvoeco
BCI LD & C0 for traeel : may now b had ini or eon omy aoi t All foeaey w. J. Li 7I
P iced. See ourtelo ieof Hotivok and \Vrcdo Chirs ii th 0 ItAe ppst mCutLvis
The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City MACK ^X, °COMPANY B. S 7ti 5 't
and I I hl l ~of Oil Ahleiv-tippi
ZINC ETCHINGS EuEmi Base Ball, Lawn Tennis IFot IBall A L N H L T I R A NAceyRqe(!f qot
IiS jjj VIkl Ju Cricket Lacrosse Crqe
Lower in Price ji v iiImplemArc e Rone(fo t oorts
Better in Quality b ~,,taino ,e qal, y StaldiaghnV d r e ra dH sert1l" h r~e
Askc A. M. SMITH Ytn r atcls l i
ThnFner er enani;and i4)vovvi i
I Ann Arbor Savings BankBIloc r r i; ,v1 itrutatag radelr t
a,, ecivilh viiv+viviiviiov- r.vvvilvv liii lvi
q i-v ivbetier v isl i .
\t' it lACACI 11 )8 LD ivNIvT il. l ( 'p th1 i cer, (iii 1.1itheiiWvEviRP' viiliIN l (11)of lie vivii 'ielivjiv i
SO J.Boh . oVIe'a 01eiiv'tivtetetv -___ vi i ii ihl vidisitiee 11i0iiicviii. A G.SpALDING B&L S OS
Wmni Aiinoldv i i V C Vongtioiv a Smalliiliiaiiiii1 ii on~n ii i i l"\e ot lian ,eliaeci c
Jas. t W deyl 1,.y A l s db'file .sico idivivil kI vvvvq ofi ii;A le I ii _((hue 1321. i ielni piriod, iu ctlvlli vdii
N ttJKyer oh tii rtii7i7 tt emi-l vot iii t Novi i. 72).'I'lie Xv\ i lii
;n.I ek prf t . .Cartr I;[pti 1 f hu ve ivi fvl I v i t l v e liiseC P
D________________ ari - - --~edC~lo.1I .\Aahtlt Y o CA S ANDIIG OWNS
hedl v iig. lihe iueiviofihonorvitlili le y oii lviii toiii rlvi seanyv col--)737:1-A7D
V\I e3rI iii ((v11 . . thille anl Livhi(lviiilii iivivivioino ilo iiivr ip vii viev.all at For ii ii ors xe - .c n -~~~
F E HCoc an o.\iW.iWivv i v , lit l YIii ii ~- 127villivil; vi streetv Ifii vi rtt t ictureifo Ioli o!n eeek.-e
STRAW BERRIES CclA.Mlom 'o lath ca- la l"ot nt olmnlilIi rra ool ali do e k
viii ii i b er anv oraori ad tvovivoii. ccvc . i iREN AL, - $1.00
Sevdi ly (tie ysexiiv -vi o f vithe vvratern ity, c ildva> lii lviii l iSivise iresed, 25; trover, lo. Order- a y ttr - t
vi i ieie voi i iFiuvvvli iiiiiv iv lvve ii vl ii i -i i evi 7ller & OCnnior. tf
iil mvo riii ii lpsi - 11po(ileoloi11fr o1 i:A . IF. LOV ELL
Ac iii ) 1ii,-Sililvi, 07'ivy x (x Iviii i.Try Plcpe' Pefecvltcii chc ole pffse332 s. State St.
liiiTh vvinitia e R. . I ni y-iivvtvv vie d.vi-i.--- ----__and-hiv psltiialt Csingit'slphalrmiicy. A "I iiori
Outr iieviovtvandviOragv \atvi i iii r \iiaivv fcan Al ;. Glseecrepaired. COX SONS & VINNING, Nw Yttrki
P o liveh sii l iviv l-0111tCt u le i -vas carefitlly ftteilandtiievted. I ilvreliv geuitnte velve lAssees at- __________________________
lviiit) ae ~th i rsvvhevl tlv A.i ii11.ivL v ig liv (v tvi GlvORUlv H ALICR, Mole Si. Cvtilitg'i.
ii i I va"i1-hitivivv-iiidu ilr--vian . R.
Q VUAIRKR Y Iih i ll -I hi (I iii'lllli (.1p
hl anIviiii iii liv lvu -I hmvi (v. l\.\\ vv j
Drug Store \' dliii
d:l otl eob4 )l:\T llrc p.LAKE -ERIE ro sbti tlt e iiri~v i
I IS rleave yourhrdersfoDETOIT ill-lyBUFFAL
116estei d oat sields at Artiolv's liiu l ci it o I uo l lyvt at ni.ie a t-
hi re t c'lll1el ~ rt ui Iv l tvviirl a!ivvvi n l'tl in'ja~e IrLlBlav
- t !liI I uli -e-vu, r iv Ic et vtvvI ieiv i nt sule\vivoa
IeCreamvi i iiiivlvliiivvi Platire
o iiIviiivriviejRAL TICKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERS SuPioner a cca
vil iiialiili11"viCol.,ilvthei ivi-hive (cuieil.IlviiviSispevtnder~
All "Ii v ,vtvrvivvui vii iii aii Ii m c C tiuiiv I. . li aa .
OSe's -str r-ttemsuio EROT&BUFFALO TSTEAMBOAT A CO., DETROT, MI CH. -_ ___________
1 o alt eelie. 6fFINE XLUNCHES
- - OriYr~eA i y t)thy 1R1iori e l li- i 111 1
Frogs'inLegsciovl ait.-B vii
R. E. JOLLY. Stata St
Sandwiches Panamna Hats Stra~w Hats AEIACMAY
W a! sh Ties ______
ChickenALae All the Newest in Belts rea rgt i, S2.in ii vary
litivvooviut eitvip.ii
A___Large____Assortment in NEGLIGEE SHIRTS and HOSIERY Yu al e -iietoDerit 6i15iv ii 10t
WA 1: 5 0 uit-t.- u
Juicy Steaks ~ Co.
and the best of everything W a honla /Ko a

ins season, at 121 m.nd 123 South Mainr StreetU Catalogues
Oyster Bay" Ama2kteur Photogrphr
We4p e s r ee have opened a Developing and Printing Department. Are you
BOTH PHONES Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrow. IteeSted?
315 So. State St. ph- Mo- 9 ALEXANDER & co.HnxBk. 524 Sat tt

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