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January 28, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-28

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The Michigan Dail y

s(ot. XV1I.

No 88.

Solonls Are Likely to Meet Again and
Find Out What They Did
Last Time.
A1ndtilditle twoitder grows as to wit
trtlttpiiitti tihe Cicatgo conference.
No Otit ite -nmners of titat body
thiemtseinves wh'io tee wontderintg. An-
twtierimeetintg at wihicittile ffort tviii
ite ninde to stratighten otut tite-legisla
tiont is practicaiiy tastired,. accordingtgo(
the foiittttingttwhicii aptieared init etter-
inc' Recorti-Heal
'Initliity to ttgree oninititerprettionsit
)f tite recommtiieidtciost mande to tite
''itne"coiieges ty te pirticipatst
in the fatcuti foothbtii confereiteere-
ceittly teild at the Chiicngtolieachltiotei,
mtadte itiiracticaiiy certait yesteetity
titithere nwill heanthiitier mteeting ttf
te representtivites to straigitien 0ou1tte
egisltion. Sone of the tieiegates to
tittmeeting tare ibeeni butsyfor severni
daswriting lt tile othes to get tiitet
viwsonthte rulies.
Prfeststr bontgoine of Northwnest-
ertit irepireseintiv'es to the Ciicagot
Iteocli conciave.,lias inritteto ll otf tile
oter coilfereitncetnhiools, asking for it-
ietrpretatioins. Michitganitis equallyati
nea tibouit tiheiitter.i Repiiiesatenoetil
yet ieenitriceivecifrtmitihiieciinquiiries
is tnt troblteit'eenis t'lt itt'
itf titterabtitiitiiici rticitdoiibt exist.
Ther tisiatquiteistin astoiiiwhetiher' it in
retoativ e tietot. L'iitergradtnes atnd
ali a recliinitg tat miiit iho lhnne
iing talie 6 is a inoisitetdoubt, as there
is-dobt astoiwetiher piayersn hanitoic
pratcticallya tri tninig initie.
I tht ie confereince tjounied, it
tint tittithe ut'ntierstndinig tittthere
iwoitidite ttothter tieetinig itt cone there
its aintinecesstii'for t fuirtihercdiscusioni
tif-.either the ritiengot'ering tue cont-
dt f tsf ett'game or the tiltyinig regititi
toim. Siteets byi' reptresnttatives
sincteietieetitig, nine ihowntt matntiy
1101 interpretedtI iliiithe itmtroa',
Tueecotirut'ers biten cite utnivec-
titx oif iticaug'o adtet iUiitersit' if

Management Accedes to Request of ASSUME DEFINITE SHAPE
lop Patrons For Performance _______
on February 10. K -

Juio hiottitcomte mit te t'ivsityi
lit iieki tlut hs i derkile' t oi'fti' \,enit' s i
"TheOultider" agintitint Sarhu'ti Iieil'
tiAngell ii h llifor tte iintertainmtii ofI i

List ot Chaperons and Patronesses Has Been Completed-Musical
Programs Have Been Received and Accepted-Pres-
ident Angell May Be in Receiving Line,


will iitttt'tt'atti'iend.ii' i
,fi rc t iI tCon'i''it tteiiihasilmat'l


t'iOtt I titli i

Rowe Does Half Mile in 2:11 and Ra-
mey Runs Quarter in :55 3=5-
Goodwin Best in Two Laps.
et'\itio tsiryotutusfor iongidiitnte
sensattionatl deneitoteti.Owng to lie
nteartiessif tite etnitiltiitin sDirector
Fitzpattrick iiciot insecalliito tte
tirawtti' eim'i fromtit hieir coiieg'e work.
Sionre'r.taitrge inumiiber tof tetdistantte
tni incri'.iat t'egym for tiieir diliy
ofi titeir''egulirti'tatnce.
In the tiolaptitrutni'iiicit CoacitFitz-
patrici' gor e.quarcteor-ilrtters, titere
titre' tilin'fouiru'eiiri'es. Goodi'inriio
ra l 2052-',iand Steckie. :30, were
iith oes iitio :30 tic ietter. 'Tnitciheii
tiid :30 2-5antitiiAkitnsonitet tecthte
c c it ice t',ii 31sc n .
CatinuRantiiet ranthe tite tnrer onr-
iftt if ta'secontdiflitter to tha etdid ott

ast wt'l ias tit'rs froiti.SA it Arbon-ritl botil.
la tnigit whn'i it'i waisi giverti i n Y 's it will bein ill w n ," ;:ii(e c
mt&,andtti te tipitttnin teemsix g't'al bursti l as It nigh
tha te la w s uc bt-erthn n ine te tslt ritgil tt ed I per-'t
the trtit'evio s ioc iticit, Alii t \i to th1 Siteet o use tYi
ite Yitt Iiltan iItitroni stuffi iten t eilt t i Iisth ey i rdot e st
chne-ae ben ae hih ti is. i ni rew it '.tu Atlisli
ItNIu5(11 ll A t5~-A t li ad atralttiteeftntitortitya fn i lititandtar
ing n, ritigitiC.C. C rti, cae o ch ira ofthe receip ti tionc tntiitti ii'ii
lpha liiDe titit Slltl' t~tttilitPh h us, 56SothSittake iPeidt -AngellS to i ii ltlitite
strlit'et,.it it i 1 t -.tisp sileta e ild
tifutruituuit fttuiiQ4ure'houltdt.i tt'etuint t r t. C'.
Pt OO iti tt tlt it IceI, ATteulitinotliteitati t hejuir o. fout
tim urtl Rt RMltR IGtYit J'tAtIU nu bro yerbtw hhidag er
St tei t tltruituli ruuir ht/t i iiA i t laudh it i tthr ter's.old
rink ~ ~ ~ ~ lae tituitut iihli ithttuithe' presitdtentt u i. l
by'tit e 'o menil 'slilt'hle ti a' ii onr addtion t .:n gelt S.Fll.w-I
itt a t seven) til Si T heitttt t'tti i llt'tii i wanS I t t Ut iu.\li'tIt Ro s . W a'-

annunceiiit't haittar'range'mlents itt'veile
tlte foe ifty-tinti ncesn,tIdiietd
i: 'hTo-tep,*'FraterityLiellies".itmsfch
2. Wa't, "itIItituiteitt ini Nordlai"'
3. "Slimug Iyen" (vcal).
4, "Deanie" (blusolo).
"Shisiulse intl Clocki" (diescritiv
i Ttu tc rie ('i Frenichi cratte
7 5' Vi i lilie 'SuniiSines, Neilie"
(urcuit tiltiiii
8.i F ut irs"(aureques lt'c. eut
S "Mntg. Yst" (itil t iiueltrt't
bels ndst ili ht).
lull thy)adwy)
12. "I ciii Ditoion cibra g (]nt
t3 Ln lilt) e..(ovlt)
15. "Te ixuit. Rube"(ruiraleff'ft't'
16 ''SauteOld SI tutu (iltt ' cit p
etica i litmttn).
uS. ''liii itYou'11 t t i Ttiti i utpir)
iio. 'Fotball."ii (Votal).
20. ~"1 tt inlii Smmtih ,firt).
lout .the NSI tti .
22. ".'nrtitt lilt t'new
23. "1 I ntpi Ix c 5 Iucnit cht'a'raicteristic)
24. 'llule. SIMtutitte'' ( rttuilthe 1p1a5'.
2;. ''illiii'e"',froull Rtitnet lbros. ini
tile the inut'e'rmissoFnicut uueit ttind
hiat tiubirttcl tilt'foltitn g pio'ram
IOmutulYot ike ttSituonwih si-
huh iithe Fitld."'
''ht YoNu G oinig itoliiiWhenithetit
"'I heel's STripto iiinneiarbr.'

Sicirtiaiu hutnIuIligitt-mutuithis n tcti- t- eisttte'o'cationilatsuyeaut' untgotiatitg aitt uos:I> ISA\ u tilt: ,.Sit C'. Il itutuiuii . "Hapnpy xIIeiiu'.'
itmit, tuand it in fe'ta'edi a tuomet'of theu thut hree't'attitione-hltf daps tn i :553 3-5 L~iitt'u't'ihtt l ht'u'tli Ill S . J. 7. 1, 'rirhut, Sr', . V S.uui um''t "Silver' Heel1.
itlegetha1t fitsortedltie rulenthatIthint' litmuim.wamusethudewitihi 3¢t25, andulJttcobi ........i , ....SoeI: m11.Patrot S.rJ ' iT:.Lel "Smthy."~ii
wili lof aIptulimit if thris much Wa1 ldectnh iium. ti65h . lie (milets wilo Star .......'.l......."',AI? A.Fi~ , ts .J Herd I Taihtithl
mmort argumen'tm. di-sity stcndsuiltrumbeter re: WalkherIi emtmmlhigt' t SS N ju.......m" n Jmmut
Norxhesix'tterntisinith tit'amutt hrtdica- nt 2-5:R itardsoitn :5 ; Sithney, :58; Ialtu er .... . 1 ... . ovi m~UnL hum limtut Ms.i.m . t lrb is. )J. I. llel ttBillh
netucasii hhiganmsirertd tuuthet uro imi lo,:8 cth, m :5i;S.Blttnton oum fStfet t..... 1)SS....liuri ci loiieuet"Jotie"
fesninatl cotachi. Iitt s tuinmmceud yen- 3:5I9mtiv gtnu :5'9; 1. C. Cilurimge. SSWisn .... ss ....ii . I It T at hee iil It ',outhl mll'' oitnmg .I hI iu tman."
tireay that1tie cot'muracu tmihel leu - h :t5t 35,muandChandtmlti',:m. '' urm' ' t 111 1 >s....... Mson111y n it I trm ine t111iil hve oyComner"
hie' signiediwitmhlt'upurumlt'schomol was' The lilt uul s founduuuit difinumt 1tolo tie lSi tit .....I ....luh~r 'l teei orao dubt TeiWatzt/t:
tnt provisionual, onsmwan at firstisupploed, almmuunr 22 n 01111ifouu r utmiof Siiuxmmr -....... .11.1m. . Isir f frinfliimu
midtcha uttthue old-titme tututnr terakotdmanbouthumwmmtixsutceeditnt acciiomp'ttlih- - - m-muni h dthuuim metnwill Tutmu hue0ammiutest"Isit st Ieson."
catamuint hum si tivie t'tutrhaitlforiou m th fiit.muThey wuser Rowe, 2 11 2-5, 5W1OSMAN'S f1,I1?ltI IsleSulI.TSetutu thu I lill tiipha tncr ",es (Garden"
long teetm fprears x tw ilitheuiviity.mnwmututuit 2n-5setontds fiser thou the SI CI :1(1V 5 li I 'II 1 1 begimumtu"ig a t'e mmmisingul "Soul o tf tilt Roe
Siuiuui of thr schtuol 1mumaremw ur'inm-uumg bhuttimeult year; u Cathlcart, 2 :16; umtIil e;ts aeit iu eeed lve ne(SutIs i mumSiuiiit''Iuid.'
htm Itwanto il ietmutt lhilctract iin Pheilpst: TO I'ii-5:5West. 2:18u1-; rue- SAue'-itt le i imtgm um given hl' I'l Ite lilandt'marci thil isll 11mm ae mrm- I"mlintu set." 1
atedmtu. Ys teinrdayp'sxiwlrk nwilipratetcically etd Litertary nsocity5 tt'Iues mterdatrnooin tu u Imuti- aund multuoutulumun 1cute'nuol- "DorothylupVNrmn.
eilaltining"for tienet ntwIno week, Newbherry 11111. Sis Cohrt 0111ned dlohutn hun m I 1)1u;01g lie mu-mu Ialiimiiet 'tutu "Ia'mmmlamu
ASNOTl'HElRSNOWS' \II3 in thi n ant're usp' gettitug'thesessiioimwith aihuel tisuntiiof tilt cr- Fml 11bau 1the itt mumsin _ I'ic " uttit
A'HlLET' FALLSlDOWNnentutuofftirutu antus. Director Fitz- rentevntl tesr pasli 1t t xtil cv,.fl.ii mmmu-o mutle ndm Imm i'lmath Te Vie- Iurmumg Str
mltin spituotvuxrtanih iiirxiwit tiepole mlowedl hip.' tin' chiittmfuxlselrl ptuilartor.milmliibhet lapitheliii mmii (lmit Iappylntoilt."1
"Ytomung'lin tgo" litetlek mitt ftllenm by m'vaules, imih RedtilHumiiiantI What bootik. ANbuineims metnmg emsitled, iiminimCotutrs iofit'e 11111 ',m tliiti i' i'm -'1Icat ThProbs.
thur iwtysie, uucn'mritg thtie folloinx'g attm'uuitittg 1(oclear thu( rt.itto feet iwhichi tieinamiiifumeCiingtuPliiiwisus -. -
Chlicaigo diittemIispacht6inche. SW'hetuis a frhnuutllo adotedttdt hemii invmitation 10muholdmimI ,U SSI1i S TAT-i' 'lh(lftemumllituies. SWe xxilimnt t 'mx li,
}Inhgo llerltwliit lonhutantdulto gradlutedulfromtiAnnimAurbor high school future metitg ithurAlhamituNumT hll'I'It(l-lSN1/ ons uiuidrNe'w'Yokeir tutu'
fill in oldulactiter ondmumbaitse unitthurlatutu ntie. iereitresetedltie high wats tcceptetd. hiliwil hat it muctul reiumt'
SIarooni haseballi tam tmumspnig.fe- nschool ini theirmeet agaoistithitSfresh- - -rthe irhmtx lridy mnighoft i.new e m en
mint nw'ho ttunbtentabsnut fromuithi n tti- mint ltst April tuan howel upuwell ii N l(SS S'(l lil I'i i ucT illN Plum"m tmeu riom Newu Fotk sta tmuti u ileiuneiiuueuitu trtbe
ersit' for thepatshfews'xweeks, httsndc- thetrhight jumptuatdtuole.toh ttt. Hit work vecterutm mmaintuaduptedi tueconsiuiontrat1111 f n f h emes
riiddtot o rerturnum hum olol thinlqtto- ill the ltr evt et ercdoy itdieates Onetundumrduandmmive menlieurmnedncotm ndi mmmi ltlulorgizaltinilflulla site
Ir. IHe wilmut he eigiblte foremi nit'mue tat hrwill dliisomethiingunde Fil- ohthi n-atumeiium t-inguuofit'e 'N Vork niui. 'lieymhd'ciedt'the hit htc th senhalisatchiifeuumi Ctumrig'
onm accontmu cl"uks" tutuit in prob-pattic'scotctitng.Ilie senontnttoe sttichum). iT he lwntg mieuvierelInspihr Stat Cub.' SAl xxwhomeni whtostten ttthtirangemiets litve ben
tile uth mc' mtill tot re-entr schtool. suned, atutultlhoughmhe lidhmott.vultelce rt-rm e he tnuitg pyeami: Pectihtmm aem o m en' h'ecniirsimidnt ml oftNew Nmorkmdue to 111. 'ittercolegiate footall
lleekie's friendus delrerthatulhe mayy ti'gretItheigmhut heoks good.Coach Leroy' F. lDavnids'on;:tite-(t'etimlfrmirimslnutne '.eigibunle rmembieshi t 'his withtbotumu lt : ndouul'IeniispvttiO tin'
tp'urofessiotual anebatl iinteacd of re- Fihtzptricknalso spenmt some timeiwitbVL. Warne; 'snreetarp, Cs. . Wal'tce:tule ismintl courec smubjet humiueruer tt iusul. 'let umelresi thur rulecdm-1
tining hismitatetur standng. H"has itie high jutuipes, mmii not umuiht work teasurere. I.=(reenusmeiit'eoft huh1io impyhi lcu. A utie member liex-'n oiterwill probialy adptt lihe tenyrs
receined a mu mmber of oflerstutd it inxxilhet'clotur ittthin exentutul after latvisoryvibord, ProfetssorueSage, DIE;pessedmiti,'"W'SS'' mmt stuanoneumumwshotule, rautdthinxwiii aloiw te gtme hum
likely that e will aeept one of then.jmixao.k Darrah( has liein Nestoklttte for only be continued.

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