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March 27, 1906 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-27

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H A LF-TO N ES , +, > +;. +.: :,,,..:..,.., .., ........... .,...,."
Lower in Price j 4['±~ J c i
Better in Quality / 1 \W. J LOURIM
e t th For the college oys, te arc showing new Spig Suit; of A
0Colge1 hrnd. Smnar patters made in te to pnotch o e .N
Ask A. M. SMITH1
b style. Long coalsiWith deep side rents. Tirousers with peg-OkI~ om, oiI:0
11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block t ops and wide at the hip.
e.More real " ti-to-salerscxx in thlese Suits than ny clothesBuinsssticlycofienia
3we know of, and at a in siiig as comtparedi to ithe erchant
_________________ tailor's price.
FRAT MEN ATTENTION I : We are exclusive sellers of FN VCE
web ia, a luable piece at real esate ..1 i.,ttatFI l[ Ci al' llatl
nerthe 'aaiusp ndin ep epect lusth, B a d ' sos itiy the lt:;t ie ofi1asc'I . a
tetintafor a fraierntiy, cid useres- I4. O('F.'Talll IN0sl C I)i:*i L; ra
ncit ose fia afew ears. This naustbe "CollePiige B rand lthe " . iote ta s..ia sikkt ttc ('lasts. A ti
soid witiitt itOcays. we lave anoter sc sit icsiof al t sai t S at I s 's.IN",at' s s's
itatiitc bfpae'ha cdclteaply. asne hae C1 n. to $2.00 ,i ifor'Ilititn\i , I5' tts to ii l It
acew fraternity Iotse frcale odofr rent. ' PI h ,s o LA Y ,,1ItLt
Ifin tieested call at onee. G. JIIALLER &C0. ,;. tsicoostets ilA iliACs.
CapsBarber Shop : Oioxertal ..e
O.A O,705 N. Un ersity Ave vS:1:e Wel PRLO ~RCARLne
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank V " .,. . t.. . ot9Sl tai , Ih r'~ il 1u- 'e,
Capital clack, $50,00. Surplus. $200000 Cfl ri cehtsts ' lcc llln~.si
Recseurces, $2200,000
A eneral Backlog Boiness Transacted "J" I'TS XII I (l.X ;i'G'i' SINI~l \A SiATS's IlNi. tIsts is, iatst ide iias is Ipshotristi PAING'S
sretecos Clas. E. Hiscock, Pres.;t W. 0 :-!' XX I l'IO i: I' , Icomeitis ts Aiexaistder &S '., Ieetitica, ';
Harriman, Vice Pres.:t A. JFrile, Cashte_____I Se(ssforste l Siifstitjsttisiaiftis ei bckiah. escsi c1iOIFI'IIAL
L aundry :t~cttandtiipecacsfulil slagitte nit (55'11isale sdl9 - n AILTIC
IN,"siaS L asuitsric it C Wl l ue atic tssi l o ick itnd ove' iistitte] 'esl r l't 'iis erf'ctic ois cosslat stic ifs c,'5 AM NAC
Thonmas Rowve, Proprietor tnes otic i s inc tr cilee) iioi ten sdtiN T he a'(atbing i t lii l t'n iand tndlhips i (.tsigs ii cinessac.
ntig t Ncc itt euiii r i ittis iiclat~ i ssi I ,tattonet~tt it~s goss s ett i s hou lsFOR 1906
32 ,FlhAeitsic tici c et' l s ho di es ecurts esdtiss tisisi Its s uu s 1t s iEdited bisJtMS ES r.sInVAN
Ncts Phtace457 Bell Phette 47-L bf e 5 T e r~neu t fracesn er ,) lal " tttgol t tath ai iti httRIE1 E T
________________________________ itnc XXcstt'sl'ts i ll orderii 1thait peit- ti assssEt1l itNTS
i 's tmtiy itseschiantgeds's fiosi'ailroaidtiIItfin-laceit. iac tist omis titi tit ( nIsiity ricaitss isan
TNE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ticket:c liiirsit e i uh nthe'luii" iii stiiisis ii liii's .555 itttnteitt isck iscltsn Ica iiir,;o O 1t iit. A . G . SPAL DING eL .BROS.
MAIN AND lHURON STREETS dsl igt he cilt rai ii i ill]cte p-~xe s. itard 2itI 720i Nsw Yrsi Chlis''g I 1eits
Capta, $50,00,Srlussand Prohitts, $,000the. ciin ctsbriAlin pr_______a______---tisuss's 'sIt et ssc 5 tstsstt(
_____________ 5n s t is i a st itts 5ttt 1, i"
Does auteeal l nnkigBunsiness and Pay oacloc.sileliis . rgris sn ~rrat t 1 S. Tiiia'cr trevhititst'tiise. itsis i
3 itnoe its r N' ,tperents interest icc Time and OSvings 11"t( ittit1P~tOc ~ii 11I I ) R tl" is i' 'si st Ns t es Ase' u t .Ic
lieiti. Safely Iepsit Boxes tu rent fols:ici t1iXi'' ' ' ' i
us, $:.0 aadupwards , , N S l () Spaitd i tting a ti ~ l sl A ,tit i, . .
it. Its rr, Pros. 0W. C. SsE v s, Vie-Pres. T' l ..acc sto ts,0- ., s(;lisitcd -' iitl i's's' statyades
1". R. tisiSEnCashs. H.A. WILLIAMs Ast. l.Xititc Snipe ist to .Mteitiacl~k o)cn ott
its Celtbratdsuits s ictiirsi oit g st sitisi etoisis DY A. A. J. RAILWAY'
Tlc.Colb -aad ciries ittht I& I)i.'isiii ClustI X iiSTA st aR at~
DL th1 PaUI S it iIlti cu 1' scsfa~ teh tt e isit ounast tes is1> It t"'its', te se
M A N S D U T R s S itt t t't s liiic a rg sif tilittisl
liiret sts hts iia siit e ee t tissesi
haCitluIii si iiiihsciiii'iiihst' S _____ti I
iiOI N ttis ciii tc tsstitc''. stis 'iittr 11 A i s on , ', i 1 ______________________T__s________~ene,,c
nta iancli r~nia dtohAm ri anho't I's isiuntiil s'hi'iip'
"O-iI 1BN.0 i ht u l F T h (1 (h'A5 hIX I1 . i t is ii ssI his s, ilt:\)i:; ttu ltis iiirepired.houtisialsi:'s toi X stissisi'. n. t
R ANAB~E RI CES (ur I~it Ne e bs -X'io.hS 'iooistu 5 is s it t
M A N N 'Lih R UG. NN AOR hsst d s iccsaucrpu!Is'uia' nis'hieIi N ery\ ta t mII iiii1s:5osi) isi"Sm th } s caefllyf e d a dt ese . -r ulc~lc
213 S.c i n et. r e Xi'tIhtus'csh aS'. l' tu dite ss ent- is,1tt'itse 'lst's G O R E I. i c tush Iait iiSt.
C .am r n u n r l D i e t r M a t. ' h 5 ' i s e i s s i stis e s s u t osgt ss i i s i tsr i r t i sap'se wI X I R O M.ic eo ni- 1% ivLA T C L A S P v 1
An~lase all s eetd dy r ngh. csic'ih ht'$t o, ahicOniusiheh's es' ussssss" lteas . v rustIl r
/ t ii't's'th cts Ihhas(i ,'scu icaa sli ssssis usii aiguienusiinet veX vtu ss'i G ARtR
Itla ,tem ntado A eia cs6 n s ii ,t aN i ~ i-h "
leun tiollar01-,Cif lhatcaret tlIa Nhess _ittate
ft tlsetisoi&ty Sacoasathearepatrng LIIUIIt IIILI UII" Inst asucai's ss
InaW.LibCha manSt. S AN RBSt. t frth onet obe;iNnb1E EEEUEE'N I 2; n, on ea-nss uo
.nnpesalatth IiIalu rll, sold Dsds
50e s Lnd illbe lacd oi l ateON CY (1)?\!AII tl1 eStuFnIRST, GNAT;IONALi BANK -F
Yns..oa..sgterl \d eda ,hrl ad Fidy t- teI S no es ad imo ae
E mba mer nd uner l D rect r t . n . Th prce o se ts f r th s c n- "'.u C orr gan a i niot la , N~ile plea e c llOfr J. .AI Aip so LAT 1LAS
Houac-Cll tedddy rgt et wLunch$.0, FOR.icldes MErNnn oA h.ND WOMENstet -GRT
r nsr e e t . I o d r f s a o i k t i l S n a i h , f l n i k i , - S - l r d v ~r 1 z a y s t t tt4 4uet entro . c cro . s e a e n y h a e t e r s e t r s r e d f rt e a sara , I et ssr u n n t a t h a .\ i ls o d a c haa einr a ectt k c k oV
T' u Cli
HU olalcs aetONehaps. Up-to-FO DateOxcluiveDsnshemmU ChnewaoitFls'nepa eairing'.0
E9PtsusePseao 505 oee
TOACou CANDIESt111-OR.thMin4 A D O E Stret.nn Abr ich.~
H ot______u _____h E I). cinne Yres HarrsonSue


The University of41Chicago4
usaiec rtin''.irctt Scaummr atnd Au
rash, itt Jauary'5, Api'l 20, itne1I9ti. and
lt'Sher cs. (Gradut istriuetion as otrti If you wane a copy of your large CLASS PICTURE, you willt confer a favor
Sct's GautatiedScool5s tflArtsta)d itera- I
tus'iand'ethgenfu (Gradlitstute)u Schoolritby ORDERING NOW.
hilthuetiiniy SchoolusthStetosLalsa thSie RF ST FIRST
locsh iudissal Colleuge iaffililaadtthue C ME
Schosol uof tEdusationSu mmeuutir qu arter r10I JnOh etmbrf rs em Tn 6
.uly 26:tSeonusd 't'ercss ittycl9-Aucgust31.
Reic~stationusts pueiut'tedfr Sine entire scar-
ie or ftueei~t'rrto. F acndlrectitar criedit
is givent fusr wash lutni'.Seti auses are
suffereddStir teachers. Phone .Mich. 893-J E A D R & C . 0 IIB k
orifrainades6 ot 37 A r:v N E The UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago. III._______________________________________________

91ts 11 i tlllm s eit , 5_ 5its il N
le ssons its su5 i ita
AiLL THE NEW 1906h
Aie in stock. Let Lis show
tisem to you.
320 snouthistate street


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