The Mch i gan Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNI).\Y , I_\\ 13, 1906
N o. i Co.
__________________________Pitchers Battle Throughout-Illinois________________
HahiBraJupadCein p clse Iace, with fovnan Closlay Wins in Twelfth Inning With di 113TS A\\01>'CKIProfessor Stanleys Efforts Are
pressing C lelt. Cl1ark, too010wh1oTielyHitJV)t't' AND!) 1)6616 01 Crowned With Success-Solo-
Mile Lower Records - Pinch ithought to) 110a1111114good 011011g11to
Ties High Junmp Mark of Six win 1110e102ot aied to et etter t than Yeterl isaftrnobon Michoignan pistsand Chorus Win Many
Illiois attld fo twlte ast nnins Rferees Norross, Kstorr, o, g lu is
Feet-Goodwin VW ins Quarter.stthirditis11e1v(10111 Dvey, 111who 11h(a 11111015 0111111wth 11111suftit scor iofi3ll . Plauditavs.anla~ni i
Arduouslycc tun a hard raceiit 1 in iithe uitr- --11--'albi 111 (f3 1111 111 I~l~O 1111101 0.1 ____
letoltl211 11(1n ettihelly 0 hon111110te-iwt'fao ir The en- conjunct1-ion wihli Ilrltow C1.05 'Tc hitecit May Fsia 11 i
stltd in to rke rcrdon id. up eii abot ifty yar111s 011111tll 11e 011111sligtl ii Sno- s favironly S i lidtel list of ju1dgs and111fiials is 1. 1011.11(111 i conci1e-I foni oIVedis
a1111sveral 011101r f111111performances, liiiiil 1pas 01sCed Clak.Bisto111111 11111 hrCel i ts1111 1)1110m1adeio 1ff his dlliey 1111 il) 11 1 I fr ulicto Teli st s111opera,11 1111 da1111 I was15e0sily t lim11111
despite10the filt 111111f111e 111av1 1111111 ngtllii 1111n 111111ithdscn aelii 1111 a rdIwhile 011111h i t siccdedI i iin lanig not absolutelyI 11 tal, howevr, as so i as wel as ho clini on1111o1f 1111s111111
111011111 fromilth1101e01t 111d11 thic 1113 behiii te war11 lt It 1s 11111101 11111 10 v10s feon01111ol Busl ct. I Il i iiay ihe 111d1ed1as 0illtigi -, a idth111glorified11 tioslielil 0of tie oc-
ani g b1111 ut anideal 111n1'for I 1rack 111 1011h1t Ie(! oulll 1 lldhv do e ii the Captain Vandagift, 113 placi1ng 111a0r 1111 a 11110ome i ma 111be dropped 1if 1111y C 1111)1 1eemed1 heihteedi by 1110 111p111
net oon1 11ly iwere the ipefomanciies iiely IsigleinIll tli wlt iiinigwith.ll -sl-i- Ii 1101 tN i ng1 10111biaion1111o(f a lstIth 11t 'ir fe-
eve111 the h1 belnifresh.itadotnstaaoreaouat011h1.11101t111 lieNiihfil
made1 0' the 11111 a1 athletes011r1hytInlitlsiil1sat111111011 i i an 1on1 111111c11101011off te lures hal i s 111 111 1 111i Ilhe fudges 111 '-11S1110yihadt 1 11111101
old ast a 0(le,11ro fee h a itei'n11tto hoieaion11Dthe y111 iiwhoilde itsh( Mcia tn1
ed i lt'0 111 1 ) turu pt theu t h ree es w r sto gy aes ,. tis, ti or ha sufc nt v aly
noio XIItht 111)1 111 ti tu i 1101t11e101 o ltithl it tomt poe,11 um10 ip0e111sd110 tlt t111 111 i 11 it~tttti I101 111' 111 itlii
hr~d u pw otwc boe a1Mc soin te lftte i t1 at tIteo bage11110drfmaic 111r1t1(m keoht the11ad1at hhos11111111111-te0cifln11a1eeting ohut 01111 ut cur ti.ant eon y
(1 11n11 tiolleordofl Il i 11113iluglfeeoi 1111t. H111eaii 01 111tiltcby(Stnger itit ittb" 'Bien br 111 11(iill 11111 l ade iineit l t1111111 r 111e101r 111111 111111111ina t i waitsiing-
work1 was te 1moe0rea1 Ite n th t 111011oundtolitl hi n fth ak mtihe111f1o1111m1111.11 1111 tilt th111 sim ti 11111 t Ti he11111 111(1 iI 11111t 1101lie 11111g n ajety
passed the.ttring rnner. c1enk1whoItt thsitt 0f s why- it i imp teaive-thauuut p lt Il el 1 15y 5 su
heginin of1 51 ou toorIllitCor 111utei rin , 1a01ben-ohs igtie0111 up0 to1 00hiiihtil leC.tu i h itganItaIt rethired111in 1111hor t leyo ne be iii c ii st. 1The)1roll111willii in torf oiupletesuhilss.I tro) to-t an-
t it 111ittwsnt up sdb nIn t I eodiin (10111o 15nnhaditIy a d m ntrtd eo d h sa
hen Carrieltit)iandihe too aastethuavet 1111)d1-nofthtse 0ho0111e1not present
heI cold115 It defea iulolg1111)1 11(11 iIt FrInch0 Howiii, he110 - loeistll ti i lthe1h11 15.0 game11 wortI i l 1111111 the11.11 rtsicant e liedt friomiow10.f01a0dou.i:the111value of gran1110opfeth
11(1(15 ti- 111101 It ltthi toh11111 t(1 tine liu Itiish. tt tit Consideri1111niegi-i tts i i(lt i 110 1 lltielittthe.110het - t 1facotii he eotur.that~til~~t Il
got itoh fi1e(a1ir -in ojumpi1ng,11and1aideId i1101111 lltiilil 1111 woi' h en Illito-ft 0111 llied with1 the ti c an 111ll(11n uo- l-os C a-ol d 1 the o ncer(t - Idesa e o
a Ito Itt tl is i1'1 li 0 1( I h sitetI titrain ng ift itut111-list1f5judgeIandtoticlist
(illeill Ilfbyo to tidt h hilto ,h 110111o e nDck'-tob ge' Th eere n ain;tei
111wo1(1 '' (1 111 i the lck 1off se tti ad oslo tumesf ii such1-
Ito 1 1 1 . 0 ... 1 1 1 1 1isfl i t ssII 1 lns t 1(1r1 1 1 11t g r e a t1 1ra c e ,1 0-1n( [ h i s
he ad oul d ies his t tritals, he ti nal eprt et uldnslntheam u.phe m stc mpeesnhatstcan ulnve ubiheyt ihiihs a li IIIonth- ci el 1ru c an.
hir1-ihiiiai efort 13teet 1ateitchdtaking ttokudeftuth .1t111in0Campustiiyitlefa1011r1icu5s11101
fioIutotosthuspaded surfcitth u st . odrtititane psed Dck n
ii i o'his tiltl 11-oluha,1hothaLtterBthd-- -- --- -- -- -- $200- it is lOulff tott mi11ght0iitiwt
hi bea s 111 f1 the" i gr it dip lydi l w0 o t dhav ' o n'tos. w aif R aem rey l tisw icpi nt rdued lther.gametirtiiap-iihe assIuredlti of(01it
111110 11t(1shuei Vlaie ando . ty hi 111111 ot
too1110 C(olI ,fl th tlas( ____follows: ___________________
of breaing iffthelluist record0(tof te meeth
11111 11111 o-iiit s lth It 1 ub th. an11in 2:01 1,I-, litW ih tiff9Psa uffii s ec- tohicht tas tll' larffest thalt ever' tot-
to- tioaiso lt- utui 1.110 I till IhItonly111 aho ihtt iiithis e1-cutn t oeso-u anutIllinis(h as me- - wet-tt d.
- 1,11 for1s111ond.1 wichtis ly betweeniTh1110core0b11111111g;5
stretch lof cacti 11quart 10)11110 stIas o moreios tuuofVbieao. t :ur ici ot... it00ii]us o uu I001)1))o-a 2
1an 1cap 11an IoI th oth(1111r1 ord-l t he firs51 tuterul rhiglgs wts satisfiedti l 0 1 II I)rIo 0 1) I Iio0o 1-3 3 1
Itt~t y n~huot li 011 A t lt elinl i
131(110 Roll-c Coeowerdfer'sodobochel n Gnin reltt ibh 1113-Iaithg C ht a nti 111 'turhtit.
101(1 iiIII ho .e ra1o o'heseconaph 111Captaininey11101mo0vetdhtbuul iuiCtuuuuu o' iu
1(1ed fubuo 1o1311.l~ t> hepcc1position, w1 i h _N 1Kintues- Saties 'w-lae i buts-StiiIIail.
te last lap .aluoe I touls adt on-tuDck. rkoutatI30Bushniit6 by0Itblecl ttird. andutluruogs still 1111 'iith 11 11 t>ti l s by
gomerciy, h othtuitintchii1 til ,rae hmlyStoer6. 1 .100thll-OfBuh
t'ha i"gdeidedtl t at th ey110 wer010stioerlul st. Cit lue 11 1 t oebick trech t' ll3,tfftaney 31_( litbyh i tc 60 hers-
it ho etul ut bue ~ ou 11111 atlech lbeganiaaih~t blr tolte'io, ~ tteo31t 1 btoir-
(liii'sc10111 1(01-cte1nd1on 1wh1ic Iho p lle
Frniav. pair1fromii toe ouitside.Ilieun00111cut
the 11on 01 ibasl incideoittof 51111 (I 01Il 11or 1
bitch did 0111esterday wh to'it s even
before o'betothatlu to do1111utdlors-ottearedothe0111ntireiet.lIii 5111m0 111ylwhethetr Chandler11s111111off1111eat1wortwitht
six f focitii toe it1i ttii hs ties intentionlly 11o 1111ot, Icuinho 1 run t o 110 tohiethammer,1)1bti St s unl. t o l eeb.tI) is
\oiist sr-coi tiub 11)11 Ii IWalsd ech, causing1he 11a't11111to till.telitn'g11(1 This s dueto IIte faletthat
Pic il beho auaittb 111111maioltheItoo ing ul t halihe twotul 110b 111isq aifiedl Ito IaIt not1 practicedb trowin01g fromhi I
teamlitthis-10efr. Bob I eteose-em~s to 111311uohiihihu iuo u 01" Cuisl-u 0huot i) i
1hI-e0re11o0'redtthetormtu hich heiot tohiatt IVatbthok wasive11111 1110dhpltctubyi els 111ind with ttt1(ltii s tor o01beotter0iim101
last year befetu spra11 iing itbs a1k110a11101 Itoer00. fri6gs1ran0astronig racll bin111made.1
11111 e~liti .11 1 -3 iii lt stotiniushingt oloso toIRamtey, attit i s very- s 0o111s0th 1 e 015 1(100verthey
iii itches tti~~doutultif oithaeroftheito their 11e0n1couldtuslita11tors Oaceiupto State8111street lti
As thaeIIwidl prev1011toilthe tutuhun111b u esr-ii11 '01i h 01101 iit ihowuhebitIse~'t~blff11111' lt Chlain-
necessary t II olltu 11xoten hmslfco i te ITito'.ttoteroevent, wre 10ctalottet hi 0 to0olilly 11w11ihutingiiiffs
11111stick'stan 101111 011101 lilainithetocinchedbefhorle tee te gaho anidlioth-r1)11poil 0111ted toentutilt hettos110
fast tlle cit 25 secondils.I hogetiwo10011 reapsensationtal ocurreol int 0113of 1tw111thu wa s reoooveduheItotbuiirdhalts
secuutC 1111 ii~ih blsh its sItil - them.tI 1Iholsolr, IGarrols ii in inntinug 100 0111i t Ilot0tiitbl11
secon1d. fteriha ig; os1,101is1stridetllt iatstueathrowoeoser130 1'o wdbled.Tseututobbvin 10 h bgnitgo te ae._N tcnio tCdicu adIatroas ve teitmth sad t oklo- f e
took llthirdhooet.1511we. DllbiandI Nest loafedstheblue uuutos 5 tliilt 0 hhg oIsloutr
16ty- Stewarnt showedthtat hue hut tush irss-venla1015of tthe twon-ilie, 11111utlunintenit 11ital.lBth 11111w1110e11orkitug
nuo'of ts ld-t1111imeospeed, torohItoo1001upita . hatrdbsprintl uiluthe fitnisht Rowe htutu fortllhe opston11)1 1 and111 utulhtey
both 1111s11events.tushe 110dredhint:ff 11011r0.111 itt o lotsely- btooether that
1111. uiu bto' '0 ile li t~olelelt pItoutsecondu. flue otutntaril's : hoituit 5 Ihditoiil0 bitIheltonI toncoo post
occurredi 111atmiughtbuhe termiedl a ro- too-yoardt oasi-Stewsart, first; Bristol, is iva. Toe111001at11111nuthble
oerslboittform. IIutIn h etry tBristol secontt;tClark, tirtd.Tine-:to. eust staindlhissedit OeKintity 11htil he
won11 1111 Ifrom11Clark toriseoodttptubce (tiuhietd cntPage'Chee.) oamle past.
ChtathounnyClrkCali nto rot
ohC; ragrGorge"0I hihputSanger
Sultho e\o f, DutttonOfBin.
Luttiuts, Il 1utuby HIill. IH ituciss.Fred
Shot tf( ltran ihg) It1'ii sobloili Diinney
tLoucks, Ar- ou ltbll.
I(Aciials-D ~ehon P1106,. Art Poundi
been ifor0 the fluint nte11of hopbe 1ohichI
011110. hBoutt~t. Its suniius a palrt ill
ohio- he11hils Ialreadiy 110111 considerable1
a- e 1110WIlS hblydllto test advta-~t~ge in
ut-ide 011110e'11111cotrolled w1 1i1 tlh olh
01111 011s1 1xhtibttiittd is vibarat.
beaultbifultenor(1 ear11th iiiblue evenaing.
Allimst 110flote0his hashit100 d1111adijustedb
telesot to thhirut hrtrountduings his
(111rvetlous oChoeste-utda" wsO lheard.
a11(11the 111qutesseobruiththurouughout
1 shuoedito ftttling 'offt otf c~lrnss I
P truick, 11(111 1auto. Oisuuur Cleo i ri t
I-odrn~l RlhKhfaDii 1r00 tesooa hatpiest Ratio--
Ma (ill DIk i1116 s tiuev is io-sop1(013 111111 loutr}Iahissioi(1100boutht forc-
oltos YtsoCE. Anonauustill was oequally lsatisfyinhg, bus
RefetoeooKisuoror (11100eaccord11ig11011withthit'riuggedI
(hdesGyJclyn, FreidutStitt It, charac10101of 11101 ttthitionaitrch.
W0oo lb Iugh -Obho-b. Chas tar11111 00illiamIl 11111 utotas the kbng. neods
hum. Sackett.11no praiising. hits 'bilitics 1100well
f(htuou ill lullILuiuis, is111Stictotes-hinwn. Freod Killeeoo ast I s en o'tger.
IBtarils.I htoh'151'5 loutnrio-isNMoris.I wa 15 wholly aut e.ut
uno sto r, t tar usthman, Itiiia"toe 'plointiticoussflotuhud
Scherer. 0GeoirgeO'fsbiorn. 1Palmuer,111111amilt opprtunahhihtvyIllrovell Iits carefutl
Iuus its-u-tnar Iou -'11 1 oLeeJoettrtuntug -11111grell worth. ''hie orhiOes-
thou Sit IlIhyt IIHarry II uutuittiul lolli ra heldi sway wIXitits iusulprficienay
Stiutrt,11011 erini, 'Iurnio, Shhoi it inteubeeluude, theIEgotiasn marcht, atnd
Sohe(lull Itohohi 011 iKaufmtniBlbine te relig'(itsushiaco's.I Tieoeasternl ma1--
BoilosChapmtainliDItiltCarie.Iest ad tysterbywausnhue-obst sight
it fur as ttte.t'Professuar Statnley's
13boou'Nhnolss bib 0Uintrrtthiontloftnitahingtog ile-he l--
3udge~s-ClemitSmtooutt DinnysClahint n ifthe hit tiefartistic teattures iof
Heoi Cla61116h1110 ie150s bibthe illtotaneouhs colt-
filhhuis-Saunto as rolay.(Continaudan Page Twa.)