The Michiga al ANN ARBOR, MICII( .\\ I HI) \\ \iPRIL, igo96. vOL. XVIL. No. 142. ALL DEPARTMENTS UNITE FOR SENIOR RECEPTION Decided Change Over Former Years- Will be Most Important Social Function of Senior Year. In tot of the colleges trogott the counr ithtie senor receptiotn is ote of lhe moast iportantsocal evetts it the s tdentis career. It takes ottct the same rakas the jtitior op at Mlihigat ttnd elab oate prepara5tionts herald it. T]'his reat a uistitct ueparttre till he male fromsthtle cst otttof forter years in regardl to the setior recettiott at MIicligat. Owitg tsvrttis reasots te comtttittees of the differett detart- mets ltate ieer efore cmisttnte itt saig te log reeptitun, attt as a reslt te imlortattee of te afir Iha'sttuffered. Howseever, tis year the cttotmtittees of teliterary etgiteerig lass attd ttet- scal deartttentls has e sdecited to atte jinottly itt order to mttke tefital soil erett of te setior clss grtttter tatt tier lefore. Ataititittmeetig of te cairttett of the esititiittees tf te fttr tdepart- ttetts it was tdeidettispaire tit paits t ttake this reresetativi-eent as st- cess ftl a tttssible. Espeicil ttettittt sillle ptidl to5ttttsic attil deetsratittns ad inthlese resects te cittmittees plants risal te ittp. ITe letspsects ftr te reepltiol takitg it, trttter lace ati lIicigatttare ow- unsal ly lright. This yetris Iefore le ig eentitatkes plce ittBaror user'l'nessdatr.Jutett(. 1TRAKllN 1W IlI, TRAIN TIIROL7I IVACATION ity f situdents t isndthe Eatster sttca- linlafnte tiei t-Io tre tryitg for ssitisssisoit thePeittsylvisititeatta sill reismaii AmtstArbssr trtititg faititltlly nttt e ltetyes sf ecite Fitpsatrik. The misis sihss are tossugt to he possi- hilitics atee Rsste, Cse Rstie, Dutll titid Monsefr fs(lie sfourmile trtm, Pittch fserithe high issisp. Garrels fsrtliedls- cisshisnsststsd higs huirles, Cisc fosrte sao tsd sdisctss, nIltttktsfor te sliet, S tri, siBowman, Cuirlt fsr te too, asssd Iretnchifot- te Ibrsadjttttp. - With'te e celfitliliof DtltttilMall- oney a tll f te reay cndtiikes tossk afairly tl s estiffwroti testerdy ifter- no. Cseswrkteid isut witite sot ssss Casrels tansd IHiosgetotssk -a fist tie a t the hstrtles. Ctt i rtis sttlfor his sdail ract-seice switi te Isttister, atd lists sittitvegntit i idssssrk-iesaftera wseek'ssic-aliess. IBesore rte cltse sil vactioinitthe for- ttile reay teatmiitwhici rpresets llicl- gat st Piladelpiaitwtill lhte ieci choisen. Thetrout sill le ell ext SaiturApril 2. Of lst yetr's teatt there are Cise, Riwe adilRttie, whlile IDusll sandl 1Maloey tre the est ess me. VACATIO)N NOW IIFRI. Uiviersity eerci setiwill le ststettiedl at sty o'clockltodaylsisfor silittle oser a sweek. Thle sessiins w till le resittied Tuseisayisisrsitg. sie week frmtt the cointtg Tuesdkay. Aretdy a ltarge tsttts liesillstidentstsare ion their lhoeward jotrny titid by the clise of sesins to- ight few' still le left ti maske An Arbostr life worsthi liitg. Or thitg has ]cl ntoitticea-blle this yetr, hitweser;tat is ithat a gotdl tntuttber tOf sttdetts itill spetdltheir vacatiitti ers'ere t-wile itiity h sv' latted retrinitg early to doi makile-uptiswtrk ii their studies. 'Te certiicates fr special rates were giveti ottt yesterday for the first time. Stpecial rastesittnte rtilroadslaie oly bseeti offereid witlhin the state this year. Wieathier condtiitiotns, hiowrever, prstotise to ro itiich to makte the secek attettjoyalble BASEBALL. MICHIGANSEIAN READY TEAM LEAV S -WHEN STUDENTS RETURN angment Announces That the ON L NG OU HERN TR P Anual Will Be on Sale by Coach McAllister Picks Twelve Men ii icirt,. is sit s-i sciie~titr. Who Will Represent Michigan on PIlit14-ChictiotiCiictgii. Vacation TOUr-Chicago Gamle lieuills Ketutclsy-uiversity atiie Opens Season Tomorrow. isigit1tir . '1-I57 su 'leitie ssee at Kttoxville'. 'tliril 10, 20. 21-Viniierbilt at Nsile~. 1.1 1?-t1' .5555iNSi etHICATi OMORii i - - pesl o llheeiii it Obierliin. Masrlti i-etfl ie'ldltlt ii '--Illitois sit ,\nni ,rbotr. - raft-Catchier. x ily -ti-' l-eiiiitatinnArbisl. Kelley-Seonlid base. a -ho)State asiAnitArboir.~ Wheeler-Riglil field.mhis,(a o-C hicasgot st AtnniAelrbor IDonnse--First baseot. FI day12-Illiiiois ait Chiatipatign. h'lrii't-lhirtl biase. (hiayt14(ChiscssessatChticaigo. Pttersoni-Shotsitp. Jy22 heist atiAnAtit n-.ii WVendcell (Csapt.)-Ceter Hilt1, thisy 'u--Illinosutu- aCuttiitgi Santger tsr DeNehfe-Pitchier. I hisla 3o0 IItutu-,siat AmtsArbostr. _________ til(,'2Chiuc-igo st Ann uArbosu. T'his sftertioonii st 2:33 this' isrsity _______ bstall trait siill heaise IforChiicaigio on lt-e a-ninuial stterivaiciatintour. 'T'welvei latsers;iwill tialse the tri, hsitiit is ilil IL- ( sCot-ftMclie, steohr. iossiblhe ito ti-ll accurteiely low Coaciht -"I w l.hstetosl- l sia-iltit-e i- l ,\ItAlliiser trill litie tis imentips le-lure intlcoius s s elise.s