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June 12, 1910 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-06-12

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_ . .,

Spring ,and
Summ ser
Our Spring Specials
DESIGNS-Original and Exclusive
BSULTS-Pleasing and Hareaonious

Managing Edior-LcE A WHITE.
Business Manager-CARTL H. . AAM.
News Editor...........Harold Titus
Assistant .............. Harry Z Foz
Athletic Editor...Waltr K. Towers
Assistant......Arthur B. Moehiman
Music and Drama . E... arl V. Moore
Exchanges and Files.... Dion S. Birney
Lyman L. Bryson. G. S. Lasher.
Winthrop D. Lane. Dana E. Jones.
Arthur J. Abbott.
D. A. Hinkiey. A. J. Wohgemti.
Morris ouser. M. Mak Ryan.
Frank Pennell. Fred Lawon.
Marry G. Myser.
Charles H. Mylander. M. T. Tolie.
Frank W. Murphy. Loren Robison.
Harold McGee
C. A. Bowman. Norman H. Hill
Myer Robin. A. R Diley.
Kenneth Osborn.
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, res Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Office Mours: Managing Editor, - p
mn. and 11:n-1 :30 p. m. Daily.
Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 P. Im. Ex-
cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96.
SUNDAY, JUNE 12. 1950.
Night ifdtse-FANK We's. ,ft'aI'l.
FROilM DIt'RlI't DIT RatS.
Setiment is ter perennial flosser of
college life sort blooms with ness glry
itt every senior's last godI bye.
We are 1n(11ill the least cosslede, as
we lease Mihigain, by the forcttat ttose
sho lave gone ibefore its are eloes'happtty
i oler hrcting groucinds. rTe fact tht
our sorrow is conltontllace 111d trite
has nothineg to dott eitht its being geeitee
atn we inurse otr grief as if all te
world eere iterested.
As a teter of farettere re very fete
inl thte univerity that are srrt wt.arte
going. Persocal frieds ithetindeer-
clases will ot Ie ast edowns Is ((et
depearture, which ewii give tetttoter
tucnities they htatee erecwaeiting fler; tie
faculty thicks of s noet as idtiiulas
hut as a class aed tere are alevaysree
octe bigger classes onithterwaya. Noblodey
But we ourselves care. W\e hte ene-
joye ouer sojoutrn etere. Wte cmotte e
ate age when ee had scarcely aceied
sufficiecnt self cosiossla to I tst.. sf
tier life aoeu eus, anot "college life" is
tierflst variety that errheeve ra lip
knowcn. We are ot afraid ef tier "old
world," nor ies seemucheleicetrestrel in
wheel lies "byondthter 'lis"'we ee
gong out hopefully acd cnfenley buet
eithi a feeing Clatwerrhtate eces
somceheow detasched--ctiose frmstouti
familiar ancdebellve'i'wayesesof life.
Fourecembcclers sof tier 1Wscocs
DA)Iees staff ellse tierofie fer gsodr
weitisclefsue5crgsets tire ss. Wethier
it mceacns anything or tet, wheter tes
others are or tet, tee tttst voe'oer
farewell with a regretful ererstses,
thoeghc our last wail be a cry icete
desert. Gody!
fleec your eyes. acdleft 'emc haced.
Why not considereddTcsy'forc tiercmea-
agership of the Ucnion.
IHace a gussetimeeehiss sueeeesc, ad
save your money'sWiseris only sx
mcocths soff,
Dosesn' it emaeke yousso ~re ticeareels
gey whoitsbeerieconsdecmnciggtlistsplace
ice roughle irlati es ever sitter tiercsee
sf tier fsotbalslisesonlitsay'"Deas ost

Ann .Arsboss-chow I 1hate to ir s c :1'
Desn'ct it ?
'Tleeold 'slumicccirosomefe incUniersity
tal will lee utilizedl is hteadquaterte'rsfosr
the graduate schoosilnevi yeac. Seeradl
impelrovementls wiltlbee caise tissumers e,
acte it is exipectedi clat tier rcemoeled
roomi will lee reaedy forec scuctlty atlte
opencinsgsof tie sessio leext falli.

SlTs leRS PR~ l' . 'st1U 1 I t,s''fI 'sf7 'st.SSA'sY
'slit LR i IL'.'Ttl)N. itLORII 'sii' i.'sNU' tbtCii'S.l
(Coeti s >stfece ei'e. )s Five' , sslos e'.we l sece'55iary isesre thee
appearecece foc the occ.asion5. its1 'lpha'il sliteat l l o I ty wsa belse toI
ntersiaelri follossisng the ceptndit e , choorese a trers ice a1.st esveitng ints c
whtich wesit ll sisi t f cr. 'sne l, i. ec -e lectlossof o ses fcc f e coc hi S o,
lest and Mrtis. lesitcilirls 'Re'e t 'sil snester'. 1). S. M cci ey st 11. 11. Sith
"trs. iteal, bits a nd e >.f1iccs . ee lss terre I e' u th e ol}: igca~ldide e. es adsi .
'n ls o ly, itmisne \lsrs for' er 'i tssktwon o t.
ties. Keree 1Itzs1tal l v r>, ie P eset I. TI. I ilie.
'tics. C.ampb~sell, tie sct. ts'wl o m fr S c " rv- . N Ssscc ti .
s' gellisemarchissed by ies cyJ. 1 11(c, j Ila tiee cF. L. Steppes.j
eneral ha'tman. 1sh1 -AtT. Toewlinc.
fTitse iprogramses 'tar o.e F rti -h W etes eli.
115 ieahrad oeld fe ho rts ricl Dlgate-H. >M.Sfe1
Lit ries seha ll, m clacy fe tesal fceesislit

wreittenesomse speill m si ' r heoc
csettee ialleys C m t binihen w
et 'sesimost originalInoels ts. 'spseciael
Icatue sf thermise hsp ilh
tie prs c e o1 s olitw o wlti
thruotsisse teeenig
'rcesae se e'' t"itu) 55111 in11
hes secured t' oms any mendsetsf tW
e'sttsttttee'islc are
The bi lele l te dsous ill Ic
5a 1 :,-j 1h is. i5nie siy hil
its 's essetl Willel Iso sMskesa tess 5rlttI~ll:t
Cls a'e c 's-es wil bie (sisstsiie
Th e er sss efth s e st 't'le else m
wil he _I~e in Unier i t 1111 at 1111-
sei leondaysTill seo f stei eray dI
usrte n wts ill e It u de5 1alumoe
Ilscsn e Tu se t 15sday 0:0 a m 's C lee 1,
at lo5:00 a. In. illllse sp11al ucw5 a -
lies 'stis slt e 1it:0t 1l m ,t hle siic
"eels stwipelsenit \is's 'tii'tel 's d1r''
in1 iSartah CiS stell 'stgeli l tll
Befrse te l Wil islescba
pr sle fill ethouteseld 1111111~
lan elnsswill he strun; aoutths ci hp;
I- x Wttssi e e a 111 o 0111 .llii-
flee is155m5teller te e io item
''wlltbeell' illoo l ie vcrs111isy hall
'15551 inc stl w eiill h tilsed o Juel 2. ' ~
andrei l truce l th co11111.ch'
blics t"Al l ee' ll Iset a d isledi a t-'
spsigr'amJill contiue tee'uglithe i :t
leer scihool.

tilixe -lC p e' isletees'.t' smile tises'
irle trllst lmeis s nol' uts isdictirn
il s ,c r ill ft thel ims iesa d i t ll tr
tii 'i' sit ii isv ls till'e 1oard in on
il°l of Ate ics illtt l'5 m1 eetes ffn1a '111
Dr Ai M l rrtsilil elve 11 d
slcet'ssin 'S t i de' sl Curht' j:3
Tis Ii ill is .cmgThe .son is'eof
t Ill Piti's ' i s5 isssse as t a desin
, eIof ulietrson ear alyour
glovrit pesog, lltiwear rmi
is lch s is ilti e bci t y ry
_lbi, semoyaced srphosa

" Wahr's Special"
Fountfain Pen
One Dozen WAHR'S
This prescciptioas a neer failed
University Bookstore
Leir~st Mlotck i ich iiiganl
Second-Hantd Law Books
Lassw t dMeeic-i l Dictioncacies
OQtiz tBeoots etc.
ComttBitrt erNess'aceetSees-
Old books teskece ice ilxelige
Secned Floor Tel. 761



Fins, Fobs and Spoons

To College Men

Positions as executives are open to college men
in the manufacturing departments of our
business. The possibilities for groth and ad=
vancement are very great but a man must
begin by acquiring a knowledge of the bus=
mness as a foundation.
During the time that a man is learning he will be paid
a nominal salary. The only object of having him acquire a
thorough knlowledge is to prepare hima for a better position
and the men who take up this work will he advanced as
rapidly as they become efficient. The advanced places a,
open and waiting for men nows.
Hart Scliaffner Marx




[FcineWath andle seleit IRepairing
0F A1ntail' PensI



62.01)d 62.35
$.503 j$26.75
$4.001) $3.15
$5.00 't6 $.95
$6.00) "$4.75

Good Clothes Maksers


E. E. CALKINS, Druggist
324 S.:BtecS'.

RANDALL & PA CK, Ph ot ograph ers

~None 598

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