G. H. Wild
I The largest Stck in
the City of exlusie
I styles in Woolen for
Gentlemen wear. Of
I highlass fabris and
special style for sku-
G.HIil o
Th GpeciH. « Wil Cpo.
tick dDeestc
[hoe tpetc anBiltkU
(eepar andefense pStick
iflaeoriethrstck ndmk
R2egulation Hlockey Sticks
Spalding Practice Stick, 25c
Sheehan & CO.
Students' Bokstore
of the
Football Team
We also have a Nice Line of Novelties
Both Phonse. 224-226 S. Stoic St
TIHlE*1MICHIGAN DAILY.1it inc- lce oftt i e'sctsittistaid
11;1a -fchsess leeleterof es sldllt;..t
st H 7's. cliiiclass at er at the _\111 bI i s eleced-<l>H its lteal. free it Is,
.sai Ps,6 ii 55 it ti() one c e p~t the scientists them-
s wrCe title t eedfstiattdfwht
Pbish(54 1ail 5 755 its es egte 5 (tuing lit t ie r re tith- abtitt it their iotct-
the clse - ar- at 17 las't \0' i eltt h i ttottneses1fei i-
stte. Belpoe 82. lisse sister 76. - h i eiis r e h tte
hate right idea~s.
Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW -
Business Manager. WALTER 5R. HANS ii - re is fottistir s etitstt initte
1:tDIltS. 1ec-i-stesi I d estis1t -, otro~
.tisttss - is . . . . .. . .c a e r 56I. ;tilit fstill t a a t is i t' ts-i sfit tc-i o th l
Nests - - --........ ...L s 1). tStiikne 5 is sits teir fcs t o s i is- c i
.\tsic .. ... . ........ii . t-1. stti Hit er -i e Is
itole its - - - - is..... . i . Armtrongti ircuation, sits . Ict'5' expe1ti<tist sit
ittiei - - - - ist . isesistsest publsisterit(t iulii stlodth icet
5?)'1'0 1Lttiiss s si s1ss Fs
:: T;\ i sis s1i(;x' \1'1 is1 ' s i si'
111 T- it l~~t
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Hu ii is rda
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tFrankiliss Ci.'arts (iii Lit 5 i i t~i s 'OTIIJ~. 1-ll'
lit1 n iis
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Eait Ogeir. i
sits N. N 5it
iris t. Clancy
I. Steet stt
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SOItTtt S.i
S HaoldC'. ~ Smitht
George A.Btres
iFratnk J. (task
iteniy is.ttststgnssre
Walitis Nietzenbate
5-. isil:. iWur
itm- . Joese
RATE~S:$2.5o peryeor ne2.e 0 S if Spose in
Addrest: WALTER R. HANS' Business
Manager. 2356 S. 12th St.. phone 849 L.
irs aaIii siti
- isIiFs- l -icnc st aI lt st iofu
is ic 17. lit1
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i hsis 5 'rttiliiOtti " '11i1
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D'dic l ,1\ei- \-hich hc pr sites.Is I ts
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1905 Michiganensiafts
Only $1.00
We hefptrchsasedrfirom~
te mametsn~sct of the 15,
ilitissteitsianoOv er 300
coie s of this publications
wvisieft swe will self at
Euxactly Half Price
You Want a Copy
lsisrslas'e ci once, as;Ite
demtanid-insure ftexcreef the
ii tilt o
'lc ll a)
1 ,' N
ma''ii i t;i 1W ha
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114 5"hick ium
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are paidto hei <
lllo;cIlls twil
-rec 1 i-it 4)11'v s it-'
l(st'' and Eli1-half
''seilts iin t slt
sl" a d til t oi
ill Shlst irIla
tr ho ireep
c 1nca h Bookstore that's never Un-
Thel lhedersold.1
pi ississs Alr \ s stsmer i ts ~wI Vo.it1 ,
r \ ol B isey \ i s F rm
tssisssiti i " t v l .. . .. .
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sur spru ee.ietA . .... N
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at l.t I hui stilt is and ti t r tis s11
ahlt lris ilitsonittis 411 10
wel is I dia d'sScen sitf u is- f
I't I'. I- p i e c . I \1I . . . . . . . t
6nlA i es'1 it iitt(Annuiim Lawt
slit p it flit ( itnnalls,_ ok . 1 N
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eisis ok .cot . 1.
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155' -n~nh clii lit lii
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ilh-t iis. is. isisisi
ofi th ciciaiiat
yri sido p ts. It"
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isi i'tss it nitersil atei-sit's C r
j i on o .. . . . . .
f'w l i sf'oif'f11ffk
:;(S0101Sits re,21 ~o
If You Value
yottr face, protect it from pain-
ful1 irritation s, and keep it soft
and smooth. Use.
Announcement of the,
Students' Lecture .Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
JeromeK. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jiacob A. Riis - . - Jan. 16
F. Hlopkinson Smith - -____
Lorado Taft - - - Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman - _- -liar. _-
SOUSA'S BAND - = Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers = May 2
Oratorical Contest
Open Number
Tlckets'for the Enture Cou~rse - $2.00
May be obtainoad at S. U. A. Office or from Student. Sellers
Seats reserved-50 Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINGL~sADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. Ax. Phofte 552
Office Hours:- 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptecs
What Better Investmen
For A Dollar
Can you finid than a year's ttseinfterssi
Do not consider the cost of inembe
pencte. It is not an expensen, but iti
w-filch you will ncot regret. It wille
savings for yous,cail will secure for
with hightest qualify.
In Instruments, in Stationery, it
there is only the B(
At the Co-O]
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is ail investmenst MAIN AND HIURON STREETS
Capital, $50.000, Surplus aad Profits, $65,000
effect large prieter Des aGesertl Banking Business and Pay
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Fs. H. BELSER. Calh. 11.A. WVILsIAss Asst.
e2st 'The fNisgora Falls Routo
Chicago Buffalo Bostot New York
Through Trains East-8.18a. 0., 2.40jp it.,
4..m., 9.30 11.05'p. m.
Locals East-05 a. us., *11.10 a. us..64.05 pi..
08.30 p. ms
Through Trains,, 7.58t. in..
9.'1.5 a.ins.,sf2233p-in' 10.00.
Loeals West-ni4 a. um., *8.28,.6.40p
m., *10 P~. m.
)ENTS I*(Exept Sus to-f
N osieetelns 'as C en gofec St. Louis
Kanstis Ci'ty 0fd the est.
W.W. CASE, AgentAttn Arhsr
RLOR 3,34
.. ,l.