The'Michigan a.
No. igo.
......... ...t.(I . tll EN O
Wolverine Athletes "Come Back" and Land Maize
and Blue in Front After Taking Dust
for Three Years
The D II,i s in receosipt sof the follow-
igcoci' icit on 1)sit
''tohae coote to anthler perotdoo of
eci iltiitch-.Tere a01.aItogettshert
mangy, ofuit is untivctrs itywoho regard
the taintoof te ttexttiman'stworkas ou
'silOSntott 0 astoleratble. Itstettido
tepn ill sito he 1hottestiiwetmt himit
to tke hathe asto rihtohito te
()ri we to gtve-toilthink wearitditog
hitia k indsltos. ll this is ott afaIce
ise ie f the N ito sci et lch- FOR' GRAD UA TION
helto lllstc ri" ne wh -ha int __et_
iate i t sll tile itecessary slut o~s for1 Rev. Faunce, President of Bro
coeIl t h ceet or rmted University, toiAdd ress
If iteho t o is etoeahanoeer)Seniors
purch ser "ma iiSlit t fo: it t .' '
soo iueo<tba tsiit--t im - thRECEPTION TO BE ELABOR
th ae its th i to F , i tti is-c iti ii" i o
istece-o tee itr.tiiit ttitst ill ue it-rIi- t ud%
A i mii uustlentis oti 0sutnd otthis ci-i
fesei hercelse lie cantli sot51 ctndl osi
l~e etsotit On. of the tigosovery
EAST AND WEST fL . ,ARE HUMBLED iihai teslrspistsif he5ha ciheted itliii
stll troug'hItall his work l, iii lldtoseei.
- Whalitiisa-(lehre'worth to one titl
knows it ws- sonibyii fraudtthai t tii
'.Cotttteciti hitroses"'is tie title w-hiich ic iii cii -gattieil and uti 'cr t ot relit lie li-s is tutu liii c
th-l ial tlte eetd d rn d hi nin o nd rtre ih titto Instilllharderi tsolhavieCle-tan
ili s t.i SlSOut N sli c 1t e sos-l iiitii'' IO iilt vstr'itetetti lii si 1 t it ii 1 iii iii I - - lI alt hi c eallg
mtarce andtil tue, it hu h aisdidroppit~edl ii i t"jug tisitin t1i03 lThuit s i tse its1 o itils-is'tiigOatutu to sistvse iof ts ptiful.
ticin years0,twtist t iii i tt i i t h oneecehml ii andOtii 5liialF V ~t,. 1[rF
'Fle tOtltiill10liiPisItioiits oststits 10 MEN MEET UNIO N CALL
'ecoises -It "reates-i liy Ibecaittse they iiisit 'ANit is it o c IS It 'c i it
were000 etub dsiul isfitrthstee lan -ar; Tits mize i/ aidiii lut ie d t fam liie it l uboslud C mmtes II
use gtridiron in- os lteret oi NVi iit- tooie pll-tes (litrig t1e fall. Irlietres- M C m ites H
mor 1ako c1rl il te all\\]ti dll ne wee ive a oporiiiit to(llling M ch Success
it l oudsabot1 tem. ile iif rtiltlI si; ti--otcthe ii kils snd playtot hrun er Th casttit1( hiiakn ip th
ais itisitill ii.sarce Ii Ii ' iteterasscarc. i 'ii t ii OielilIi i (ri tyi' ts ii ll iiereiihiyi ii Nlssit o r tttil sltilsssts itow rI tut het
Yos an(t i ri s as iiai tc)ahes dtil isI te millt 0 iithe iicjjpti''s m kinIacler cis s 1os1 i it us' isesitoic will heits itici-
ino i as 11 i itt tiftoi'all ris' s itesp ofi iard sclotdule. I"touir sit i wthi a wee . 'Thie e iorls reatlice
- 'fore. tlt litismlitit li 1 ot ~ sepcalvtI i lttoiiustl te l tte ae n e cletcac (
seso-ut lit lslt'tthe lpe in ctritl e the ''anItid f i'555N5' ut lurutis rstoi l oil whoumi areut to lo 1ie
cC ."\ s11(1'SRNT.Vrity wa s (itsitittill' ragged"iiat(t 5 110 000011 AAIitilthttc di iissr1 1 iwtthe
'rl olw ;vr nx eine uies W r l'i st ii toe0-i te locus tutu I is Toltu>tit ilscCi lstol1ilitilt ts stitolibers 'ire iil'lo'it It ithir
in wccl: nd 1lroilht a 1lriliant, sh w- ile t iltscetnitoill ometeil -te a l ieest sesit-aly ec o h
nli andil sotni xt soot lit sonls'ntors aluittod to themil 'Philt
When stool tie lo teis (-; t t Ps a1slthet ai . s lpcs doft hem ii 110ndhu'. ny soruist o il t111 ~ 'il'lil iiii
wot\i~ heelis io tis oulsinsantis ctie e lla soc iss to ifulusihut stn ool"is stdlt (if p sit aou ti-t'' th o soht sioib
his toil utsl ills-I' it's' isoitto' ;itl t ste its-ctershare 111''l tt, el
lusti' litig 1" theo'so--so'io n use ott utstiuphisstt Iit r tti i iit tti lfitiut whait'l- ttu
the ss ssteres anI trrl sly'i ossuositsnit
list di ts . 'ltd'the sru al eonteso'ts' rllss by. lin'tishting'' rodtsil hint , imtti1its 1o1p lt il teir silscuitt 110 s o
i s luslr an he ( t's cltise atii ~ tilt thoir tols ts tile itittts(if 11 ver n th motp ulrc ie. i
handti ts'ehloals concsuea-ledilthir streng"5t th1- eatit hersi eia0s'tsiern ccs. ths N 0 1 o slhou
ot hen-ti Ni;tooe ii 111cbc lve io :1ln111(st1s.t -1 ' si si tRH ,% I I ND5 tiOOR. Idatot nd - slit theu s s s o f sO fit
'iht-s ci 1 iiii lwel ii ias00 liThe tliru nrs 'w'rethe its attu ti our- o-sn'to - -o te u ss
oustn wllha151 h ste5- ha--stoolrulCahothiW01. t his' ''y htitng Ou-tot ltuti' its sudtisabtet cliordi ()ft is i it ii it ottoi t
"()1:n:f1tIC.Tsoloos "s it tu A D 111011 'o atem t o d veop a ar it lsket- ussoli lts
It ws t h '''- ll a grt no flfie. wi hefanilal tstthis isppo~i i toil s sota hosa ooe son titarkaso
d(losiutols soci l os- ~u iso ii 10to tslits' o f wts' osingus''this ousuu Ii stuu s c hstt tof ci
o otto stool sits 11011 soot 1 s' too I sutufou wishI rtitt sout 11olri'to'ssflt
Ptils-os seest(1 faceotts oftoriumphant s so suitslsh me t wisthu es Nualsc
QL ahis''''spired 1foil wsoI- c sosIAt Stfo d o ver t ifti s tilnthotisamt
ii I lIC tas te frstVisior nd o h' us-u~ suh o oous o i stss
Optt ad u creoi ythoilaisi hfiu l - - slits Ills aisd inthrt ititlod a
this ost1 ousit to is lit sioftiitifrom thsi- thu- isi outs'-d'too-srou
riot tt~1-ror:>fro th ir fet 1n( th looolss ufrd (lssr d fa at erofl i ll 't 5i-i 15s5 isi-it oit bi'
isoosi and blue toss din t i ()tts he irn eiandsbtitus filiingso ii litur qate t -ea td soad ulli of l i m so te
Vanilli N-41. I )ctciilllm ioli a ( ne oist t ; Il lse tieven iitinel lt wayst I t ,cr 'it llh n
foti l aga55 in u I Misi h t l ern s o g(it i..etrackictotl i's-i xt-is'
isede too sos hoo the teun, to osuct, soloristto( ouo to t osla h oot tooiessc ini~' I) N si shi
rs-sto tt' a111 s c(n ci tooter ar . a tr x elcto s i i a stu co l i s (;2L T s ooths tro t toe 'hittl Lo
\n ie i ous,:lwicI tha tt exo teotoo 'sihe) rt'u -tt--uild tsto oo too ilest o it s l ho'tsi l-til' sit t
u-iii's tl t ts- isoythes ati i 011 l s an(i 00 thet': stloltrackiii nstoo utietto the is -''-sos~ay J uou f4,sts;to-e. i
th t ths I rstiltavei itot ilet r tciv 0e fi ed u indutse 0110 sirtoh hspas lts .,sin r ho toothiitieristy hll.Tit
"ruiiet"'m wu - s's''- isfortice issd -t oolake thwo (ti Iitls'ttiltto Philasiulpohias't sb 5si slth totii
l(1rt junz t( .A111,ca mlis t(1 face t(C. ucip t hittohe oot l icl ea4)c r tiv l uossos 33 I O lV 'C
Campaign for Summer School Pa
Well Under Way
The 'AN-s'lverine"''is pioyi.'osiiig
;sily soothA every s i-s nicalistiisto il ofb
<o sotcsssit sussouo' t its os useli ass it,
;y. A is ooesooCampaignoruSubcript
lists o taoosiloil sacet fre lil ot
I's-uu is still issluen ty f sou ori
stiltd liii utitt oil sil'
noiy le V lthisr toll .o soiT
sltttihaItsitrad i nl ter i
on ofu t i t is r he d s tools
pota l ists o ffhiceo n sit i
' Til stil iittto s htsof usi
not ohslithemftiutslosis totmc
s sot thisof oAnnoAo'r sb-ut aet
isttiittttiuon stfo ill lus nte
rI mc iiT "tis~ ie" l pin
e t " sd ou ti t il -e'it 1. New ohd
s i thisc titti the t hleii tititt ioi\i
sit'-efuls-o rt ti ensuts' I uhe its
C iiithin ti shol usltisraiili
in r), sti lt tl leiio
e -tei-out s- il appeai'hii' .tsttile (Itii l
e too tri-w l y. st 1 lst its n 01111 r
Shoi te lhu t ii (ld I L- " al wle es~i tt'i'scitio0iis il b
sx111tlnso' w it he o gueiiu'and
osn osh sill h sato o hs soulo
hoi otlstie.- t's siandouuwhi siill
thsm soverstout etoois rcuis ioaJ
codtht ost huh Iithi iimthiers
sits~osutsf1hls anstolawse-stri
bro sths,101soot hiotostoolfri
gry-aie soisots h ooo it slill b huele
-se thus-uoinotheir ocohios'toolgotwvns
too liostnto ohio-tothss otfpr'iise brosj
lotpsot thusfhistll
TheotReveisis ilt itu leriuert .
F suousos irs-ssient of B-rownsnit'
uswil "sos'the o'm'moooeceeto ds
11101 1" iii sixty-sixlt sicommuence
usWil ies 011' I'lis sot so Juneto 30, in'
_cittoil, atio 1000 I. III.The Ii
the htoth ilus sithate theuse osof
its, stno adisiotio thetsexereises
'lb tcetsools.I sehoseiior v
s'lontsit t , andolaltumi t f
00105 tiscets upontsre'gistraion.Tuu-'
letr01 hi 100010eciidtour inisnbtersl
Thr wsos ilibe toutniossi5Of elsse
t3 ';.Clh-to'baoges aouthsos
;situ s southels'OofunshetheilsAtliumsi
registrautionu stthusofficeos of theA
suo iato hMeoruiutlull. ?
I los setuorutriscsip lo sll tobe gig
t s o Tu soyJimoe'8,o Is it-h uiteg
I I sitmti8oh30'oP. it -
Iii< Oi
lit- enste s-notr reeputisontofoh p
n 1hesoia eetos tlsi hlocoi's gi
stld ill hoetmsde ito give tie til a
(Conitiued sn Paged 2.)
isl o ! a rea chngeca1 e (er he runi hicture051we0re to 1n 1 ot
lad thes w s,iandtsohcolsiho wseoe omintgle
Sin apard in te siono rwI-s- usois-i-u-to scstot t wiitht
alni n the5 iilii skitoiteitas ois tbug
alsoin te lrn a cnt asoulshpsitAnd i oulo5ilsses se w -t r'
\ )C'l'5 ill'('his1h-N 'itlstbeholduh this-i' s- ss'msuclhoh
Flue s-nersis-toO husuot itt''i'Os 0h0ti - h m soovat. and t id-s-
tutrs oushairthise o wa ss s ofcolls e- s o1ed trsuthk s toold tess. 'F
solers tE of ssssl 'toot dotrustfl n Ia rhoill ots'' lusts"cotes fourl
souls thou ltahnlt too soarkedi arefuhly the usmptlt Wtlt too-gaing''liii of togr
"ostit'outot tudtuh eit o mingsuso's ini o1o i al tru k t ooo )o n alt hio' Ia
thiose t i abideoltsw it hutser. lostrwotht io h -
Vitoy imanit us' pi e isho ell alter T ehs vss
"soise t w reyo sg. Io erlal eatras n-ost t
ari tu s ilet a t enii ii os tse fae 1 IWIil
ws sut gre titcmds thu 5' us t, is sss th i ts
dit o ld - thefooo n l sote 'w r'va ftielt
6:30 P. M.
Special Sacred Concert
Michigan Star Quartette
7:30 P. M.
The Prevention of lnst'
Dr. A. M. Barrett, Medical. Dept.
McMillan Hall Last Meeting of Year
All Invited
Episcopal Church
General Pu
Me~ilanHall Las Meeingol Yar ll Ivitd Epscoal Curc