The Michigan Daily XI. RELAY TRYOUTS WILL CLOSE THIS AFTERNOON personnel of Class Relay Teams Must be landed in Today - Bowman and Bristol Make (food Time. \lutoghthsii le gii iiti-iiil fbe rh~dtdyont acuntt of Washing oslirtda, isTirector BeeneFtpt-t ,i annttitct-illast nigti fathe61 ) i his offlice this afternioontitfromt 1 t 6to cesctuie citris foriteipe liiar meet. .A- the entries for te metclot ix'clock totight. it is hiuiolntely necessary tat everoe twho inii stoiae patil handl itt theiriames Settetf tereay tas hl Itr ut vctt riaylitt a-t te rafur te 5i~ pr~ c sht,tcastttmttitfer were mor11ccir les iel tet ati btiut givitg lie they eiat results, le to8 lit tetmt ifsithe ii ii}"tionsilelititly coenrt, tatl tndiutg frit the timit- mae te tettmt hits nttliok lifkt probabile innetttrs f the (art itasps I lhe tetatm will rnitni 3-:i"-itt- 4 25: iferriff. 4 -: th utoriilaws lif tistits ut th i-nacit ituefusedtotdiuletthgi- ti m he madefiy tillof thelii didatititeecett Ragn i:r 3.5.antuifstsr :13 3-5. fittforthe osl awth s, ut tittg hifsla ii fi f u,-I-.I~wvthest f the tilt ur a is stnitibleefhosei. iff dtig the Irua:i :13 25 ssthere i, no ptassibiity f a mitake.lfot tit, th t o fher tfresh ian itpliter. tlio d i-I~ ley liso ii itiii il l ii:3 2-5. lihe-finl to ittitndithe ch-i- oitg of ill titti llh ed t is atietrtinon fule-- someti-c-i-sa sitsis smtintg Sietiati:iQ 2-: Birtletit.:3 25tutu Ifm y :13iiti -,5, slotlif fats- tiit I lk- ft is ttino miftko I twhch tms-ill rice Satttriayunigh ftut teidrawinugs wi t ilitti i-iyiitot tslehi laceti gh t on Ill- tutu hintol hiluasit hard ft itif iitutu ltofe S t. alSttefeit itwas t t i tfa teyaat- ifist- siut at if Iva; fis irs ttjulmtitt-i tfiat-felseasonIheicitenItei lfliwtith iii n r the srittiIic an lieois fte svra s' ifbtil-ctiandhdevtedlii itttitfimpoe ortl ahe lts as filemy e htvahuable manbict in-l stogat le i if lilthoughtieku Iotufftiht ltetittiirlie ppeai rsietit istf fur wili ldi*tftrlitrefls ersnteir te ed f it journeiyissTe half-iles.udthitleadterfship oftrap- Coliieilati-ifto(te tled tmil-c ut ti t-bi faril the -eas oWtenst, sliefrtsti yearnuTetiratiflurhelps it-iteiruinilgt his riuninig fitnin is fptoor, tellis to flier wntderfutl stayinig fpowrtrs. Fromstnosw-util Safturtayny ight only light wvork still be givn ni orider tht the lien- tment larlie inigooid shapetfofr til e t. :1NN ARBiOR. Il fell G N. Ni I'I-I-I\DY, IfI f I tA 6K 2's. liftS. No. ito. if ~1C T1O8rcHLDf SNNI>\AL HILLIS SAYS CROMWELL .S1,I0 t)AI, EXERICI rS FOUNDED DEMOCRACY mtedlictal tft-fttitlttw sifflib elduhf it-Eminent Divine Delivers Masterful l ilg t it)io'clock ini SarahftCaiS-Well Leture on the Work of England' Antgell hall. Great Statesman and Soldier. I~c t-th liIfe- tdttwrksfs omtet for e t _imember t-i oif lie nieditcal titif it- r.Ni-ti-ll if h-- 1ii1i1s, listor o is euitiic-i it totitii ciotiiittlit of liit l t-e f-itt ils 1,15 i ituh cuc, ko -fu dn;o h eah ei. D .C . n ei re n fte sr e t d Gi. tie Nai e-ii sill lie- the spteakterat tr-t- ltfu- itli thei ieecises tihsi-s ettitig i tf fithitil 5ts s huh t icti Lst i- tht h tilta talkl- th life audutu haitater oiif XIioses hiardi herelIt- nit soit im . U .Hli (iliti.tchoi s f it subjct, "Glise Crmwel. Aifictrthegill cises t hre 111wi l iii- a tandis pest-clc.f h stbet a INDIANA TRACK TEAM SCHEDULED FOR MEET Hoosiers Appear in Waterman Gym= nasium March 17-Indoor Sched- ule Is Now Complete. yesterday that tiltindoorfuttiait-a et d s bsee-t sceledifthitthe Uivetrsity tof I ticiania, toi frefitld it uVtr ittitgy-- naim ac 7. fTis comletes tile fitdootr sedtuli-,andifevery Saturdany tight fromti lul ii titilsfprinig tica titu wilhf liotccup~lsi iedbytni doorft m te et. Thet-atiiissituti toithemetin- his huyeat tiill bei tilse 11ais in thle pftithe lutit- ti-itt ifitarginig twienisti- ti-tinIs fill the Ihome mitsf, such is {heii ufntl itittti freistipt, ivu-sity- anth intteltss mitsl, wihi ilts-e-iiNslls. nadIda' The arrtangnt-ti of the contetfiwfit Inidianaiti taks tilereneiwal of ithiletit Ths Itast iftige i icfii