The -Mich igan Dail y
AkNN ARB3OR, MICHIGAN, Xf \'Ii ) \ 31311R 2(,100,5.
\,'er,. XXI.
No. 54.
SCORE 75 TO 01
Coach Jones of Oberlin Says Yale
is Not in nichigan's Class=-
,,Germany" Schultz a Hero==
Catlin Watches Game.
13iitith cli 1 ofi nentx -licint
,,rel in fo ry-lon-n iin - is f piay.
wicr t~t,'b,, atd till. tit 11111teXas
rtn d ta oil titellhome XXsason of ii e.
Iit till. iaigtamIll et l ete1 i th -iii a
'nutlplas f\itl liine-tupi tcoliii eC l
pr1 iipal f sbttn s te ln h
,cined tihte Xs lipped a itg, and hile
11h111lay ing ta il i aniitit ti ea
otei t w sii cy rggd. 1,letla
ha, the lilit t ili madtill. 111l lxtremelt
\tid i ression iitt 1 Coc itJ till
11 1 ii iti i
33 iii thielht i faced 111 itt tt
Iould ihold it, o ii wthnYttlii"he1sail.
"If i Cthe ise Xare l lilititn t l. en l anlit
till. ing tio n recordtilt yi ng. thati~ii
- l tolnt beint-hr san canwt
iMic tign I dnttu eei howi therei can
ti n y qil t io bo t;lih ian', be till
iilgi cagit Thanksii vingai .
tIlldo iOlerlin til. sl woll ftll y wtt l;
niii tu Ptithttl ali ele. sist.'i ii Iil. t'l
tit iitack ioftill.scrubs. liieItion llne lioe-
ii till.' null iii tit X ists "ll.ateliithe
teoa Stil. ileill. i'SIhl t itis leia
Iotilfthanksi fro t he'X tll li11Csiii
th tte tn Xi li gnnl i ne rill rnleta il
i sa ity. T w rd h Iud o h
n h lfFethersoneObe1i1'.1ri iii
en ,w sgvn tibll.' on5 11h1is tut liii-
1111 li iiwnt l cc. la l lp e
on ttel.'lof tigroundi lle lthtrt I iedto
liiith. c ngeg tin iind thXlre
wa int. in utlaii n et ween it ilimni
.me th ,potc~ go l ic.1111 I l tl'i I
din. andtalsino iXm i Xd . But nt sositb
he ttr ctut ll ii .il C Xii t l ttill ssii ng il
Oberin' cater tiit ilone XX'it itth
dased X'o litclapan idwthe I
lXeXld lXXaf t ill. the Xlingl til.ii ii i lit lt'
\lc intl; fity-1WaXXIdilie.hC in~Xind*itil
lt i ln iltirl.,Igintly woundii t emum .tnv-nit
tttiime fat un :il. liiiherstone'fa ne, fti
sTinigiffeiltti-tnciifiit'tic sht ed.X~'t
"You'reti tl l. 1 ills Ithlanl1i- ln.tttti
whtihthentn lti i shtl of i thll I ii il
rahl stesl ybu vrhtles s ore
tiii gamen, Xlit it is stafte tot sa1y tht lie
-Eligibility Committee of Board of
Control Makes D~ecision-Fail-
ft ure to Attend Classes the
Reason Assigned.
liut<<1 1\ 'Cncl i ile ttalfll n t he ull
11c io 11c11) 1ay' Cfinti .
site f()o])a11 te m, and lrted neof h
grgti.' hs beniilae neiil
Aw ithelret (Al thsiiiii tl t heitt igibil
1i hili islasthel stateme n tit utb
Prof. A.ttIi Cieii ichir anofth
hoar lof ontrl, liilas ight.ii CWeeks'~
filur til tXo ii att n 'classesi'iin ithei egi n-111
lein 33Qtntrtitli x is the treason ait
fisinediOrtheilt o I itteii tin act1in. tlt'c
deiionwasirenderetilt the com it
coi ost of li Clitutiiitiii1. Lnean
Althouht oah1 os hs otan
nci lie" frte hcg
game yetint3was g'eneraly t1111111.ha
luTcblrt -13:nit i Cn 5
lili, .2: nox j
ill. ixtiti Par 1. l . iii '.S.o
Da til xi I24: 111- 11,Iiixii 6 m ll
Calile tt \ as. nd Leff- XIt o .
ii wa t mo e ill o: iXn initlit i iit 1111 lit.
IX to lo tiiititme iiie iXi t ilt iarr d nn
XX 'iiin ils' I 1 .i
in X tinkXI is ct ain, and1 that isi tha
game ll ". i Ittit m Xot tg rng i h
11ll 11ot ihave anti ng eery sX tatilinig to
tell IilonzoXXhis ititititi.
liThe'it'ii l itt'1b-a 111y1 1 liii Iiki ng
to Michigan. 1Oh11Itlttireii'wined1 tteiIS]
liot ian, h n O elinlt" in gCot
Imi onth -yr line . I tl ioughtt it
Imck toiti i ii ino the tel. I o 1
Curi; til Yt l awaylii trmigi hlin e3
teb lliitill yard-:. tiltlims andl Kos
1'lt on mtln ti5o-ardline. AI
Chiagt. \'0 . 5-(;pecal)- x aran em ntin i satt ackl' t o iilmit I iii
Dc ra it wi ill o e nte-a 11111 rhs os IeItnd )W ngC ti
T htt isthut i Xi. 1. xivcii (mt 1, loglmen. wll rbal e sd a)g i
C ch t - I cmet th laot (wn nc me retill XX thanX 111
Xii 'e- anIdI adher11 nts like i bot o t i ii olitiint mi l.i n Iit 111
,,.i,.."rl., T 1,,,. .1,, ,. f l.- D Ft
"ai kikd of fir uMiciganti t heit on ulvii ,delrd ti
1lxx getigth ibllo itheti.ltthee- t i ii _ tmixi -niix i i iirli
and reptedforiheiotiltwn Curtl-
iilfn ild to kick tmltlo i ml.iScore, tix-o.
Thefetued ofnpaets2) Wr
1111c Moe eril~s 11111 suppotmsed-
mixchie Ihad uiltX 1111p i iltnItilst
t (' c lays ('mxixrt m't xexmmit i-tis stlt mxIIS
cximixm tu ver11 the tikxint salfiam tilxi
51111 s xChing reervt iiiowasld u t
wihi xtat timeI. A itblock iofiiou.-'fn--
st-Illsetsi Nas lesemliii (itt i sgtt- Ci
an lil wththeismt apiittutu te
il ut iias allsured fact thsaumtun1omore m
illt w~re lil ablenX n itlmiiiaycic
al r frtiets ix l the wrahi o
(Conxtinuxed on gagt 3.)
Halliday Left in the old by First
Announcement of Judges at
Adelphi-Webster Meeting Last
.3Afl'tie ithe stt of tiiidehteubitweent i
the Ji'i''xisoiitmt andtuu Adelphtii scittiels
team it ii tt-tsasan ou ce, indthett''tt lit-t n i
>urpii x and 1 gen' ally dX' issaiitmisftttd, ilta
lmt 1h< hall, it teaitt scovered thaixtn
itro mitt d bee' n ntuit'nI full lilt c th
tin lit, withiX F .ran ni .it5 1111 1 Dit7
itt-n a xi, n m nixrnae, xre xxe ucesfulitc in
t xxix fr mumtiiummcorirec xtudmaltrk ins
'8lii't, ttim 't X.iRawlit mlx Ix' iDtotw-I
annuncemen lt madeI for ntrite3cImpletion
of (he team
FtiidatiinigI)tlaie: lxGeorgehtA tintalcolimi
'n(,1 lt:''ii uS ils 'l aw; Ii. K
mug-mm'0liti'7 lit, m A tilt Parce
'o8 ii miii, nOoxx atlastalterntt.
The t' imri' thiulf tiCh io emlx illlit
m e the itt i tn il n i t Ann-- iii' 'il
in Jld he : iven p 3w In to lmuxrai load
rae,' lihi;:n t e I he affim tivCei.
'Ci m ln ii I mnmtx'm'. I t'. i nmstute
iintr - Srmeuntl. ess I'l-Adlh
r-plcii ai vc prse tigml(-a r -
til I'miwere JiamesuA.u Ralin ,luxu't'xt x'n
uto mu ai' tnt'uedtheSmnm""aiveSi lt o
Thi i tins Iweilt. Ptil. xSagil , Pr1111
Ffingr l Priof.iit ht \BuneIr, iOr.'iButx-'siiaytd
lxi liii'Sto m.i innh ln
:AI?,xuitumi nntsA'R mm S tiih
mm S itl kiin w i t %s Einhmi
'Il-Ck gsl mxl~ Hitzliissi Iglilim
hn u Xrn , lins l of ii I i 111111
ient, took parni"ertude N-J on
lxx )., .31 a ittl imie-at' ifaiyof otir -
t fnil i nt.xuM iss m T h act kel lu'm P'la tilt.
gtnsiu mtt-nd in olIofDrXfat lit(tnes
patie'nt:, we-ut fom n a'u. classesux ofiii iet y:tg
Nlix' 41ol tr, us l ad
1 iutuntn New 'iork; Mis thtxh iI
K'tiingleytandI Iii XX hm cxtt i ghamxin fo
nil Mtunsim thot. l : t hntth restnsily
Junior, Enineers Win Clek-s Football Champiomship,
cus i-xla mrig btiy xthinscoreiof
t ii xi nt totinftegmehdbenad-
ii ul l fiun liti xcmmng-ill.'rs5 anid
lawstere would haveull hill.aularge't~
elemnts ofx. enitusmiasmitn itattliltA
mit ii xithi ungsx inr 11ts mnewtheil
chmpinx i was tiusaf ittdeats-
intin astltirirepresstnnlt iblltuisnt
Coloinl IFtox lximmmxxrout alotn ifs
yello and xii i blue megaphoneiiin
mult of lit heiosbuhanoca-
amxinohIr feturei iflthinauiencewttat. s
frmtliterary Xdetiplxirtment wh11oiaddedi
at dashnt ni clortoi lxthinoccttinandmu
tinwokte thinecntein iiltngt emintin
mut' "Dutch
( ) ''iiuiilt ( iuumtt'iuul.1
t\o ilt' lut() utualn'()If ilt'
rt til s i t iXI ()f ltiht
tutule-I a,)%-a l
u3inm uti i luvd ith a l pamr
Ili lt neri e' hit fail tilto 'ake
'lce e tutul fr m he 73yad linit
thn 33 lnn galic.
sai htil. X lyn at quate sh we
l m idxmm'xmin mumn ingoi f t i inpxiays
C mu 5thusIi ppledx i suu teaImxclsiderl .t
I lffect ive<sn mn
mCoach Curl 5tis'mnt hwdi hirsp
lxiieriiordy ixh 'js: lf w e hie-
j xi it.rked mt h t tutl iifro m tion ,-
thou h xigh ake fo h e la ini I
three. Nixxiii ii in nt leas iioo nhotux
Thits endedinxthut'scoringit )f ii
I lut ec d hat tilt 1 II:, 1till
coul notm 'ix sor.In mxi5nitthIai Kv I I-'.1 us1't
'xi aidipentratedmlxi to thi nliorm 'n 14-
Vardxin(,.Herunit wa thmird om " a
fiecey, utthe juiorsint nutthei
(firtesifly iuholdingii-theta.i Tlilt' t'liii !l'i ii
w ih te filt tl illxthei u vuminr,1(,
ntart e li ( hefed
he int pridofCca;( C1mxiii
Junor.xllti Ci thi
Intl e 1 C 'u1. I~.. . ... Iitti i tit''
l~T'e igname istelf mt-mn clt-mmn ttuand mhrd lile tatol m tm ml 1xti Iml.' uchun s - .. .h-.......1. mIX xxxllo i cl
foxug--t11 Till. lxxiii ms werel'tfasarsi allyutreXliiiatItheileftlside if lt. S unxutn i-i ....R.'TI..T Crn Cat. .p)
sixe auh acu rte.i TIey wertttgret.liy sniorsn liit u lne ttand ioccasio n shoted brtli xii iiiu n - \iltt If I I?. P lt--loytllxli
s1l''liitenit by l Eykes'it n dmm ii hcs us uheusneI Al mlxiiI mlxx 1pt ).. O 1........Jxc hyi
hatdx beent gh'l it tcha11111 h ip haitls terted the in I uli l xx ai mx nd liiSa uIns Ii 11111 I I 1. 1...... - I ixiumuns
byx Joiuri. io onlli tXas ttu'ir kickedn g al. W lters ..33.humR.I I... .... lloscill
Itillm tiorkisgtidt1 but hindiv~thida l tork iheuntil X touchtdoinmxix it l sit iltadie t -ies P .....Kennedt'yi
W&' amuaue. m I-y l)'m'mnt uxxtoo 1>y shtu i nIl n o t hlt -yardilimitthiny Ilflin 1 xs-"I v "T urner mtx tuu "'(mtl'
lh i t htlill tins tetli me1111 nd11111 in and uulseniouti bracedIt nil mutihuldn- lueunxmtumult (Grahmix mi elit x i nletsm11anl--Lonxmgllmn.
refuset.o eitt a~yed. IHistsw1111 shunt 11- 1 b ut oe 111111 tert t t. 1 to be dinxiedtt. I 1111 of hitlves-ad inld 20 minuts.