tP IitA4 tAILY. r
Gs.H. Wild
The largest stock in
the City of excuive
styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. Of
high-class farics and
speial style for st-
G. H. Wild Co.
311 S. State St.
The Special " Built Up "
Goal and Defense Stick
has a strip of elm attach-
ed firmly in front to re-
inforce the stick and make
it more effective to goal
keeper or defense player.
Mlade of fine rock elm,
Regulation Hockey Sticks
Spalding Practice Stick, 25c
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Bookstore
Money [Loaned
On Watches, Diamonds or other
personal property.
Watches and Jewelry repaired-
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds
Offies at residence 331 E. Liberty S
Ann Arbor.
Bear : 8to11:30ianm.,il o 3:3and to
8 . m.
Entered as secod clss matie at the Ace
Arbor Potolbce
Publihe d dily (Modyscexceped) dric
ibo colige yer, ait 7eelstWshingo
stece. Beli phone 892, Hoe phoe 76.
Managing Edior, CLYDE L. DEW
Business Manager, WALTER R. BANS
Acleic........Clarence E. Eldidge
News.nt ......... Loi . Sikey
iElanecc ..... Coarlec E. Wiosted
Muoic i........A. H. Ortooye
Womnr........Effe J. Arstrong
Huogh Allen Franklin C. Park
Arhr C. Pod.
George A. Osbor Harold C. Smih
. Earl Ogle, Jr. George A. Barnes
Ferric N. Stitho Frnk . Clark
Robert H. Clcy Hery A. Mongoeery
. F. Steeoson Wler Metenbacet
(llroloD0Brdley Joon F. Wre
Roy V. Lll Floyd H. Joe
RATES: $2.o per year, or $.oc i paid i
Address: WALTER . ANS' Business
Manager, 236 S. 12thSt:Si.Pione 849 L.
FRIDAY. J.\NFARY 12 ~.10.
Editor Today-GORGRO A. BARNES.
Jan~. 12 ,\Alccing of Jeflrsoialo society.
Jatt. 12-Newo ork cittitstooker, 52
MeI etitng of track cntdidltes.
IDeictiotn(f lilerootos of thoe
Weblster socety, law lbilditg, 7:30.
Lecure ill Gernman btyPrtf. Staly
before te Dettscer Vereit, Saralo
CaswelliAtgell 101111.8 F-.00.
Lectture oby FProfessr Sttowdetlt
4. P .lt l Tappan halttll.
Foo. 12-13-C(Otttcly clotl presents "Te
Janl. 13-Meettttgof Alba Nttliterry
society. Maioultilditg, 7 :30 0. 1.
f1leting iof Adelpi society 51Milt
builditg, 7 :30 P. to.,
Jatn. 14-Lecttte bly Presidet Satoottl
Fickie of Albiotn college at MceMil-
11a10hall, 6:30 p. too.
Ja. t oSle of seats for Ie My Fes-
isa)legits, at 9 a. to. Coice of
scots may ie Itl elurig week for
Address by Prof. A. H. Whlite be-
fore Cemoical Colloqoitoto, Roott
203. cheomical laortor, 4 P. 0. recital by Albert
Lockwto otdUniersity Schotool of
M\ltt to 4:30 1. 01.
Jan.t18-ittciCottal Uuioto cotcert
otto recital iy George IHamtlit,
0t10111, tollersit all. 8 t. to.
Jatoo16-Jacob Riis ott S. L. A. cobttse.
Jan, 9-Fotball lanqu~et.
Seomiboonal olelate. Sieiato s.Citi
cag, in110 enotral Debaotitg legoe
sete, at Chicago.
Jant. 25-elena Stonoe, harpist, Scooo
of Muosic, 8 P. Ill.
Jana. 26 Stototal oratorical contest of
be Temoperoatce Researht clotb, ito
RoomotB, law boilding. 8
It uill he very tofort ottote ifthe
ntonal110 rules comomoittee yields toothe
franotic epioeooic of otrie ao11011 1troll
oliy ohicihl it is thetrescot csoto00
bool at hoc geeat colege tgote. These
otreos tre (f coorse temoorary aonto
toill susoeide. Itmakesoolod n1111ewspbapoer
copy otbnd otmanty oel moeainog tmontohae
brokent tin torintdeouooootiggthe gamoe
becaouse (f thoc temporoary setimnto
gaints it. Sensaotioonaol cittrges of pro-
aiodeolaodol l te concolies of the gmte
iata okent heaort tontolaetoot ito rols.
Fle talk agaitost the gomoe is mtade
tbssible by-thegrneral implresion pe-
v alentaotntttg oo gooditoaypopotle wo-t
lot tot undoerstaodthoc cotditions. Te
danoges havoe beeno exggeratei aotd
otver-estimoated.Tattho c acioents ap-
peot almtost itosariably amonotg sotraited
athloetic anool higho shool teamos is a fact
whicho does tot reacho he people seo
loots-cheard onlylthoc bare facts of thc
accident. There is tot a sigle 111011111
theo Miichigantoteamto-ll c-ea elooh o s
boen killeod or scvet fatlly tiured.
Statistics 1d111011sh owseupilfootbaoll as
more dagoouo~oos tthant totnumberceof otler
stoors. Sot On11acobbto0ofthe trejub-
oices of a ototmbelre of ptopbble.:a fooota~ll
accident is altoatys tobetter tewIs rtoo
foroooe s sio ooiot la brges-othana bil-
tg fataliyor a0 baseboal accioet.
Tile foos of the btbter ae bent of-
tell reeeod. Te are tpritiooellost
sight of inthoc flutry'of criticisum. Col-
lee tonI w1111looe 10sOroutg- stirrint
gam re lookingaoooa th e roles com-11
mitteecano thelsint eolegit on otfer
enoers toiact 00wih con1servatismolithe'
bbbatter. Foootboall exists, ts PFesiodent'
Anogell calleod aobetiono to io his tme sbge
of last year, 0110 tccobntOf tieodesiecof
collegse toniandoltil eole at lrge foot
it. Froobablly cess or pi-one 1111kor
spellintg oes toulo or sfer, bottOit
world10astooldoboeinthlin histor of
triig hsoyothslof 6 lseriafor nat
ionoal serieroot enoratferoo of flligc
dlownoooeof ovosworkoic ottes to-bot sllb1
beo thiroetetibonb.oAmooric00a as5 a natio
bos lot yet oarroved 10 a oitowoheres
it has toouls to 11010 whooare afraio
too worko,.aftoito taoke scoances, tfraic
Of rooginiot, 0aftoodlof ooettig hurtr.
It is a mtatns gatoe tori as loog las to-
ter restraits r moaointoosol to secore
fairstortsm0001lkeinteol oliagtocerlao
tiuns anodltoobooooiats ottoy ootnoecessrily
routgho lay, Obe game soolo lot-left
Esvey tanotowio cato odo aythinog at
al ill tracko owork solotur oot 100to Ie
track motring tontigt anoolbegino work
for the seasonof oo096. Tere are al
ways somboetomten o bck cootiencce ito
temselvries oroeinterst ithocatse at
staheowotouold sitb tritig otaoe
excelletotv-arsitoy otaterial. I doesto
los anoyonoe booy haormoto totry01010adthelb
traioning is overrvloale. More tha
on 001100n110 he 1010t0hlot rioetocon-cot
sicotiootoiy for tloeorthlree years otntil
ter grews rapointo oasitysttiutre. It
sot eeryonethoat moakes otohe oteam il
lis first ear.lot)it is totnojcto wortt
striving for. otto it obgt too or sonc
incetivto a0 Itanotto kow1000toot oreis
helpinggtheuoiliersity erol by lis fail-
M\oreooer , Sichigaononoeos eser
oooce of strntgtho Iis yar if tiel oss
of thocoonofereo-oceanootheitakgiing
gate is too or reoeetooeo by teio6o
tracks teaomt. Chicaogoo a tolotof son
mtetrialoand.oo o leooionoooo f poinioont-
toesowhichooooowlou l c10 codit to aoy oono-
vereit) ioothe countr. Thercehats neoe
los-coo timbboof geaero netcess ity foot
Mlichoiganoomen o01get togetere tonthe
tresent. All outot
.\ichigaoo mentjoio sicerlyinthoc
soaoo- of -symoooatohly toooardolCcgoflin
the oss of 1hr greatbtpresident. Dr.
Harpertbas one of the strotgest tre
sontalities ioothe eoducatiotal worl aod
or' practicali-lyotuilltp Cicao fromo
nothinitg. ie leaoes toplace larotoo lll.
Att ftst nigtstooetitg of thoc stdetoot
coucilc, erroebou clsly clled toe sonior
crzocol,' it 01100 oecioedo Il olod lbsriece
io 1111f j looioles to thooooe ounclbse seod
Frioabto r tohe holiotys. Oooy juooioro
01il sote atothose'e-etibos, w inth bil)
or trio) ioo tieliteratoy, l11100eotgineering.'
oaood oooeoicaoi oietotteot . Tbootnir
ooil or leteod illthot-lieary 111011cn-
giooeeiog -a001doe te o illthela to onoo
The otmil ish,, serooe toohelpl
il lciina001i001"0olticss010tOboe eletiols
Junior cJo sos_ sioooooielet olly lbse00
vr stonge0'stsOt00e000n, 1a1d 11), 110an 111
solicits suport ooo0fooo11111self siootlolre-
crisve 011-oelorgtlgeooooo \Ietooo's oo
obe oooi oo001011 11bo),ca iatss 00willose
cedrlforoneoxl5111011y. TIho fe 0 slobns
of los foorojunor0 clases1 whch ar
intrestedltis 010lecstoio 0onsrqesse
too issueoaosoll to therlsec~otve clsss
foolth mboe ootng.oA' l -bil-ooicsst ooohe o
lacod 1010nomination 001t0hatiom 0111
0othro fooeeoootheoh(111 log Fridaty.-
Hainoog 11 loncto-ola boo)col. Pro-
fessoro Staooleo-watool olhiiotoo olitehiils
lectore lefore tlo-ID)ootscer 'oreilo
'i'booosoitor oo-oinogollthot-sobject."Gro
100010Mll((ic.- Sovcoly-lie or ighoy
peopole sseotboledb at Saooaoo k'aswelli Aog-
ell bool) whoere a oleasaont evenig 11w1s
shot i o ll ooanctg anoothebis ing of
Germao.ohais.OAltouoogil biosre 010som
disappooinotmenot ore thor fct toaooPro-
fessor Staotley cooulobnoll he ptesent,. ye
soeroytoehoaoo a hooet imeo. It is 00110
rooposeod to hoood oneo of those motigs
tt onteras of aboutotsix weekso.h101
Gera quloo 10estionos cn ohe, oiscusseo,.Gero
ma sng1sig aootdanoingoriog oaogeo
int withoGermaonotstiri.
FresiodentKroikt to ootooerbthot Itlb
pity o he givoen by tbhe Deuotscer Vereioo
wuoldl he ead oooy u 00t o bout thotl- lt
of exts -rtrc.
hI liss Nellie Kelotcdougte of Sor-
geoono_.oMajor Relot, U. S-lA, as a10
tooncedoterloe rogogs-tocto to .M. \eiooo
Emoery sere'tory of tbetrasory of thr
provoince- ofSMoonilao. Siiss IKelothgra-'oo
oatoedof roo thObeouoioesity i o 105anoo
bos siotce ben teaoeitiog sciqpi tt Cooito,
Philii neoio fs-lohols. 51iso Kelot is to
ooemobor oof obe'FiP i-ItoFbhi sororiy.
1905 Michiganensians
Only $1.00
We have purchased fromt
thte mianagemoot of the igo3
Micbigaioensian over 3 0 0
coopies of this publicaiono
whichi we will sell at
Exactly Half Price
You Want-!a Copy
Purchase ' et once, as ther
demaind is sure to exceed thb
The Bookstore tha's never Un
loae 'altoy youougoht to knowt
pr) i od ites in oost oo e
-Te ow ti lotokeas y 01 h
'-i% fats ant imostotctrefulri
w0oi bh op
theneas foursizesto theAinoh
iuognotaof toe.atd400p .
Ctooto, Pebody Coae rsrMi
dears whoeofer YOUsb -
tutes for thef.o.onou:Mp.m
GigSuh:2aiA..1135. -I.and7:1p.R
$1.00, hio t nn $1.0 le
Oel hole3-r Cok r Hoe ethone69
a rthen co. Fi eatchreeIrl
Ftty Niagr olo eals
ur DaolBfarlok retbstmaNeYr
Throuh Tra. ineatch5.18 a iingto
J. p. nCha0p.n,11thp. Mo.St
Licals Efa-lkoa.os~itona.Newtdlt
836 p. in
Through Trains Wes-2.07 n. t,, .5 a. to-,
9.1Ca. m.;,2.33p. n. 10.05p. n.
Locals Wes-224 a. t., 0.05 a. m., *1.0 p
M., *6.10p n.
o Eacpt surda.b
Connections at Chicago fr 5. Loos
Kansas City and the West. r
W. W. CASE. Agn, Ann Arbor
Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
Jerome'K. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riis - . .Jan. 16
F. Hopkinson Smith
Lorado Taft . - . Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman - - - liar. --
SOUSA'S BAND - . Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers - May 2
Oratorical Contest
Open Number - - -_____
Tickets for the EMrtire Course - $2.00
May be obtained ai S. L. A. Office or from Studont Sellers
Seats reserved-'50 Cents S. L. A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINIEaADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone 552
Office Hiours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exccptec
Fountain Pens
We do 1n01 carry any "Leakers'1 uor any pens which wvecall-.
not guarautee. The same is true of all our goods, we carry only
articles that are standard. Waterman's 'Ideal" Fountain Peln
neceds no introductiono. We have a large assortnment of these easy
writing pens inl fine and medium points, especially suited for
note taking.
Moores "Non-Leakahle" Pen has had a remnarkable sale here,
But not so remarkahle when you consider its qualities which
mlake it pre-emnilently the cleanest pen to handle.
At the Co-Op.,
Do uglas ShoesiAAHD 1 28S.M nSt
Gym Shoes WAt HI IITie S hoeman SO