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February 22, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-02-22

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The Michigan Daily

personnel of Class Relay Teams Must
be landed in Today - Bowman and
Bristol Make (food Time.
\lutoghthsii le gii iiti-iiil fbe
rh~dtdyont acuntt of Washing
oslirtda, isTirector BeeneFtpt-t
,i annttitct-illast nigti fathe61
) i his offlice this afternioontitfromt
1 t 6to cesctuie citris foriteipe
liiar meet. .A- the entries for te
metclot ix'clock totight. it is
hiuiolntely necessary tat everoe twho
inii stoiae patil handl itt theiriames
Settetf tereay tas hl Itr ut
vctt riaylitt a-t te rafur te
5i~ pr~ c sht,tcastttmttitfer
were mor11ccir les iel tet ati btiut givitg
lie they eiat results, le to8 lit tetmt
ifsithe ii ii}"tionsilelititly coenrt, tatl
tndiutg frit the timit- mae te tettmt
hits nttliok lifkt probabile innetttrs f
the (art itasps I lhe tetatm will rnitni
3-:i"-itt- 4 25: iferriff. 4 -:
th utoriilaws lif tistits ut th
i-nacit ituefusedtotdiuletthgi- ti m he
madefiy tillof thelii didatititeecett
Ragn i:r 3.5.antuifstsr :13 3-5.
fittforthe osl awth s, ut tittg hifsla
ii fi f u,-I-.I~wvthest f the
tilt ur a is stnitibleefhosei.
iff dtig the Irua:i :13 25 ssthere
i, no ptassibiity f a mitake.lfot tit,
th t o fher tfresh ian itpliter. tlio d
i-I~ ley liso ii itiii il l ii:3 2-5.
lihe-finl to ittitndithe ch-i- oitg of
ill titti llh ed t is atietrtinon
fule-- someti-c-i-sa sitsis smtintg
Sietiati:iQ 2-: Birtletit.:3 25tutu
Ifm y :13iiti -,5, slotlif fats- tiit I lk-
ft is ttino miftko I twhch tms-ill
rice Satttriayunigh ftut teidrawinugs
wi t ilitti i-iyiitot tslehi laceti gh t
on Ill- tutu hintol
hiluasit hard ft itif iitutu ltofe S t.
alSttefeit itwas t t i tfa teyaat-
ifist- siut at if Iva; fis irs ttjulmtitt-i
tfiat-felseasonIheicitenItei lfliwtith
iii n r the srittiIic an lieois
fte svra s' ifbtil-ctiandhdevtedlii
itttitfimpoe ortl ahe lts as
filemy e htvahuable manbict in-l
stogat le i if lilthoughtieku
Iotufftiht ltetittiirlie ppeai rsietit istf
fur wili ldi*tftrlitrefls ersnteir
panon.tt te ed f it journeiyissTe
half-iles.udthitleadterfship oftrap-
Coliieilati-ifto(te tled tmil-c ut ti t-bi
faril the -eas oWtenst, sliefrtsti
yearnuTetiratiflurhelps it-iteiruinilgt

his riuninig fitnin is fptoor, tellis to flier
wntderfutl stayinig fpowrtrs.
Fromstnosw-util Safturtayny ight only
light wvork still be givn ni orider tht
the lien- tment larlie inigooid shapetfofr
til e t.

:1NN ARBiOR. Il fell G N. Ni I'I-I-I\DY, IfI f I tA 6K 2's. liftS.

No. ito.

mtedlictal tft-fttitlttw sifflib elduhf it-Eminent Divine Delivers Masterful
l ilg t it)io'clock ini SarahftCaiS-Well Leture on the Work of England'
Antgell hall. Great Statesman and Soldier.
I~c t-th liIfe- tdttwrksfs omtet
for e t _imember t-i oif lie nieditcal titif it- r.Ni-ti-ll if h-- 1ii1i1s, listor o
is euitiic-i it totitii ciotiiittlit of liit l t-e f-itt ils 1,15 i ituh cuc, ko -fu dn;o h eah ei. D .C . n ei re n fte sr e t d
Gi. tie Nai e-ii sill lie- the spteakterat tr-t- ltfu- itli
thei ieecises tihsi-s ettitig i tf fithitil 5ts s huh t icti Lst i- tht h tilta
talkl- th life audutu haitater oiif XIioses hiardi herelIt- nit soit im . U .Hli
(iliti.tchoi s f it subjct, "Glise Crmwel.
Aifictrthegill cises t hre 111wi l iii- a tandis pest-clc.f h stbet a

Hoosiers Appear in Waterman Gym=
nasium March 17-Indoor Sched-
ule Is Now Complete.
yesterday that tiltindoorfuttiait-a et d s
bsee-t sceledifthitthe Uivetrsity tof
I ticiania, toi frefitld it uVtr ittitgy--
naim ac 7. fTis comletes tile
fitdootr sedtuli-,andifevery Saturdany
tight fromti lul ii titilsfprinig tica titu
wilhf liotccup~lsi iedbytni doorft m te et.
Thet-atiiissituti toithemetin- his huyeat
tiill bei tilse 11ais in thle pftithe lutit-
ti-itt ifitarginig twienisti- ti-tinIs fill
the Ihome mitsf, such is {heii ufntl itittti
freistipt, ivu-sity- anth intteltss mitsl,
wihi ilts-e-iiNslls. nadIda'
The arrtangnt-ti of the contetfiwfit
Inidianaiti taks tilereneiwal of ithiletit
Ths Itast iftige i icfii<oatiad Inianitt t i
ini tiltlettic coniteist ti-is in fotbautll
thre titars rg. ii vlinlthle variti coe
ai ;O toi 0 victry overc til-t pii fftitis.
fhlit batstebatll fgtamesshbistwenthlesetwoi
luig Ninteamsisiittie flit i ,resuiltedi
ini viclitilts for Kt-e fie-ai 'int
Nt-iei-ift-eutinithist t-tory of tli-i
sttiil a Ni ls hiti ilti - i
tives tilteflirt ini Ills-cultft-ren-l.I nd-
atn isill filollls-hitv-- tigoindooiifitr
talthsspi-illtShiou-ghit is doubtltful
if lie if lsiecs still ido mutehtinth de
u-tut ft-cic.. hut Sutiusett-i- huts- tite iot
thei betsituft-e tilteirs tutu tight ittuiftcc
heist Miichtigan witill ftcpittelitoif hutli-
Rf51 I ITl' ffITO.INT LPAI)lul(f

fir.IIMillseptitedC - e s n
if this -retest indiii- wise sti ilitit '.
tilist sta tstun andmtutucetutu ftl
slir thes- wtorldhuh huts eveitt rouctit-i
IComwuuelilihe sau id s totu ofittha-tgra
ils f mtutu o atilt ppreite
wshili- hintg -andtwiios grantchldren i-i
gtain the Ionorttiue tem Comel
u--ut-u n hu tis csim tmDr ills
called tsiototheutibuteaidtutu;it
hutd' grtehteits talthismantuin Roohitvtlt'is
huLife o tuCrmwellf hut cvI uthuiti i 111as
uolo s l' llhttise f stiltwt ll fu tt
In tec n fli leture Dll Ii lli
Engtad-l ntionslithou anav. li
creastedis nfull ilt li hrin the lii til
wori twtu lhtutp utuce uushe u has sitce fistll
destuovstulifromupiatial ttackhutn
lmeiat-l etore . 4,fndth
liei tight i m s, ait hil i i -s;
at Its lusiglht. Crtutuell bihut downliii 1
bohif thess instiutionuls uand li h
Vs the o ultgrtciu thsi itrlc
ofi Cromwetlt-l, itspintedtiout bheut th
suuiitiuuus ii inte Untdltte iaihe
s-suttday utand tutu tll the-tutitms ill
conetos aoptatitoras-uorm(i

flue hi thate club w ill lull its irt Board of Directors Yesterday Voted
tut intlit iii tit theuc (tutulo use the to Offer Membership to Whole
t i h f ilrc 2. hun tomitutee tilt Body for Small Fee.
acnctutu tutu-il thus ulte of thute____
if itiul ter itiiandiex tialt tiI sulernsluitto thur f tihiganUnhuionu
It ~ ~ ya hut ii ii huuthrsowntitptnitotuthetfstut
situ- uitusuufic tuoufusheii ifucit ii liifslit
denl it uu f-t bodyif festerdfasy tuctionutof the
boardc lof uirectosrs.6 A tmcuislyutusitntil
hi~, r~ t t f ltiss t itill hue tutun- fure itilllilt chtaugedi, as thltspirilt of thur
lters f thefrtruly hiing irott huternolislthotever s-tu et afinccsettt toufly
i3~k - t t ili1lh inviteto reson d.~i i h
'hikcs vd]be laed t]gal erlythse wus-Itoituendedthe lug lutatqulet are
mtadfe lullanput tltnutu-tle it thu ro
WILL HONOR MEMORY OF .he itsatuupauymetuuftufhle sluice of the
GEORGE WASHINGTON f'tntutsutLeargue initheuroceureds of last
pittrssuuuuuutitui fairhs just lien u-nde.
The eatgte vottedsto ii-ut for the fiunaf
Cong. Henry C. Smith to Deliver Ad- ettleuneut hupensintg the sethtle At of ,the-
dress-Large Attendance Expected Stilt Ibinutghtbftp Iurs fiNtic aatiust the
at lExercises in University Hall. it on tuu.tccoutointjurnies suistained
- - ai tile lug carunivallathyeaur.Ihey voted.
In itt-dcult i th ttu inslfiti csiuilialsost10pif their'hhproporstionttif thiex-
ii fltut ,- iiitulip till hue oblserveud ipeuse if the tuit a1111also ito give, some,
iit -utt lointeIc--uncut -- iii (uuitrsiti- sort if sentutumtuuinittthe stung for
hfl this -htt('rth nt 2:311. ,grange-thceuefit of thur Iuiouu A""fottual vote'
tutu ts " t:it thluhandsI-of comiuttees tuf recogtionuutaiunditthstwas, noted to_
I chi this iawi if fltm hutucutts- feugute lsy-tte Uniou.
If tut Ifs-tns C. Smiutif fAdrianref- 6 fourmatlfvote uof thuankifas oalso
itemti u-sin Congresfroms Ittuht sstcond takeni fiiithin setnlirfusecloss, which
disritiwill udeliver this orattion. C(tut- rucetiut-ly ote1ditstumaketheffirttlsstiei-
0ct 1Smthis recogized ai s ti fori-iorulalifondutohibhe hueld iiltusht1for the
iiic sfpeaker. t I fufiginut i tt 1 l tute
'Ii cri suiiiitill fhe ii uuuftin thelii Aticommittteue frontt the in on11111ias heen
iine n tutu izs itI t tulrs t ' is. flue Vcu- u-f 1sy litehy prf i ng a eat t tlittle
hi re - I si ts-i itill imeeti imitheis -lu if pampufhles t fritedfii n tttwo clists andh it-
furl-ill t tu itc othinehi hatllfutffiia1listraisulithf uitws usfcollege csubus in
liii h Scatus till its-cc-crue1for thus-ittPenntsylv-anuiafDartmthu and 1151arvard,
ft' t 1asolds fterngret dif tiictiltfth iiautundsettinlg fortht tilee uhuise sefcee
- cltcc~mtitesuci ceded in scun i- hetutkus th ciuedsu ttunuinace- of
lluuu-u-uuuuu. tovcn ( umtuitis oithtltsublscrpnh buflatuks w-iich 0-ti-- oru-g--
i ,, cc ttc iitn li-itt tt t i ver uf ist lifl t he seut ht flihiigstts lumutni
thtf i s tutu Ibutlteruws ftiletoii de- Icahbout the inmhte of thus Cliistasvtea-
clite i c11 st of truss if executivne tutu he ibooukets icceIin thesntoow
dnautĀ°u nd fiuseteadyforlisiiltibiuutiton urob-
- abuly- byythur ic-st iffilhe week.

tc r u-ut-il v atu uuuuuuu t h irta e
too]: etutu 11ft itiit

JMichigan Has Strongest
Pitching Stafff in the West

houth 6.51.fiprofessor ofiaritecibture
Heu isill eter tuuoi duhits-it liii lit
tiihlg iiofiitieittsb t is u-its- scall
Ptrofessoit utchispifhis 11artly i esit
int IDetrnit. fit- itts twostuns intitt
sarcuitectsfice iii tutcuts-,tutu -uter-
wnirils 1p1 usued studies inithis Xi ssi
eftsetit- Insttue if 'I ucihuiloif, anu
foutwe liu tr c oibiurse tfs-n bhe Ecoie
tint Bfeanxts6AcitsiiihtPar],.Subseuetlytf
lie was15engaged Inhuprsofesi atl arsit-
tectiural u-work fllforaotivehut-ust-
iat f the inlefutint Boustontoffics. 1-1s
teachuhig eit rietehuis- sutistts if htwti
f-entrs' wok as sssisitanut inuuarchtecturue
in araurdiuivertiuslittu nd if tntshusr
yes-sn rku a"i s sistsatt unitfIssoritt
auchtitecture ii inurexelInstitute o f Phil -
adlpuhia.lHe was preusidentbiof thin IDI-
bruit A rchitucuturcub ftltfor three fctrs,
fir-ist ins-hrt-sideutothel Chuicagut refi-t
itec~tural cltubliorst neyetitcofelt spihufond-
thug iecretarycfitheiiArchtitedturnalfLtugute
of Auusu-nfenfur bi -tioyer-ssuatdisati fen
memn~ber of thue Amtericau t A ssolcia -
tionthoohParis. ihe iss-sruslypreuout-
mnsseudhothue regents byf-thur Detrouit
Atsomne lithe udurfig this semser
thin curricuflum fuorthue sthudy of annul-
tererni-illhbe anounceluld.

!\IIIf iSlush gustW,11its h sessfsbllihaiti-
p~nhp t isispi g'Tu h eft aulswerto
ti - i i tuftn fs lNigeh s n bittini
tlts vitu s"tiffI esfett hiso-fss
thus, th sspir utus epr snt i chigash
onsit ih slit, te coin it- beason.tug stfy
fists u tulli\-as sdi ty tus psnh
,til )tacthu th ofluh,,; iftitigaiitybu
ti ilIl bu ittctilt goodss lou i ngt
nti d m tislihs s illhi rous- lyigbeh
Isedsiitte IFux hxc u tely his tyiaut
augr. lho suits hens menalst itutu blu
th 5fal ff i03 sbt ficet it of lthe
tierea fisid lc t sl t 3e Sia nligblehh
i te toad S ltu-tem s t ear hhftried
Xtthli s-itt andusoosu os ftttd
Irs lus stu (huethe7 ht buatt tw
his ft insst ui rsute h e staset d utiii are
tI1 it i is 115thdilt i nd \,(] ho pith

COIXCI-l I'AIflSllif
fIAK<fS I'hbfSh CUT
Coasch Muhtllister yestnerdty tunsde the
first ciii of these sasontin hubie basehall
suqutud, tuundfromu thin fistby candusidastes
shill allowedshlu t ohti- scae ubouts hutths
cauge usill bin imissinig a nuber of Basui..--
huta fauces. Anuallytif-the us nchutue -Msltl
reporuts fur huic bunrspratice is sung-er btals
cani becsucommodatussuedfh fintetage. This
mtakses necessarya igiu ig ofusg ttsooth
ilfs-u thesstilthofutsaiinug. Iutusmtuuchtas
manyif-goodui utsutn-ill ntshow iupss till
selflusndoors, sill whos relt opsns pedusuunfrInis
thursquadtath thuisimeot sre shuposgd hto
r epuort furirausutissesgttfIM 5asusiinhas tilt-
foour woirkibegins
The samue routiute ifluautinugthrongssh
todinufibdhpractice ittbs eontiluuuussiyes
.ersinytutulprobalniy this sstheist 1111
fun carriedub tlt tilfsfpring shatllfhunts
-urns-nubiuunreality as wellastin apupear-
aunce. CtuachtiMcAlihster will allowts thec
mnutohisndulttge iiu ashunt gtmeof ifnu-.
Greatly woirriedhbythbi cttisfuitig ifs
feat sadminiteredu o hutis thu h e dayttu
heeliu thue coacihwut-ittuermusined-u t1)
hient a repebstihtiltnsitfiteoccurnct
- pestnruly;I sobus stealtilfyapp rustchitdi
esuchtof thin goosi plasyers Itchftrn, lic
regularn pea~tciernas tuner,.Infcli tug tuetu
liii bury were bstuipaiy stu fhitssift:
Xhitn thle tiume caetitihe t hebucg~ltsuuuhbu
had thur folloonug fiuts-tuib tCstcheru
lee1=1istirĀ°, pitcher,- Sulivans;u Iright
shsltoup, Kellpy;.is-ft t srtstop~, hiflunt-
sir--stsuase, Taft ; seconuub lase, Smth
thsirud lutst-,O'Prins 'lt fieldIf atttff
titus; right fielu, Jouses.Its thinfsace if
-thuis nih-sthoruggregationuthtin eaust of
u-fich Sench oandlWhittinugtosn-cwrc the
battlery stucceeded itt hldin~g thi-ic111-
ponentrst to a sesure usf 6,. toi2, Until the
fif1111innsfg neithuer .siduhtaud soorut,-but
tht-utthehalloonswenutp11aunul before ths
isulin -had cenaredinwauyfthe nuns'soal
tenschsased across the plate.

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