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January 12, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-12

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The Michigan -Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAIG+ CR) \X , J .1~\RYb 12,100().


NO. 74.

No. 74.


Captain Ramey Exhorts New Men
to Attend Meeting Tonight-
Prospects for Coming Season.
m- CP.tIOtICiIP. ttAt li.
Now is the timeit for te cass of loogt
t show its isyalty and11its saetthe1 il
univlesrsity. Tie firsitieetig ofth ie cat-
tiidate-s fr tiet ob track teamt will ite
hedint XVs~rtsiasgynssnasitttt at set-cn
tatythings"inttrck tis urged Ito ated.
The eetisnga iwiIe tf sitrt ditrtiittt
to altow nysihx wisittittttitth
Fo itve5succe5siltyelsieittin
withl 90sit ttt Mic ttantwo tetick siams-
1p1 its tioitest. at st ear ithtw-
ier te ts f sseraioftheOwbest
1poi1n1tvinners wss fattl, 11111 Cicagtt
isefeateti ts iby-the ttvewheitmitg scre
of _ tol38.Th 1itt'yevs-uit is Cisgs
Iunts lose seealtf iterithe stett
iitigCaptttan Fetndti i s'etsot
ya s ctttferetnce andi telsis-otf tiettt
Httwtevtrstheaciscitionofat sut
ofstraeti t theidway tiattitu-i
11on111kti~sat cetil thttif Miciganst
is tleat her ol1rivin 11Ittiaktentewtt
men wl hsatveItttticome vii to-ierescue'-.
wild iltsitttg disttncessqadt;tiR-
cesis atiStewartit-h ie ittrtiisa
Titi irsttgthsier tittsotsit
tig whichtitKeeneFi'tziteck swii gve
ttili assre eatichtcatdite tcosltietitis
indivetitul attentiontt.
Riout I ita oensir mte 10gamttemcan- tt
appatsrtuss its Wtet-ttattgymiumt xtin11
ttstwttf te fialtmtttchtoilhe hlitni
ci rttstr, whetette Iamsa til eiicit ketd.s
The sctatcesa fttett-ttcotts xsw5itts
easetnctllegs-hi-te fallsnthliugttt,-'sa
Dr Ma sy swhtotattedete gymnttt aim
disctoIs'esconferetnce 1in te catast
unabtile Is toaratge any vstch tmeet
'he'teialIforfttreltIca111tits r
is atlmttst ettirely- ItteIt I f tt eti mestttt
the itet aets ianttttte s as11 tama
eerbtefttrs,ttttd tidedi iby tefact tat
severa re ssttssi tii atig goot, Dir-
ectr Nity feasthatintg as ttie stat-
tatrtioti celbassce iti ratthitfttf illci-
1'hie fitatty tf the tesvyete will
ite giveni tvyte Wotstii's ,eagte tis
aftferttontttBiarbtiottrttgymftasiumtt. Miss
l-tigetut Sge attcisst El CsieAtits are
itt cittrge -ftr te-tterntttttt. Thieeewill
hte tuuscan anc intg tandisaue ew
giaes. Ii t-ii e agoodschantttce titaiik
tver s--c-tt t ic-easr isindeseeyl-eti
lege woman tixsttortitllyivtviec.

- ---

The Comsedcl ubithtltt tirtdiress re--
iteasal last set-tsttt' heIltsltsone -ltfttt
thtis evretiitgs terforct-tt-- ct-ry-
titg pitsed Il to IttIC11a1tltn-prorace.
Th'its- ccgestlhsIfeethca t "ITe Outt-
sidier.,twill suss antitperforman stce cf
itvstt- pprtitt n tg Itit. The Ictllo15 11i tt s-It
fromi te sotphtomttre cl-ts a v tte teelt
atsikeditottsiter:- ittttSteelit-, Ray5-
mond11 tWilliamus, ,Spenseitisttit Htitey
Nicissais. Gettee illy, Ray 1Iuhr
andtt \Villictstt]Betrttyc.Robert i ttsia
still setIts itead ushttants dttti tstt iltt
iteadsiticiket taicerTperiis itfetermantccswill
ttttitit ott e115ighlt so'sirs]ktits saening.
Law Debating Society Will Dedicate
-New Quarters at a Special
Meeting Tonight.
At act oscsf cts-e$330 tile lis-stere
debstttig cilbitasv ettemodeledictstsrec-
furntiisecitiseir clttbsrotlottonte tirti
fllttot of the lass- aitldiig. Of thtis
,:mtounit, fiftydottiss wa ts--rddtoithue
clls ly tileresgent~s, atnd Itthetemaindet
Isipsucities intItsIs tethe ltrasur, tmIarttf
'Te isewefitigs are Itfte'mttti
expsetisive esig, a cttlyv iesitcl-t~scar
atnd assetstirest of inessshsir is andsest-
lees fore the tmemiber.Thaeliw-ls-so
fresceds. Tue cittais a ttpllsncttnsegto-
tiatltig fttranshistoittetev'ld sichthIls-
ihipe to Ret frostiomtie pst ion111f sbtra-
iatm icolnt's 1hom1esteatdalt S trilld



tR Al'(ORtER S S0t
IN Pit l1/1? Itt li


CAtANstvs Itssis.
ItFh titi lttLetifat 1'iscfgatu'sa ckfetit fl-
its-I'sit t hit'CamuupaignutoItsIfgatin
Ite Ctttttttictsaip.
Friezc lhall was fillesi toovrfiowitng
cut lastinight's Fcty lp cottcerti the
standirigroumt'sigtibeig exiitesi
at tile cffice fifteentinitiuttes esr cte
houtrtctf lteginintg.
lTe potlarttsity stf ttseascontisi'htas
111sfgtagot temontistraitid tile needi of i
hall of mortcommsotdiius quartcerahi.
iTe prslgelin teatdiia.ttnitbroihtag
foraI ts-th ue tisi favo01ris1ttesin sm ev
favoitet-ttumtbees. 'lTeilseethovensitongs
ssic isiss MtIHitsvatic sassg' sreitt stang-
ert Ithttslocls pubis. tid Mur. i's
ittaytig of tte \-Vuettuaus a ptittiose is
'wsteis A1m1ajortsoataxtofei liplt ills
Schttde. Thtege'nialifanties of tse siuny
.Mozatlritind attost sa bise meditin t
.Vitr ll ns irtias tiplyintg, hasfutlflueist
ctan -ti- ing-i' estctaly effecste ill
fist-tits"-fotthci-etih Mozarianimesl-
Mie i iiiwis ixsls ed to fins rffet
ill a itt ss stcompositiuon of his ownt en-
titlesd Cite schanson uu dtt r,"t indl whitch
ws.played-rifomtmnustcit. tThtsac-
cttttatsttwas xMissDi) es wholagliin
preov-edisee grraltitialities Iftrsucstwork.
Mte Laoscwioditressisircithescxsherzo
fro MendeNlssexohninc iideni ta uicisto
te M-isummeitrNig's xDreamta Choa-
pits nocturneiantiscetSch-ulubetMarshe-
It swiiitsbeofinitiltsestlto toeal nmusic
ltvssaoileas ris thtirNitHowlantic,-andc
..uss Daiss iaccmpaiatxigavs two
succssfultresitals Ni Mssacuseitis' si
ins tte recetliisays, atid that in the
ecurlv sprtisg Miss Schatde atsd Mri. ets
swill appeasatitsaijlost recital ini Chicago.
ProfessorSnoawdtstenh, Calumiai ivser-
ally, lecturesa011"1optular Fduicatiot ilit
France,"Tappan iiihtlliilecture roomt.this
aiftrrntonits tfotteo'clockc.

ist hoor-toh a add o es- a
Cm pttolits oetotii ally1,11stdent
a llsor tt 11 1 alte iiit s Btttsn11the
-egh a~r tb a ited atw
Set.riw adrsscsl a) l 11 1 Idrts of
mstll s ubPg t Ill t ype\its ittls t orns.I'
Nsiclol Muray lutte ttpre ieto
Colubia illicstt tllbert11111 Saw, cd11-
or t of ts i 111111Rty lt t ss dJ llat Il litt

Interviews Show That Faculty
Think a Portrait of Dr. Tappan
Is a Worthy Memorial.
A gettersalwavttettl ethiasmtithts
aprnly greetseil fas-orahbly the propois-
sit forto uitiemo~irial tole gixets
byv thte snite casses, as originaly sg-
'iletd y Ts- taily. Accoriniug- to
Ittus itfIsactilty ad tutusdents, there
tillowsalmst iceritinitoie ca utitdl c-
stttocry osithe hidcci advancerd.
Ieas ttfItscslty miembiers in Ie mtt-
ter arseitellsexpretssd ii the fallowing
Prof. IHalteaI-itam isearily ii favor
oftepa.I thnthtktiist iis ai ex-
cells-titdeallsnd ttht it usought tobhcr ct-
rieiot, andIsamit sveptutxiouss to hvtee
i-ittlu it'tditartsent 1111inil this motte-
porttttf Iresaiset TapIptant paited is
lihe ttI -ttitatcolbe suggeseti asl-
111imichis ItheCsUiion itastttsade plastt
hav aporrat o Pesisent Ageli
Prtof.itititi btlthougule to git-
Iantysttemets ail: i 'Ialithert-
sly isittlith stittieiea"
Prof Brwste- tithuslittfavosr te
ide ofastillntmeialt-uoIfistme stil-
stanialchaacte tey schindituee. I
tith iiIt would11 ibeitant excelent titg
li-asothtthis-plantopaint aiphrtrai
of re. appn agoodtu tite, since
i-t-rsilts lts-ito ostisautryepor
Denlldo--i leecoul atdliv
1w ny t i s ttst iiLii- ii ipiio s tttply stcs
wolrthi1111ndetaking. I lit m11111 ur
edlint favor11of11a planit isvwhichal
ill gr1a1duattig cas-i-ismayItomtiti t eir li
c-ilrt trio111ardis laing st'atmesmoria iol
the la I o tis pictu ula erIt s
ill tie cutivtion11of1nit vesity spirit
111o1fIisDuition-It i s-ittexcelleiti
ie-Ifthitscomtittuesdecides ittouit
thei memitttial utndI fista-aintittig li
])r. -Tappanth ii Icitee sousld hi
comme sitd fits pikig 0111sitshi a
worhy ersn -ac oifuinics to gs-i
aFrt-cax1111roductintas5V1the onptil-
ieciontha Pr illimnisthoiugt
iii vsretrd Itie sitos-ement. In spek-
111g of Ur. Tappa its siit 'He incs
ai mitantiil w thittndirfclipiesonalsitp. He
hadta its-it infutece for good lover
--(ofthetsolisthlt itwere assoeites
wi it111himiIllseit ythl.
itanaSilutis sits ews ethtusiastic
exprcssntim11 s-f fuscorablyipfor tlis
Join11tsmtsriarl Its-sit: 'Alhough
I Iv tile dlttvtive1nci tse iatter the lir-
perssiero 11111 I 1elieve the idea of
tiiclsss niigin ileuxitg ci memoral
mostadmrabl Itis videiti that there
iitteiiIis s-ticin ttor f etablisinitg a mea-
o i iisssttt <o litbeit tig tt so l egs'
asclasIrathets I i thatsepasrte met-
rils o csie e hses. There is
aoersile of te questicon, Itwever--
till questi11111fexese.s-There may te
si rbal rs- ta-yipstudtetts wot
could otaexress ttemtselves favorably-
oni thils pitstionit untuilithey were atiec
they ltold afotttodoItheir part, Ictr
stlthositheisexsamite slutdets tight wisht
to itthirissitreletk of inuaces would
forbid staoltideeatit ci wise uplatts
esabih ietasx I t e lesidlun
tlit miestitsesof tie cass adtohsalow
astil udliients sitwihing, t give auly
(Continued on page 3)

Th'esWesttsr clits is atprev ntin Ilth1e1to Fitlist presidtu itt c \ Nsti ' vi
most scatrhea ingutecoenditionuofellis fte rleg aebe lm~la u
univsit y'ats fu aigcu bsc-i. 1111Ti \1y on;of te (itsll. stl
hesx if sshicsh oser a u n drtttedt can be IPol ii tialan s ttniitiiTtl Iitt it
sot eds amitonig thosea ct itsely intlere Ited. sDo till and Its initi il t cc ntilt til
T'e oig"in tihtscli sita tisto 1-tca tn eooi c deg eiittttt eit~ o
thut yeauroI th1efouningtt ofsh law d1isv it tileist
autetshtand throtugho'ttttt its lIgs i s- I hits une o te P irm
hilly thasclushutias tlwas ]cI llmarkest It tse om eriai ad ~tclt
ani actise stud loval spisrit. liii witsk1of Otlt of lt I t huh utisiti
the chib l sosit ]tt cltvrsuccss ful P 11111 cndtitns aditit i tte pIt
Of1 the seve-it year,,in awlush thissilver ithic a f tei tadeofihe itt]d
trohy cultsipcrteshteby thusDetro111t1o151111111 ii t
alutmtni i slbeensi omtt edcstforth e T peenhits N sit ills it c Cron
sternshavtue hen awuarete rohyforp ()resofSoth.laeie
ties. A tr t etleas te cutie lciaiiy ad tlt hc asswi-elathis sui t hc tils tiumberlist osedutitittiti I r ia.
of yeta'sswill its ahutsesitoh o issss s it. listoiit 1l t ti itlist liii n
tie~r ootstmus ai spectia si-uut l pIgr Is''ttt nd tI t ilisi 1111entioft hit Sothlt
presesntehd ct thusdeicatstuttio titlti i ai epblics.
which several'-itmemabses ofithetsl111 itsc- 115 ic nl enes1 111nd thn
sity siill spea. Outlssn s t this ocassias o l liltf illsthe ills ititllsean
tile cl ilol taks ini tweilsnty-ive newl ii 111o1 e enra11teict
mtembsiers. 'hue program-t NNs-11it le a alh-pulicsanditi Is xic
'IlivrWebuster Spitrit-JohnistRuth till i howIt Isth e t-lgl
Reciaiti-] I. T. Iastilt.1(the itindpndn f- o tern
'harik-Protf. Sagets eits
Corntet stilts-DIesNitllTe slnit ion11 stiltsu111111111 d
'lki--Fessf. hiltes.511 tls ilitltil'l
Votcal solos-Fores. heil uup i ii ( ct a liitl 1111 it o th

L41 t t'
e .
_011I'( e
hat i n
St ttr
nrnt ie
)f the
CI -
t1 :it
e Ta1 -
n re-
It of
le fot-

FiP u uian sttuand siatl I srecep -iiton and l' I'hbi II N:1Ni II -1'f
anitialitcii 155 of (11new 5ii-membetrsNN AR.
T'hte officers iof this sllbar11Pr
itdenti, VNi. C. Ni ii lila sicespisi ent; A cl-eit t-of.ttIht s tists men'st
N. Gi. Greig escretslrs-,NW.J. Ni ller somiulitts I bN elesdate itli ttti cte - Ill
treasurer, F. L. Sosuils: stiltic, W.1.tt st.itth . ie tutk a e ot-
Clark: sergeanu i t-a t hismy, J. 1. ais sibal 11111qlit. 1 1 W. Nb Nb Nctis'ti- s-t
nmore;t oratorical dtlesats, J. Rudi. be sscei s t s tashlt-v.

Comedy Club OUTSIDER9 "Jn.121

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