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April 29, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-04-29

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Makers of Men's Clothes.
All the latest London styles
and fabrics for any and all
311 S. State St.
I Anns Arbor, Mich.
Ordered now will
reach you in a very
short tine. Don't
put it off till the rush
season and run the
risk of delay. We're
sutoitig CrTIassiot1ii~i5

THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Relay Team Champions of America.
1 cedselciond class matter a't the Atn (Coeta'' tait fromii pag~e one.)
Arbor Postoffice. u ogte is:NV. 1H.NArms-tronig,
Pri'isi,,scond: S. '1-1.lHbbrard, Ama-
Piublished daily (Mondiaseepteild)iduig
tte aclegeyear, at 1n7 Est Xi'asiiiaot 54
street. Belt photne 892.THotime phone 76. ( lii iiielay- isLafayt rte.first;Vie-
Managing Editor, StatLthirdLi.rDEW
MaaigEioCYEL E :8Business Manager, WIALTER R. HANS 'wo-ile s is Datil[lootli, first;
Ahletics.........Clarene FS. Eldridge lo-ytrd dillt-Catlan, io.Colgate.
Newss............ Louis D. Stickney iaidtDeai, S tiii-.i iania, tied for first;
Exchaniges......Charies E. Wit'ead , h 1tiiiiiiiiit.'iei2
Muesc................A. SH. Ot~eyrGihc,1iictn hr.Tm,:02
Women ..........Effie J. Armstrneg Trineri I(iht \itripht}of PIrt isaiti
EDITRIALSTAF reusedto l I isDer ito riiiioff the
Huegh Ailen Feanklin C. Parks:la ea.Terise wasa-titerefore
Arthur C. Feund. <I\ iii]ii liiC alein.
ASSOCIATES . hi the prcait ioiii sliiiil, rliatiitu-
Ceages A. Osbsrs ilarold C. Smit hip esi'Sour title reiny, .\lererslirg
Fenris N. Smith GeoreeA. Barst cdem fist Ceteay oliege lush-
Roabert H. Cancy Fraek J. Claek to tteiiid, 1-1111 Scltitirdii.iTir.,
Iteery F. Schulte Witliat A. Mell iii :3
D. F'. Stevesone ileniryA. Mlontgsomery t Iii liihowi aryChcg
Gletnna17)Bradley Jsohn F. Wuirze
Rioy V. SLuil Floiydt1t. Jonese I5 feet Ii ic.lirs;T . eliii,
___ - aii 46( festi2 1-iincesseciinii;AN".
RATES:t$2a50pserye, or Sate ifpaid ini W (Silt tutu itehii-,T i fret 65I2
Address: WALTER R. HANS Business i I oliijutp-v'iNtti byF. Nit. Fleas-

an brottoit-.wasi-()litt on a inle sltpan
'Te tie-tiaggregatuionlitrusheit b ain
the eighth. O'flinfoultedto tGtnningt
tut NWseiellgilt a singile, Owibalitak- it
seten t to ecndon l ith-ire
loetd St rte'scenhttorgt
throwitolieatIhlienItl.ilt titpiate itd
fle- glt SNcoltter.
Ste spott-lilghtlatr il hseanctie . GC it
bung itlstilfe tilt 1111 infidsinle an
liyer-.. wutt retlcedAnitt iihistime
Scoedtioil the fteshmat'stthrowitos thils
ceteruitdfentre to ratcimitetit ir-ngi
SieNeffe wet. ut.111Brook1111,h. anStl,e
ini .Nliieiigatus tialf. Satgr,. belie, ind
OBien l-t hii t feiy, itliig therbase-
iThettcaeattMoStly nitid liii liii S

; iudlette ordersiiatince.
100 ek rdsatasd Piate
tll' tarit-.frotmiplate.
Olid Englith, Rende, Bilock, Gothic
an omane Types at
The Bookstore That's Never

Manager, 236 S. B2h St., Phone 849 L.
E' ditor today-F LOYD H. JONES.
Netiieida-ysias .Nicistigti&v sas iititid
tvrst. Jitittt um nn1-.reslaredt riten
theirepo ti-its fla-.hed acroi-eu-.-. li e
htadtarnlied 11111 t- l11"int NhtdisNust
the relay t lititHardlit. liii the1 apt
g iii uwi th u es en e1 of1 ile 111 111iI tilt
.1 ,-ii bypui }1; u -m u vt

an.Cllsl,2 etutuinhNVW P.tuu-
liltrd 'tit s ts scondi 2feel titetes;
11nc11 Ptillt-t iips i t , irtttttltit-
MOR Ciliit colegiSeond NewYor
111"1 it schli o f C o Ytittstr iitt ir ime.
0 22 .
Oli milecolee1rlsty i hifrtiolnshes
F ~lS [ it-t FiI-ti r<i olt , seiti
Chicago thirN.Trit1,323Titled
Weandellst Wcins- Bna seall ; Yame.

t . W Im.-
Nitiutieugul it, 3)..fii - .1.I 0
Bt noun.s,21)... -. .. . 1 1I
ijetuumtt I -f . .... ef 4 I1 2' 0
P0t1ti f. ....f ... .. 4 i0 Q 1-
CatretitersI f -....4 1 1 1
ticke, s. . . ... s - - - 1 1 2
SuYiier. 1h .......4 0 0 Oi
Cl ittitilt . .. .. .. . 4 i0 2 :10
Oi tzee, 1).. ... .. .. 1 0 o io
litti i el, - - -... . .3 1 1 I 0

a11 7
rn sord rtil
Kelley, 21). .- .. .. . I
O'Biririt, 31.....- .4 2
NW etdell. ....f - .4 3
Du) e ittitis, ... i - - 4 z
Patiersontt . . - ( . 1 0
Lowselli . .... ... ... 4. '
N]Itteer . ef -. .. 4. (1
ile'ieffe,..- - -.... . a

it, poi. a.
13 2 ()

Styles of cards. these ti-ti-tihappenedtonly toistories. forcedt(bhi.Kelley. i iinriulo walkedl
10Cards and Plate, dau as.-.ltes-ceebration litti giti. Nositu r lahn ritule. 1 )tuuuuni sigitd
$1.25, Script only110 itwse thate <t gret t ir utia, o ilhiutw he) lttug ho steal see-
2.50, Roman stYiulitsiiriuiiittrt nttetl'ils itutlutlSa thteu
3.00, Old English tiltd apprieciatiive. Thutstupiritshwtiten
th xr ises tast ight hasinruterlyt iben tistntt itrtlused Ovitz nit the liegitn-
Printing Cards from Plate, supsediart itheuniveresit. Stud stir-tingiiofi thettsecond and 11 it-ueutwentalontg
75 cents per 100 in the tih iun -tut.i-It. is tthinuusg It itlthitcheisisoccsup ying tilei-either
tha tttalit-. an honor 5to ill stiihue iM~o h saeadnithelus i-te seriotusly
lt it rit-fore uit.vieraity)tothue tt hetc usosor ni h ffh uh
mst:1 i it i te ting lthatstimtultuies andtilt l -t opeineiuud l thunduuistltsa der hi t
Sh eh n o i te ufiintrewatrd filetithos ~eswho se tIliterowih SNeltbyftast field-
S heebdwo&eCOSr it-iversity. Itis-.tiletitug to' Ihsld int aittseconduu. -th enut ho
insittins an cs tusth id iio l t.)e t fessiu t uettuta itrour
Students' Bookstore ta ice tetuttt u ln o i t-itii~tti.lsuuuhstsut
___________________________and__b__ts__ofhistory_ thcsi ute-tiait.osilatchti iu ttseco1ind.ieeltnNited
l iiip< ritoflhebsit suriteuttofucole a t),ieito lihunt, gotreig - itt
legc days. ~ ~ sprtlk hscaSokhl n isl is-t tce-ti when theel-t
j utioizeytloanedpurti e t natr rteto the to Sburise tuu f uig lsed uttipstfe gapr
M o ey Lo ne sudnts Ipto- tile effects iwutulbe iitestixt haKeley wti-t ut, lBtrokn
On Watches, Diamonds or other etfii t u itieri)-ittBrol t'illde stow ulleldutny-teroff
personal property. - the i-ag-tN etnellunits hitwithttilehal
WIatches end Jewelry repaired. 5LO51Slutn eatuitus ore ttntSitaestreet outdifDuns tiltd1bthuthe ruttntres til
Bargains int Watches & Diamonds tahoti10 :45 lThurnsday muorning, au Nirt aibseihnlusite Wensut uti, iDie tduty-
Office at residenes3315E. Libety at fotunutain pen. Retiate-tiif rerturntuoder.si Situ'let hilttrsonu andiLownell
isgrtlllAnn Abor:SS el 410 Chuutrch street. 147-48 sttdhi-tsu ttulVtdehh
9 PSI. N VitesitriwasIuuiuul tthe emtergetncy
ALL BIi0t8CONFIDENTIAL Try Phelps' Perfectisot chocolate puffs aitt-ifatuu-ti
atnd chips at Cusshdngs pharnmacy. S.Cthinait-tilde a threlouse liii to

-i-0li uu1tu lt itutu-l
--0 .~ ~ ii tii i-l u-i iht-ti-t
7 i bid i. itt,-it Itutt luutuanuuhI
i-0 lt.tt i, t liti- -iit-it1it
0, I artiL FUNERA
1 t tatdo2not sri Avte.hay e 5.eer
t r Sdzeseat. tfo g.od thtins Ponest 1.
15 ach;ISLAforEicL

37 8 -t-27
I3 lt- iiitti-' 123 56 8 (
Illinois ... 4... .. ix_0 0 2 0 0 0 1-
-Niligal.iii . it ii3 0 I -t2it -
hw-tiasei 5 it- -tu-tts i l l it lr-i aiy
titus-D n m t (;ttuuti rui-tingi-ti ' SN s-iti-i. Ii i
rustDicke.as lids-Offt I ii 2il Oit
ilululogu tt 1Bushnell, it 1i) 8 Il if i-tl
Stuc ut t tlt- I3y 1 u-.iu-ts I 10, liy i(
Siflo. aseiii blhi11()\it
liy i)siiifft 1. 1lit . itchier f
Bt ushnellt, by tiN -seffe I.- Stlen-i ib.
-Carrtiitrs,-.Popi, Sitsesit2. Stusli
hlit-I)suuuuit. Lesft oil ae - lln i
iciriaifuit7. ULupirs- ihrtti-Tt-titi
gae2:20. -'Atendnc- I lO.
SI NO AS AND-i \ 551)l(l\NTS.
Atbl lip tiaud gititlun torered ftu ith
senlior sutitug-otititav itt-s-it-teive
lKinudlyn-ill it eriuesti ii uit ee it
u-tinrt titia rs nS tud confuiontitu t
tint momentuti. i-Macklt& Co. tf
Classes repaired.
-Eyes carefully fitted antd teshni


Students,' Lecture
WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS............April 30
LELAND T. POWERS................flay 2
S. qL. QA. OFFICE lIOURS,15 to 6 P. M.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

is exactly what you waist for style, comfort and
economy. It is the latest thing out. They have
proved so popular that we have heen conmpelled to
send in an immediate re-order. Call and examnle
thse line hefore huying a negligee shirt with an at.
tached collar.
If you desire a Spring Cravat, a Negli-
gee Shirt, with or without a collar, or Tux-
edo, we can fit you out.
At Zhe Co-wOp
The Store of the Students, by the Students and
for the Students.

is wlht you v'i'll-ist. vottrface I',
If yott value it as m" u lit i7stlt
TrreaineeLsivaAwn Arbor
Beieg Noeth 9:05 a-.m. eeandu:35p. ra.
CoungIS-ub tile.20a.l. 3 a arnedhtt33p. m.
J.2J. ttIRBY, W. T. WILLS,
Ge'lFees. Ageet, Ageet,
Tuoledoi, thio Ane ArborSMick
Belu phoiea135-1r Hiesphoes08i
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Through Trains Et-Ill8 a. mn., 2.40 p. mn.,
4.55 p. m., 9.30p. a. 1h.sSp. m
Locals East-6.tS a. mn., *11.S0 a. mn., *405 pi.
*8.36 p. M
Throgh Trains Wealt-2.07 a. m~, 7.58 a. ma.,
9.18a. en, 2.33lp. cm. 1u.20p. em.
Lecals West-hid am., *8.28 a. mn., *140p.
Wi., *6.10 p,
* (Exeept Sauday.)
Conetions at Chicago foe SI. Leuls
Kansas City and the W~est.-
W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor

New Oxfords
Just Received

WAH R=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.

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