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March 28, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-28

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The Mihtchigan Da.zily


No. 1 28.

The Professor and President Angell
Both Deny Sensational Story in
Last Night's Detroit Paper.
Ftfnplatic deniais by both President
:Angel and Prof.\sAndiew C Mcangt-
iii ave-exposed the imssy foundation
uont which a Detrot evenngc paper yes-
terday utasensationl1stoy- to the
cffect that a itefiite osement was
10(er coisiderationi is the 1hoardl of re-
"ets to statke P roesor Mfanghtmn
vice-titsiet of 1te msilsves at a
inceasedt sat rs i ittws lo stateutetii
the pan Col teitt plat edthIttt Pofesso
;Mt gl i nitshouldiiti sthin aistort tome,
succee Presidetisnsigett ,'s10at f
"'I~hre almot inofondato foe
tie stoey-sasiltPiesidest Angetlwteii
it ws ibrioiihtitoiihits-atteiintsi st iigt.
"'' tie1s tof tiithecaebis sttsae ttese:
\s lisisi iteae'i kntoowns ttat Ciago
had itmades Potessor \MiLauighlin styli
a 1"ptin a~. tt~i o tee f ithe
regents thoiii e aixiosilto rs etaint hts
iiseiisseid the',imaitie iontit ctti-iseie
as toiwhtteri a ceirtaiimuni f
to hisitechinig dittis,'anditusis si-
iiislaessopesint tee ta-t heiiswiuild
lwilileisd a tos-eChiceagos offer
lhii-mattlerIwa s idiseissedin555 i~iisit
ifra iiiisiisiiscii ieieseissleser
birsiughtup a isnisffieit mietis.i No
istatisfctrys s iti siswsas siest i
opiniott i uit tl t le brogt
upi agiin. I expctht iitIrofesor Mie
shot tmeas o heterlite iwsisceptt
tips e iqu iiigts-t sills-sis cnereidec
tt iscie lot ofsgtheisqietilii.is
llwingsta1tesment iiearditotsthe min-t
tr: I"ie qesetioni ofisiy-tkigsoiies
aiisitrattie wo(t:1to-li ieselir. Ag-
ells w s iformatot i cssseediwith ise sr
1t10f tie regets-sanit I issiestoot
tst l the laniiwis nir ueli abadoied.
I ettasiittit iddthitI id nt ot estre
toi slitthe wosksiandsai so. itAlt f the
statesmentsi ilisariclhe in itilt- tf to-
sigti -Detsroitt isatesiare et-is-lyfalse.''
PAStlTlkt~it SOC1D RL-\)Y
Thie inidoov rtieiesnilthe agsis
begissito-get iitittivit ssssttmonitoious, as
te sMenshioustli et- doottiirs gettisg the
sore Valabiteptacticee affordedtitthere
anid Coach tec~l tisterms'tilfeveit
wissi is that ti presenti iet swethter
si-itthastily csise lito ii t . There is
o dottthatuto151u1indoiseorettinug
saetices, si-isi poor ight, tesds to nmake
a player stepi away froimt the hal rate
than ini Itosit. Seseraliiis-shavie ees
liii areadiy bliticed sblls aututlist
addtes greatly t their fear of tie seedy-
It is siot prble'itha it tie suatd i-it
lit outdttsefi-ore the misdidsle of sixt
week, havinig baruey io iweeks of iari
iwons eftore tespring rii p.tets , the
present tue 'abouit twestyiesies are
repoting firpractie, lt liof ivhomsilli-t
lie taken otdosors As yet noid sea en
te gaineedias to awliii stt-itae sortsot,
ltre ieinig test foist tess sut si-io
apipatressty ittaylte-ostinleiualysiel.
Tere isveriy little doubsit ut that Sisli-
s-sn wiit ma ke itiood is the otftiel.
\'esterday aftrnisooittseoas iket
tip twoiinditortitemstiaoustplayedt seary
the 'fish] torisusisieAssie frosisttis
there iasisnio ating pritice At the
essilof teelsesesths insigthe sore
stooti slightly its favor of Captaii
Oiriests teamsi, wichte seemedi to ae

tse greatest influiessee wiit Usmpire Me-
Allister. XWhettthe stet iwas puslteditp
lite seas seens to go quietly doinstairs,
bsefore assyonse eoutl reactshuts.

'rie Cossimooitaiscluishalss preared
so give a spreasi shortly tfter the sprig
vaation. There is strog eitutsiasmus
oser the smstter oast the hity or sore
miembiers siittloisbtess altunnu1t to
the 'eonigress of te iatioss"
Jouts Netisitrer 'o6 lit, is cairmtain
of the banqutet comitsttee. It is i-
tendsed to ave almost every- contry
represesstesduptoithtie programs of toasts.
Interclass Meet Saturday Closes 1906
Indoor Track Season-No "M"
Men Eligible for Final Meet.
The AMietiiganistsoh idioor sesostwi-it
endi Saturdnigit-lt inthue aittaiter
casssimeet Tse itmanagemiet is exert
si ing viiysefiot tt111pu t nsmue extra
featuresiswhiceisiis sitketrhks ftiel m el
iali s pedssors-
Ini ciidei tat tieueet sit-siotiltbe
too anitateis is tseeigiilitti ruile liis
besienssanged. IIithetio the miesbter
of lt- isidoortrack tiCems wisis t-te
si]"mns hisseeent isrrsei, ut tis
yearv anyiotis iiiy ecomtpete iswIo has sot
aontis t M"it hs ikaes I odgest
Roiviman, Sen k i-stloty Bishop
Iun andi issea-dsi, at i sn, lietegie asnd
thtese mteni swilt tstoitttettt sitsatgieat
eat ltoward tesiigiteumet
One iofthe sect-si feastreof ue
smeet witultieits exhiitisonsby Itsndisn"
Schusste at issiisting spteamcsit-s
ig of isKsti-g ansdtGreen.t]'ht ill sitte
lt-tvir ispulicila ppearsnetshils ye-st
but ltheirceer iwisrk ti-i sesontwislsi
tikthem sv-ts bslg trawinsg cant. P ty
gymstiteasitsastiltates wil -also esgge us
athird cosstest tils timse ott the oe-
trait;stiltsrstensttsisticlly ook
isig forwrisi s ts C oe's pefotsansee inte
shttit1)Sturiiday ig.Ini thue sarsity
seel the bitg--citpon vcame aishtsfour
incies f te tieird, ut s te testi-its
himst keip t ioftheIndsiltniatea ie
stotptesd training.Thl ie sieiaslitee last
Saltt-siayil-sitarraged sit htorrisciyythat
ihe haditno10timettle aget istt onsiition,
hut evseni:it ththeitsstade twio lats of
46 feet is u-uiches Ie is tvaitingt in
earitestiow, astitesen iiretor Fitzpat-l
rick, constervatitle as he is tinkts te
recordeill sihte sliasedthtils iieek It
prieitysseseruday Coy dish somie of te
moton susiestiwork esr seen itt Wat-
ermsans gymsnuasisui Ousit of tout tiio
doeniefftut siatiseast twso-tirdsswere
tver listty-six feet
The tls ourte etrii are ready-
itt te osususassostsoffie andctatltatetes
wtisingipto este shold doiio sibieors-
tomotrrostss sight
The sesnior egiteers, iwhossiothue
class reity chamionstip last Saturay,
fattestoIt get tie Caitroicpsp as wys
expected. t the egusinigtfthe sea-
son Dr. uCarrowsa -idu le wsousd agains
presnt eupls to tiewisntners, ushte e-
cently-offer ed alrge lotvig ets to the
class winntting the guirsisterelass smeet,
suits-iisoutsot tierefore give relay- cssis.,
Thse 'ctams" saue sot to go untrewiardedi
lassierit Wshes t Istslearnet that
thtey- hd been dsppoitued iby Dr. Car-
rosy irthuevBsirdustaitedtthatthe oil-
reite ssocatons isorld ifssrsastscups.
Tlue secoinformub na recettionsivgess
sits ye-r y the Dtteutscter Verein wil
ake ptlace thits eveninsg at Barboure gym--
sasuuus. Professor Stnlueywill-itt euyit
Germnsthe i-lk ott NI ssie itsGermtansy-
wihissllness presetedt tutu from teis-
erintg t anterier mseeting.
Plus receptionswhich ills-ttfolows-Pro-
fessor Sitane'tav -lk i srimsariy itslio-

or of tse east of players iwhio presesnted
"Die Jotiesahistess a fewr weeks ago.
Light refreshtnsts asid dtascisng siit
concludettehte esntertainent. The meet-
ig stilt open at 8:15.

Weeding-Out Process Begins-Fred
Strain Is Appointed Chairman
of the Parade.
This afterstoosn at 4 o'clock, *its Roomo
C, of the omaits biinsgthe assesmbhlitg
process of the mintrel shsoweiittcos.-
tinnue. Pil e nswi-io aptplied lust Wused-h
ntesday tillise guves u sutre thsorotughs
searing andthnesw sppicatiosswilith," ye-
ceived. Ussdouhtedy- tse list of sisuger
jokers, speakerstmoniologists, acrobsats.
smusiciassparodists asnd mnagieias swit
tue eosiderablhisntoeasedl'usthe saeetisso
tis afti s-st us
An itexcellenst w-as si-de a
latus Nh 'Clt t\ us' ii tiu ly an so 1l'itt 1us
cles-er stud decidedly otrcutnutstunsts isere
ptresesnted.isvenrstiudicaions s guvest
thu-- lsithig'ittwouhitfuurnsish atrosupe
of mintriel playters siriig-ittand55won-
drous toabhiold.Today use aweeding-oust
isi gusve usehlack uandh noisys eles an s-
other si-satce to cutlet.
IThuegenteral commusitee is udseeided to
gusve Fsed Stritntciiirge ofthparade. a
"Freddy" ishsi chaurge of lust year't
cotyasf-ir p-sr-ise -snitacquiittedt himsself-
very favusr'stlty sf tile resposibiity
plaeced spots titm. Centeralhirmantt
Pundsuhas-ient IFteddy" full titu-
augemsenut hutthe tsar-ideiswithpow erto
auppoinut all cosmmisttes sa'ndtarerange all
moatlers stecers-irs so sit-kithe stride
a sucece-ss.
Ansother a-its n~tmtseius thatusositNed"
Stttipstu as as-sitttasge manusagev'.
"Ned" hid shoged setver-l itnustrelshsoss
it tcroit andh us itch suii hlesdfor sthe
Waliter Rheinschild, the vrsty tauckle,
is-io lussbeeninits terout for the past
sees-rotliseeks, heft last night for huts
homsse its Los -Angeles, Calif. Thsere hove
laest paersistetumstonrsabouut the cams-
puss anud intshie tnewsspaper s to slur effect
thth hadas decided uusiposotg to somse
eatecrnutiit syusoa-bly Yale.Tlis
asroseftrsuithe f-set tha t IsisIatilesrshe-
sited hitutotsgo east
hut speak~ing to ftrienssd list esveninsg,
tiowcien, Rhueinsy" ustdeeciedly us-
serted thatlise shudret uurnts his chti-
igutseither tlisssummsuser ortext: fali.
Dirtecitly uponashis -irvaus ituosse lieusill
gus into a'ire-st e-tate oedite ad'tiesvote
hits sporetissue to uprepationhiut for Isis
returns hsoNchigan.t
AXt a steetisng of lt-e Morton cish yes-
terdtay aftenoosn the followsisig officers
wsere electedt: Presidetnt, Jatne Cocls-
roase;tviee-presiet;Madge ViNVa Wisn-
kle; secretory, Effie J. Arstsrosng;
treasurertElizath Prall.

IFolloingsg hssainusal eustomss tht
Altpha Nut soceteu of the lteratry utepsurt-
uneust andtte us ehstensoeieyofthueJ
las dteparitmetthsve planniedtto sol a
joint- mueeing.-' Ihu ebs atetis sue toi he-
ste toststlisseariindtotSatuntdus tight,
oh 8 us'eloekthe two soceieties ilst seel
us W~ehster hiatt.-.Astronug progamsisfsi
papers, speechses tutusonugs lussbeets lie-I
ptaredh. ii
Fine Array of Talent Engaged For thet
Performances-Special Features
Promiaed--The Program.
Thsa eniusg suet ttomorrow'ii eveniangh
ste Sinufonsiasternity silt pivc its suits
strei shturast te Schluo f Mict. thle
seaut sate sos huensitucheilaruger talutasstt
yvear tutu indeieatitonss ptaui toss-ans t
lodge auudiencefor soils tights. r
Ths'manattgemsenut is assured t hattthis t
shiossthisyear waittlhue muchs setter ltist
til es-icthsivuseu lush startupsushi
tilsded tissueseessto iseiniexcetions-
shly lussnn-sirayof talete.sieesss.lerry,
Smisth tushG(eenthue liaieis-stlittsinug-'
ens aassoste toinlet of the Vorsity
Clee cluts Iheir gosedt sorkia s sieli
kntown.us'hesre tgti ,so hie-usorchuestrai
of eight pieces compatosedi of soulessf1thue
test mitusician55-intt oistswichelsiltltut-
doubhtedlyuprove asi tess-it ft--sture sif
the (veis g'st ntetinesnsn sussutth y speciual
reqsuvst the Kuilensbritshulers iwill repeat
thus it.I rovtsotr esseeintshessrstils-
silt. Thy antise Proramissastssi-
"Liz"-Alexandesr Bhrtutu
i"Davy Jonssa Ioeker"-Caset Smiuth.
"Nobuosyhs XutsSchit.
"Wuhere IIs hivitnreenTonisught?-
"Preacher anuitsiehewea"-vestKit-
Itlthe Ihack ini inhute, lust I Got
ho (o Nos"--I univi-illen.
Fa. y art DeKreue- Knsocksaust Ac-
Zesoiser nasd Filke-The F ussuuPai-
Killeens Butts.-hisii At.
Joe Sisthth hiBck a-su it n sg tbsuuccr.
"ht Rehteasalut--XSuie-Splittng Cuut-
CiClIC R iftJhitI' COILI S
"Chuick" Beeler, formuer varsity sprint--
er, is-si is ntossatendsing Ciiielsushiuts-
versity, has coesuteoliAnnss Arbor tuspslent
huts sprnp vacation.sIthe expressed imiu-
self assbeinug suit hellautisfieditub tse
east.liv haosslotshouts-ant-hinug its suts-
ltics at Cornsellht tilliiheuelatigsile-uext
year -

Juniors Defeated in Great Contest--
Last Game of University Career
---Final Score 4 to 2
tkIing atg nifts't~ict bracsI isie us is-
frthei tilt--sitesiflt-hesname this'1006 Is-
setbalt te-sutsturned-sisitfetuatso a islo-
tits victry and Ibiy defeatingpthis j uiri
temwon istthe chit-intshsip ftheuniut-
-esity. 'thu gs ass'5 5thes'mutst Iargey-
attshdeestisprIsisltes smost se-lsts
ina otif ii sres ndlllusti this
last mintute of iplayis tis this issut sit
the' game ds- sit uhi u- desciesi
Intea woti rktii1sg07 u-x'sits-sItheircoi'
ueror,, tutthemarelosindiividualsu
asying- of shutte itttheuset-itlsntahlsy'
CaptintReByntticIMis IN hsi atush Iiss
it ttstidt'tge ii-wls tissuteshut'rte jutt-
ior-is tutuwhen, iusthuthe siotu'wout
stiltsne inif-stiltOf this10team aindiii ut it
hive's-miutsto l a-sh tie -cati--
piosliedthes- werecireistible-ad
stunrseibaskets flloetsinusrsuitsitsuces-
sions utu bu'ueforethi smotile hadtutueaede
suit-st- isionstltt5of thei-chtpionisipi
wihitsd-tiglutist a tpea sll hee--
wsiidered-insuuos f this ussisus ses's
NIPsetstintheasusulsitedusp forua fews
tittit priinaryit practtice svlry- set
andh cue-ru- us i sute tinh sofstaninhg
roomsuttits tke, this paritsuansof tie
twou chamionssshtitsasiru-in sutis ais-lg
turneds o ushiniifist-isetoce's sittisu
Elted byh ht herunbsuit enush titp01
uitotsriessinitheipasth196i team su t-i
edsthit gameuss Iats t iteoer tnisuh-it lot
team:su platyeditiardutft-sitstheusehiintg
but, sutslsteely o tse machine-litiestsit
ws-ork f thi lserutsisthue hutsmpiosfil ied
5to scoresneusthisfist hlfstStheiodtsitstd
sup withithescr otoo
IMi'sresaretul piaycaritcte-iedhthe
vesumstionofie the iiiCamie and1btiltetas
begsans/1otkefwe 'n hussies-sfoe
basksets ite s esiuuuhlsts xclln
pssingantt re-vt-teis-luttis sitthis'107
testis ade two baske s-ilet' Miss
i--isis-s-is nesitdiss e n u-it it-it sits t scoties
outs baskeiitueorthiseniort. 'hies j uiora
hscoressteetil i-msad e t irwrs Cres
andh Painuter
Atthissjintute ofitt this'mlithe his'osyl
heno lu roousters ilt)hiiithevto luist litSie--
li'eeddefeat posssile, sw not slus sitei--
feat sutaig their teamithe i:ftce, tu
the poussible lsass sithes-u'hi-stpiossiui-s
thy somesuit tiles-tmeanuss t' tuse -girls
repruesentinug the senitur'ci-hss betcminu-
ssireuthilsthusfgtinslo pitusd hehi
slasughter lispan. Capta iRh-tisc est
te aittckasuitostthisutbsutusushshdhlights
iof thesensisor-asuitstruesthes iofteIa,)
tied theuscohet enlstseds- theisruosppssn-
ensis tushenih imute uscled shiessy hush
a-isisthudgreassestgametintus tistoussry iof
cass batskethallt iy this scott f 4 tl-
113y siftue-soat i-uuuig-lst us--ht s 'tote
thte se-tutus wi-it agains Isav lts uptofa
enugrv-edhtututhus ovitsg tiuspus-cu lt I
year hy \W igohtiKus & Cut, f Detroit.
Thse lute-up aof tie ifo tamsitfolows:
Forwarst. tBroadbride s IhIsyey es-
nicis ICat.):tt -centes aihssResnaicset
XWiuson t guardstGretn, Sitak.ssofet.
Thue1its am: ilrarsCase.
Palmuter.Lottyoscinsiters Harrsi shes
Summary:ues gat-skets-Ri cit 2, Haw-
ey 2, PalmerrCary

Heston N~ay Coach South Carolina

Progamtor dlh1Ii ttbti NC-oSt
us's sty' It stilt 7:3o ptutu
\1 isie-\1trnuts sushi
Speecsh-a inthou
. elCurent1Evellts--Citstir
- ~Pnususesy- Inusley -
Willie hhlesioss, fornter Michigan font- hiase cosiderahie goodh maierial sandt a Extemsporanteoss Speeches.
bal plyer isnegtiaingfor a oaci bleist-note sceueefor uext yearoust Debaote : Resistsed, thauttial tariff out
are hookinug for -a top-ioty'her coacht. goods fros thie Philippinses shtotuhd ehs
pousitions st blue Untisersity of Sosutht Hestons has subhmited an offer an o nsieu- aholitsh. Affirmtativ-e-Cosop~ereWor-
Carolina next fall. The Carolinans fidently experts that it i-ittbe accepted. rester; ntegalive-Martin, Beek.

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