The Michiga al
ANN ARBOR, MICII( .\\ I HI) \\ \iPRIL, igo96.
No. 142.
Decided Change Over Former Years-
Will be Most Important Social
Function of Senior Year.
In tot of the colleges trogott the
counr ithtie senor receptiotn is ote of
lhe moast iportantsocal evetts it the
s tdentis career. It takes ottct the same
rakas the jtitior op at Mlihigat ttnd
elab oate prepara5tionts herald it.
T]'his reat a uistitct ueparttre till he
male fromsthtle cst otttof forter years
in regardl to the setior recettiott at
MIicligat. Owitg tsvrttis reasots
te comtttittees of the differett detart-
mets ltate ieer efore cmisttnte itt
saig te log reeptitun, attt as a reslt
te imlortattee of te afir Iha'sttuffered.
Howseever, tis year the cttotmtittees of
teliterary etgiteerig lass attd ttet-
scal deartttentls has e sdecited to atte
jinottly itt order to mttke tefital soil
erett of te setior clss grtttter tatt
tier lefore.
Ataititittmeetig of te cairttett
of the esititiittees tf te fttr tdepart-
ttetts it was tdeidettispaire tit paits
t ttake this reresetativi-eent as st-
cess ftl a tttssible. Espeicil ttettittt
sillle ptidl to5ttttsic attil deetsratittns
ad inthlese resects te cittmittees
plants risal te ittp.
ITe letspsects ftr te reepltiol takitg
it, trttter lace ati lIicigatttare ow-
unsal ly lright. This yetris Iefore
le ig eentitatkes plce ittBaror
ity f situdents t isndthe Eatster sttca-
linlafnte tiei t-Io tre tryitg for
ssitisssisoit thePeittsylvisititeatta sill
reismaii AmtstArbssr trtititg faititltlly
nttt e ltetyes sf ecite Fitpsatrik.
The misis sihss are tossugt to he possi-
hilitics atee Rsste, Cse Rstie, Dutll titid
Monsefr fs(lie sfourmile trtm, Pittch
fserithe high issisp. Garrels fsrtliedls-
cisshisnsststsd higs huirles, Cisc fosrte
sao tsd sdisctss, nIltttktsfor te sliet,
S tri, siBowman, Cuirlt fsr te too,
asssd Iretnchifot- te Ibrsadjttttp.
- With'te e celfitliliof DtltttilMall-
oney a tll f te reay cndtiikes tossk
afairly tl s estiffwroti testerdy ifter-
no. Cseswrkteid isut witite sot
ssss Casrels tansd IHiosgetotssk -a fist
tie a t the hstrtles. Ctt i rtis sttlfor
his sdail ract-seice switi te Isttister, atd
lists sittitvegntit i idssssrk-iesaftera
IBesore rte cltse sil vactioinitthe for-
ttile reay teatmiitwhici rpresets llicl-
gat st Piladelpiaitwtill lhte ieci
choisen. Thetrout sill le ell ext
SaiturApril 2. Of lst yetr's teatt
there are Cise, Riwe adilRttie, whlile
IDusll sandl 1Maloey tre the est ess me.
Uiviersity eerci setiwill le ststettiedl
at sty o'clockltodaylsisfor silittle oser a
sweek. Thle sessiins w till le resittied
Tuseisayisisrsitg. sie week frmtt the
cointtg Tuesdkay. Aretdy a ltarge tsttts
liesillstidentstsare ion their lhoeward
jotrny titid by the clise of sesins to-
ight few' still le left ti maske An
Arbostr life worsthi liitg. Or thitg has
]cl ntoitticea-blle this yetr, hitweser;tat
is ithat a gotdl tntuttber tOf sttdetts
itill spetdltheir vacatiitti ers'ere t-wile
itiity h sv' latted retrinitg early to
doi makile-uptiswtrk ii their studies.
'Te certiicates fr special rates were
giveti ottt yesterday for the first time.
Stpecial rastesittnte rtilroadslaie oly
bseeti offereid witlhin the state this year.
Wieathier condtiitiotns, hiowrever, prstotise to
ro itiich to makte the secek attettjoyalble
angment Announces That the
ON L NG OU HERN TR P Anual Will Be on Sale by
Coach McAllister Picks Twelve Men ii icirt,. is sit s-i sciie~titr.
Who Will Represent Michigan on PIlit14-ChictiotiCiictgii.
Vacation TOUr-Chicago Gamle lieuills Ketutclsy-uiversity atiie
Opens Season Tomorrow. isigit1tir .
'1-I57 su 'leitie ssee at Kttoxville'.
'tliril 10, 20. 21-Viniierbilt at Nsile~.
1.1 1?-t1' .5555iNSi etHICATi OMORii i - - pesl o llheeiii it Obierliin.
Masrlti i-etfl ie'ldltlt ii '--Illitois sit ,\nni ,rbotr. -
raft-Catchier. x ily -ti-' l-eiiiitatinnArbisl.
Kelley-Seonlid base. a -ho)State asiAnitArboir.~
Wheeler-Riglil field.mhis,(a o-C hicasgot st AtnniAelrbor
IDonnse--First baseot. FI day12-Illiiiois ait Chiatipatign.
h'lrii't-lhirtl biase. (hiayt14(ChiscssessatChticaigo.
Pttersoni-Shotsitp. Jy22 heist atiAnAtit n-.ii
WVendcell (Csapt.)-Ceter Hilt1, thisy 'u--Illinosutu- aCuttiitgi
Santger tsr DeNehfe-Pitchier. I hisla 3o0 IItutu-,siat AmtsArbostr.
_________ til(,'2Chiuc-igo st Ann uArbosu.
T'his sftertioonii st 2:33 this' isrsity _______
bstall trait siill heaise IforChiicaigio on
lt-e a-ninuial stterivaiciatintour. 'T'welvei
latsers;iwill tialse the tri, hsitiit is ilil IL- ( sCot-ftMclie, steohr.
iossiblhe ito ti-ll accurteiely low Coaciht -"I w l.hstetosl- l sia-iltit-e i- l
,\ItAlliiser trill litie tis imentips le-lure
intlcoius s s elise.s<otes.41i1stsall if titegaises oil the shringll Ip
teticoestacos.Hwvritis ractically settilditatSantger otie-iegst i il iu it isilsoodbrea iinthlt'luck tillthe
NeffeI' I st-isch ite stiener, with 'Taft ;tite. -I tinkiilweitshld do thso'i. ue
behliis indtehbati. Pattersio. is wsissex-isisacehs-seinIihindicappd yl d e athhs hsshierll,
'-etedl,still bei at'lshortidshee~i""lee i o -Itlstof sturuttet'Chicaugo, ltsolihtshail this
rig-lt fielid.
'lesth teni thuoitilllie takeni tre :Caps- suuiuhtltl-hh itesis oicil
till Wietndell, 01'Bruin, Stitger, 'Taft, Ii ictemis strog ini fielintg, suit thur
Keller.'lsrtin, Duiniie, DeNeffe, floue- hititigi-seakth. I alitslice this wreaktiess
itiit, Pattesoit, Wheeler atiti Hawskios. sill hbt'tisse sasway witub' thlelitme is-
\\eti el'l itill lie ttsedh in the otfieldin tgl lssI eui u' siil, sii ic t-l
lmtst tillthe gamtes, huh the faet thatgt alfrn 1esuhadwe il
Sat"ge'itid lcNeffc are theottly iswirl- hrslersd t ilsps ih seitl
ers laken b esitdes thle*ecaptiatiatwill nicess- s- ts- uut. - -* thie uwcosltrnchamoniishi''-
sitale Iollys s taking i tuin tthur box. ___
''afu t will dii the biitk of the hbackstoup seaur is the rgeatsesicollege utwirler i1 'flue Itasitupracticegametr biforethe
wiorktrtith I;metrmtui sicitg as relief- thelese. f lthue test-isue s lie hpitchuedh op~enintg conltlst sills Chiicago wspluaystd
Kellcsitnd 0'Btito will lie played at cI urilo thur sesonuu, lie li-itusutusoatd yesterdasi-oin Furry fheld aid resulted in
thirtioldtpositiuotis of seconttdlandthtiird thssuesterelotasfter Isis -trusmlhdgoe auso41us I i or uethe varsity user the
resptieyr 5wit 'Martisini left fielud. s-roniio'.lihe is ill greast tusitil t'jlistyaouiig'ans. Sanoger astitel~Neffe sdisdthur
'flitothir nwmaeDne uatt i- ~tt, Pattet-ut-.o tushndillt'euvarsity i-sitsbut shit' -tiigfus e ulva-rsity;,andittiahuh'
stat Whelitler iiiiHaw'ttkitns. litine'owilhl bindsh1t111sthirst' is niidlutht is hule still sluts- salloweutdumturs-hits thaisidsh'yeller
1111111uownsithlbsinitialscktwile lPatter-tilihits gamettt. ' Cap~ttiltWenellha s lforthes us ugas, t. hety'kept'the ins'liigle-s
stil isill ill out lie infiel, tikiing 'Kid"''bhein -illsyl handicappedu 1inhisbasebaI lllh1sateediIasiidu-el.ehuhdirttlereihanii
Camtipbell's lsteratlshortstop. Coacsiiuh y --o arllth-is ieuss st hby afienoI onusul e 'ite ii utoge- inininiitg.111Bris-ti tithi
Mche.llisterin itruth to play- Wheuele inll clssoessh ndheut'ntin h es fcon-ia treeubaies'h-" r tush siiighr tush Captint
righit fir-hI antiHahswkiins tiill lie tisedluliit its hitch si liridIg''mets'butubhut hue 'iWetdttl w i tiltr tipsle- huh theliest liii-
us gietirasl utility- 11a1. \Vhen't Wenidell tiutu it is 1ut'at'V for tuuiltstakeh t n-uolte ii utucis,swhuile:its i'ell ade noth o akn il iiiytrnehh o eshudb i.Lpo1Kniln' lue ads frteylll
gusu to eter fieldl. I e~ifte hut's larue-eli the uccst' as
'I'll(ueamrtileat-es A nnArbsor os-er thethue trill, s ith Sanger iehutstill b Is hewavthe gamiiie startedilo uokedh
MtichuiganiuC-etralst 2 :33 this fteriiootipened ihuponufrthet wrutlusts cfe'a 'eluse rutwere'gohing IL liuboldthur
ini aispecial cir.'Ihuey- get itusChticaigutuos siontuh~ersarsityalls erad a, hnl itless, as ithe" irst three
ailitit 30ionitighit attdlwill isis-cguarst- alwa-sy'tttlitstle.Io t t is iinings nttuai"hluie--hs'g''saws first basse.
lt's IIItihue1Hyule Pattk hotl. Tm' rlrotittssitt-isltuebscuts ttuir cstl ia ndhuthutthu menime iLut'-hle isiiigais haul hieti
this westertncillege biasebasll seson openstilduing,ut, sf rust' hi yarhetit loiull il llegtush illthurthiitd sessiont
''uThe slmanagemetnt of the sihiganrl-
siu is plesedh to annoiunttce that the rus-
lege a'nnitl',hwsill his'reatiy for sale Iy
April 23, sithaust stuetntsoutlett after
It- sprinullislk uwititparents, cant lpur-
chasse whlat tey sincerely believe is the
rost 21icligaueisiati rier offeredtsItie
T h rlce-f tillilubooik wit-ilshut-i
skin lseatherhbiduinig usill his'$oouu, while
plane cohlisiill crst $1.50.
Th iinualsihthis yru stilltittrklaa
'tutusidheresh an eusge us thur meithod of
arranlgin~g thleiiiaterial and1 luss etmbodiedl
ini it 'etverstiess-astd uttiques'ithess. 'The
cuss-eudesigii is exrimly siutplue, aititg
ga 111 hamntiyt vsiidhsittpicily rtiritati
tentastionl. 'fie coilor drawiiigs trea
tess feaiture ainihthur wourk lonuutg this lie
is sidlio, he serrclever. 'hue lbokwill
111111 lout it-c hiiuntredpuages.
'Ther cutsistentrwork oftilhe tticigat-
euisias oa tsrilhsuelicieud favosalest com l-
muentia'oilther- is cs-ry- inicatiionuthat
the tiiinuaohwill hut'libeilly ipatroiied.
Iefolloinsiig sre thur saff: Managing
edtor, Hiugh Allen; bustitessomatager,
h-. C . Mc ililent;associate udiors-lit-
ersry, IrvniLontg, S. B.-Keriey, Mary
Stewasrt; sitw, C.. VMMillan, J.f.
Cruthlis, louy Bronell;irih fraternities,
Grunwge Ilhsiiis, Marsihl liih, Susat
Disck; egineering, 1. J. Ceigton,
Phillip Y'ialloich;-ie iedic, Ralph D.
Enugi-le: oulluh, udettal aitdl tharmi,
Gorige 1. Morris.
At a mteting oftilhe '9 its ittUtniser-
sity hail yesterdasy, afterntooint, a resou-
tiont was passedl to houldl aiclass 'musher
anth banqueithast Whittmore Lke at the
week etishfollowinig vacationtti. h was
also udecidedl ts houl this ee-nt s te
ftrst sill siseries of ainnuausicsss scial
affairs. Plains for tie esett arcsalresd-
-well uittdeerway. 'fre tastmasserrandl
tousast list were appuioitedh sfter yester-
say's meeting atti further deails con
It is te ides of te comttile to stp
thy ai feast fuse the class, to laie goodi
stueakitig, attu to fernish te tmost en
jouyableirsocial errnl of thur elass. A spec
ial arrangemetnt has bettnttade whereby
tickets; for eery-thing iticluditg railroadh
fare, etc., will he $t.oo act. The mem-
bers oftilhle commtittee sill aethr
'ickets readuy for distributtiot imimnediately
siller thur isacaiot. Accorintg to the
present indiations the class will attendl
At the mtintg reports of commsrittes
were hteardl attu Baseblal Manager New
n10an tanouncedrlthtisuea etig of the
canitles fr thureclass teams will be
herilits Roomii C, Unisesiy hal, at3
p1. im.,iutoday.Iis hoped tuatu ll candi
datsr will he presentiauth assist iti start
itig the baseball troa. Ntterals were
votedl t ilacmemetrrsof ue cass yes
terdahy for track wiork donethisu spnitg
'Te basebatll std track tms sre ts
lie wielcoisid by a bottfire uter at fle
oibsrrvatory. 'the Ciioti till taple charge
rof lie tmatter atnti it is popousedu to gie
tile twitteassssutchia iecuptiont s noe
rwill forget. All whou attsededue ap-
ight celeruationi last year are etthus-
r astir. Everythinhg will le dtine to ialic
rthe soccasiott s mteoraible s that of
last year.
Owviing to thur fact itat thu racsuk troal
does harshreturtn fromt thur astutti the
Stuiday civenitig after vacation, it is
-ptroblle that te celebratiioin will be
set for the following Monday evnting.
Wuhn \Michigantu itntiChuicaugosclashi 0n ttu'listas hur-fe titcontrlus t sithe' ists titcv'suscee
Masusihl iel. 'Theruoteninug gamle is -c-i}-deieptiiveue r sisi hddeiveryuichteh le'uluue. '
thte hoity gameu te sllencime-trips swhichcomp'uuulete~ly phileIs huts opponentt;. lie until tiseIfl
htas sily'bertintgulln lie siesit echatu- h; ltsolssshowntutremarkabI tile 1 sroeuhel it Itu"ngs ti
1sinsluipu.ini tiie si-y ofsitse-huhsus'' ht' s s1 011, dinguu es si°t hue's-
Saurdasy- tightlthur teamiileat-cs fit' almoushtiperufectuwor. asit y tutu
texintugoti, Kentiucky, ithireron A-londaity' Keleya (l_'' tuh i, ethle Isrsihs i i-si 'lt'ed cluted
thley ply Ketucksy untiversity in thur 're the veer es heuuti ad nPatrsn
fiest gaimeurof thu. southeriuseaisons. Thur shouiuuldtsta itae sit hueirus ~ isitt .ilet' ho
next lit-cgamtes hlistpiculiar'interest 'euen litte-n shape:uthut list yellr 1)Dtinneianiierror by
toi Muichigantelurt. 'Thur Uiviersityo0at ir hs IttuIPatttsr'son tt sshot riarshe rt' autier- score.
Trennessee tratut, silici is fieuesilt Tttes- tntulpracticle y msith-luiswinmemb ttes, but c enth
dasy aniidhWednceday', is coachuedh by Jil thlireuteriinary Wu ' suntlussbuentvsty tush Wendellh
D~ePuee, iforevassitiy batsebala a tisfaiti r iTe utilduishtouldi be Ius utu tutu in
fooetballulaisyer, ad Vanderbsilt; besidles stell takelin--treeif usit'sMartstutud'stenu
hieingtile soiutherrthoeteof IDatnMe-sell 0 inthel tdcruller hlduhpositiuons
Giutgin. hisswonit aiclosse frietndtitn uMich- tuand's'shits I iit neusuusumaniwho hatsibeeiu 'aii us iif.
igsuut. Ihe teamntplatys V'andierbdt it ltoin uu p till1, it) righti. HIiscanll titi i
Nshville, Thiutesuday.,PnuFr uidaandSstutr lll' iniiat<lt if theiniehihlii'rutiuithd 'triteyst21)...
dlay. positionus.'s'eeier, if.
ltuItedliatelysifter'thue last Vandrbhilt IThue tut inthe 'fewusdasy s thue eals oDul iii1b..-
game tcthe teua starts torthtwrarid.Oti ha s hue nl tteIt it -s utdoousr pteethceO'Bi ell31)..-
M'londaty, thte lay befrercthe reopenting huts udemonuustertiediitlust hiligsllt'Mitts Ittro n. ;;,uu
of schuool, thte virsity' will play Obierlitsu-i i tu tu-u s iithus-hines ohs it stronlg il'~i l e iell f.
on ite atter's own tstamspinag grouusus.lii thetii i uhedpsutlnuuut, hutthue hitting ifs ieffe, p..
This gate aill endi the first trip sil thurlhis compah-rauut'iy'sweaki. I lisses-er,trithi Sanger, p...
igoft basebsalteama. sitgamtets heftie thur chamipiosip
Ahltotught several mtost promsising rat- series re-ulliebegin, thurienslau-cpletily
didates for te ters are itteligible, thue fhs sueur hrrisliu y
chtautces for ai luutupionsltip teat are hssisll t iepsrs ~u5is
-very'.brightl. 'Ele pitchitig staff is eie h kev lyrDrco
stronig withtSatiger, bWendell attDe nd 1111Ciiairis lr.'siist'r 'tush-Studentih I 1,111 5 -f
Neffe. Sattger wes thte reputation last Miantager Duttonu will suakse thur trip. 3 (C oath
ed ini shoivsih ingarutnacross
'hey mausitained itheir leaiu
fth wrhueu O'B~rietn started
Isinugle, andih before the tee-
menci hadus hisrutretiredhttree
ieshuh scampuueredl lhsute.
four otie stuct, setru tstidu
siugs inguandcunttedh 011a
ce. 'lotbases ontiballs aind
k'uihuck let Ptterson;.uttd
'The-issintitilhe gamue
sixthinintuug whenulO'Bienu
1. trsipl-et itt cesihduin, thur
ig. 'he stile
oh. r. h. ipo. a. e.
-300 00
-4.....30 01 0 0
4t0 1 100
......3 a0 0 10
35 4 6 27ut I
-, ab. r. li. po. a. e
-200 20 0
Miurrd out age tire.)