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April 29, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-29

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-The Michigan Da~ly
"01'. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,. SLNI)AY, A P RL, 29, 196. No. 148.
SaysTha theUniersty Mst aveSale Begins at One O'clock Tomorrow
More Money or Lose Prestige I# -Wild Man From Australia
-$500,000 Needed. - May Be Secured.
At aisi t ba iqu tlteld tbyteUCvityEn The time of tie seat sae of tie bit
-tlllt ~t~tlisll \tosi toy aisrei show is one o'htck Monday
anouced.gfiltr etoibo. tlestle .ilt behelditeti a
pla il of tile iprest tssui ied of te mnli- W ar itti tore etl oost u1-
tc1 a-1op moe o ty residient I i otndedinitterest has ibeett ttttifeset
tngel-ltdo daredthttheiscondi1tions ltAs II il tiis grettleteririse of the XMiciigtt
ti uivesiy ae uch tht h wuldUnonainod tttttotttediy sttdetts wil
be tm tite ti] igtinillotrter to get till
He sid he rgens ar notcotflmst tdesirtite sets. Ithtis reset,
of i~~erhas, tie late httttr tf the seat al
n r t i tttattett} s11111 tquestiottt f a is ttttftrttttate, butt Geteati anage
sr tt\u ytatsttitttttto sthit oittock was tbsouttlsy unvoidahle.
rtt.ats $? 00Althetilebriitiel~s wttt iatv-parts i
- itlkis ittttitt i i nt ii1 11te shtttwe re w orki g iartd to take t
uiaslt e rv e tildetisgttt? Garros. Jtse C ttrtis Stitttte, Sor;
111u s ong it 1or:int 1.a-te i11sottig tttltsstiantgge
.7 t 11111 ttt i tltitit eat-(yres iles tr ele 1 ite 0
inu lit0stllo f itnt fte-tt eveto r i ets I tu tontem vry ado s
11111>0 itesnowtalray tel tS 010 ~ ~ ~ I N f ~ ~ ' I N - ~ j~ ~theotstreet tltpa de pot sstolty batd on
"W1 sal e lge o saytitranklytsitttt /Vttt1 ;an I '; .I . XI I f1s 2 DI 1 of trte moste dctre tosfslete tigarshoa
tol t 1e. 11state Ito I M ich intt1 wet need)Ar IIf ils htt Itvatert-ththettiitdat tit ay tis-couttgr sty. ' dt
ions coition111f1o0r1b1ittt n s e a'eits- FourMilenTeam -hWndell WinsnBaeballtingewit
Varsity Rlaytherrlsomlittitutr teirlyptartsittrtitgftod.nwtettiti the corutnteItt oilan wo a
colleelcnlofi't(0Its .1 1- Camion oWAErica-CotTand NT AKNAS B L pro1111y ticereihintItoMichigangNinth
ca t tt t i lii nst o hold t stiil tIcictt fVihTrifcHtin sig tieCatpi ggK~it
m ltisc ut rygiso 100 i1ls 11 I itiishbsltelissi tiar ift e laieistquartriswith ttd btit.tiett sattt.heIfwtilt solvingi Bushnell'tsldeliveci
to largly incease ou rcupuces. Tie VarttyiFodeMiletelayOttmtAteltndedlWIty Bitealliamitot
It t u i t s hl l i 11 111sn sit 1111 1111 o ie 115iits asltttt sltedthirty1 1 yars t o tte (11 Cig1o11ott. -lewhtttn hlt its v rsitatyh1111ealtenittopaue it ttt
ut ti ilt fit il t udttiteitnttstal s i ll h i onsof ice- toe Itnd FValtwastt aclittle llyt of i Ithletracesatit Miciga n sWit e rif e it nsliesthtlt stitltg ecetttsletgrgse
ghetttttnir e lt~ l tedn efn y s1111 o tf t sI tithe lli t 11W 1111hotttn DRCUSsis tu It ndit wslt otwteiet thal lttttst itlistg-G eeat iBa tig bh a rstyl th11fst.etchs it-egtes fiitt edswitha
1111)s all t c ltgs.I i i111bursttl 111 stiofs 111 speedtt i il IIllsllll Ctht.atti. t. itlooked ly ioiiai hi ltikwiewi ys Isthehttg htit rt.tli
1111W issns ill Illsich intt so rii its hlit s-ti-itt l its ICoettrithisirilelall l iiibut it.ed I t ilgh It h rie tu nt fieta l t inp s t ysde it f Cli i eIls lfittlerhat
1A sill Sl :rive s $ -oo aya m r; I 1 aepha i 1, -Sp ial tSen(,11of1th openng co flictIet10nyPhladitsiahit. iledbofheIvstto
this ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ slan runnel. ~11 1 5 ~t 11 115~ ~ 11, i ttt sit sNtart s ttiitl~t ot i 11 ii js o ts ing R w wyt e rI t more sIf htsan1m11111 i idot ft
Iltill isitestw is i s muh.It l earsit 1 ii ist)l 111ISisntseot sisthsin 120syaItiof flit hitsChatips ofdNtaetIllgttitCawtoitad I
w1l i p l iN s i~ i -ill y a lua te Ito ita hitsp t lea N tLd .us is t is t ilt.h ts n r eroegisx s te r ( f t i , b t w , c l o l n e o - I l~ o e b o k h a e a h i i hy o l " W n e l af r e p c a u a , e e e i s b igF o h s t m n i i s a p r d , w t
te t e a t that iti fg hil t 1 be1 of11 Pi foN I iiiliureaytitefotthe hishtiihe ostexciingbasbal sstiofnth.deivePesoftO itsywhibetit
wh-h tenac tMihgnouldiifiis rth11suctcesivtitt eli nohsillt is tl ihit tlln htadi 00 111idettis itt itt chtitani wonN8stiosi , i it tl.h w snwas naos ftum eblin taisok to i
Iot: inceseitnthed 0110It ais aIi vn h ig lil f he ss IIIa Ills te g od O eCtrtill siesiltrifebush t h its limst ititth itht hat i d its n ot illlstlyearhi Onlthe 111 hest fh li
tit tlan11diltgII sgi this uiis s htsm sthd it Is20s11111yaird1it tsioseadlofh°ltss as efe the o esnbtd ofa a lro
the patst.T heut asteniof l egeit ~Si s t]i-rl} cits al . sAd not son tith twitho -il i Coiu-nlittlt Ittitt b ii i t .rown i jus t . sowt ei tl u ess ~ it tdLw l
itltt I itliS ht tit it ti i is iisto Cl ti ~it Iii ylva1iS-theee naee was atostatatedathe tld totiWatiti tnng o nw od hro
gin s t tiltl111 hits 'tilesn1dslt eti. t w ie Ils ttlsternlittica l iii p oti s ii F tashgrit 1 T AucTAM RE LrNSsTft1111 witt little hispecti they snhad its ilegaffe twentsy-fneowasctaecostgasr
Itolge 11s i itc sitIititgisttlh ra ti it it itti tlfqate f\ ist i f hitnnes hadtttIclippeits Nt. iB~ u t I) it- ibehniars. a suideNisthsome o ant tdd gel-s otr a
ittras fun phitsit) for s manlb It as Ill- stc o st 3fr o tes hutldis rit ord. 11111 f Illshe.iisht 1111stioce ofitloll inwditat donnedtt hei s alueis ugte nontutudhi
tint- beeni f tptile hadti I e ii st 5111 tit ttas tl h adtettoniaretnu brtgpons
It fwstlo tltsil s i liiaitliitn5 achsist ot tsievm alultitt y us riead 111ou t it in Supdds t he iiSuliiirwiloossinfy sace a
111111n theell s no reals oi n 1whtyeit h is-lid i c id t she ssast 11111) h ipptc e ttng frssigh ltlerlat it. tt sirhssillt i yle sco esss twu s ittot osf thei me.oW wuith P
not i in ifthiWIitshv.is il ppilst11111 SitI ight11119 ri s pit ct1 forithhots N isit i t iple us lhtsantilto or 1111r111 its iist usi ult herufthlo e o ng ra h utts f in to f tee t upiot bit.ittelii i
t~l~sihui ittis hts IIsisoh tnts o tit bith dsh.t ttt hulls111111111w1-muutill tufn I sec silohind i i iopposutht sutn auh i ftruat at . ae use forteoif tha
am gad am goig t reigniga nthefou-mie. he eettohitw s asuterna ttt itlitfsituesossoodthieislcoingos ttd soulntsfaritl
I i ttthow s II51)ii tthis othr easlithe f Islt was tuuer tinlyutichtsi ig s 1a 1. ilittt titotho timshilby1 IIt ilw s ve h sv "wentightaptaittsttode t ileom e bel balltat. strong a- arm t
NIsty ic 1gtu hit lsi t l th islature11wllinti til itnia ilr is Iiis, o nd l l kinegu 111 ttingee f" t'ociangerlgaingt himso ttug enion tniuneratgon ho
sukescits sfithlei u s iiitil bt $bOelfooe tist and11 hs ot sn tthe 1oti,111 isFrtllnchii tutasyeTRACKtiuisromle-irSdlends s[his t ituy ssen ut eNeufe i m~sel ffhich ooty it
it cn doso te peple mst ndertand the nly embr oftlie+ sqad t leae Keleysit upiethiscintjigsaboitWhnttifex-hatuoonsdidist t Fr
N hruuihsiiiiitsnies. Th0100001nivestis aklin11 ld b i t1115 h431outa to.t Ile 23 H S A T R O N h te tobss hr4a ny hw vrte ithmhra h o
gut ifur te pillsletofs iing itln t-st- it - ftt ee ttt 1 nhs, ut 1 fle iewatss tiitsuui sos tiinttooo neidownthais dsuice a ln ught w ult - usnits aift. ott ) hr ee -bagtoe hrow and
ary or of providng bbfaculiytiih stp fasttcthisanhi Dunltpitisthuwithisgus1sit11iscoriIgtseentpsin1111aise1t islstSanggruftscgreughto"cp"tdeter- baseaitaaillsacstifi
ifrt yots purpseh isit o giiivt het hisp dnuls te dis cus -oly3 9 Py1; - icet it I lotituesuced bet molt ookd secitheautowdPoiesudth
i~c~s~~l tnt-~0t dm hi eluou uuuiof li 101 i l 1111110s~3 * I Cgit'ss corei otwhss11 e1nlty is ghete t i T hn i1 d ulosfntis.eits t-i t Ctrt s sthesPhildhoarug hti oo
cidrn ofheld s tat l( eteua ison uSuistiut 11s 51it 5n stay hsee Iln ssisrsPhliphn h ig cho iiswols d st exitt ion~yhu s its atoVdteiengd f to uok e wn

: gai -i setii-odhtutCcat ttiii nt lspig forui t uhif Cliiie agetnuinesthus way tothu iird ota a wildpic
Ltast nighttihss,-Jsfferinsuu duuebaittueng ssibe nulrowdsd. 51111 put11WbNWNVCutsbMichuigan, 46 sdyseditt-thue-wooul faritt iththue gameu scored when Diche cloutedtotae to
team tgas-c this Ailsii's a souut i u tdub- i lllilt Iiran1 a utgrantrae ini thusfinst totee t 12inchis; D.CL.C DutnlaptMioh- apparntluy host hitthus firstinnintg, thisteicus soutis ittheft cne o ocuadcsonotenugswa forh ac a erfc.Ti~is gn eod ee nhs ax hmscm hc nterhaf n etbse.Sye ane oedtei
imiuuuuuuuuus. This las t-stfunhe its lts quarites Ieit ini6irisecs and ttutieletf well, Sitatrtmorethtird, 43 fest 4 .1- this merr I tttoupon Ouut Cvizs scsurvestng.
tile t-oluwitueamcts.Nile. Jsffsu sliutil iani2 'ihut thisptushyp ilels aut uever this whtuith sotusded hilte skidoo to lthue Mustaigata catuacback strongly intthi
tettmtiis comoisedofIDowtner, IHoffmanaflutst ush an ttusnitedcloise ts Jostes. I 10 st i hhhurudes-fk. R.Castle- freshtutu wond tutuits hetid. 1 hf.Santger got a walk, btt
ath Ctarlsont. IRamey tookil thisiseadiout the hack stretoct (Cotiuuued ott page two.) Sticking Ito the puss that Illinois set (Continued on page two.)


- ----------- -


Tomorrow N i.ElotC itsUni versity Hall
8O'.CLOCK D.W .Elot rfi .L. A.

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