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November 28, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-28

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Thle M ichigan Daiy
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'I t:I SI).\:N () \P\I MI K 28, 1(') o.5


No. 55.


Chicago Quarterback Averages Close
to .800 in Yesterday's Practice
-Boone in Practice
JIr i I . 1fDmid theic e Idtta
ChcagoNv 7--Seil )-Cch
Stag i-ptac'tily {gve Over tiepcitietcet
hi Marstll iei thsaftrnon to Efi'-
170111101e1t1an11111hout andti
Hal ifeuatile( bactkIlii1,too lteinild tie
,11y ie ad tettthe ctub111111
ning the. itall oeItic go11)0.1s ott
driop id a QOnlitwoIii ii tt wer
ol cid dinietio'te 'aftenttia ittdoes
pteCt tie was'loeioeiii 0
Steaggehiitac 1ttttidtheo frl<oftheIeo
litteoonccsioas on'fir. hetha. no httea
eeorlttts1thegiv eiout. ot e s nte e
prie fIoi tte oiftesfo her is
ataleIsinc hisdisquificaitiont. No imxotre
mapinitwodliii teiitireitle il
lliipet ontecffesi
Chlicago111 1 ii rc axioust Ido lhiir
what t itMiliganauoit uiehato
say otieSchultee and Iii i th
Biioonlpel. 10 i i
his epottr t oablytiiefrcils t1o1 the
chargetiha t'eeichlteuiil iii eliheo
Misui colegIe.iPtofessiold Pteolili c
sai ideeregardtlthe mtter t Ihat iis
tooi litefortail ot est to efiled
Theiiseior i00liiitiitterhedttt'td
ittatv FitlrtitflowsIicscat cotito
ife longtele oin'e"I ititto liiihall.an
llclare 1dxthi ismol 0e tobet''(t
wic lth elic~omit haipritt Nki
Ju'ginioig fmthetilt iet ofii fiohur
lieent, e niitorsi'lwlitlieholiii mmh i
oflltIeladsmfkerstitter e oyiiliaro.to
Thea rrage gfteie i)tgaoeutBia fiie nc
ohnte learsontageittevcNi r. -lutI woo
gaduoa titt fromlieIlofterahi eptigantst
enigo- anth eawttdepartmeteille19i0t
ign'Diy foirt thraeeltye aadetiesets
maier itof the 0011ciniafoth
MieHliton111 i ila lieotein toDeroi
whee he to a tilteitofuethii e late fin

of iiuson K&MeGugiti. Afier a sot
weuiniitriip,Nit'. 11111iVies. Hluiontuwill
ite at homue ini Detroit oniDeceet5t.

lhousand Rooters Leave Tomor= theveriteatoe,
row to SeeChampionship Game the pieitit.
==Boone flay Play==Statistics ttatt of tile3
of Teams. said laot tugl
litibae anto
Botte oultd
Te titoho'stnii otudeivts who xwiii 01 Che luhicig
tend'theT'akivingieiiay game at Chi t-huiit rat1.
itgo ill lItvion thelitsplectialItinsto Y oot pillthe
9:0tmrol o rnit iint~ 111goeriing txittmage.10111
Chicagoiabout fohur0eo'lokin tile ifter-iteldl otntithe
111011 liii teamosubsoituiteo atndoteiubsogiv~'ett to oo'
willg oii lonhe itf the 110111s tid will ViAl eeuoslei
sopi 'i theiiH' de iPaIkIhotlinsoleadof the Mhitigan
th lCicaguo blithuasiormterly. Thlintg tile Pit
vars ithanttwill aloo Itee it011ak- towniandtis t
ing l otal if tieaito otie ihundrledlwil)hodacksit then
i be lien act Itile expenseoth le ath I "1 thought
leic 10001ciationo. liee rairat o rn- eiaidlow ti PitE
parryhas benireueted ioInfurin i eisso Neilito
pial car i forithlil Iacuty moembierso vio ell a'ieti
xwi take th tri111aticit itst xverylhktly foe the 1past
The football utteowilated theostogest1te
Rlickin Gili tithIililin~ostilealie thatitpertid
'Thiitury ighlt. pity toisy
Ill lxxiimtie da yosIthe chamioinshlip piaelite 11111;
ofi the Wesr or Ithe xeaonixof ic0o will to atitlhail
lie dietiandtieiter Chicaigo c iich-eit Thet chitnl
iawillmtiefieaitforthI e firsof tuleilexveloped Ill
ths cioitn Boit hteams a're ontedige ciiohes an
for ltecotst i ndt whxiceerci eImtilt higani gx
Xllitis ceta 11in that tciof the oireatI fittit" dunm
csticoiteito1n tefootball iiworeildiYost(Weat . ci
aiu Staggoi ill'e toecieeyd'et'NNest.Inill
cuf Itei iiuuieu lie ostrategies'uuidide-iii tiuihuntl
x'ices o111111therrepeciec tiamslillcotsts tO ii

.._ _ ----Michigan Union Will Start Subacrip-
auxand it sa idh that ualreadyhp itinedutuhert' undeift.etercord1.bit tions at Once-No Amalgamifton
gel htaveagreedh ht uphxoldlitasoyettohavite tee goeal -lute cioosed. With Memorial Committee..
Proifeosor itavieigill,ehtaitr- IThoe full o hut g record teill the stiry'
Miehiganulbord of centrlol I:NIichiganii f;Oh1Iuio NNeleyaiui.o. 3Thoe lontgplanntedlstudent claN house
;htliewasnotabl asyet 1lihign, I-1 Kaamaooo. eemntowxvfairly 010 the way to realiza-
stateet heother or noill Mhigll, i36: Cosot. huh. 'hue compliications chute tothoepreer-
s lie agaittdclre d vieligible.r' ihiiguut, O (hioiiuNocrtherni 0, e ceo' f tte memouri'al plan i hoe field
g11ai m hetuuplenttouchry tilt 1icign VrNdituliilt utihae le reu p andtll thue boaxrdl of tiree-
ictce estrdy, nd oac Aicliga. 3 ;Nebask, hutrslarereuady tgo ho worek tod re-
mtent thounghlo h sri m- o iuchit iii 70;1 Ni ttu tci o.iittihol
giot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ctaohruueooihu Nuiii40iili1'hueewophltsthuleiemorial piani bill
oam i nd o riu f xorkiilit a eii i ii igai3i'(' is o hubhioiuseo xoiii undu btedulhy remlainl
is 0 ooi ls tnighiat hiprgh hia uii. i t i hN >;\ iouinlt 0i
itt fourmetua o h lba ckh o n it hgNu n 7 Ober~lini sepallrate. I hue muemoreuilcomittee tore
,' . senrd hi'ruumonuey andthwill buildcIa
ileam.t whito h o ellcoch ' oal i ntsiiih 9511) oiilnettt o0. pourci tly' i ' ial bhtuhuhi" ,withtstaitues,
rdetmthics t full, isin trm ins to houselnwhicher oruiit >t picures talaheto and iolter fatures ho
htelpoing coauchthue varsity t otto ll cantteliepto uifroo c stninug o(ilt
ii hlt Ie ii a i rahute of lii Io 1 ill fur lii illl u iinu iiuor'ie great meint tf tile pool.
it asttwodas o prctie.of he ro-kiks or hih h i lioT'heUniuu on wilxubuil a clubo hooise.
t I111a1 a precty goodi teamuoIfamouus over111ther t mai izeac it( ol cotanaiafiuatrsfo os
urde, h -sid "nd hi psts O e hin i amos 0rt i I xcsiiioalum iii ifoms nather f ury eixt-
uto oIe ave' ee houte 1011110 i sttaiiliisc o hutw i or h e ithii' l
19~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~d t huandoo aeu ht i rl0aoI u nitxii iih ilumniuttctttogt her foysu-
tec h citile Mhioon1111teamtO iimeuinguu 110' 01 hetiosiu liive-ytetcutagl stgayr hroo
'll tuandunfortmttilip andl headucarters
teighth years andhI loino11 i ihii iiecceedthe 00tic l. -rNildet1111110tons
say hatthe hav th Th twotca~tsare uil onliiely TheUnution hasihel off inithoe post
amut hlisyearl of1any tille inidifferet iii s.Slatutu'madeupti s
I hve ot eenMiciga tem aoun kcersll 11( v~ll leptldvx'cauc'ai (liii Ialfot of conisierationo for
1e 100r. ut The euulhok e odi o nil hie l xittleti I cl~l irat her tan tihe ttiotiitti ol co tll tcr s10 as hoc ho
oci. ' huo iuuueuh toti t ot tur ulit. I i 11th urk I l 1 endan'geurrbotth huhatoo IItit xcds now to
sgill, anod IIlthik we oughtuc toiughut footbaiolt ii ii 111111 l Nt 111a
mai kecaiigoousocamtpaign andtiexpectso
1101 xitoutau hard l iii ght." pr td 'I huehitchiga"nuu tam as we111-conl osuce.ii Iesn frtisble
Ito atitt utiptecehetiedcl oseti wol e.i 1' atcineut uwt ork aonmi . ii Ntiltrt h r i o sieal
fotuntelp the Chiragoout a11 tdoubt hi ast y for ard> 1 hat Ifalumnititwoo havlue alre'ady
onsubtoi etout h e lil. uuu iuutuuIschueme wiho
tue'iiuteulup i ii at 110eliel e''t''gi'tiuiethlii 110 v~ sd t he llgie a liberaldly on
ax toi tiii' 1905 seaonxu as huhtIa uth cheical tamll ndi iti h itv"O mor111111 t o htther clt ubhouse. 'lucre one
lif tur ii1111 utu01111 xithe it Itioo ritit o uloc'httiptuiialsoui a rhe aifnuu ber whuto havete ii yet
li Itche 'uaouttulinithitreent full if hue atutemp tt circhletNWolver tsu tos titb ieed iiol O1111 oto
lying twouuoua esoin 1893 andil mlilt ds. On s t'aighlt ofit ve11 111 -'loiottu-u'ueuhiliit o
-planningoabout it everywhle re. Aosout
tndicatio of the trend o f eveinto,ino
ftssor ii out h hsoben asked y the Cli-
a « lnnito spak tilthaluni in-l
-t onchetu

Q'7i0 if 1ff' i NK Ifhas 1rr1nge
Cl i t''tut a ttoleu'the i Iii gluur
'I fteroon Ihr'er thatit hunt. tut
'~ tolito tutumahrfull rits hoiull
Wilt Ititut 01 111by teleIpchoh andfelt-
tra t . lull erian herpocue and
Tlitrph1 ompny 1astut ii Vi the
uelephonhueucruutteo xaiidthiuosthl etlix

-Fliiti hosh's ''FootbaltF ioIPlay~ eliii)I .'fctthr."J
.httOil uloti't''' it' i''io'u Cuiiptifi i~ i' I''tti tt '~ iofi'

blue balttle.
lthlthulielpiratsfoerblue chamipion-'
sh1 itrae otufferedh severe lossosn'ithin
the past1 feit'dtltysOthrotugh losinogte
servicesoif aau iable ihalfboack.'Te
lasicteoI romuiCicago cfonfirmth111
hsutementi th ie t t iii v ilttthoe inl
ltfe gatte Th i ua.ti V tiotiaill toke
hllacei"a''ighit itaiftutaliowile lat
us vere ligtoiand'isih ilt tn o wuv iniDe-
r'is oclaos.For theiricetly vacated
heft i hlfbacitpoibtiotn oulthe 'hicehiganl
itamtheblre tue fcurunpromouiingectndi-
dhateoSlut.el hi ioffiut Chaan ucEi ils.
hit" fIN tutudi lrk te thuroly cites
if 111t h iina lu tau t ae, rp rl y tii ur k-
i1 hltfbaicks' a''u s lis oa1fiuitllc
andulSituacirtttiuend oowetverothtmtoen
tree intg tunhtuthbietignatls. Ion.ithe
puosiioouch xnd C ot w autidecided
lastighot whuciwotulditoid tdownt the
poibon. Mhag11offintwat worke4d1broid'
Cutga latng toild he proboaly
weill ohaitlill at lie iegitoning of te
'hDuen) iBoonee ot too ieei reouved
tlndit isu itue puosiole tit theiteaho
haolfbacknt will iteii inte luteetip whteto
Chicaotfoces Mi ciunt. Ne Citicao
aiuthouritiesoitate iiopea di teiiuonofi

foilingtoiimebent ito1899.'Te result of 1ball, Nihig'iwill greatly' tutelatoohetrull anduldociitblur oidintesso tblue i-
tist seriesofiigamtes gives Puichigan thebluehoug-diue' rivals. OliN aptin or1 pots htohoutIilitbeoneryiccurate.
lead toovitg iiiitinitelont of tile thi'- dos, 'loni I hutbland ndIii) 11 vi an I Iedcutsoftu ihoveastly tatu will iou
brett Thet ruthori follows: in theblu hlckhielt blue h:Maroontti I iitenduitul1-:415 husayp mci aothe
1892 -Niunhtgan, 18; Chicago, to. Ic' but t t sciere ell to wardIof iVthe itnetiill lie called it 1:300 tile associ
1893- Chitcogio, to: iicbigain, 9. terrifict' uutouco totmarches. 1t1id Ii i o crtt h aeb
189 :Meligat, 2; Cicao, 0. oac Yot i no-co ital iegad- tit tubd arrive'titblhi-all bhoetme or
uN93hiiiuiiiioif huiagi to (fulict 'ut- iouuttt nuuuuuihi ' rc'' for iiiliii ga'licto but i itAsoruliiariiy
t894-hrichituout 6;Choicaito, Itig tughle result o f thut' tiuome. Clue 'ot iiiotui ii g i o xcwet iv uecenits ocihlie
u86 hicagot oC ichian, 6. loui lil e a nihe'o'or.uIheteamxhas T1
1897-kiChic, p :ihitegani12. wored ciihued ou thuturfe 11111 wi io b' elteiihotne.rebuiltshowillhue ftr-
1897 McheillnOh2;Nlicno'[I.i 12 aslekhownbuoudusptubtt i peii ottrtuli' froi ii buy hitessrs ocJuti itl n iu'.ice'
ufi'h hucit oni' hicioo I to o tuu guld 1)1th ii jte utu hu otthlhtNiichigailn1thna built'antihier stu-
1899-Notgttuelututucobelt. NV e hoptoit iii tbutStuuixii uebt ehcros
1900 ooCliout 1.; hi cii ill ,6. IThit',linThi. uulupday tubiar llt'eupassim. de teSithau wililthe bulbomtes sn
1901oiitin o22' Chicgo, o. frntithiiciganu athletics of 'hutalullI',.oe h otltlgahwrs
1902-Mithiiii'. 21i; 'icaoo0o S. Nourcruuosi ottni uuuuuuusuu n1ian k i INb if91p'
1903-Mtichiuganto28; Chicago, o, ioingnttiananaut bieue Itic)))fI hatelsITOfBRillAN B1GONi
1904-Michigani22o'Chiciag o 12. udoes1no1 exist. iheht tlirecaptinti x
If MVichigaillcanttwillthhe 'ioThagiv- 1inghtitujurie, a notieunuto bthula "IUncli'sThIii agieving turkey io
111g gaule it aill acttuautew record for I old istaundardlthitaor iexceill he;oto b a ig ne huts year.'Chic
auny lug college teamu. Fielintghi. 'Coat Neri abka'tuouhut Ieisi towtuiltgodulistiof toontibtorsonainthit le namoes
its oace x th le NWolverine beam fur cnit nc d is euutu t xpetetotlayuphlt. if a hotlof blue freuetnterso ufbu it
foiur yeasti, anti fun the satme pertidgaofou ifslllcaree.I, eoani';iLi iigia rwoap ~ite it dUcle Jimtos"
M~ichigauinciasibeetiundtcefeatecd, althoougho uis uund utdlythelilt u llhbackoNih-Ifatiltfulnessalillthltcut iruto omutndlwovt
lucyhaveet oel iophremoier teamos hut thein ' eer hhd Iehit ito iuciptein have r on'rtwi toixetd uulike himt.
W~est. Thlis year they have Neeto equally tutu twit gatinidrtibisacirN W iconsini andl Whenuasked wht'itaturkey wats como-
suiccessftul,athoughi havoing a loarcet Neibraskamuand iin those two gamuoea hisin-,the iveeiian iiattn'ant's cuouenance'
schoetlue btantoiy othoer big teamtot in he puntges couuul buttbut' iithstod.itiI'lIto buemeduc' h mil estu as oihe sauli, "it looks
te coutry. Twelve gamnes hive Neen uinjuredu knuec tasgreautly unpriovedxanditl iiirb u"iut ilhv oh
played IitiwhicithiMichigant has nt only (Continued on page 2) cooked this ynar.

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