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November 26, 1905 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-26

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_______________________________T149 MICHIGAN b Att

I co.
-- Leading


THE MICHIGAN DAILY.I the ability or the nerve to try fotr the

_ _ i

The largest stock in
the City of exclusive
styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. Of
high-class fabrice and
special style for stu-
Gx. H. Wild Co.
311 S. ytate St.



We have lust received a fine
lot of mottoes handsomely
printed in colors and mounted
on glass. In addition there
are several water colors, Gibson
and Christy heads and bits of
scenery, mounted with glass
front and passepartout edges.
Come in and see them.
25 and 75 CENTS
Sheehan &Co.
Students' Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watches, Diamonds or other
personal property.
Watches and Jewelry repaired-
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds
Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St
Ann Arbor.
Heours : 8tsl11:30am., 1toe3:3tand7to
5 p. M.

Entered as secnd clans matter at tse Ann
Abore Pstofice.
Pubished diy (Mndas ecepted during
the celeg year, at st7 East Washintn
street. Betl phone 52 om eo phens7.
Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW
Business Manager, WALTEE . AS
Athtetis.......- - Caeee F. Edridge
Nes s-.........-.Lusi 1. Stickner
Exchange-.......Charles E. Wistad
Mtusie- - --..........A. H. Ormee
Wen ..........-Efe J. Armsrong
IHugh Allen Frakli C. Parss
R. Clare OBrie.
Gergee A. Osorn Harld C. Sit
J. Earl Ogle, Jr. George A. Barnes
Ferris N. Smih Fasts . Clarts
Raert H1. Clancy Henry A. Mntgoerye
1.'F. Seenson Walter Melestasn
Glenn D) Bradley Jh F. Wr
Roy V. ull Floyd H. Jones
RATES: Sasso per year, or $.se ii paid is
Address WALTEE . ANS' Business
Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L.
Editor tody-FLOYD H. JONES.
Nov__:6 -Dr Zwrcter speaks to tent at
M~cMillanc halt, 6 :op. ms. Special
mutsic lby male qucartet.
Nov. 29 (evening)-Thanksgiving re-
cess beginls.
Nov. 30-Chicago vs. Michigant on Mar-
shall field. Chicago.
No:v. 3o-Y. W. C. A. party at New-
berry ha:li, 3 1o 7 o'clock.
Whiy swere tiere no ceering leaders
at tihe Olberlin: game:' Surely it is not)
rigiht. to ctleavethe vrsity unlspiprted
ill the mcicorccotests. M~any of te
players y esterda~y sere sbsstitutes who
woerk iharcd ancc get little glory. It is
sucya smttlli return:for teir serices
Is: termrcit theni tic play bsfore silett
bleccrs- DOly lie etergy ad loyalty
of as buchclocthlie south stancds saved
Miiciigan:cfrom disgrace il this respect.
Tice anse, too, shoed poor judgment
io quiting whent it did. Telmembers1
ofl tiis organiation sotld bethle last
to leave. che lblecersadthlie nussic
shou::ldl 1eckept tipto the lca~st. "The;
Victors" trsome5 oter strring Mic-c-
gan a ic sitottuld e played at te ed
5of ever= gaml~e so tat lie temccast
leave te fild feeiing its work has een
apprcecialed biy lie tctiversity body.
Not te lest iteresticg feaures ofi
te woerk i ic e Watermcat gymntlaiumlt
arc lie icccpromptuc relay races helu i
iearly esery afternccon octhlie track.
Not only are they really eciting, hutt1
tiey furiisht oportnlity for somte
cc icnesssmce sort to fellows wo lack1

varsity cor class eams.
Oce criticismcmuctst e tcae, ow-
ever, ofi lie sackcIcetods :sedt itrus-
ling them off. Little atetiont is paid
by either team to lie relay laws ad
mcan~y contestancts ieser tottcteir sue-
cesscors: Icc tirelay iedi a fete days
aigs:albout a dozeni meic conieted oct
eachl side. Of these sot moire thn a
tird cwere proierv tocthed off. This
mcakes lie coest less iteresting tac
it sholdibie and trainste rsnnsers ito
careless habilits. The Daily wodsutg-
gest that inl lie futture lie catains of
lice tceo teamcs choose ail 0:c to act a
referee acid starter whio sal strictly
ecforce thetuchicrutte, ad insisttupot
a cleacn-ct, sortsnanike race.
Tile freshcmcan acatdemcic presidelt at
Ha:rv-ardi ias hbeen asked Ic resigt for
scalincg tickets. A mcanc as beic fired
fromc Yale forlie same offense. el
bucsy Mcigan!c
If somce felows would devote as
mttch energy Ioch ieerig lie temlcs as
thcey expend inc trying to ilace bees all
wottldie well.
Dear telephcoce ccmcpay pese pro-
vide s withc acstudenetts' '"elo" direc-
SCORE 75 TO o.
(Continued front page one.)
carriedi lie batl fromcctlie ceier of lie
field to Oberlic's 1co-yard lice. Here
te lettbower of lie "Dutc higade
cels guyed a chancce to distcngcishicim-
self. Cecment assedi lie ccallcid"Ger-
many" shot 1i10o lie buchec ewit it
ecmerging int acticstast eicicdtlie goal
lute.Ucclike "Dacci Gregory at Leacd
Stasford, Schulct ad ot forgotteni ic
take lie all. Gar res kicked a difficlt
0cc lie seltick-off Oerlist atteccpt-
ed to kick short acdlie al wet Io
Grahcamc.Vie "Octops carried a few
meen fifteic yrds, atd after Patrick
weccntchrocighc for three. Octy addcedI teci
mcore, Lccve goicg trocghc for lie tottc-
dcocn. arrels kicked goal. Score. 340.
Oberlist kicked ot of boundsctwsice,
and Michigast was givec lie all. Love
kicked over lie goal lice, atsr ricg-
ing the al bckl tell yards. Testhtie
greatest sensationt of lie day octrred,
Feath-erstocce getticng auay witc lie al.
Hie got arouscdl Harry H-ammnccd switc
ease, successfully evaded Barie. ad a
touchdttown seetced isevitalce. Tes a
tal foricteicerged fromcthlie mlix-tp adc
"Germtasy Scutz ptllactedito asy
questiont as 1o who was lie star of lie
gume. A 25-yard runc iy Etrtis just as
timcer sas called sas resposnsihle for the
netaltouchldowi, adtth ie iaf rende
citic lie score 40 ti .
Thte secocnd alf was a repetitiol of
te lcrs. Patrick replaced Love, asd
Stuart took Patrick's place. Ackermcant
reitlaced Creent, asd lMagoffisc replaced
Clarik. Suartlicked to lie five-yard
line an~d Htser returned five yards.
Oherlint cousldsot gi. Waters ftism-
hled the pass for a pont, Stuart fallisg
octh lieball on the five-yard lie. The
latter mcade it distinctly his score by

goinlg over for lice tochdown.tttccGarrels
kicked goal.A
Stucart retucrned lice text kick-o~ff 36 W
yards, tcc lie 48f-yardrinlueIlie wthentc
senct aroccund ecid frci5 icore. P rcict
thcere it seas carried downsthe liceld:1b1yic P o ste
fair gauss, uctcli Ends scec:tIcceccftcr
lice score. Garcrels mcissedcilss.
iHarry -itacssconca trric-cihei netrite'xl
kick-ocff bcdk.130 3-cede. Barlowt, Stuiart
acid Jctlgoffis cacrriedchealce ccii icth ie
field icc itean e:l viyacti gaicis, Basrlow
maitntllg a pretty 25 cccii riun. andiiAlcg- A Suvnro f h
offic finally scorinig. Cares olmd ~ ~ nr h
lice soere cccx kic offGreat MVichigan-Wis-
yardles and after a fews placys lost csway consin Game; the finest
for a: touichdowcni. Be fumblitedi.iicho ccwheprcerff
and1( Oberlins edt a tochbaisc:ck. C-reels a h rieofred 0on
fussily got asw-ay aind scored, addinisg an- tteSret
otlier pcoindt ty kickinig goal.
Gairrels mcadie tidelnedt sced bon cse of
his famousss losng runcs, tainig lice sbill
fros thie 45-yardinhe. Curtis licked 10c each
gical. imie 5was theni etched. althouscgh
there swere still six insi to ee ltto t
isale lice calf lice lt-eddy-fcivesiniutes
agreed tic-c. Final:1scisre, 75 dco 0.
Garrels....L. E....Waters
Cusrtis........L. T.......Sit The Bookstore that's never Un-
Clemient- A cilerccasL. C...Kitercedersold
MeDaniels -
Craicassi-K....C R. - Kicspey ,iicscici
Love-Ptrick.... R. -r----------..Cocie
11. TIa cssscsscc. .. I .. - eacsieestosse LI
Barlowe.0 . Q P3...... ilesn 5
Clash - -..... L - 1..... WN ill isc -
Pastricks.... ... .i... .. Koster
Ecisis-Ness oss. ..B..... Ii ciselr
Tosscissicss- Curtis (4), Stuitt(31.1.41 *QOL Y\7
Schccltz, Clack, Ma csflii, EGarrels. les e wN )
Eccils. CGoals-Curtis 131. Gatrrels 171. O I: )11Fii TNDH1)E
Timce (if istilces-25 tutnd rsmctis e-s. / __

Six gamcies eere piayeto f1 ye-terdayt
iln t1ce-first casuis thie-hatndblcl tocute
ss-ssses c i.le fullocci is then si-sc on-cscctt:
Hacclrisover 3Tuivier, icy defaulc;sicp
cseli steer Vausghn Secliete- suer Sic-
itocsky- Ltauer- over cc alshi ;c Qssilicc
over Siizeer; Deneffe os-er Woltf.
Kentschcelnr offers bcargains. Sc-c Iis
cdv. Outlttage 4. if
All mcesmcbers of lice Y. W. C. r. . icc c
diurinug vacaltton ciaecrdiallinv itled ts
Necwberry still onu iiiaiiisgie-itgdai sy,-
frosts 3Icc 7 o'clckl. Light: efelsme ntssus
will ice sservld cciiierytingu ipossible
diosne iitoiae te dcvylpasleasanstly.-
At 1e'ic liiisthcall toightscslc t -c- cc
tuncwill ihasve c Iceat 1iisstoe111 -15
taddcress of Di. S.\i Ncc ccii 51le h-
spentt fifteens easinArbaad h1.:.
}Minlewirc tlt: Jchassccsii csspehs
Ito otliermsnsauti s. Bus tulle tonigiht still
pertaicn largely icc Mohaeanccci smustit.
he i w idrtiwefromaic elth osedicics sees-
estee. Die ite'tic cccl ecc itullt: st
pcromcptly at 6:30. Spis 1 lsc il
ice furnishced bithte male qut c~t.

shrnkceaelfor cut-
tiCnSkgS byOthe Cieobuthol
VUins)pefet n
per inet ft 1
. 1 hv- -helngs
ti wearingdcollars
? maad.
- l Capial,$ - - r Sits$6,0
Does oil f Co c--. -n a
3eptat: Lavs- aig
iracess "n e 5 -souti lcsstoerent
I . i 1. , i1 F' 1,.1 t}Ilis
\tjc.. ctic~i l~. it
L Illtac) sel s. c.. ilec .5. arhart
hrais ir6t0 Wet o a c, 10am.
tilt ll a.i d-Su 5 5.5 cm-e~cc
J.4 5 :11 ui cu06S.csan St.Lnn
THaEsu - isycRcid il W 0 c. BN
MAIWN ANE, AgedSsArbor

Announcement of the t
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
Jrme K. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis - D c.16
Jacob A. Riis -_.NC.1
F. Hopkinson Smith.......
Lorado Taft Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar, 12
Pres. Alderman f lar. --
SOUSA'S BAND - Mar, 30
-Lelaod T. Powers . May 2
Oratorical Contest - - ---_
lyOpen Number --- _-
Tickets for the Entire Couirse- $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A, Office sr fronm Student Sellers f
Seats reserved-S50 Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box 1
Office, Main Corridor, University Hail, beginning October 30
SINGLNE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone 552
Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec

Are you prepared for the trip out of town? Are you sure
you have Shirts ready, Collars, Ties, and Hosiery ready?
We have them here ready for you-and in patterns you may
be sure are absolutely correct.
Bru~shes, Combs _aiid Sponges
at prices new to Ann Arbor, are also ready. Come In and
price them.
We blsy books, we sell books. We sell furnishings,
stationery, novelties at prices consistently low.
At the Co-Op.

._l'l~ t

ouglas Shoes
Gym Shoes

WAHR=The Shoeman 218 s<. Main St.

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