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January 28, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-01-28

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THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. lways d~efeats' it- owtn e'n(s. hnt Suich
ir ' - tomaincoutld bleomaile to feel that lie was,
Spr ng 1 06 Eneed a er -oil 5asmate ai it tn is iiirthy to he a miembier of the Uiii-
.%eor 'osoflce.Versity of 'Micihigan. andl that is tnt-
Sprtrge19 6. Baell phane 8-,,.ome ph) oeio.d We bespea one o f the Caroegie hero
OUR STO Y t:~ sr~ai iisl~s pha sl.medials for Keetne Fitzpsitrick. A ra
Attractive Styles
Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW whoi has the courage to umnpire a hase-
New Colorings Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS 11,ll gatms hetweentwo lit-ntites cotoposed
---__ ----- of college girls as surely wrorthty of re-
FREDITORS. cogniitiont.
News ............ .ois 0. Stickny lilt expecteid has cotte to pass. "iProi
ii a. . .ha en E Wiotra fssor' Stag, Itas Ibeganitto sprinigIis
Wamn........fie J . Armistrong sannutal hear atoriea. This timet the
f Marootis will lose Liglithodly, thse west-
SLargest Line of Woolens EDIlTORIAL STAFF. ertn chiaimpion intthle half aiti the uine.
Hu Alo leIn Franklin C. Park.a______
2 Shown, all at Atrii C. Paund.
-' atOlD r tagr.lm, leposrts of the dowanfall of "Yountg
POPULAR PRICESL Goarge A. Osborn Itarotd C. Smithk ttlsl tlaehen itstk eiegvoftheat Cosspit
l...FisnN.Smaithi Drank J. Clark lhe streets of Chiceago whienile Imaide
S tiabert It. Clancy llenary A. Montgomiery itiaitfantodts ititile.
Full Dress Suits a Specialty 15I). Stevenon NWalter Metzenbauma
atiloennID Bradley Johin F'. Wurz
at Ii Ry5V.tall tioyid It. Janes t(1550dI15E
- SEARCIS FO)R-iO.\w,,r
* 0. H. W ild Co. RATES $2.5o per year, or $2.00 it pai in __
Ledn __ advance. \ ilciios tlieopile wterepesicefiully
Address: -WALTER R. HANS nosiness siilumeriing, Pro fessiir Hussey sat with
MERCHANT TAILORS Manager, 236S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L. his eye gliieid to the hig telescopsesit the
3118.Stt-Stohsers atiory last night, searchinig for a
conlel salileli wasits icovered at Genesva,
uwo I~eIN'.,V..Fridaytiight. The cometl.which
-- isreor teid toi hr serryliright, wsf irst
3 SI. N DAYi.JANNI'.RY ill 1906i. aeeil iy Professcir Brooks, iof IHooari
ciillege. at Genera. hYestersday after
A CH1OTCE f T 3 1ldiii I lsuas FL[OYD I3.JONES. stoontI rsofessor Maissey receiveid a te-rmnfmighioftedsvry
CALENDAR aniiilhience his loniely vigil. The comtoe
011 isas iiot dite uttil after midichilt.-
Jas.i2it-Iectulre liy Pres. S,.. H. Jiiies. . "lltoiglt the comet taos retporteid as
sitMichitgan State Normsal eiillege, heiiigeeylirighit,SIthardlly thinhit isill
Water-Color X\IcMilhuti tall, h:30 p. ini. bic iisilctoiithe itakedl eye:' stid Pro-
leoi uc.

Ft tr t1l5 RLIIFs Comi-
Nciw York. Jair 2.-Th~e natioal
intercolegiae ru ls commtittieie is ii sea-
sion todlas-at le IHotlNeheuransds.
TPlesvarious comntititees apoiitid ii
the organiaioni meeingtlosswseks ago
siill repiort. recommtiendiii suh ciiaiigea
asi affect ite ari~tl olics whichtiheluy
isere assigined to situy aiidI ieise mieans
iii correct the abuhss deeopig iiiiier
thlru lles.
Priir to leasitg frlii'esiasititeirice
wserinrepreseniviies it-r isrictei
hy the wetern coifereice of nneuti
versities as toi thicchanges leshioldl
advocat. PTese cangs tre epreasid
in the foltoinhgsi-ws f Dr. Williss
of Minnitesots:
Aidvanciog al tei yarss ii foisr
idosns rsither thatt in three.
To allots forswarid passig.
Privilege' sit Isckiig on foirtiIhisow.
oi eese if teii tyirid isivanucin i
stn-cetdosns is req~uird.
'Tckig slow iii'kies Ipriiieid.
Sricteiterpretathh ioofthe les.
'thie' sfficial if eca-ssrs
Thic e ieuachear itecil sre lrpasring
lie faiiissaGe rimstannco idy whiiiihs sill
lie treseisledin.i -Strahl Castel Agel
tal iatlihe' begiiiingsif scxt smeser.
'Phe cas s st'is orkitg cvry Isis
itiri'airefuil idiecionsi dstuheisy iais
Germiansiiimusiciby sne iof tiii'esi-sica
orchstsras still ihe' oiii'featuri oflt'e
Cosi itumeafr le pity'aset'owists g
madisn DiIerostsitinlseciliselr
sill le fuirnssiishe y' tii' \acoer (Ger
imanilcompanliy f Ciciasgo. lye s sl'
play is to bit' preslet eeacly silth
Grta 'yiandithe cisiri' sctigisill iavs
si idisinctlysGeutmasitosit pheiisre.
islulat i ewsa fi'omitiiie Miwavtsi a
toi the tefietesthat Cicago illilses
Ligisilody-. le star ofilast asr's claitt-
pionship track tatiLl Iightbodssy's tis
shit- gositi hasc iloimsais hisitys
cistnlliss atsiedcim toii i is it chool
vised taksbr riig
a conitiiioniii iin insaubjecs.His
conitiionian si t he s liiamelimlte sry-
til regular is-irisiiind I sitaistrtie cii-
fereiice. lihi loss ofsi I htitds'sill lWe
acteverec blowstisCicsg's othiewsise
hight prispelct's for siinig the Cisi-
The Stidett Cosunicil iheldi is lisis
regulartimeeing for Ihis asemiester ses-
terdaty-at oe oislck.sels 1le msebiers
we-retpret-execepss Wastkins. Cilds aitt
Rol. ltit'e i insilut little buisiiess t
cause titifor dilicns iisa ndifsisiathree
oclisek lemeetiiig adjournedi.



$6.00 Sweater Vests,
buttons, .....
$5.00 Sweaters...
$4.00 Sweaters .


Girls' Heads, Poets' Headst mounted
on glans wills passepartout edges.
50c and 35c ones foe
A lot at
broken sioes; regular $1.00 Caps,
to close out, each
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Bookstore-
Money Loaned
On Watces, Diamonds or other
peroonal property.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargains in Watches & Diamondo
Office at residence ati E. Liberty St
Ann Arbor.
Hourss: 8 tso :0a.o,t to3s0 asd 7to
9 p. m.

Jsin. 29-Professore Gotheeg speaks ble-
fisreChtemicsal Colloqulium1.
Jans. 30-:annuasl oratisricsalicontest of
the Temtperance Researchseluth, in
Room hI, sla huilding, I8 p.ino.
Jai. 31 -1 orsioTfton111S. L. A. couirst-.
L~ecture by Prof. A. G. Cutoield,
"bTe Csomplosithsn of Victor I hugo's
'ILe Rhiniii" sefore Philooigieal sii
ciety. Roomisiti . Univ-ersits- hail.
7:30 P. Il.
eb.t----sFcu ly. conicert, Friezui' enu
Fiei. 2--Raou~i1 ll itilsi. 'itier-
sily hail.
Feb'i. 0 "J ,hop, \\'atermanssit nill sis'illi
Firt semsester closes.
Feb. 1w -Glee clib cincert ini Utiv-er-
sity tail.
lets. 12-Si-cists semtt-er begints.
1?tigineeritig Soscial i-lls.
Fels. 1is-V. Ni. C. A. hanqutet-
'lil t' itio h alsshibiitensrisedi is to
isliat authorssity the Sttidenit Council lias.
This iasstitetigthistat-ceibelieve is
!11notswir this-of tdisculssin. Thecoasutcil
lita is oesditselhf itsanet. ideliteil'ndtt
con servaiitcsive hdy.-ill Inoi oneiitc toni
iw-orry list it woillct-ertie ustaile 10
entosrce isidecrecs. 'ltit is aittter-
A. osttutst-lierefuses lito su it ltothit
dec-isionitof thei'cotuticil stftet' lie lis
hasafir ns impatsrtial heasitillg. is, ste
believe.,sdeservintg of ostrsicist isby' his
fellowstudssensts. Notthti ioilentce is1
astit osrt shoiu iili e iusesd. for-visleisce

IPrtf. H. C. Sadler of the etigilseeritig
ihepsirtmientread si taper sits"Thse Pres-
enst sfithueSteamisTuirhineststappliedlto
MasrimecWorak." hbefore tile meetinsg of
tse Djetroit eisgioeeritsg society yester-
slay-. I-e said thast lietirhinte is stilt-
stile fuse sigh speed toats.,usediutistspeeid
btoata.,tsar vessels anid yacdhtlsuitnciis
tat suited to shotw speech boata, or whiere
thue psoer is sisall relativ-ely- stote size
it thtevsesel, titlefor soats siwhichs re-
(Iniire tise stoupped anud started at fee-
qttetintters-alt. Thie stateomeitt relatisve
to slowsp leetd hoots bsars freighter,, andt
thistireferrintt isvesselsashtichi toake
freituentt stops suts off ua large nsuttber
of te sassensger lsoatIs otlthe IDetroit
riser stud gresat lakes.
If "I-Ifurry- 111 Yost is turtied silthey
Mihitganuit is lot sitsill proablahe thsat
hue wcillh ave ally'troubth iniditsg a.tew-
teeth. Already thse easternt uapsers have
it that hse is to take chssige of thue Cair-
lisle Itcdiatus test fail. \Voaothrsff usill
lust rettirtiteat sesar.
Glov-es stnd slippuers cleanteid for "J"
hhp. at Miss Iaoveli's. 332 S. Stsate St.
Breing them itsi early.- 88-9t

Miehignnensiann, 1.00
The Bookstore tha's never Un-
c O
bittietiasisortiuoght to kiow
'luc uArr'w ariaiueats lagst
is sstmcut-u ste hlls- litst ieso-
i, filtrit's anth mostuaiefulb
cl uipeo imets thuat the fotris
shriiink.nio roi-sil
The a'+e"2:;4huos ostthat
thusre -ire'fiur slat-a tothicht
ishtd oftlos.
I Sceach; 2 for 25c
Cluel,Peabody & Co., Maker
Offico 205S. 4th Ave. Phone 118.
tesidenee 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 3i1I
-Winning Faces
win friends. You can have
a winning face, and a comfort-
able face, by using
T.e -a s .aLeaea es en Aebor
Going North 9;05 a. o. ond 4:'&,')p.sm.
Going South 1s2a. rm.,1:;)a. m. ad :1p. m.
iteol Pats. Agnt Aget,
Toliedo,. Ohioe Ann Arbor Nli
Bell phone 13.-tnr Uonne hont98
.= The Niatgar ais Rot -"
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Through Trains Eat-8.181 a. i., 240 p.i.,
4.55 p. im., .30 p. nM. 1u.05p.
Locals Eant-6.05 a ., n.10 fla. in.,*405 ~p..
*8.30i p. i-
Through Trains Weal O.07a. 758it. nt.,
910sa. m., 233p, m. 1.5 p. m
Locals West-a24 a. m., *8.28 a. i., *1.4 p.
Mn,. ne . ta
*o ;extopt Sunay.
Conections at Chicago for S. Louos
Ktannas ity aind the Wot.
W. W. CASE. Agen; Ann Arbor

Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
-Joronme K. Jeromne
Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. I
Jacob A. Riffs . . Jan. 16
F. H'opkinson Smith ------
LoradoTaft - . .Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pros. Alderman . -lar. _--
SOUSA'S BAND . Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers _ May 2
Oratorical Contest - ----
Open Number _-
Tickets~for te Entire Couirse- $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A. Office oe team Student Sellees
Seats reserved-sO Cen~ts Extra-at S. L A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
S IGLEiADMISSIONS8 $1.00 S. L. A. Phone. 532
Office Haunst 4-6 Daily (Saturday exeepiec

Sweaters $1.00
While they laste navy blue and white
Sweaters for $1.00. These are not
$6.00 Sweaterse but they are excellent
value and just the thing for 'skating or
tramping,--or camping. Buy now be-
fore they go.
Only .064t the Co-WOp.


Douglas Shoes w AH R-The Shomant 218 So. Main St.
Qym Shoes - i~I~FeIII~

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