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March 01, 1906 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-01

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i +%THE MICHIG'AN DAILY. le';(rhil ahrin hehands of RAM',]1'
S p rin g, 1906 F 111 a sco l asmteatieAn;dol l)l a1 d(1,rcii 19irrc s1mii1l s1l-~
the college 1yea', at1 t7 last l laslin11
$. street. 1Bel1phonle 89. home Ph771n111 7. 71 i 1 11I c 11 919 1 11 111 118
Attractive Styles Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Icr P1P 71 7111' -1 el liOf hair-Cut-1C(.hetlll 7s 1
New Colorings Busineas Manager, WALTER R. HANS 111-,'17 6117111 t te eplail of11114 ri11111
LareshLnetfiooen ...........larence kI9 , Pagt(_tcnf-tec ~i ndl e11kar ddesbt
W E~nal A Newsi..... C.. P. . .. 1...Lois . tIII 7 t111 111 11thIe1 117191 11t11r.liIlt c
uttCI nS,- t71ic n tp rpl) ~117 1111,11Ca
PO ~ l R cl[h Ang 0b9..... 11.. 19111lesC. Wisth a itl n nticep i ac c111 1 lctd (n5 a ;
Lag s Leing tiie. of Wo lns99n91. S AF . 1 11 cl Il) 11'en sr 1111 d -li tctv
WA TRI.lASlRsn s 11ama 11-11 te st11 ofC11 -r1111 ddrss11a
Maaerr ,3N.L.mith11eorge1A.1Bar11
l1ER HAmyTAIORSS ttl S HenyAon gmr 849 l'erlntoltoaoihitI o el ) oe
Fu 11 re .sStsaS eily l.V Stvn n ,ale ltebu ,dto jst .'hate St11i11 6111t11n711heir 111111a 111ays1a
G l e n n D B r a d e y J o h n F . __u r z ___\v c r tod o ___ c a n otb ed o tib ed1f1r . 1oIal1 t11-1a t1R y V .1Tull1111y d1H .1Jo n e
U/+ -- - Vtniittt h aisato t lbti irnea

I NI-.ear16-' llci t (i >islet1
il( li III it()1 711 (''l th111' is
hel bre1 illae o m, (
I-ct c11 --t1 c,- 11,of
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'1 l 1i1fe nc ife i ipaked1716 'e
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1117 lc The1 SII 617 1611sh17p

I 1 :\ i111 il11111 iiI -1
glwn 1-111 111171 Ile' g;
ig effect6111111119 II 11 fr(
L' 61, 1 7111 7()f 1 c1' 71 1

In Our
You will find the
newest books as
fast as they are
issued. CThe
charge for read-
ing thenm is 2cts
per day per hook.
Come in and look
them over.
Shieehan & Co's
Students' Bookstore
Football Pillow
171 imie t aipiltefor
tIhis 1weelk 61

Edit191 Tody-FRANK 3, CLARK.
.Afar a--Presetati~l o "Di11,111. <1
.hir 4.-11 3-11er19 1111111116 7611Dr. 111671
,il 1, 1111Newb7rr11h711,
el17191 li at11.i
\ 4r. 12 11111671-7116V 9711717 ii 119' 71191
NIM 1 -Concer't1691 b1y'l 1.1 1' 111111111119111

()t t le tc > cai I 1wh t a 7lo s the11111i
th7111 11711111 111111 1nhis 1sbje1
he 111111o1te or Ilstii It711717117167
a1 do 79 ar Na( rminent11 1311767
l>oes4 II 116711a1s1 the17stro7111e71 111an
7i- pre 17 1 e and111 11 t' 1 117 h7799111119
71 117 411111 711 717771is 611hanof31111

',<<.<<' 711117
111161, 71111


is the71 7111111 )f an11 1717111996 7 71-1 11
1 7111611in t} sclw pese t in i
171~ (1116v17 1711 71711'' 71 a1711 d 111 fai
1117 ria117 eig6117 t> hesw,
Il 11111'' 197s 11ys17tem.111
(n19 cl711111'' 1' 61 7171 kl119 711 11111' 1
eer 1711 1 excp71 on7711the 1 ,cl-
Isrel1 al-wil.7an1il,17sci711
11119177 c 111's71117111117 11711 1 11
wtinnhue by (lsire to ( cr 1177i
We '1111119" 91171' n ne IItd 1


and Reach
25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00,
S$1.25, $1.50, $3.00
$2.50, $3.00, $4.00~
25c to $4.00
5c to $1.25
Our prices on Athletic Goods
are the Lowest in the City.
The Bookstore that's Never
Law and
Medical Books
>4 N NDl11SG(i 1>41 1,NI
Cash or Exchange for your old ooks.
Phonea 71
29 S ltellSr-it, 211 Floor1
AAo, Mich,.165
If Youl Value
yo0rI 1CC, l'ttc~t it from ir,7711
f1ll irritation1s, and keep it soft
and smoo7'th. Use

17h711177119' 117of
C11 711 , 1.\ c 7111
\- '1171 I'19s 11117d
'11111. 7The 11111'
'6" 1 I11 711, 711ll I

171-711III61ll 19s 'Pll(71111119,
11717I 77611111, 7176'11111'
-177e other Institution1111
111719ha 79all1 1stabli 11ed

NVMIi, 77 111 ,I 7-77(1734 lU(IPCKS
TO A11)7 M CHIC711AN -171l '\711
NN 1).. 7of ', 111171717 77,176' 71, o Ii c
7111711111711cil,1111777 17at nce so7v-71-
91761 71196'I). 77B1"7w'u 11117a7e 1'i-cu iii,
1111 for7a6r1' 71-17,t yabre. h r
isNheri pe 111111: 711 1716 i 71
hunches. 1171and the chieflly shale' 4 pmt1

'7 t1 1'.'1n1e7
, 7atr, nd1
"N.7()7711 7 111c

797111117that1Professor1 f9111- i 1771
17171aI~ to leave his117711-a117177
7hat IllY77a1litle loc'11116'o11977
kpim h7erlec. 7It1is1v6r'
tha the rei 1179119 11have 1111
7 19 71671111i certin t
;t 771e tll1v19117'.

IDA RUNG & IfIALL.EAUX i19p71116917 1 h111711117111af , Z"ll ,i 1
716e 111111161of each11se1911119 7ai11'cut7
224-224 S. State St 71119 19s11111 ii ll c 71,11111s of 117e77119

wt71 hi77n1) 11' i .-a ,Nichiganl card.111-
tt ;t1 ,~ 21 >4. 4'Vilyiii'97 co-1t I 3111-11799 pictur716. 1Ly iiIoi

-Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
Jerome K. Jerome
1Chas. Battenl Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Rils - - . Jan. 16
F. Hiopkinson Smith,,,,,,,,,,
Lorado Taft - Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman . -..f'ar.-
SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers . May 2
Oratorical Contest
Open Number----------
rickets for the Erntire Course - $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers
. eats aeserved-50 Cents Extra-at S. L A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University fall, beginning October 30
INGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phoese 552
Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday eaceptec

I -

Ruin *o lhc ComOp.
March Sale. Immrense Reduzetionrs
Something Off on Everything, almost Everything Off
on Some [hings.
Must make Room for new goods to come. Here are a few of
many items :
Atl Stiff Shirts,------------------------------ Discounted S0 per cent
Medium Weight Underwear,___________ 25 per cet
Hantdkerchiefs, :Regular 15 ________________ three for 25c
Sweaters, Good Quality, Medium weight,-------------------__ 75 cettts
Neckwear, High Grade, special ofler-------------__35c, three for $1.00
Slack Lisle Hose, regutar 50c-----------three for $1.00
Night Robes and Pajamas, atl styles--.--------Discounted 50 per cent
Imported Combs, Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Tooth
Brtushes-----------------------------_____Discounted 50 per cent
"Exarstena ihe Qsaahty sand O."sdozalty
Coeraide the Price."

G979g Slith 711119a.1, 1:35a.lilnl. ad 1.. )
J.. Ii111)' WN.,T.IWILL,
1Gen17 [lass, Agent, Agent,
'T'oildo, lOhioi 911ArN 1 111911c~
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Th~rougth Trains East -8.181 a1m.,,:2.4901p. in.,
4.553p. m.9,, 071.119 in. 11,115 p. in.
Locals East-6.6116. in.,,*1110 a. i1., *4.05 6p1m.
19,116 p. ni.
Throgh Trains West-2079a1i1,, 7.511a.111.,
19.9.6m, 1.31 p. m. 10.20 p. 9m.
Ltcals West-520 a. 1m,, 1*98.28,, *1.40p.
(Ex.cept Sndiay.)
Connsections at Chicago tor St. Louis
Kanlsas City and 6119 West.
W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor




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